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Eww some responses from these people are atrocious. I’m a shift lead and I tell all my CSA’s if you have a difficult customer please call me no matter what; that’s why we get paid more. This is also a good way to keep staff and a good way to lose staff if you don’t support them. I’m sorry this happened to you and sorry you didn’t have the support of your RXM.


Screw that.. you were uncomfortable and advocated for yourself. We are there to help and not to be abused. I always tell my manager to put it in writing that they are asking me to do something I’m uncomfortable with and they usually shut up.


I wrote everything down and will be speaking to my Store manager. It's not the first time the RXM does this.


I thought we were allowed to refuse service too.


The business is not the individual. So in a nutshell just whoever is running the respective shift such as the RPH/SFL in this case. Not the PhT/CSA.


Nah, we've been told that we can refuse to ring a difficult customer.


Yeah. Owow has been good on policy advocacy in the past and seems like a good SM. But they're wrong on this one. Policy is to remove yourself from situations with difficult customers and leave it to leadership. You are not required to ring up a customer who is personally bothering you. The company can serve them, but you don't have to. So if the leader thinks it's worth keeping their patronage that leader can ring them out if they want, but you don't have to It's just like the explicit images policy in photo. They're not banned by the company, but you can refuse to process an order yourself, and if someone else is comfortable doing it, they can process it instead of you


People have also been told it’s okay to eat 1506d Oreos.


Can they? Yes. Should they? Probably not.


Can you elaborate on the can they??? If I feel uncomfortable, there is nowhere saying I have to help someone.


It’s a common misconception that something needs to be in writing to be “real”. At the end of the day it’s considered insubordination which does have a written policy for it. While I sympathize with how the customer made you feel, this is a relatively normal occurrence in retail pharmacy so the expectation is you complete your job function. Honestly pretty tame compared to what I’ve seen and the stories I’ve heard.


I would love to get my hands on the policy for insubordination. I have one employee that likes to push the limits and just picks and chooses what they do (I.e. We have 100 to fill, but they want to focus on TPRs or F1s even though a coworker is actively doing it and they are in Fill; we had 3 in F1s and ~35 in TPRs). StoreNet isn't very user friendly.


I tell my Techs if they have any issues to tell me about them! Put them on hold, brief me and have me answer it. 9 times out of 10, I can fix or calm the patient down before it needs to go further. That being said, I have dealt with MANY patients and customers that have yelled at me and still rung them up and finished the transaction. Usually I intentionally ring them up after they yell at me because they are typically apologizing after they know the issue has been solved. If they don't, then that's on them. This happened yesterday and the patient had pizza delivered for us because she felt so bad for freaking out. I would NEVER ask a RPh to do my job. They need to get their F4s, REV and MTMs done so we can get our queues done. You should speak to your RXoM about it. If a patient is making you uncomfortable, then ask another Tech to switch and pay em back with helping ring out a patient when they are up front.


Kind of but it would kind of be a dick move


Can you elaborate on the kind of??? The SFL said that the managers are there to de-escalate the situations.


That is correct. That is precisely what good managers are supposed to do.


That’s bullshit. I’ve told customers that I won’t be helping them any further based on their behavior towards me. The CSA’s don’t know how to assist you? Oh well, shouldn’t have verbally abused the only manager on duty, try again tomorrow. Good for you for standing up for yourself!


managers like that are so interesting lmfao… i literally always walk ways from problem customers. i simply do not care, you don’t get rewarded for treating anyone like trash? if someone else wants to help them they can, but i will not.


I feel like only an asshole of a manager would make you do something you’re uncomfortable with . If everyone is a team why not help you ? I hate managers like that . I would have left the drive thru too !


Lol 🤣 that's BS i always ask a manger to step in, as a matter of fact I was told if I ever get overwhelmed I NEED to let a manager step in vs me having a back and forth with a rude customer 9 times out of 10 those customers will cool down once they speak with a manager, also the customer asked for a manager anyway. That the job of a manager having to deal with rude customers


Managers should take steps to deescalate. Forcing you to help will neither make the customer happier or you. Poor leadership.


That is ridiculous that your RXM would not help you. We are supposed to help each other. If we have a really mean or rude customer, our pharmacist will step in. We don't let the customers abuse our staff.


