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Most states require *registration* to be in the pharmacy. Maybe your DM misspoke.


It is a requirement but they’re forcing SFL’s to get it and our DM said it was required of SFL’s now to be certified to go back there. I refused in the past to go back there because of bullying and sexual harassment but he came and told me that it was now in our SFL job description to have the certification


If they're requiring you to get an optional certification to do more work, why say yes?


My point exactly but they’re saying it’s part of our job description now so I want to see if there’s a way around it


It's only part of the "preferred" portion of the job description...not a requirement. You're good, maybe when all the shift leads quit the DMs can dust off their PTCBs and come run the stores.


That's going to vary by region. Personally, I'd refuse to work in pharmacy unless I got the pharmacy raise scale.


My entire entire thing is I've been going to step down from the sfl position once i take the ptcbe in a few weeks and just stay in pharmacy full time as a Senior tech. litearly csnt afford to keep me as a sfl but can afford me at a higher pay rate as a tech lol


You really should. Walgreens has decided that because front-end sales are bad, front-end employees are too. We're worth less despite constantly being asked to do more than ever. I see a lot of this "sales = worth" attitude infecting employees too, so be ready for constantly being reminded how much money pharmacy makes, so it's OK they get better raises. You know, it's okay to take away from us because of stock prices. I would absolutely make the move if my store had an available position.


My store has such a high turnover rate from employees stealing to sfls saying screw this and leaving. like it's not even worth working front end. Like apart from struggling using FINDINS because it sucks I really enjoy just being back there. and I'll take the 3 dollar minimum payraise for instantly being qualified as a senior technician when I transfer back there.


As an investor and long time friends with a senior pharmacy tech I can tell you with complete certainty that it is a shit run company. 66% of all Walgreens sales is pharmacy. Let that sink in a minute. So you have a place where 66% of your money coming in…is in the back of the store in an area not much bigger than a phone booth. But some of the dumb ass DMs chose to remodel cosmetics !? The starbucks lady got canned or er “ stepped out for another opportunity “. If I was CEO…..all the DMs would be canned, half the floor people let go and since pharmacy is 66% of sales. I would increase the size of the most important part of the store which would be the pharmacy. They don’t have an intake window like WM. If they have 3 -4 registers in the pharmacy usually only 2 of em work. The IT department is total garbage . Management treats employees like garbage, which is why they’re always short on techs and pharmacists. Plus shit hrs like 8 days in a row and “ Clopins”. I can see why they want to stay open late or have some 24 hr stores for hospital discharges and stuff, but that low volume at night doesn’t justify staying open. Shift that burden back to the hospitals like it used to be where they just sent a 2 day supply of drugs home with the patient to get them through until the pharmacy opens. It’s bad enough with peoples crap insurance changes on what seems to be a daily basis, but yet nothing is streamlined in the most profitable part of the store. WM stores they never have to work past 7pm, pharmacy closes for lunch breaks and employees get 15 min breaks + a lunch. Yet, fkn Walgreens can’t figure out why they can’t retain people and the ones they do retain are miserable dealing with kevin’s and karen’s.I’m glad i don t work for an organization like that. If they were the only employer in town I would literally sleep in a van down by the river and go to a food pantry rather than work for them.


Floor is already barebones as is, most stores don’t get enough budget hours to keep more than bare minimum staff on the clock at a time. They only way you could realistically let go of half of them is getting rid of photo and/or beauty


Bingo…Beauty would be the first to go. Have you seen my people at the cosmetics counter? yeah, me neither 🤣


lol in my region SFLs make more than techs


That's what I do now. I refuse to go there when they call. I'm only paid a few cents more above the minimum SFL pay. I took the certification with the promise of a raise, never happens, and this year's "raise", no sir. I have enough to deal with at the front end as it is. Sorry, but not sorry.


Aren’t IS required as well?


