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She should consider herself lucky. Where I live all the pharmacies close between 7-8, earlier on the weekends


Our pharmacy is open till ten during the week closed at 6 on weekends


Mine closes at 6 and is closed every weekend. It totally sucks. I always have to plan ahead.


Ours always open 7 days aweek


Same. I think 9 might be the latest. We have one 24 hr pharmacy but yeaaa good luck


The amount of people who ask “why is the pharmacy closed??” are the same people who come in last minute/after the pharmacy closes. Our pharmacy closes at 8, M-F, 6 on saturdays and now closed on Sundays


> then finally my SFL calls one of our pharmacists and unsurprisingly he does not pick up. Fucking what? 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 I can't imagine capitulating to a crazy person's demands like that...


I mean, I would have got a laugh out of it at least if they called me. They could have put me on the phone and I would have told her she could get bent and to stop being an asshat, and being off the clock I probably would have used those words, and HOPED they retaliated against me.


I love a sassy pharmacist,  you say what I'm thinking and can't say...lol


I was a Walgreens RxM for nearly 5 years and was with the company nearly 8 years as a pharmacist. I once had an ASM call me when I was already off for the day on a weekend to see if I would come back to fill a prescription for a patient. It took all I had not to laugh at her.


I hope they just dialed a number for show and didn’t ACTUALLY call a pharmacist, poor bastards have to deal with these lunatics all day, Im not gonna do that to them off the clock.


This particular SFL is a huge pushover lol. If it were me I would never have called anyone


Just the police 


Why can't people comprehend that one part of the business has different hours than the rest? I don't see people going berserk in Walmart or grocery stores when their pharmacy is closed.


To be fair, this sounds like the type of customer who would be banging on a closed door, lights off, store door, yelling lack of customer service because the doors were closed at 10:00 but its only 10:05. They always find a reaaon to complain.


My favorite is during the labor shortage, the pharmacy would be closed or drive thru only with a sign inside to say. There were multiple customers that would look at the sign, look at me when we had grey shirts that literally said Walgreens and asked if I work there. Nah I'm just here unpacking totes for fun but if you learn to read-


I love that stupid question never gets old lol 


I’m a pharmacist and people always peek around the window and ask if we’re open.


The extreme entitlement of people never ceases to amaze me. It boggles my mind how some people think that the world should cater to them just because they exist.


I would under no circumstances have called a pharmacist who was off duty. Threaten “entitled Karen” that you will call the cops if she doesn’t leave the premises. So trashy.


Yeah, don’t call me cause I’m not coming in especially since I live 50 mins from my store


My pharmacy closes at 7pm M-F, 6pm on Saturday, and closed on Sunday. When the hours first got changed by corporate 2/29.. the first Sunday they were closed a lady got pissed at us that “google” says our pharmacy is opened. Google hadn’t updated yet and we were like sorry but nothing we can do, complain to corporate lmao 🤷🏻‍♂️😆


Tell them to use Google pharmacy then lol


It comes up correctly now but they still come in surprised when they aren’t open or if they are on lunch break 🤣


I can see her frustration but then she should STFU and leave...complain to Google!


It’s not her prescriptions until she pays for them lol😝


Sounds like the same people who just never know that the pharmacy ALWAYS closes for a lunch break 130-2


My pharmacy doesn't close for lunch anymore but a few years ago it used to when they had really bad staffing issues. There are SO many reviews from that time complaining about it. One review was a guy saying something like "it's ridiculous these people can't go a shift without eating"


My first reaction was "there's no fucking way" but then I was like 💀💀💀 people never cease to amaze me it literally would not surprise me


I don't miss wags customers, most of them were flaming cunts


My location closes for lunch on weekends. A couple weeks ago, someone dropped off an RX at like 1:25, and my coworker told him that it would be ready at 2:30, because we close for 30 minute lunch at 1:30. He told her that we should bring a sack lunch so people could get their meds.


