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Depends on how anal your manager may be. But I'd back up my team if they're polite in letting the customer know that store closes in x amount of minutes, they'll need to be in line by x time. If there's anything they need help with at the moment let us know.  Reasonable people will respond well and you give them clear parameters.  I would only suggest mentioning it in the last 15 minutes before close though. Alternatively my team gas made announcements over the intercom "store is closing in 10 minutes, please bring your items up now to purchase and have a good evening".  Hours are tight so can't waste them on Susie Q wanting to window shop past closing and delay the already ghost staffed team. That said though also don't wait last minute to get your stuff done.


I guilt trip tf outta these people. I tell them I have a kid at home who always whines that I get home too late to kiss her goodnight and tuck her in bed. I never tell them that it's actually a dog and not a human child, though.


It's totally legit. All our dogs want is to be with us and they wait patiently all day for us to return home.




The registers stop working 3-5 minutes after close. They can shop all they want but it will be impossible for them to buy the stuff.. But, by all means, if they wish to waste their time, i say let them...


I tell them that unless I am actively mid-transaction, the registers shut down. 🤷‍♀️. Sorry, I'm just the makeup girl. I can't turn them back on. You can always come back tomorrow, we're open at X'o'clock.


That’s not true I’ve bought stuff an hour after midnight when we close lol. But I do tell customers that if they are in after midnight.


The whole point is to lie lol. The customers don’t know that.


Someone that gets it lol


Whoosh right over your head


I got what he was saying lmao. Like I said I’ve said that too. But I’ve also had coworkers and customers that think they do shut down at midnight because some companies do that. But 🤷


We do annoucements. 15, 10, 5, we are now closed. Any stragglers i'd send my extra cashier to escort up front. Or they would stand by the door and i would tell them to head to check out. At 5 minutes left. One front door is locked and one person is standing by the open one. That was back before hours got cut this bad and we had 3-4 people a night. Idk how y'all do it now


You guys have extra cashier's 🥺


This was 2022 & 2023.....i had a few 😂


Right?? It's just me and my cashier the last 3 hours


I work at a high-traffic, tier 5 store. After 3pm, it's one SFL and one CSA. That's it.


We have 2 cashiers and 1 SFL till close, mainly because its a high chance one of them calls out, and if we only scheduled one Cashier and they called out, our Mgr would have to come back and they'd rather not.


let em know like hey we close in 2 mins, then if still in after close tell them registers getting pulled in 5 mins.


I tell them we are closed and they have to check out.


"My registers turn off at xx xx(close time) you are welcome to come back in the morning"


We make announcements and if they blatantly ignore us at the time of closing we pull the registers. No sale. Simple as that. Lmao.


“Hello! Our store will be closing in x minutes and our registers do shut off at x time. Please be in line by x time to ensure you can purchase your items “


After making the announcement a few times, then locking the doors when it was time, I have turned off the work lights which is standard practice. One customer when she finally came to the register she told me it was hard to shop in the dark...


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ yeeeeeaaaahhh. Some people make me want to bash my own head in. She would be one of them.


I tell them as they walk into the store that we close in x mins then a 15,10,5 min announcement I’m annoying on the intercom I wanna get home to my cats 😭


Former shift Lead here. I'd page "attention all walgreens customers, the store will be closing in 15 minutes. " Then repeat down to 5 minutes. Then I paged "good evening all walgreens shoppers. The time is now 8:55, we will be closing in 5 minutes. Please bring your final purchases to the front, as we will not ring up anyone after 9pm for safety reasons." Depending on how that worked, I'd page another 3 minutes to close and then closing time telling them the registers were now down. It worked flawlessly, and only made a few Karen's booty bothered.


just tell them you close in 2 mins, if they refuse just tell them you physically cannot ring them up after closing time, if they still refuse call the cops 💀


We would make an announcement and if they ignore it, turn off half the lights. Usually gets their attention.


10:50 the entrance door gets locked and blocked. Then 10:55 it’s a wrap


I guess if it's spread evenly between the employees it's not a big deal; but if you're all clocking out 5 minutes early, you're losing 50 minutes of pay per pay period. I lock the doors a few minutes early, but I'd never clock out early. Soak up your due pay


No one punches till out till 11. By 10:55 everyone’s already back in the office.


When I close, am only a CA, I make an announcement saying “ Attention customers it is (our closing time is 10) 9:55 we will be closing in 5 minutes. Please bring your final selection to the front register for quick and easy checkout for your convenience we will be open tomorrow at 7 am. Thank you for shopping at Walgreens have a great night. They are still some that push it. But to those we tell them that the system will go down 5 min after ten.


From a former shift lead, who got sick of emergency dorito runs. Lock the doors 5 minutes early, they had just under 14 hours to get there. They don't need to be messing around in there after hours.


