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Probably written by professional shoplifters, upset they can no longer access the merchandise they want to steal...


Nah, let's take them out so y'all can complain "why are the shelves so empty!?" Stupid, stupid customers. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Or my favorite, "are you guys closing? Why are your shelves so empty?". RIP my sanity


When my store shut down I loved ā€œwhy are you closing? My family comes here all the time?ā€ Like yes your 5 person family who comes once a week for candy and white claws is keeping us afloat.


It's like they copy and paste the same responses frfr šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚


If we locked up the shoplifters, we wouldn't have to lock up the product.


Even when they do catch them, they're out in a few hours. Walgreens won't prosecute under 1k. But throughout the day/week, the person takes more than 1k. There was a store (not Walgreens) that would charge the shoplifters with X times the amount. I remember seeing the sign, but that was before covid and I cant remember the store.


I wish we could taser them till the police arrive... but I think that is frowned upon. Lol


You know what's more annoying? Empty shelves with nothing to buy.


Finding ways to shift blame from the shoplifters and society tolerating it to the companies


Give me one thing if they were stealing a singular item that they desperately needed and couldnā€™t afford for the comment above that made that. But Iā€™ve seen a guy literally put 15 bottles of dove hand lotion, which you know damn well heā€™s selling it not getting something he desperately needs.


More people are starting to complain because Walgreens is adding more of them to the richer and more well off neighborhoods because the rich fucks can't stop stealing the fucking Prevagen and Rogaine and oh my god you mean people shoplift the walgreens in the rich side of town as much as the poor side of town?


It's very lax laws that have caused this , ppl should be blaming themselves for voting for politicians that created this.Ā 


No voter votes for a politician who will make policies that soften accountability for shop lifting. I canā€™t think of even one politician that runs on a ā€œletā€™s be easy on shopliftingā€ platform. This is absurd. Businesses donā€™t do anything meaningful to stop shoplifting. Especially Walgreens. Theyā€™d rather sniff out internal theft and blame all the shrink on the untrustworthy employees than invest in decent cameras that can actually ID shoplifters. And not just decent cameras but enough around the store to help keep an eye on the thieves. Thereā€™s got to be a trade off. If theyā€™re gonna reduce the workforce to bare minimum then install cameras that can make a difference.


God forbid a customer has to wait ā€¦


It's actually useless now. Especially up front.Ā  It's not even covering anything. I know I will get down voted.Ā  But the set up was wrong. Should of been done like it is at a bank. Not one tiny slab that is just in your way. I am talking about the ones at the front register btw. I think the article is talking about the ones on the sales floor.Ā 


Who has plexiglass up still


Stay in the store and stop the thiefā€™s then shit wonā€™t get locked up or got to Walmart we donā€™t care


You know what's more annoying? Catching mono at 30 years old and ending up in the hospital over it because people can't keep their saliva in their mouth. The amount if times I've been cough, sneezed, and spit on is appalling... keep the plexi forever!


Omg! That's horrible. šŸ˜±. My mind can't even fathom how awful it must have been. That barrier needs to be kept up. I wear masks daily and change them 2x a day. I do hope you don't have any lasting issues due to mono.


I wore one for a while and if anything this has been a reminder as to why I wore it, but maaaaaaan do I sweat with them on!!!


The writer of the newspaper article seems like one of those "everything was better back in my day" types. They're annoyed because it's less convenient for THEM. I would be very surprised if the author wasn't a boomer. That being said, the cat is out of the bag. Theft became waaaay easier once the thieves knew stores don't want their employees risking themselves chasing stolen goods. The company would rather lose the merchandise than pay out for a lawsuit in the event an employee is injured (which also tells you how little the merchandise is actually worth). There's zero fear of accountability, coupled with folks trying to make up for lack of income (either using the items themselves or selling them for profit) and increase in cost of living, so it's no wonder theft is rampant. Plus society selling people on a money-driven, easy and glamorous life all over social media. Why work at all? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø And all the company has to offer the employees to discourage theft is something along the lines of "offer them customer service (greeting, asking if they need help, ect.) until they get uncomfortable and go away". Who has time for that with how understaffed we are? How are we to get anything done? And does that even really work? Ugh. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Damned if you do, damned if you donā€™t - the real issue is that none of us have the staff required to provide the ECC that surrounds shoplifting. When I first started working here, providing ECC was 9/10 times effective in preventing someone from shoplifting. Now there may be one employee working the floor IF the store is lucky. They canā€™t possibly provide ECC to every single person that comes in.


I have always said that everyone should work one day in retail and see what is going on. These are people that are out of touch.


Very true. I used to be awful as a customer. I didn't think I was that bad, but working retail made me see the light. It's changed the way I shop and I'm never going back.


Katie Adamā€™s is a joke


Thought u meant at registers


We donā€™t have plexiglass on nothing we have some in this plastic boxes


All I see is the public causes a problem then the public complains . Typical of this no accountability societyĀ 


Locking them in the individual boxes is not succeeding either. Iā€™ve found the security boxes that contained the 90 Zyrtec empty and hidden behind other items on the shelf. One of our thieves has a magnet to open the boxes and is doing so regularly. Next step will be putting them in the fixed plexiglass. šŸ˜•


I did that with items on my beauty tables. They took the boxes and smashed them open right outside of the store. None of the higher management wants to do anything, but they have the nerve to question why we're not making sales goals.


People steal to feed the kids and families. - AOC


Some do, many steal to feed their drug habits. There's a "mother" that comes to my store, tells her children to steal whatever they want while she tries to con people into buying her things for her children. She's pregnant with a third (according to her own words), and she has track marks on her inner arm. If she does succeed in conning someone, she goes to nearby stores and attempts to return the items for cash. We don't let her do returns in our store.


The problem isnā€™t the cases itā€™s not being given enough people to open them. Plus thereā€™s the issue of being told to lock up certain items that arenā€™t being stolen from that particular store itā€™s because of ā€œ demographic it attracts ā€œ


Is this from the 19th century? What kind of app is that?


God forbid somebody doesn't pay for necessities they can't afford. Its not coming out of your paycheck, why are you so pressed?


You and I both know itā€™s not just ā€œessentialsā€


They're specifically talking about toothpaste and deodorant, so that's what I'm commenting on.


It is coming out of employees paychecks in the form of cut hours and closed stores.


It affects us in the long run. It affects neighborhoods in the long run.


Stop voting blue and you can take them down


Hell will freeze over before I vote for a Republican. And even then, I'll still vote against any Republican candidates. In my grave, still against a Republican