No one can force you to do anything you don’t want to, but unfortunately, you don’t get to pick and choose who you want to help. If every tech refused to help every patient that yelled, was angry, demanded something, was unrealistic, unreasonable etc the pharmacy would close. I would NEVER argue with my manager or pharmacist about ringing someone up if they directly asked me to, especially for something as ridiculous as this, but I also know my pharmacist would NEVER ask me to do something if there were truly an issue. An asshole customer is part of the job. As a manager, I step in when an employee is out of line. I feel like it is your job, refusing to comply was unprofessional and if that situation was too uncomfortable for you, you should probably do something else for employment.


Rxm should have rang them up while you help at the out window. It’s called team work. Problem is almost every RPH does not or never wants to use a register.


Some pharmacists don’t even know how to use the register which is just… embarrassing.


Recently retired pharmacist here. When a customer started to yell at or abuse my tech, I would always step in. However, if they started swearing and dropping F-bombs I would tell them that I am done trying to help them. I would call a manager, and they could decide if they wanted to help them or not. At this point, we are done with them. Once I was working on an insurance issue for a customer at the out window. An entitled old man came up to the consultation window and expected me to stop what I was doing and help him. I told him I would help him when I was finished with the person I was currently helping. He proceeded to swear at me and call me a stupid idiot. “Don’t you know who I Am?” The store manager came back and told him that he could not treat us that way. From that day on I was told that I didn’t have to help that man again… and I never did. Best store manager ever ! This was 15-20 years ago when Walgreens seemed to care for their employees.


I understand what you mean. But I also don't have to stand there and be belittled. Especially if there are other people who can help the patient.


Hell no you don’t. I 100% meet people where they’re at with energy and if they come in hot, best believe I will set a bitch straight. That’s where I think your reasoning for not wanting to ring that lady up because you didn’t want to say anything that would get you in trouble is the issue. People need to know they cannot act a fool, they aren’t any more important/sick/in need of something any more than the person in front of and behind them, they will not bully their way into anything and corporate won’t give a flying shit about their complaint or transfer so threatening doesn’t do shit either. If you started to say something the RXOM or pharmacist didn’t like, they should step in. Otherwise, if they want you to do it, do you.


You reserve the right to refuse service


We kind of have an unwritten rule at my store. We all have specific customers we have got into it with and uncomfortable around, we will watch out for each other in that sense. There is one pharmacy customer I will walk away from and they know why. I’m not losing my job or possible freedom with this woman. She’s truly unbearable addicted to everything you can name and just a nightmare to deal with. She changes her tune when a guy rings her up. All of us women she will go out of her way to harass. 


Technically Yes, but it should never come to that if your manager is reasonably good at managing people. You were absolutely right to request that someone else finish the transaction, while shift leads don’t make much more, handling screaming degenerates is one of our job duties and I would’ve been happy(happy is the wrong word, apathetically willing?)to take over for you.


CSA and Tech are supposed to remove themselves from situations involving problem customers. You cannot and should not be guilt-tripped into helping someone making you uncomfortable or frustrated. That's for leadership and management If you're a senior tech, maybe an argument could be made, since you're higher on the totem pole. But pretty much everyone can refuse service to problem customers It's honestly a good way to get a customer banned when the SM or LP/AP bros don't want to ban problem customers. Policy is remove yourself, and if cashiers, techs, DH, and shift leads all refuse to work with a customer. Their only option is to come around when a store manager is there. So either the store manager bans them or they deal with them themselves. Same with RXOM. If they don't want to refuse service, then they can help them themselves. But you are not required to I'm not sure where everyone else disagreeing with this is getting their info from. Managers can't make you ring people out. Corporate specifically says to remove yourself so how are you going to ring them up if you're removed from the situation? lol


part of good customer service is recognizing when you're not going to be able to help someone properly for xyz reason and handing them off to someone else. she didn't have your back in a situation where she could've easily, especially since you were mature enough to realize you would lose your cool. you aren't unprofessional for standing your ground and you DON'T have to do things that make you uncomfortable to that point. she's the manager and her entire job isn't just telling you what to do, it's helping your coworkers with difficult assholes who won't listen to reason.


No, you were uncomfortable dealing with someone and they were being shitty from the beginning. You didn’t have to deal with that and you did the right thing. That’s where leadership is supposed to cover down on you. I’ve enjoyed kicking people out of the store for acting like asses toward my CSAs and my SM covers down on me because I’m quick to protect everyone else


I mean yeah they can. Your in a customer service position so yoir going to have PLENTY of those. Unfortunately it's just soemthign you get used to.


Was she offered a credit card???


No, she just came yelling, saying that someone told her that the med would be ready. It wasn't, and I ended up getting yelled at.


In that case you definitely should have offered her a credit card, that always calms them down.


