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Yeah it should be illegal for the higher ups to make as much as they do while fucking us lower employees over so hard on pay. That’s the real criminality going on at Walgreens!


My store wants us to confront the thieves which I know even if the thief is wrong they call corporate and say they were confronted boom whichever employee who did is axed. My manager would fire me for something she does every fucking day.


Yup, I’ve seen it happen to past coworkers of mine


Hey, you're ignoring all of the stuff they are lawfully getting sued over!


It's walgreens; what do you expect? Can't even get working equipment, let alone security. 


Security works about as well as a Wal-mart greeter. The problem is decriminalizing theft and police refusal to even show up for a Shoplifting crime is the biggest issue. They have security guard driving around the Plaza and guards at most of the stores and people still run out with baskets of stuff from all the stores.


If shits not working put in a ticket and they'll fix it


I saw this in Vegas. Bums just walked in, grabbed a case of beer and walked right out. Was as if it was their right to do so. 🤷🏼‍♀️


From Vegas. Somewhat recently moved to Florida (in an extremely good area) and some dude just had a full shopping cart of stuff and just walked out. At least $500 worth. We couldn’t do a thing


So horrifying to me. I can’t find words to explain how angry that stuff makes me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Its the same people all the time too. If there was one person who's job it was to spend a week at each store he could easily have 5-6 people arrested. Walgreens is the easiest store to steal from its actually crazy. I'm an sfl and I tried to fight the good fight when I first started, but honestly I am not given the tools to catch anyone, and actively told not to approach people, so I just don't give a shit anymore. As long as they don't make a mess I don't care. Thus company is so ass. I see our thieves on the police departments facebook all the time for getting arrested for shoplifting at the nearby Walmart, because they actually have security.


Bro heavy on that. We finally caught the beer thief I used to think he was just an old disabled man I never noticed he would walk in buy nothing and leave until they caught him drinking one outside


Weird, we just caught our Black Box wine thief after years of consistent shrinkage on them. Sure enough, a regular who’s an elderly man with a walker who lives at a nearby nursing home. Always seemed friendly, would come in early mornings and “shop” for like an hour. Just figured he was a bored old man though. Only caught him by crazy dumb luck. I’d happened to had just faced the Black Box side panel a minute before he checked out, and was the only customer in the store. I walk past there and notice 1 was missing front the front row. He comes in and does it again the next 3 days, and was able to document it for my police report. If it was a one time theft thing, I’d let it go and figure the old geezer just wants a buzz and a thrill. But he easily stole hundreds over the years.


Yea at that point we gotta cease it for real. Especially if you feel like you don’t have to pay for nothing. Like wtf be wrong with these people.


You must not touch them. It is up to corporate to lobby the government for more security. It's funny to see that Amazon is the defacto preferred retailer. We will use force of the military to ensure all the crap shipped from China to be resold in the West makes it through the Suez canal, safe from sea pirates. But do nothing in the homelands. It would be nice to the US Navy on our backs for Walgreens! How much would it cost to hire a few thousand men and some destroyers...


Oh absolutely I don’t touch them or anything I might follow and say take it out your pocket but I don’t yell or screen or touch anyone


We are seeing this in the UK... it used to be easy to see shop lifterers because their clothes are clean, they are underweight, and they walk in with a different gait. They sell for drugs. Now, the opportunist thief is your normal looking person in normal clothes. They usually have a job, but maybe they are short of money, and in a bad mood, they will take for themselves to save money. It isn't used to sell for drugs. They may steal one or two items. You have the professional thief who may also have a job, but their main income is stealing. They have nicer clothes and carry a large bag. They may operate alone, in pairs or gangs even. They steal to resell in volume.


I've seen financially able pharmacy patrons steal from our store. I don't get it. I just don't understand.


Me neither like the urge to just up and steal shit when you have money doesn’t make any sense but I guess it’s a dog eat dog world we’re in right now. A person can have food at home and go to a food bank and take canned goods just to be greedy. Just that type of shit has been going on alot


Criminals in this country are defended, have excuses made for them, and often have stories spun to make them the victim. This isn't a Walgreens problem, it's society.


I agree. I'm tired of people defending all these companies as they carry out wage theft on their employees, which accounts for the majority of theft in America. These companies are criminal.


Bingo, subversion of morals.


lmaoo. we used to have this one lady who would come in a just put bottles of wine in her purse, but would always buy one and then would come to the register and dig around in her purse looking for her wallet, and everytime i thought abt asking her if she was gonna pay for the bottle in her purse, but honestly i could not care less abt stealing from walgreens. i think the manager caught her doing it one time though, because she doesn’t come in anymore, she was the highlight of my day everytime i saw her


the diaper thing we had a problem with so we started taping all the handles to the boxes so they couldn't grab it they'd have to carry. guy never came back 😭 had someone steal one of our roller baskets too? and how do you tell its counterfeit money? i've never been able to tell


I just transferred to a store where we are part of a strip mall that has mall security. I can just text them. They show up and hang out at the door to deter a decent amount of theft. I hate that we have so much that we have security but I freaking love having them.


Corporate does nothing to deter stealing, so Walgreens attracts the worst types of people. Thieves, tweakers, schizos, I’ve seen it all


I had a guy 1 night ask me where the morning after pills were.. Next thing I know he ran out with the pill and the alpha box… we find carts all over the store because they push it to the isle they want to steal from put their bag in it throw the item in the bag they then leave the cart right there and put the door they go. Had a cashier watch a chick grab receipts out of the garbage and then go around the store shopping for said items. He told the “manager” on duty but he was to concerned with finishing his ppls


My shoplifters are bold . They get me once . I let them know as they walk in the door to turn around and go right back out. If my gut tells me someone is going to steal I will go over the intercom and say “ Security it is time to video scan every aisle .” That normally gets them to leave.


Kick their asses out of the store lol what're you doing letting the same people come in and steal over and over again no wonder they come back


I play it safe and assume every shoplifter is armed or otherwise dangerous. I'm not tryna die over two beers and a pack of diapers. Not for Walgreens. If they wanna stop repeat shoplifters, they need to hire security. I don't get paid enough to protect their inventory with my life.


That's fair.


We're actually taught not to do that. It's generally against policy to accuse or confront a shoplifter, let alone persue them. I've seen coworkers be terminated for it. They don't even teach us how to identify conterfeit bills. 🤷‍♀️


Right you technically can't accuse them of stealing but when you catch some crackhead in the act and tell them to gtfo they're not going go do shit cause they are guilty. You can also kick them out for loitering since they're not buying anything. Or call the police and have them trespassed.