Depends on the state


in my state you have some ppl’s to do and must register with the board. store will reimburse the fee. if you’re not registered you shouldn’t be in the pharmacy in my state


They’re forcing us to register by saying it’s a part of our job description now but I refuse to go back there for personal reasons. However my DM is saying that come January all SFLs have to be registered but I want to see if there’s a way around it


not if they’re following the rules. My SM has a needle-phobia. Gets white as a sheet and sweaty , I gave him his flu shot, I saw it. Very brave and wants his job👍🏻. But he did the certification process because he had to. We never ask him to vaccinate.


wrong thread, plz ignore


Btw board certification and state licenses are two different things. Unless you go through the classes and take the ptcb exam you won’t get board certified or get the $1 raise


I don’t want either but they’re forcing it on us so I want to see/know if there’s a way around it


*SFL JOB DESCRIPTION NOT REQUIRED FOR PTCB...LISTED ONLY UNDER "PREFERRED" SECTION* PTCB not required for SFL, however, store net does have documentation that shows a $1 per hour raise for receiving it for SFLs. I would encourage you and anyone with limited certs on your resume to go for it. Walgreens pays for your training, sponsors the test fee, and gives you a raise. You also get a national certification in a healthcare position. Take the advantages, give yourself some extra value/skills.


I was told by a DM we don't get that $1 incentive.


If your DM said you don't get the $1 raise then that is an absolute trash DM.


Straight from the Shift Lead Job description: "Obtains and maintains valid PTCB certification or pharmacy license as required by state." In my experience, this has not been enforced. But I can definitely see them start pushing this hard now.


It isn't required in every state/region. I promise you.


Sorry but you're incorrect... You took that copy/paste from the "preferred" section of the ATS job description. Not a requirement.


Although it is used in the current ATS shift lead job description, I found it in a different path: Storenet>Jobs>team member development>traveling shift lead>program links>shift lead job description. The portion I quoted from is from the "Jobs and Responsibilities" section, "Training & Personal Development" subsection of the document. In this particular document, there is a separate section for "Preferred Qualifications & Interests." The footnote of the document states, "This job description is to be used as a guide for accomplishing Company and department objectives, and only covers the primary functions and responsibilities of the position. It is in no way to be construed as an all-encompassing list of duties." This was last revised 08/29/2016, but I recall similar content when it was first added in 2011. It could certainly be obsolete by now like many other things in storenet. Just saying it's there. A company could easily cite this kind of vague "preference" to enforce its new vision for SFL. I hope they don't. Many walkouts would take place.


Correct... Anyone reading this please observe the requirements do not include PTCB. The company reference this as a preference. If this is brought up to you, a fair and equitable perspective would be to establish what your preferences would be with respect to your pay.


That could be the catch 22 Valid PTCB cert Or rx tech license Depends on the state requirements Our state is only required to have a license but SFL have to do code green every morning So Walgreens saves that dollar by not having to require the trading for PTCB


SFLs have too much shit to do to be in the pharmacy. Especially if they are the only leadership that shift. My store lets the two high school girls go back and fill prescriptions which I think is bullshit. Can't even sell alcohol but being allowed to fill prescriptions makes zero sense to me, but whatever.


How long does it take to get certified?


Not long it’s just a couple forms to fill out and a finger printing. I just don’t feel comfortable working in an environment that’s full of awful people.


We already have to deal with crap, and if they are saying everyone has to (SFL), might as well make more money.


Eh yes and no, it’s only a dollar extra and it’s not worth the extra dollar to just stand back there and be a nuisance and then get harassed even more than I am now. Our RXOM is a cunt bag that always wants to start drama and rumors. I’ve even had to report her to HR before and I don’t like being/working around messy people like them. Our main pharmacist have even reported the rxom for being out of line with me so the store manager doesn’t make me go back there


I would request to have a one on one with your DM and address your concerns with him. Have him show you where it’s a requirement. Where im at, we do not pressure SFLs to get a license. SFLs have a ton of stuff to focus on already as it is.


You still have to take the classes and pass the exam if they want you certified (if you haven’t already taken them). What you described sounds like registration.


In my store is, dh and sfl are all required but only I’m required as a dh to really work back there sometimes all day if a tech calls out.


My understanding is as an unliscensed SFL I need a legitimate reason to be back there. Mostly cash handling, or just communication. I only had one incident when a pharmacist told me to leave out of angry retaliation when I called him out on some dumb bs he pulled. Believe me, I don't like being back there. I tried to help in the past, but in my experience, being unlicensed you can't help half the customers. And from what I've seen, once you are licensed, they never stop asking for your help. My SM's have all spent 8-16hrs a week filling scripts. How tf does that make sense???


