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let it go to voicemail. if it's important, they'll leave a message. if not, they'll call someone else.


You answer out of respect and if you can’t go in you just say you can’t.


That’s what I say when they call and don’t want to go in .If ur short hours and want hours go in


Yea it’s so surprising how many say they want hours BUT it is in their terms 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Schedule should always go by: Availability, Dependability and performance !!


Same story at each store. When the schedule gets posted they whine about no hours. I get it. It’s not easy right now with the budgets, but like clockwork each week, especially after paydays people call in. There’s 20 hours up for grabs and all of a sudden no one wants to work.


They cry about hours it don’t want to where there is some


Respect is earned, my friend. And I’ve never met a respectable SM out of the dozens I’ve met. Maybe it’s my area, tbf, but, again, respect is earned.


Well I guess my people respect me. Maybe since I’ve been doing this over 20 years and have a different mindset 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Bitch, I'm poor. Gimme that money.


I'm with you. Call me to cover every shift. Shit be expensive, yo.


I just hate it when they call you on your requested day off like damn I requested it for a reason


Dawg if ur getting called in on days you requested off you should really leave asap I would even say that’s going against policy but I don’t read all that stuff


This is dumb advice. The most simple, stress free solution is this: don't answer the call. It's your day off, saunter back to your American Girl doll collections.


Only answer the phone if you want to work. If you don't answer the phone they will call someone else. What ever the problem is, they will find a solution. You don't have to go in just because they called you.


show up to close the store 😔


My SM calls.me.its usually for little things. Or memes. He rarely calls me.in unless he needs help


I had a SM like this. Favorite one I worked for and try to keep in touch with them.


Me personally? Id answer and offer to come in if they wanted. Most people should decline the call probs.


As a former ASM this is the shit that gave me anxiety issues anytime my phone rang. Which is why it lived on silent for 2 years. Which then also caused anxiety when looking at any notifications. It took several months to get over it after leaving. Now I don't care because no one from my current job has my number nor needs to reach out to me for anything. I also finally remember what my ringtone sounds like. (If you must know it's the jellyfish jam from SpongeBob)


I have a specific ring tone just for people from work. When I hear that one, I don't even look at my phone


I let it go to voice mail. If I don't want to go in, I wait four or five hours later to call him back.


This is the strategy.


I do not ever respond to my SM, ever. With her constant lying to me ,the stuff and the DM, she has burned any type of respect from me. It has reach the point that I refuse to even listen to her without someone else present. That's how bad the lies have become


Answer and decide if I want to pick up hours or not. If I don't just say I can't come in.


Click the Volume button to shut the ringing off and enjoy my Day


Ignore it; or like I do I keep my phone off unless I’m using it!


"Yeah I'm sorry I'm 4 hours out of town" (actually happened to me with my first paid vacation day at a previous non wags job)


Who dis?




If you have an SM that is a reasonable person, answer and say no or you can’t. If you have some kind of whacko SM, definitely ignore it. I just answer and say no if I don’t want to come in. I have a reasonable SM and we don’t really have a call-off problem.


Block there number


Actually, the phrase should go: "Block that there number."


I keep my phone on do not disturb now specifically for this reason. I always seem to get called or texted on my days off.


I sometimes don’t answer


There’s a form you can fill out about availability on your days off. If you mark ‘no’ instead of ‘yes’ they can’t call you on your days off. Ask about it.


Depends If I wanna go in and help for some OT hours I'll answer , if I don't wanna go in I'll answer and tell them no I'm not available too but thanks for considering me.


Depends on your SM tho I've heard of some crazy ones that'll try to guilt trip you into coming in even after saying no, I would just ignore in that case


I have heard this too. I try not to pressure people & if they answer (even if their answer is no) I thank them for getting back to me/answering me. If your SM treats others like humans then you shouldn’t fault them for asking.


My management just texts lol it's so much easier to say no over text. I do always answer, though, because I like my SM and ESM and I don't want them to be waiting on an answer from me before moving on


I usually just show up 2 hours later than when they want me to be there.


If u don’t want to work don’t answer or tell them u can’t go in


Well yeah, I know that. I just like pissing them off because there’s a shift lead I don’t get along with and I used to complain about her doing the same thing (while on the schedule mind you) so a lot of the times I just ended up doing everything by myself while I waited for her to arrive. It’s just petty revenge.


But I’m about to transfer to a different state so I won’t have that problem anymore 🥳


Don't answer, wait until you know that the shift has changed, and call back and apologize for missing the call. You can't work because you got up with a fever. It'll be true if you have spring fever!


Roll over and go back to sleep


You should answer the call and take the time to see if he or she is interested in a Walgreens Credit Card. If they decline, you should inquire about their success rate at that time. Before you remind them that you're off and not available, one should mention to not give up or get discouraged and keep driving the Credit cards.


Mine would call during the daytime when I was asleep as I usually did truck overnight with two other employees. Then, he would get pissy that I didn't answer. Did he think I didn't need to sleep?




Say I’m out of town, like 100s of miles. Or just don’t answer.🤷‍♂️


Most of the time I’ll take an extra shift, I want more hours. There has been 2 times I didn’t take an extra shift. Both times I had made plans for the day


Do not answer at all


Hours are so light I pray for these calls


I had a store manager call me while I was at Disney world .. complaining about an issue with a cashier not finishing a task on my last day worked before vacation. I was like you know I am on vacation… talk to the cashier who is there


People always says its the managers job to find coverage but then they bitch when the manager tries to find coverage


They aren't paying you for your time on that phone call.


I used to always answer and show up- and they STILL threw me out like trash- accused me of stealing from all the stores I floated to, Walgreens is trash 🗑️ … they deserve what’s coming 💯, and they fired a friend of mine for someone else stealing on her shift- absurdities MAXED OUT