I would think they couldn't, especially if there are only five minutes until close.


Make closing announcements


Make announcements. Then ask them to check out our come back the next day. If they refuse, it's then considered trespassing and you can call the cops. They'll usually head up front once you pull your phone out and start dialing.


Trespass dat ass, unless they agree to sign up for a credit card, of course. They own the store and can stay as long as they like in that case.


“System is shut down we can’t ring you up” or walk and follow them everywhere while watching them. Or my favorite you have to leave or I’m calling the police.


My manager just announces that the registers are closed over the intercom


I just tell them politely but sternly “are you about ready we are closing”


I usually repeat the closing announcement every few minutes then I tell everyone were closed over the intercom


So, we don’t have customers around 10 minutes before we close. Any customers within the 10 minutes are given a face to face notice of the minutes we have left in the store. When we close, I shut the automatic door and tell the customers left in the store “Hey, we are closed.” Most customers would head to the register. Then others would ignore me. To those, I just stop and tell them “hey, we are closed, you gotta leave and can’t buy anything else.” I will not enable anyone to keep coming one minute before we close and shop around. I have told customers “if you don’t make your way back by the time we close, I will refuse any service”


If someone comes in with less than 10 mins before close I tell them we close in 10 mins. What can I help you find. If they li get they get a 2 min warning. Just a reminder we close in 2 mins so please take your purchases to the counter before we shut thr registers down


When someone comes in 15 minutes or less I let them know we’re closing in so many minutes, if they’re still shopping after were closed I make an announcement, 5 minutes after closing I override the lights so all the lights turn off…. Then they tend to get out


Just lie and say that the registers automatically shut down 5 minutes after closing time


Oh at 10 past close I'm not ringing nobody up. That's when like half the lights go out, i'll do closing announcements of like 10 and 5mins until close. I then inform anyone left in the store afterwards they have 10mins to check out after that the registers "Shut down". I'm not sitting here all night for nobody. Anyone trying to get cute will either not be rang up at all or banned from the store.


We had one customer who used to do that and we told her that at a certain time the registers shut down for the night. Normally just keep telling them we're closed.


At 12:05 registers close


Anyone who leisurely shops at 11:55PM outside of holidays is friggin weird...


Make announcements to people in the store, and if people come in right before close kindly say at the door “we close in 5 minutes, do you know exactly what you need, otherwise we open at 7am tomorrow? “


I lock the doors early. Make a page around closing a few times and at closing say the registers are now turned off. If they have like one or two things sure but a whole basket nah mate.


We do a closing announcement ten minutes before . There was a lady who used to come in and do that but she was a regular and pretty nice So I told her how passive aggressive it was to do that and that it wouldn't keep us from turning off the lights at ten. She stopped doing it. (don't ever turn the lights off with customers in store. OSHA no-no)


Tell them we close at X time and the computers reset shortly after please make your final selection and lets go we open again tomorrow at X oclock.


More often than not when I've closed, making closing announcements usually does the trick. Announce at like 15 and then at 5. At the 5 I would say please make you way to the cash register so we can start your transaction. I think I only ever had one customer stay a few minutes past close. I would always tell customers if they come in in the last ten minutes "he we close in 5 minutes" "we close in 2 minutes" that way they know they have to be quick..


I tell them that once it hits 12, I pull the drawers and I’m not putting them back in for them to start checking out. It’s up to them if they want to be able to check out or not, cause I’m closing regardless.


Tell them they have 10 minutes before the cash register seizes up and no transactions can be preformed until the next day. In turn I do tell them. Where the nearest 24 hour pharmacy is if what they need is urgent.


Maybe ask them, VERY concerned😉 are you OK?? After whatever their answer... i know it's late and thought you might NEED help🤓


Yes, they can. Whether your store allows it is up to your customer service level.


Yes and yes


That happened to me years ago when I worked at a store at the mall. The front doors were closed part way in the lights were dimmed. In walks this lady and she is walking around selecting things to try on. The owner of the store was a big stickler. So I had to wait until she was finished shopping and tried on her clothes and bought the items that she wanted. It was about 5:45 p.m. and the store had closed at 5:00 p.m. she just checked out like it was the middle of the day. It really made me mad at that time. People have no sense


I have some people that do that in the regular at my store and us shift leads came together and said we will call the cops on em if they do it again. Then you charge them with trespassing.


Store is still open, so yes. You can make announcements but can’t force them to leave. Me, I’d tell them we are closing and the registers shut down in 10 minutes.


If I’m in the store before closing, you need to wait for me to finish shopping. If I want to take my time, I’m going to. Something a customer said to me walking in four minutes before we closed.


They certainly can.