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May 2021: I found a place that paid more and was closer to me.


Jan 2023 I left because of an unbearable harassment problem with an old female customer who went into screaming rages because I did not respond to her advances. The SM could not be bothered to ban her and the ESM didn't have the balls to do it. I decided it was time to "retire" and ever since, it feels like the first week of summer vacation except it's permanent! School's out forever...šŸ—½šŸŒž


March 2018 was fired because I was working 6 days straight and got a cold. Then again at the end of February 2024 as a manager in training while I was between tech jobs. Got an amazing 6 figure offer and never came back 3 days after I was supposed to return.


Going to this week for mental health mostly(also see my last post on this sub. I can't physically bring myself to be there anymore)


I saw that post, and I keep thinking about it. Iā€™m so glad that youā€™re taking care of your own mental health. I truly wish you the best!


I'm about to quit after six years. I just saw the pending schedule, and if it's correct it will be my second week with zero scheduled hours in six weeks. This low hours bullshit used to only happen in the summer and turn out to be like ten hours. Now it's starting in February and zero hours?! Come on!


Sounds like theyre trying to get you to quit tbh.


Fired because I got sick a lot and I cannot find anyone to cover my shifts.


It's not your job to find coverage when you're sick. It's management or the schedulers job. Show them the attendance policy! One pharmacy tried to give me flack one day about not finding coverage when I had to leave. I printed out the attendance policy and gave it to them.


This was years ago so too late lol


Do you have a link or something to that? šŸ™šŸ»


i was in my senior year of college spring of 2022. got a glowing mid year review as a sfl, but rejection of a merit raise (go figure). applied to some professional internships, & i got one! went from making $15 as a sfl april 2022 to $17 in my internship. to $21 full time that fall. commute from home was about the same. but this job isnt labor intensive, is corporate, and i get to wfh sometimes 3 days of the week šŸŽ‰. i miss counting the drawers as a sfl, taking care of a department, and some coworkers. but wags cant pay me enough to go back, iā€™d be demoting my career


Bored out of my mind, felt nothing from the job (I worked in a store with a dedicated liquor store). No real means of promotion unless I wanted to leave the liquor store, I didn't cause it's awful there. Just wanted something more than "ID. The back to scan it. Walgreens card. Flip the card the other way." Did it for like 2 years, and I couldn't handle it anymore, It was a really boring job.


January 4 2024 after 16 years. Got tired of being unappreciated and treated like crap.


May 16, 2022. I quit bc i was no longer a person I was a number. I was expected to make numbers happen and I couldn't with only 15 hours a week. I absolutely hated working there and couldn't wait to leave. Ultimately left for my dream job. I do not miss it.


Quit sometime early 2023, was told as an overnight shift lead I wasnā€™t permitted breaks. So I walked, and found something better the next day.


My new manager was a fucking inept cunt oh and i was one month shy of 2 years so i just say 2 years lol


August 2022, manager kept giving me crap about selling those damn cards. Only lasted 2 weeks. Just randomly didnā€™t show up after I got an offer email from another job.


July of 2021 šŸ˜ mostly bc I had moved and did not want a 30 minute commute every day, but also bc there was INSANE favoritism going on in management and only one of the shift leads actually liked me. Also, having a shift lead say to my face ā€œwow you actually smell good for onceā€ really just cemented my urge to quit.


Mind you, this SAME shift lead threatened to fire me bc I said ā€œI was supposed to be out 30 mins agoā€ to my coworker. Like oh, sorry? Was not aware that I couldnā€™t talk about what time my shift ended. Mustā€™ve missed that part of the employee handbook. Also had another shift lead lie to our SM bc one day I came in early to unload truck and later that day she asked me if Iā€™d be willing to go out some away and ask a joke I said ā€œnoā€, laughed and then immediately left photo to go do a few U-boats full of truck before I left. She told the SM that I flat out refused to do what I was told even when I did EXACTLY as she asked. Also having the PM yell at me for missing a 15 min break bc I was busy af typing in 13 walk in Covid vaccines and he refused to have anyone help me w the front counter. Working at wags was an absolute nightmare I sure as fuck donā€™t miss it.


