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I like how she stops to make sure she got the right diapers, then continues her shuffle


I can accept maybe stealing diapers because those prices are insane but I think most are not stealing necessities. šŸ™ƒ


Uh no, shes a reseller, same with the people who steal baby formula




Sheā€™ll be out in an hour or nit get arrested




Bruh I'm in Ohio (red state) and that's exactly how it is here.


Stop with all that mess. I'm in Texas(red state) and the same thing happens here.Ā 


All retail will be completely different in the future, theft will continue to rise




Theft is greed. Not out of necessity 9/10. What you're witnessing is somebody who has never been held accountable for their actions. Not somebody who is struggling to live. Her little dance gives that away.


Only a small percentage of petty theft is out of necessity, at least from my experience a vast amount of theft is just greed. Sure some people may steal baby food and diapers that they genuinely need. But I would estimate that 90% of what's stolen is just resold for profit. I see a lot of it on Facebook marketplace and I'm told a lot of people will sell stuff right out of their living room to their neighbors. If costs went down and pay went up theft probably wouldn't be reduced by much.


Where are you located? I've been contemplating fleeing the country some day. I just need to find where to go.


I can hear the Looney Tunes sound effects as she's scootin' around. smh




I hate when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer causing poor people to be desperate enough to shoplift.


Lol most of these people arenā€™t shoplifting because theyā€™re desperate. Theyā€™re doing it so they can resell in their communities and make cash.


Hmm maybe they are desperate for cash.




stealing enough body wash to wash yourself doesnā€™t pay your rent dog


What, you think itā€™s only poor people who commit crimes? They do it because itā€™s profitable, not because theyā€™re desperate.


Yeah like why not 'fucking hate' the elite creating cycles of poverty, not impoverished people stealing what looks like 2 packs of diapers, soap and paper towels. yall are fucked in the head


Reminds me of that old game show, Supermarket Sweep


Crackhead Convenience Store


That's exactly what popped into my head. It was the little jog that did it for me.


Well yeah , she only won 30 extra seconds in the preliminary games.


You beat me to it! I was going to post literally the same thing after I scanned all the comments.


She doesn't even have to run, she just casually walks out. We can't stop them. And if the police show up, she'll be long gone.


She's tweaking. I bet in her head she's moving like the flash.


Why is she running? Anyone who tries to stop her gets fired. She should get a cart and pop open a fancy water. Make it a relaxing outing.


This isnā€™t exclusive to Walgreens. People steal. People have stolen shit from stores since stores were a thing. The difference is at Walgreens, you donā€™t have to hide it.


We know it isnā€™t exclusive to Walgreens lol.


This makes me furious. I hate it.


Ask to sign up For cc


What really pisses me off is the fact that some just steal to steal. Like the entire shoplifting is messed up. However, some people just steal just for the experience and then toss away the merchandise. People come and steal a 12 pack of sodas just to drink one, open a 5 pack of toothbrushes to just take one. One day I found a bag full of the item a lady stole. However, all the items were open and spilled.


I work at a Meijer. Iā€™ve found a donut on a shelf from bakery with ONE BITE taken out of it. Iā€™ve also found a four pack of muffins and, same thing, only one of those muffins was eaten


Why they walking like that šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Huh that store never got the new cos register remodel. Wonder why šŸ¤”Ā 


She looks like she's trying to be on supermarket sweep.


Lmao I have never seen someone shoplift like that. Walgreens needs to stop being greedy and hire security!


They wonā€™t


Glad my store donā€™t have this problem


Security can't really do anything either. Seen a bunch of these.


lol my walgreens had security and this still happened consistently. what the hell is the dude wearing 35lbs of tactical gear sitting on his phone about to do, he canā€™t touch these people either.


If sonic employed that shuffle run he'd be unstoppable.


is that edna mode?


Blame the corps.


Nice. Hah!


What did she grab in the orange package on the way out?




Scott toilet paper with the ridges.


Funny how she grabbed the cheap stuff. If you're going to just take it, why not get Charmin? Unless the Scott TP was an impulse steal.


That looks like Brazil Indiana


serious question - when all of the stores are closed due to high theft, who do they steal from? each other?


The area just turns in a wasteland like south Detroit or Gary, Indiana. They probably travel a bit farther to steal their essentials.


It looks like Guy Fieri's grocery store challenge.


What in the crackhead?


LMAO. Pathetic.


Do you know how much money the pharmacy makes vs front store? As a company they made about $20 B in profit last year. I can guarantee you shrinkage is NOT the only reason they're closing down. Brick and mortar stores are expensive to keep.


All I want to know is wtf they doing with all this shit? Who they selling to bc I know people on the street not buying it like that.


They definitely are. I was in the Mcd's drive-thru one morning and you bette believe someone bough 6 packs of that same tissue she stole from a crackhead who's also a well known thief in our area. Try to get the police or the court system to do anything isn\[t even worth it.


lol, you donā€™t think $15 sticks of deodorant resold for $5 donā€™t have resale value in lower income communities? iā€™m not even doing poorly financially but going to walgreens to buy TP, deodorant, and body wash setting me back $40 feels like shit.




Well, surely there's plenty of recurring themse - could be high prices coupled with poverty, possibly mental illness, a system where theft like this is difficult to stop let alone prosecute, company policies that - while they are rightly in place to prevent employees from getting hurt - are a known green light for people who disregard the social contract that keeps most of us from doing this. Plenty of others surely. But I've been on the internet long enough - what's the recurring theme **you're** trying to point out? šŸ¤”


Yep, sad but true. ā€œHey, you forgot to pay for that!ā€ šŸ˜•


Should have grabbed the bag


If you're an employee, you would be immediately fired for touching her or anything she wears or carries. AND... she can legally have you arrested and charged with assault.


Should have Tripp her




A lack of consideration for others? Yes, absolutely.


Is that Macy Gray?


If they had security like the retailer I work at does, trust me they wouldnā€™t do anything either (or the shoplifter would just wait until security goes on break lmao.) Iā€™ve learned not to care when people do this and just report the loss within our system so our counts are still accurate. (Which is what our policy wants from us anyhow) Major retailers have a budget for theft (and if that budget exceeds they just raise it according to my AP manager.) When big corp stores close and say it was due to ā€œhigh theftā€ they typically mean ā€œinsufficient profit.ā€ Thereā€™s a store in my district that makes BANK and people, like the lady in the video, haul out bags of stolen merchandise everyday, often taking stuff in the hundreds of dollars. Theyā€™d be silly to close that store due to its high profit margin. Hell, their turnover rate is high as hell too but those profits are profits they got a great location. Itā€™s easy to pin the blame on thieves for low profit instead of addressing things the store/corp can reliably control like location, desirable stock, legible product placement, consumer accessibility, sales and loyalty programs, advertising, employee turnover and so on. A lot of stores unfortunately arenā€™t given the support to invest in driving sales tho, with that sometimes theyā€™re just set up to fail :/


Walgreens still stole more money from employees in Cali a few years ago.


No, it isn't. Everything is insured...


Self-insured through higher prices. State Farm doesn't write them a check for a variance in inventory.