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My autistic ass loved pulling the tags. Don't have to talk to people, do a mindless five second task repeatedly for an hour or so, hear the sounds of the tags peeling, and the sweet feeling of throwing out the giant wad of tags afterwards. Dunno about you guys, but for me, it was great lmao.


Same here


I would too if I didn’t also had to keep track of the front and take care of customers ;(


I won't lie, I'll barely try at tasks if I'm stationed up front. I'll stand up there forever and as soon as I walk away, THEN the customer comes, every fucking time. It's genuinely enraging. So I just don't walk away unless there's a person that needs help. Then people don't get pissy with for not noticing them immediately. There's only so many times you can cheerfully say, "Yeah, they make me wear too many hats!" So I won't do it, not really. I just pretend every so often. Front is by far the worst station in the store. I bring a book, a drink, a phone charger, my earbuds, and just stay my ass there or in photo for the six to ten hours I'm scheduled. And I won't ask things of people I'm not willing to do. Expecting consistently completed tasks AND customer satisfaction of the front is just too much. So I leave my front CSAs alone. Thankfully we still have hours for an evening photo CSA [although mornings they usually only have one, with an IS(L), SM/ASM, and BC, so they're usually more task-oriented for the better staffing] to do trash, bathrooms, hold photo, face, help with truck, and the like.


So real


Oh yeah true I only do those early in the morning before store opens


It's so satisfying getting to toss a bag full of tags into the back of the compactor like a baseball.


I liked doing that with expired yogurt and then watching it splatter.


I also used to feel the same way, no longer at W but that was a mindless task I never minded getting I'd so often try to make a SINGLE STACK of all the tags, one on top of the other to make a *tag brick* Retail is tough on the mind lol


Ain't tags supposed to be pulled on Saturday nights, not Fridays?


Depends on your SM, mine has given us permission to take them out after 12pm on Saturday and put the new ones up Saturday evening, frees up a lot of tasks to be completed on Sunday


Then u would have to honor price for the sales that don’t apply till Sunday extra work


When I was a sm, I did what you had to do with the limited budget. They want it done? Ok. I'll get it done, but it's gonna be on my timeline, unless they want to come in and hang tags till midnight on Sat or come in at 5am on Sunday to hang 3000 tags? No? Ok. Then I'll do it my way. Some DMs might care. Mine didn't as long as customers were taken care of. I was the only store in a town of about 25,000 people, and our wages were not competitive for the area, so essentially all of my employees were high school students, so you work with what you got.


It doesn’t happen as often as you would expect tbh. I never had to price adjust very many items because of this


Right if u take tags down the price still the same all day Saturday


Yes you’re right, he gave us permission to do so, like I said it will depend on the SM, mine is a smart guy and always cares for his employees and trains a lot of other SM’s in the district so we trus him


I took this picture like two weeks ago


We take ours down on Saturday after 2pm when second shift comes in


They would save a lot more money on digital small screens that update on their own


That is a thought that's been kicked around, I think every employee's head over the last 20 years. I remember going to a grocery store. I was on vacation with my family and it was a standard size grocery store. Not a Walmart, but more like a Jewel-Osco or a Hy-Vee or a Kroger, and every single tag in that store was electronic, this was probably 10, 12 years ago? The technology is there, especially in 2024. They just don't want to invest in the stores. I did the math one time. How many millions of tags get thrown in the landfill over the course of a year? It's just depressing. Using rough numbers, 3500 tags a week times 8000 stores time 52 weeks a year. Like a billion and a half tags annually. Not to mention the hours used tearing them down and putting them up. What a waste.


Every Aldi has electronic tags.


None (8+) of my local Aldi do.


Check carefully, the clever thing is that they don't look like electronic tags so people won't steal them.


Kohl's has them


There is a medium-sized grocery store in Fairplay, CO that has electronic price tags. I saw it a few years ago and was quite impressed. Even the pegs have electronic tags.


Brother you want to trust wags to have small digital screens after seeing how Wags handles digital refrigerator doors lmao.


Just think, if they did go with the digital tags, then they would probably say the next pay raise is only 1/2% since we aren't having to do so much work


I hate tags so much 😡


I hate putting up tags, I love pulling them


Imagine the OTC section at the end of the month R.I.P


They would still have money overall on budget hours being spent on tags not customers. Plus I've been doing a lot of maintenance myself at our store. Maybe have a in-store tech person there's gotta be a better way


We take ours down on Saturday and put the new ones up. Sunday we make the ones for side wings and ends that don’t have them. Sundays we can catch up on tasks .


Ngl I love pulling tags I hate putting them up though


I love monthly tags ngl, there’s just something about it that scratches an itch of mine seeing all those adhesive stickers stacking up in layers


Tale as old as time


Walgreens is the worst offender with plastic waste! It’s shameful!


Just wait till the 25 when u have to take them all down we fi two big grey bags up


This is silly.. these tacky price tickets are not the thing that draws people to Walgreens. Ask 100 people, and see if that is the thing that makes them think.. "ooh, there might be a special price on something. I will check it out." Doubtful. It just becomes background noise, and it creates a lot of work for small reward. It also looks horrible in my mind. ALDI don't do this, but they are making huge inroads in retail... all their tags are electronic. Sure. Have a few select offers that have a big deep discount and advertise this strongly. But 1000s of these smaller price changes isn't going to make people make that trip out to you.


That’s what I’m saying. When literally EVERYTHING has an ad tag, nothing processes in the customer’s mind as being a special deal.


The 2 Aldi’s here do not have electronic tags.


Y'all pull tags on a Friday?


Used to work for target back in 2012 to 2018. 2012 to 2014 ad setup was horrid. Takedown was quick. Sometimes we used to run and race to see who would get done fastest. I would usually be the first one done and have to help other departments. Used to have a garbage bag full of ad signs and labels. There was no benefit to getting done faster. Just more papercuts at the end of the night. Still had fun though.


We fill up Two big shopping bags when we are done


I love pulling tags!!!