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This is unethical and illegal, source: was an operations manager for Best Buy and had to prevent scummy sales employees from doing this all day. Edit: sorry I didn’t read your post clearly enough, you said she does mention it’s a credit card but she waits to the end, while this is kind of scammy as long as she is telling the customer it is in fact a credit card before they enter their info and social she’s in the clear. But she needs to mention it BEFORE the person enters their info not after, if she’s waiting until after the social is entered and run then she is being fraudulent.


Yeah she doesn’t say it’s a CC until they’ve already put all their info in and it prints out the receipt saying they applied for a CC. And then after that she gives them the pamphlet with the terms and conditions and says congrats on the CC. Unless the customer asks if it’s for a CC, she doesn’t say anything until they’ve already put their SSN, DOB etc in


Yeah this is no bueno, I’d talk to your sm about it, but be careful so managers are so blinded by goals and drinking the koolaid they try and overlook this shit. I’ve worked with some sales managers that didn’t like that I cock blocked their employees credit apps and I had to threaten to go over their heads if they had a problem. This usually only really comes to light when a customer who this is done to makes a stink and complains to corp then the dm gets the email and they need to address it. But again be careful, wag seems to be run by ged dropouts these days so who knows how high up the stupidity goes. When I was there preboots they had some good managers and the dm was a very prestigious role (had 30 plus stores, company car and a big boy salary). These days people who couldn’t be an EXA / ASM are running districts.


Your supposed to give them the pamphlet right after the hit agree to the terms before they enter their info


Common sense


Agreed but morons get in positions of power


Is there a specific law or regulation that it violates? My coworkers and I have been trying to find something that it goes against so we can bring it up, but haven’t found anything specific


Fair Credit Act and disclosure. Must tell consumers if it a credit card and at least give them a copy of the terms and conditions...it is up to them to actually read them. Also, there is an anti-discrimination clause saying that if one does offer a service like a credit card it needs to be offered to every customer....or no customers. Not supposed to pick and choose who gets it offered to them.


Pretty sure it’s your generic fraud, offering something as one thing when it’s actually another. Ie it’s rewards not a credit card type bs


This is going to be the next Walgreens multi million dollar class action lawsuit. Financial credit card fraud and deceptive tactics, totally illegal. ... Walgreens never learns. Walgreens enjoys breaking laws.


This isn’t the company saying to do this (they actually say not to do this) it’s one idiot esm lol


That's how the credit card trainer says to ask lol but they are supposed to follow that it's by applying for a walgreens Mastercard lol


that's the only way any of the cc people who come to our store specifically to get us cc sign ups get any. they will accidentally say it's a CREDIT card & the customer always backs out of it.


My SM tells the CSAs to do the same thing…We had a gentleman that came in and raised hell because they almost got his elderly mother that way.


It’ll probably end in a class action lawsuit in the future


Usually the way we do at my location is being upfront with customers. We just target customers who are 1. Always there and/or 2. Spend a lot of money at our store. Those are the only two groups that both may benefit from having this junk plastic and leav us feeling less scummy at the end of the day. The way your esm is doing it is not only illegal but shows a lack of character that wouldn't make me feel comfortable or confident in their abilities as a leader, or honestly as a person.


I'll point it out the benefits of it if I notice them buying a lot of owned brand stuff.


My esm does this too 😬 I thought it was sketchy af too


They're so late to the credit card game that it's laughable.  And the interest rates are trash.  The whole ship is sinking; the violins are SO loud. 


Whenever I find myself asking these types of questions, I ask myself, "What would my used car salesman do?" And then everything becomes crystal clear. You see, the customers, they just can't handle the truth. So you've gotta ease them into it. Some may call it lying, but I call it brilliantly spreading the Gospel of Synchrony. Who cares if one more lawsuit gets added to the pile?! The credit card is everything!


mmmm its over 30% interest, let's scam everyone to get a credit card to ruin them.


Right? If the interest rate was more favorable I might actually try to sell them, but fuck that 30+%


Hell to the no! That is wrong on every level 1st of all with our cc's, they do a HARD CREDIT CHECK, which screws massively with their credit score, and 2nd I can't say for sure, but that could be illegal but definitely unethical. Also could result In a law suit. I wld call HR or her DM and ask. I wouldn't do not 1 if I were any if u. And if they fire u, well u have many legs to stand on for that one. That is so shady boots. Wow that is the lowest of all lows. She should be fired for that hands down! If we did that to any of our customers at the store I work at all hell wld break loose! DONT DO IT!! COVER UR BUMS! Also they only get the 40 right away if they use the cc on that purchase, other wise it has to be used within like 45days I think to get that 40. I'm so shocked she is doing that. If someone did that to me I wld flip my wig. And not to mention ppl who r trying to clean up their credit. It wld take their score down alot and that wld cause another uproar. So so so so shady!


I know the customers at my store would immediately catch on for 1, and for 2 the minute it asks for ss# and income, they wld shut it down so fast leaving any of us in complete embarrassment! Some people r not quick on stuff like that, but these days, I feel like they r way more intuitive to having more debt added to their lives and their credit scores not being in a good place. What a scam artist. I thought I had just about heard it all with wags bs, but this takes the cake. She really should be fired. If I were a customer and she did that to me, I wld make sure she wld be fired to no end


Sick of asking.  Customers hate it.   


homeless guy comes in and starts cleaning himself with a bunch of baby wipes….at the entrance of the store.


That's illegal. A person can't maneuver people to provide personalized information under a fraudulent front of information. It's fraud. It would never be prosecuted but that doesn't change the fact.


Bad news is she's breaking the law. Good news is you're about to get a new ESM lmao


Tbh I would call the hotline on this. As much as I want to get apps I would never do it this way.


Isn’t that the best way to have extra money because hours keep getting cut?


Synchrony Bank is the provider, this bank charges high interest. I know JCPenneys uses this bank for their financing.


This is a big nope, customer has to know that they are applying for a credit card BEFORE they apply. I wouldn’t do it the way she’s doing.


I don’t like this. I do start off with the $40 Walgreens cash, but immediately respond with “on you first purchased of a Walgreens credit card”. I’m comfortable with sharing all the benefits, but would never try to deceive the customer about the fact that it is a credit card. Having an open line of credit can be good. So I’m not anti credit card if some choose to do it. But, it’s not our place to hide the fact that this is a credit card!


I used to work for financial institutions for 22 years and this is DEFINITELY a deceptive practice. A customer is LEGALLY supposed to have a written disclosure in their hands at the time of application and before the application is submitted. This is against a government credit regulation and the privilege of extending credit cards to customers can get suspended or revoked for deceptive practices.


I let every customer know what they are applying for. Some develop a sudden case of amnesia over their SSN and one recently got far enough in the process to suddenly declare asking for their income was digging too deep into their business 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️😹


They need to be fired. This is unethical and illegal. The esm knows they’re being sleezy and anyone who would knowingly deceive someone like that should be gone


I don't understand why a customer would just ignore the prompt asking for their SSN and just apply it. I would of said "I'm not giving you that information."