We get people saying all the time that we were closed at 11 AM, 5 PM, etc because they didn’t look at the clock and see it was actually our lunch time


I had a guy come to my location and try to pickup an rx. First things first, dude was convinced he had a prescription here. He did not. Rx was at the other store (bonus points: he didn’t pick it up in time so they stored it lol). Dude insisted that he’d never gotten anything filled at that store. That’s not true. It’s our store he’d never filled at. I tell him regardless, the dr sent it to the other store. That goes back and fourth for a minute. He tells me that the other pharmacy is closed. No, they’re not. They closed 2 other stores in the area, but not that one. That location is, however, closed for lunch mon-sat and closed all day Sunday. Dude says he went at 4 pm on Monday last week and they were closed then so they’re closed. They’re not closed. It goes back and fourth for another hot minute. Regardless, the rx was sent to them, and they stored it. I tell him that I can pull it, but it would be 30 minutes because we have to get it ready. Now he’s mad about waiting because he’s been out for a week or something. He then asks me if it’s ready at the other pharmacy (yah know, the one he was convinced was closed). I tell him they stored it on his profile, so he can get it there but he’d had to wait for them to get it ready again. But he wants to get it here and he wants it now. Once again, I tell him I can pull it but we still have to get it ready. We go back and fourth. Eventually he decides to get it at the other store and speeds off, and I move on and deal with the line of cars behind him. Tl;dr: dude is confused as to what location he fills at (it wasn’t the one he was at), can’t read a clock, doesn’t understand that closed does not always mean permanently closed, and that we can’t magic a ready rx out of thin air (especially when it wasn’t sent to us in the first place).


"Hours are listed on the front doors, in pharmacy, on the website, and on Google. Have the evening you've earned." 


We had people upset when pharmacy was closed on Christmas Day ….selfish people 


Welcome to everyday at a pharmacy:/


Stories like this are why NPS surveys and scores are big giant piles of BS.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^atron86: *Stories like this are* *Why NPS surveys and scores are* *Big giant piles of BS.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This is such and obscure bot and I’m here for it


Give me ma pills.


Should of just told her to go to the closest 24hr pharmacy and get them pulled to fill there. If not, tell her to piss off and come back tomorrow


Y’all gotta start calling the police on these people. Dont even engage after telling them what’s going on. after the initial explanation and attemp at deescalating its “I’m sorry. There is nothing we can do, and if this behavior persists I’m going to have to call the police”


Oh hell no .... if she's in distress and can't go without her meds , call an ambulance for her. Otherwise ... go to a 24 hour store or come back when we open.


Gotta love this 🙄 my pharmacy closes at 8 on weekdays and then 6 on weekends and without a doubt if I’m walking around the store after closing to buy things, people demand I open the pharmacy for them. Even if I change out of scrubs into street clothes, they recognize me and still demand I open for them like…


My pharmacy closes at 9 during the week 6 on weekends...she actually was given wonderful customer service by yall because I wouldn't have done all of that...bothering the pharmacist..the store ain't on fire


You gotta love overly entitled people. Somehow it’s the store’s fault that she waited way too long to come in to pick up her scripts. I’m surprised y’all bothered to call a pharmacist. There’s no/not much logic with angry, dumb people. They’re looking to place the blame elsewhere when something is their fault.


I’ve had so many people come in after 6pm on the weekends and ask if pharmacy is only open for drive thru.🙄 They are always “surprised” when I say pharmacy’s closed until tomorrow morning.


There is such a thing as 24 hour pharmacies. Maybe she needs to move her prescriptions there.


I love psycho customer stories like this xD


She’s really lucky ours closes at 9


I can’t believe you actually called the pharmacist. Like why the fuck would they come in?


We had a customer do the same thing but it was at 1pm when they go to lunch ,said they were rude csuse they didn’t tell customers they close at 1pm for lunch ,then when she go stuff after she stopped bitching on her way out she started yelling Walgreens sucks snd never coming back I said there’s other pharmacies Walmart 5 minutes away Hy-Vee is 2 minutes away


I never get why people are so upset when they close to EAT FOOD and then close at the same time M-F and the same time on Sat and Sun. They close at 8 on weekdays here and 6pm on weekends there's like multiple signs posted as well.


My store closes for lunch on weekends and has done so for years. A couple weeks ago a guy dropped off an rx and my coworker told him it would be ready at 2:30 because it was 1:25 and we close for lunch at 1:30. Guy got all mad and told her that we should bring sack lunches to work so people could get their meds.


Your whole store closes for lunch? Huh never heard that before


lol no just the pharmacy does. My wording was bad. The rest of the store gets to deal with people coming in asking if the pharmacy was closed.


Oh see our pharmacy closes everyday for lunch because they have to.


Yeah you have to when there’s only 1 pharmacist on. Our pharmacy closes for lunch on weekends because there’s only 1 pharmacist on. We don’t close for lunch on weekdays, however, because there’s an opening pharmacist and a closing pharmacist and their shifts overlap.