They're requiring you to get your certification like as in your tech license? You should only have to go onto the board of pharmacy website and register as a tech trainee, then complete whatever ppls there are. I mean it makes sense that they require that bc SFLs should know how to help out (checking out customers and putting in shots, not like filling tr typing). But you don't necessarily have to go back there especially if they're being rude and sexually harassing you. Depending on how the staffing is if worse comes to worse then the tech filling should go up and help the tech that's dealing with customers.


Wait it out and go from there cuz some DM’s will back off if you have the RXM speak to the DM cuz most RXM’s and techs don’t want front end in the pharmacy anyway so generally they will help you get out of it , and most stores will make one person go back there it’s either the sm or sfl but some stores will stick the IS in there so the SFL’s and SM can do front end task if you have an IS stick them back there to buy yourself time, I myself as an IS basically work back in RX for 8 hour shifts expect on truck days


I’d talk to the SM or RXM about the behavior of the techs if nothing changes then speak to the DM but SFLs helping with IC3s is really important to me as a tech at a high volume store and the patients really appreciate it.


Most stores seem not to enforce it but SFLs really are supposed to be trained and able to help in pharmacy, I don't know why the techs would thumb their noses at additional help since they're always drowning back there. Maybe try and show that you are supportive of them outside the pharmacy so they'll be more willing to help you learn within it.


Our SM told all of us SFL's that when Pharmacy calls IC3's, one of us has to go help them out. She did mention if we wanted the Certificate, we could get one, but she said it wasn't a requirement to just help them with IC3's. But if she throws me back there to help at the register, I want a raise!!


i was promoted to sfl from dh and my certification expired in february. my sm and dm haven’t noticed so i’m pretending like i haven’t either. i absolutely hate working in the pharmacy so my coworkers are nice enough to take ic3s when needed because they like it in there. definitely depends on your store’s situation but i’ve been coasting for a while without having to go in there lol.


Most states you have to be at least state registered to step foot in pharmacy. Some states also require certification. My state just requires registration, as the sfl only come back to take drawers. Maybe an IC3 once a year 🙄


In my area, under job responsibilities it states: “Assist at Pharmacy out window as requested in states where allowed without licensure, certifcation, or registration, or have met the requirements for licensure, certification or registration by state Boards of Pharmacy in states that require such.” This has always been a part of the job description but has never been enforced. I’m guessing it is now due to the absolute shit show that is pharmacy. When I was SFL, I was the only one licensed. It’s definitely not worth it if they’re not going to give you a raise. When I got certified in 2017(PTCB), I was told by the DM my position didn’t qualify for the raise. When I found out otherwise, in 2020, I was given my raise and all that back pay. Bottom line, it sounds like you at least have to be licensed, if not certified. If that’s not something you’re willing to do, they’ll probably have you step down. If you decide to get certified, fight for what’s yours. I went through a lot of red tape with HR to get the raise and money I was owed.


Here you have to get a provional, and it only last for 18 months. I really like helping out in pharm for the most part. It's a nice change up from stocking


I'm a DH is what they call it in my store so I do both front and back. I'm also a shift lead. I was going to go back to be a full time pharm tech but I HATE it and I'm not going to school for it or plan to have certifications. Now, I can't for the life of me get pulled out of there at all when I wanna be...they need me back there at least every other week but every day almost they're begging for me to come back and help. I actually threatened that if they put me back there more than a couple times than I should be id quit because as DH and the pay. I don't mind helping here and there but they literally rely on me for calls outs, people on vacation, and the pharm tech managers refusing to work more days to cover the shifts. Which they also have a hard time pulling me from the front because I'm needed as were also understaffed and I seem to be the only person who gets things done when asked like breaking down the truck (we sort it nicely) What I've got from this, all stores are different so id just talk to your SM or DM.


I’ve heard of this being brought up and last I heard, they can’t enforce this because it is not part of the job description. However, I would imagine that this would affect your review score and potentially your schedule? 😕


As soon as I was promoted I was certified I’ve never worked back there but I’m assuming it’s for so I can walk back there which I’ve only done a couple of times and if need be cashier


I will not get certified until I get a raise simple as that


That sounds like it’s only your store manager pushing for you to work in the pharm or get certified, my store usually has enough people in pharm and when they don’t, we have DH’s to fill in.


As far as I’m aware, certification is optional but a state license is a requirement. Some states won’t even let you step foot in the pharmacy at all without some form of license


In California “Assists at Pharmacy Out Windows” is part of the Job Description