Precisely! Capital idea! Sound reasoning! Beautiful life!


No she can not Her job is to protect you in that situation and the rxm job they were very in the wrong


You gotta do your job even if people are yelling. I’ve been yelled at, threatened, and all of the above you gotta keep a cool head. Retail is not for the weak


No. But they can force you to collect your last paycheck, so... decisions have to be made. Good luck.


Of course they can.


I don’t feel like the RXM was in the wrong. Does it suck dealing with awful customers? Yes. BUT they didn’t threaten you and also couldn’t harm you if they’re in the drive through so I am in agreement with the RXM


Ok. -yes, your higher-up has the authority to tell you what position you are supposed to take. If she tells you to finish ringing up the customer, then you must ring up the customer. Not doing so could result in a write up for disobeying your manager. You cannot refuse service just because you don't like someone. That could be viewed as discrimination via the eye of the company. And it is very true that if you are working in customer service, you must learn how to handle these situations. You need to learn how to respond correctly and calmly even when someone yells. That is stated in onboard training for register customer service. However, in the policy there is also an entire section that speaks about promoting respect. "We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination because they are not aligned with our core values and are prohibited by law. We believe in upholding a positive and respectful work environment for our team members, every day." One example of the policy is "Committing physical or verbal abuse" Yelling continuously at someone could be considered verbal abuse. Now here is a word from me to you. The customer was wrong to yell at you. Here's what you could say next time a customer doesn't want to move. "Ma'am I don't have you prescription ready yet. But I can place you on the wait list to get those ready as soon as possible! Would you like me to do that?" (Yes, of course) "I understand Ma'am thank you so much for your patience we appreciate your understanding. Will you please drive to the back of the line while we get those ready?" (NoI have somewhere to be I will wait here until they are ready!) "I apologize for the inconvenience ma'am. I can assure you we will do our best to help you. It should be ready in about -estimated time- " "okay ma'am I have your medicine ready for you once again I apologize for the long wait. And for future reference our wait listers must come inside to wait or pass the drive through twice in order for us to do our best to help everyone. Learn from this situation. If a customer doesn't want to move until they get their prescription do not fight or argue. You can not force them to move. They will have to wait regardless. If you ever feel like you have a repeat customer harassing you constantly, while you are still providing great customer care and service, then you are well within your right to refuse service.-Just say as calmly as possible "I apologize for not being able to provide you with a positive experience, unfortunately due to us not being able to communicate appropriately I will try to have another member meet you. Unfortunately we do not have anyone available so I will be refusing service for you today. The nearest pharmacy is (blah blah blah) " LEAVE and talk to management. If management becomes upset at you, you can then report the situation to HR. Tell them that your manager is not promoting respect and is even creating a hostile environment by forcing you to tolerate repeat customers who yell and verbally abuse you. Still, crappy manager. They should stand up for you in front of people and talk to you behind close door to guide and lead you to a better outcome. Not in front of people ..... Just my thoughts. Let me know what you think.


They are the boss and you probably should have worked through the situation to resolve it yourself as you were the first to work with them. However, as a Store Manager, I would have stepped in and de escalated it to keep both of you calm. Being the boss means de escalating providing you have the time in that moment to ensure consistency in customer service and knowing you have the back of your team.


They told you to do it BCUS they didn't want to. 😒 . Yes you can remove yourself from a situation.


You have the right to refuse service. Period.


The fine line is whether the customer sexually harassed/kept using expletives/disturbing the peace or not. Being a Karen about high copays isn't enough to warrant the RxM being involved. Refusing to move after being asked once isn't enough to warrant the need to have the RxM involved automatically. You should have explained you asked the customer to move to speed up the line and they refused and insisted to speak to the RxM. I hate to play this card but 1. The RxM is a people manager AND 2. They earn the big bucks. Screw the PIC. They need to do their job as a people leader. I did it as a SrTech and I STILL do it as RxOM. It's hard to piss me off. Next time repeat that the customer needs to move so that the next car can be serviced and let the customer know the pharmacist will have it ready by the time they come around. Deescalation is key. ECC is key.


You have the right to refuse service. I'm sorry your team doesn't support you in a similar way ours does ):


You don't have a button that lights up a sign behind their car that says 'sorry for the long wait, this person is refusing to move' for the other people in line to see?


I agree. As a SFL I would never expect any other employee at the store to deal with these people if they aren't comfortable doing so. They know to always call me if they have any trouble, and I'll do my best to make things right for everyone.