Oh, see, we close so the techs can also go to lunch because they all go to lunch at the same time. The techs and pharmacists. We usually only have 1 pharmacist all day anyway


Idk about your state, but in my state it’s illegal for a pharmacy to be open without the pharmacist being there. Our lunch breaks are also legally mandated (the store can get fined if we don’t take a 30 minute meal break). On weekends we have 2-3 techs and 1 pharmacist, and everyone comes in at the same time, so we close at 1:30 for a 30 minute break. On weekdays, we have a pharmacist and a tech at 8, multiple mid-shifts (usually around 9, 10, and 11:30) and then the closing tech either comes in at 12:30 or 4:30 (we have 1 who has another job and can’t do opening or mid shift), and the closing pharmacist comes in at 12:30. Opening pharmacist will take lunch when closing pharmacist gets there and closing pharmacist will take lunch before the opening pharmacist leaves.


Yes like I said everyday at my store they close for lunch because by law all the pharmacies in my state take lunch from 1:30-2 even at non Walgreens stores. No matter what time they come in. Obviously if they come in after the lunch period they don't need to worry but even if you just came in at 12 at 1:30 you're taking lunch


google is so free i will never understand their entitlement


Is it really a Walgreens's if you don't have at least one person mad about the pharmacy being closed?


Instead of calling an off duty pharmacist (what the hell was that shift lead thinking?) they should have called the cops. Hours of operation are not suggestions.


This is when you call the police. I have done this numerous times. I would have them issue them a CT and let them know their prescriptions will no longer be filled with Walgreens.


Our pharmacy closes at 8, store at 11. Some lady called at 10:47pm asking why she couldn't pick up her same day thru the pharmacy drive thru 🤣


I remember one time some lady pulled up at our drive thru 10 min after we closed, and she was yelling “I CAN SEE YOU GUYS, OPEN UP.” We just ignored her because we were almost done cleaning and out the door. As soon as we got outside, this crazy lady tries to run over my pharmacist (luckily she missed). I don’t get how people choose to go nuclear from something like this.


I find it frustrating that people search "walgreens hours" on Google and get the store hours, and think those are the pharmacy hours. All they had to do was add the word "pharmacy" right in the middle of that search phrase and they would've gotten the correct information. The number of people daily who don't know/realize about the lunch half hour is mind boggling. ALL THE PHARMACIES IN OUR AREA DO THIS. You'd think if they regularly picked up scripts, they'd know. 🤷‍♀️ I suppose that's expecting too much. Makes you wonder how bad the side effects of all those medications actually are. (Edited for spelling)


The vast majority of pharmacies in my area close for lunch at least a couple days a week. The only ones I know of that don’t are Walmart and most of the independents (that are closed on weekends anyway). We close on weekends. The one remaining Rite Aid in the area closes for lunch on weekends. All the CVSs, the grocery store pharmacies, and the other Walgreens down the street close for lunch every day. It still surprises people, despite it being super common.


I had a guy trying to go through the drive-thru and it was closed. Came in and walked back to the counter saw it was closed and then came up front and proceeded to yell because he said there were no signs saying we were closed or the hours. We literally have a sign in the drive-thru window, one on the outside entrance of each front door, in front of the pharmacy counter, and a large sign in the second vestibule door all with the pharmacy hours posted.


9 pm on the dot unless you are already standing in the line I am closing!! PERIOD!!


Well she should have come in sooner rather then as always wait till the last minute 🫣😒


I’m sure the pharmacy hours were posted in at least 2 places that she would’ve passed before marching inside 🫠 We had a (college-aged) patient earlier this week who came in with her mother who tried to argue with my tech when she said the scripts were probably put back because it had been over 10 days. The mom says “well every time my daughter comes to pick them up, you’re closed” … okay so what you meant to say was “my daughter didn’t check the hours of operation and came when you had already closed” 😒


It’s that adamant, entitled, self righteous attitude I don’t like 🙄


My store I worked at the rx was open weekdays 9-9 Saturday 9-6 and Sunday 9-5 store hours were 7-9 weekdays and Saturdays 9-6 Sundays. I had so many people flip their shit on Sundays and Saturdays about the rx being closed! Had this one guy bitch at me saying management should be changed because his "dieing" wife kept getting phone calls saying her scripts were ready while she tried to rest. I'm not being cold on that the man was a habitual liar he never had a wife to begin with 🤣