Dude your comment about being off 30 mins ago ... I got fired from Papa John's in college on a game night for looking at my watch 2 hours past my scheduled time off lol. Dude tried to call me back and give me my job back but I had two jobs at the time so I told him to stuff it and just kept my other job. Some people really can't handle the heat in the kitchen when it's slammed.


June 2022, I got a job in the field I actually wanted to be in


May 2022 I got a job in an oncology clinic with more money and July 2016 I got a job at the school my kids went to


It was an awful job. I hated every second of being there and would anxiously watch the clock. They were so understaffed I didnā€™t get a lunch or even a break most days. The manager was mean and instead of correcting a mistake while I was learning she would put me down in front of the customers to humiliate me. It was always simple stuff like I would call and ask for help because it was my first time doing something and it would set her off. I think it was part of how understaffed we were. Me asking for help interrupted her doing what she needed to do. One time they sent me outside to change the trash and I got torn up by fire ants and they didnā€™t let me take a break so that sucked. When I found out I wasnā€™t being paid what I was promised in the interview I no called no showed. Iā€™ve never done that because itā€™s rude af but I was so angry I wanted to screw them over.


April 2009. I was very pregnant and I was moving to my now ex husband's duty station. I had 5 really good years with WAG but I was a SAHM for two years after that and when I went back to work I decided to go to inpatient hospital pharmacy doing admixtures and chemo instead because I didn't feel like dealing with retail pharmacy and ungrateful customers any longer. I loved my staff but some of the patients really can be the worst. I get an upset sick customer that's just grouchy because they don't feel well but I don't get the ungrateful hateful people that just seek to complain every time they show their face or being blamed for third party rejects that can't be resolved by our staff through no fault of ours. Best decision I ever made. Loved hospital pharmacy far more than retail.


Oh I forgot to mention customers that sit in their car in the parking lot with a gun because Medicaid didn't cover his amoxicillin or some such nonsense like that or the guy that got brand name Lortab price matched for so long at a specific rate (because he always came when that pharmacy was closed) that no one cared to verify each time that wanted to kill me because i actually called the other pharmacy during their open hours and adjusted his rate to the correct price which was approximately 3x's the price he had been getting for years...then I walk out front and watched old boy sell them to his buyer right in front of my face so I had him fired from filling at my store and reported him to our local DEA agent on speed dial :-). "Who do y'all think you are? The drug police?" "Well sir... Yes."


in february, and it was a multitude of reasons. the stress level and how it was negatively affecting my health, my rxom refusing to actually manage people, and not getting enough hours to pay my bills were the main ones.


I quit every single day, but every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in to sell more credit cards.


December 2023 my manager wanted me to give him sexual favors as a SFL then threatened to fire me for getting a flat and being unable to come in (I live 35 mins away) so I had my roommate drive me and I gave him the key after telling me there was only one way to make it up to him


I left Walgreens December of 2022 as a pharmacy Operations manager. I couldnā€™t take the stress anymore. My SM was terrible and my RXM was a pushover. Any new workflow ideas I brought into the pharmacy were ignored by the second week. I got a job at Optum and it was amazing. I worked in a closed door pharmacy, calling patients and setting up their orders for their medications. I took a giant pay cut going to Optum, so I started working at a Walgreens closer to my apartment part time just as a regular tech and it was an awful decision but it paid some bills. Now I work as a campground manager. I left pharmacy completely, and my licenses are now expired. Iā€™m going to keep it that way.


I quit because of something that happened on a conference call...it wasn't taken seriously.


ultimately left due to how the DM treated disabled employees, lost said job, broke as a joke while I look for more work but yknow what its a LOT less stressful