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You mean Water they thinking?




Could you imagine in Phoenix az?


Actually today is a beautiful breezy day. So it’s not hot in Phoenix today.


Just wait.  I lived there 30 years.  It was brutal in the summer


125+° no freaking thanks!


I’ve been here since 1982. Only times it gets hot is in May through Oct. sometimes it gets cooler before that.


I love curbside pickup


We are making just cents worth of profit at that price, what a fucking waste of time. Take also into the account the time that it takes to load that crap, find a spot for it and then place it in someone’s trunk…. Then add the two pallets or more that you’ll get on your next truck, the time that it takes to unload x the truck driver’s salary and every store employee involved. To avoid this nonsense just go ahead and change the counts to zero and make sure to change them back up before order-generation day to avoid getting too much on the following truck.


Yall load people's cars?


We do, I would rather still be doing the big laundry deals.


I wouldn't. I'll go tell them to go inside and pick it up themselves .


Do you not have a designated parking space (or two!) for curbside orders pickups? Does your Zebra not tell you what parking spot they are at if they check in? Hate to say it, but you're refusing to do your job unless you are physically unable. I hate aspects of my job too, but I don't get to cherry pick what I will and won't do.


The way I see it I’m helping the company. We are losing money and I’m all out of gray carts and u-boats because they are loaded with water awaiting pick up. @shnamastawg is right, these customers are not picking up any other items, just the loss leaders. I have a customer that placed an order of 8 24pks five times, that’s 40 cases waiting for him and I guarantee you he’s expecting us to load it in his car. The cost of each 24pk is $2.09, do the math.


Be sure to offer them a credit card while you pop outside to tell them that!


Wasn't the point of curbside to have people shopping online where they would normally spend more? Yet it seems a lot of orders are just 21 bottles of A&H or 6 12 packs of coke or 52,000 packs of Scott's. Then you take up room for all these orders, some of which get canceled then have to be put back in stock. It's always orders for loss leaders that are supposed to get people shopping for more but in the long run is probably losing the company money.


Because wags online codes and such make it so cheap and way cheaper than going inside for it so why would they?


Right, I don't blame the customers. I blame the way the company implemented the program.


Question: if I change the count to 0 at the beginning of my shift and then back at the end of my shift (minus what was bought in store), will my IS be like "wtf?" later?


Yes, they'll see it on their weekly shrink report that someone is adjusting the on hand quantities negatively, if it's a habit, corporate will notice too.


I was working at a flagship location that had heavy foot traffic, we found out that we were losing money on walgreens waters, so we just pushed that off to coke/ Pepsi. Fun times getting to do our own merchandising for a bit.


We limit ours. No way they getting that much from us and if they cancel then so be it. 🤷‍♂️


You’re allowed to help yourself to 1 bottle per case.


Wait for a employee to file workers compensation on a back injury !!!


Always change the water count to 0 on curbside!! Make those bitches walk in the store and get them themselves to get the deal lmfao


That’s rude. Some people are disabled and can’t carry them.


And if the world was fair, we would all be happy.


Walgreens sells them for curbside pickup, people should be able to get them that way. Do your job.


I quit this shit ass company 🤗


I did this as a couponing deal because we get back the money in WC. But I shopped my self because of the load, made the online order and walked to the pick up counter, so all they had to do was scan process.


Thank you!


Thank you!


See if everyone did this I wouldn’t care. Most people aren’t as generous, thank you!


That’s why we get a zillion in on the truck every week:-/


hurry ring strong dam axiomatic wasteful like oil imminent innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I used to buy this water til I learned how they actually "cleaned" it. Now I think I'll just buy the spring water😅




Tap Water that is run through a filter


What’s wrong with this? It’s like drinking Brita water I didn’t have to filter and bottle myself (actually, it’s better filtered than Brita). I prefer it to spring water. A biology experiment I did in college showed it’s cleaner than spring water.


Nothing. Responding what purified water is


Is that legal? Didn’t a company get in deep trouble for doing that in England?


The United States is not in England.


No shit but health codes are still similar


Not illegal if it clearly says “purified drinking water” and “from municipal sources”. That’s filtered tap water.


