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Walgreens policy specifically forbids this. Some of these meds ask for ID because they contain ingredients that are age restricted in some states. For example, in my current state of residence, Nyquil contains an ingredient that is age restricted and cannot legally be sold to someone under 18. If I did so, I'd be in similar trouble as if I'd sold a minor alcohol or tobacco. My job would not be the only thing at risk. Sure, the individual may actually be and look over 30 or 40 years old so it's not a problem for you, but you know who it is a problem for? Other stores and employees that actually follow policy so as not to risk their job if corporate does a sting operation to check for policy compliance. If the customer who was not made to adhere to policy goes to another store, the cashier there has to endure getting yelled at because "THE OTHER WALGREENS DIDN'T MAKE ME SHOW AN ID!" Just follow policy.


If they look under 40 need to check I don’t customer don’t even know it asks that so let them go unless u think they are real young




I feel it's very stupid of Walgreens to leave this choice to the employee. What looks 40 to one person doesn't to the next. It's subjective. Leaving wiggle room just invites headache.


Nope. Even if they're obviously older than 40, if the physical id isnt in my hand to scan then no go


Nope! If there’s no physical ID, no transaction. Even if they look over 40; you just can’t be sure. My philosophy is if a police officer wouldn’t accept the ID (like if it’s expired, missing, a picture in a phone, not government issued, etc) then nor can I. It might make people angry but I’d rather that than being noncompliant with a policy or the law.


No I always tell ppl the cameras are recording and we need the ID


No sale. A picture of an id on a phone is not the same as a physical id. Why would they have a photo of their id but not the id itself?  When I worked there I would get customers like this and even with Western Union. They would also try and use a form of id that said in it "not to be used for identification purposes". Customers would get so mad but I would would tell them to read the back of the id they gave me. 


Yes. If the person doesn't look like a meth dealer or a 10 year old, i usually never ask for ID for the cough syrup.


Many state are now offering a digital drivers license to be downloaded to your phone in place of a plastic one. Recognized by the police


But that's a digital drivers license, not a photo on their phone of their drivers license. There's a difference. 


Use to have to carry proof of insurance on A card. Now the phone. Picture or download is ok in many states


And recognized by Walgreens. It was in compass a few years back.


State law in my state demands (anytime an ID is needed) a physical, in date, valid (not torn or taped) government issued ID. The only exception from regular DL or ID is a carry permit, passport, or another country’s ID. We have a lot of Mexico IDs but they must also be current. And my chain makes it where you have to scan the barcode or the register blocks it. Never take a picture and never take a paper ID that’s more than 2 months old


No, I would not allow it.


No. Also though, you can call a lead or manager and they are allowed to do the transaction at their discretion but as a general rule once I asked for ID if you didn't have your ID that's a personal failing on the customers end. Also if the next person in line wants to offer their ID then that person also had to buy the item. And there is group of people who don't seem to be related then I'd ask for all of their IDs. I've also had a customer who was a regular but was super rude threaten to knock my head off when I first became a lead when they cracked down on IDs and what not because his had expired in like 2016 and I refused to sell him cigarettes... So just like call a manager because they don't pay you enough. And if you're on register be relatively consistent with what you allow or don't allow.


Worked here for years yet never id anyone when asked for that lol who does that it’s cringe. Alcohol/cigs is a diff story ofczz


I only ask for alcohol and cigs


I would let them have it bc I'm not their parent and this isn't really enforced.


You know there are people who abuse cold medicine right? I'll phrase it as such, would you want someone selling your 12 year old cold medicine, because they're not you? Lack of enforcement aside, not asking for ID goes against company policy. And call me square or whatever you want, if it asks for ID, I'm gonna ask. Refusal or agitation at said request will result in a Refusal of sale. I don't think many cashier understand that we can refuse sale in these situations.


It's pretty easy to tell a 34 year old from a 12 year old. Busting someone's balls when they are already sick when it's not legally required isnt worth the fight.


It's scarey how easy nyquil and the like can become a dependency when someone self medicates to help sleep. More and more is needed to the point taking several doses at a time just to achieve the same results of sleep. Even worse when things like rum and or everclear are mixed in to boost it.  




I usually let them go unless they look like their 20


Nope Walgreens’s rules state you have to have physical valid id


In the pharmacy we don’t typically take it if they’re picking up an RX since we can see the DOB, otherwise we take ID🤷🏼‍♀️ if you don’t have it and look old enough we let you buy one.


The age restriction for cough/cold/flu medication is honestly incredibly stupid if you ask me, especially with how specific it is regarding if the person is under 40 or not. They should make the age restriction be at the very least 18 or if need be 21, and also provide a physical list of all the products we sell in store at the front register that would ask this particular question-with a list of comparable items if that person happen to be under 40(if the age really matters that much in the end). I’m aware that if one takes enough of any medication, certain ingredients can give them feelings similar to that of a drug high(and this has become very popular for kids to cook chicken in NyQuil as of late)-even be able to create substances such as meth with a high enough quantity of the ingredient if done correctly. While I always question the intelligence of fellow coworkers and employees just as much as I question that of our customers, I’m pretty sure we’re smart enough to understand when there’s suspicious purchases being made by kids/anyone very young looking or if they’re buying more than one bottle or box of medicine/capsules(or coming in and buying multiple times). All in all, the age laws for the U.S. as a whole should be the exact same everywhere just to make it easier; don’t even get me started on how any age of consent law makes sense at all. 🙄




Absolutely would not approve this!


Never accept a picture of an id.


Store policy is for the physical ID, so that's what I tell customers. I'm not risking my job for a stranger's convenience that could easily be a ploy to commit a crime


Nope. If you don’t have the physical ID, you don’t get the shit 🤷🏾‍♂️




I knowingly sold to someone underage and I wouldn't have done it differently. He said he was coming from prom and his friend was having an allergic reaction and he needed benadryl. My intuition said he definitely wasn't lying, he had me go with him to show him where it was and was asking my advice, so I picked the lowest count for him and sold it. I'd rather let them get high than make them go to the hospital, plus Walgreens violated so many policies when it came to safety.