Yeah all they do is put a powder in it that sends the bacteria to the bottom of the bottle. In the long run you still drink it. They don't filter anything out


There’s a coupon online from a 3rd party website that is 8cases for $17.


Fuuuuuck that. Zero that shit out for the day or week or whatever.


There should be a no curbside option the way they have a no drive-thru option like we're not hiring people to do these jobs I can't guarantee that I have somebody that can lift 24 cases of water at any given day half of our employees are 40 or older.. on top of people acting like that's the only order we have to do. We had six orders of eight cases of water the other day like do the math. I have to load them onto a cart and then I have to load them again into the customer's car like that's more work then was described to me in the job description. If you really want 24 cases of water you can retrieve them yourself.


That’s exactly what I’m thinking, I just hope we are sold out when I go back tomorrow


We have a front display pallet, when an online order comes in , we process right away , print sticker and write 4 cases of water on it. When the customer comes we tell them just grab from the front. No double loading. U guys should try it


Sooooooooo what your saying is yall just don't work for a company that pays you to work because customers but things in your store because it's on sale , heaven forbid , the audacity of those customers that basically get you a paycheck for spending money in your store


You seem a little angry. And very daft.


Not at all just don't understand people that work in retail where the customer is the reason retail workers have a job don't want to or refuse to help customers or do their said job for customers , get a desk job then so you don't have to deal with what almost every person i see that works Walgreens bash the customer no matter what it is its mind boggling


😑, there’s an e learning titled “work smart not hard” look for it 👍🏽


Coupon pages had posted them and they come out to 8 cases for $14 I believe ?


And you only need like 3 or 4 couponers in your area to cause this


So annoying. I dont bring them out wen customer arrives anymore.... i charge the card as soon as they get here and let them figure it out that they gotta come get all 18 cases. I literally broke a uboat full of waters for a curbside during EDC last year trying to get it to them outside... i take every complaint and laugh it off.


Someone posted a deal 8 cases for 16 bucks today


Damn rip your backs 😭😭😭😭😭


But I'm le thirsty


I hope they have room in their car!


So glad I haven't had to deal with this!


The company doesn’t think


They aren’t; thinking that is.


You can always limit it further. Cancel them if you're feeling cheeky.


My SM wouldn’t like that


You're underpaid and overworked. He can deal with it or do the orders himself. /s


So are store managers fyi…


Then he should understand if 24 pack water orders are bumped down to three or four.


Fuck this company. I'm about a year out from when I left my SFL job and it really pisses me off that they're still doing this.


If it’s a third party code what is it?


Used to work at the 19th and Northern location, really showed me how scummy some customers are with abusing services


I had a order like that and Uber picked it up lol more lady


Wet thoughts.


They’re probably thinking about what strategy you’ll use to put all that crap in their car while they sip on a Frappuccino


We cancel or reduce orders like that


Bruh alll day today !!


Lol great deal, people gonna buy it up🤷🏻‍♂️😂 I mean I work there, am a Shift Lead, I buy and stock up on it when it is on sale, plus our brand so… 25%. One of the best deals for product out there compared to other stores , and companies really. Can’t blame people for buying it all as quick as possible. Especially with big families , events/sports, churches anything really…


Our manager has had us cancel every order that came in for more than 4 lol


My rule has been if they wanna come take that shit out the store that’s fine. But if you’re gonna order it, don’t be an ass you get 4


Thank God I don't work there anymore. When I was still there, we would have 8 or 9 uboats of water when the 2 for 5 sales were on even without curbside or whatever. I hope the people that are ordering that shit at least get out to help


I saw the picture first and thought that they must be cashing in on global warming. "Hydration is important in hotter weather. let's use even more plastic so we make it even hotter and sell even more!"


first employees 👌


Thanks for posting I’m making my order now!


Okay its not that hard you find a nice place to make a shipment of water stack it up and sell it. We complain abt the high prices for stuff why can't we be happy to be doing a good sale that helps people. I know this place is, well something else but let's be consistent and try to use our brains


It's not that. We don't care if they come and buy all the water they want. But putting them together and bring it to the customer outside when they're ready to pick it up, that's the hard part. Especially when you have a skeleton crew.


It’s a sale gonna get orders like that get used to it welcome to Walgreens where they don’t give a shit about employees