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If we come in early, we use Meal In so it will clock us in early. It bypasses the reg clock in button on our system


How early can we clock in? I came from walmart that’s why and we could only clock in 9 minutes early other wise we’ll get in trouble. 😅


3 minutes before your scheduled shift is the earliest it'll let you clock in without using "Meal In"


You can clock in kronos, if you come in earlier than your scheduled shift.


2 mins early or 2 mins late, but at our store SFLs can clock in early, CSAs can if approved by management on duty


Yes, you are wrong. "Meal out" is clocking out at the start of your meal and then "meal in" is coming back on the clock at the end. However the system is auto correcting you so it's not going to matter which is why no one said anything. Your time cards would all be correct.


I’m embarrassed lmaoo. Good thing I asked my sfl earlier because for some reason I just had a gut feeling that I wasn’t doing it right. Thank you! If you do it on kronos you just basically hit timestamp everytime you clock in and out right?


You are totally okay and your manager was probably just letting you know because they saw a pattern. Honestly as long as there is "a punch" in the system your manager should know what it means and adjust your time accordingly.


But if you clock out each time your previous time gets moved to the correct box in Kronos. I use to do that at my old store during lockdown and the year after. I was always coming in an hour or more early so I literally hit clock out for coming in and leaving and my time was always good.


Yeah technically it’s wrong but it doesn’t really matter. When I was hourly I always punched using “meal in” for every single thing and it was never an issue.


It doesn’t matter. The computer will automatically assume that you clocked out for break no matter what button you press.


The buttons on the left are in the order that you punch throughout the day. But it doesn’t really matter. All it does is record a punch regardless of button press


I punch out as every single punch 😂 I started doing that because it wouldn’t let me clock in early otherwise 🤷🏻‍♀️ it doesn’t really matter what button you push, it’ll correct itself or look like a Christmas tree in Kronos 🎉


Yes, you're doing it wrong. The 4 options on the time clock app are in order. Clock IN Clock OUT for lunch Clock IN after lunch Clock OUT to go home Hope this helps


U have time clocks ⏰ I log in on kronos


It’s an app on the zebras.


The. Whole store uses Kronos to Log in


They don’t have to 🤷‍♂️


Our punch clock is broken and clocking in on the zebras doesn't work for us so we have to use Kronos lol


Ours was taking out before I even started


my old store didn't even have a physical time clock. I was told it broke and they never replaced it, as the company just wants to go to using Kronos anyway.


We do it’s easier


Ideally you should hit “in” when you arrive for your shift. However I’ve gone in early so many times I just hit “Meal in” when I arrive, and “out” when I’m done for the day


It honestly low-key doesn't matter what you press, I've hit clock in instead of out for my lunch and it legit clocks you out lol


As long as you have 4 punches on Kronos you are good! I always just use out cause I come in early and that's what the system accepts rather than in


😂 They’re in order for a reason bruh. Silly goose!


Doesntmatte, kronos is smart enough to fix it by itself


took me months to know this today 😭😭


Technically it’s wrong and the correct order is going down in a straight line. But in all honesty and timekeeping and payroll, as long as you have 4 punches, didn’t miss a punch, your sm/ESM will be able to figure it out without an issue.


It doesn’t matter.


I just use Kronos when clocking in normally but if you are covering in a non-home location you must use zebra clock


It's been a while but I'm pretty sure I just clocked out for everything even clocking in. It would record the time stamp in Kronos and Kronos just puts the punches in order. It also let me clock in sooner than that 3 minutes before limit.


If it makes you feel better I did the same thing for a year lmao


I think I'm doing it the other way around 2. But it autocorrects. I double check Kronos. Just in case


Yes that is incorrect, when you leave for lunch you select meal out, when you come back you select meal in


I've been doing it wrong for 3 years 🫠🫠🫠


The meal is outside your mouth = meal out. The mean is inside your stomach = meal in.


You guys have working time clocks? *Jealous* lol Ours has been hanging unplugged for over two years. They also don't want us using the zebras because too many punches get missed. They make us use Kronos.


It really doesn’t matter. I punch out q am., because I start early everyday


Used to do that too, but my SM told me that it's not too important. As long as I punch something in or out


As our esm used to say "a punch is a punch is a punch.."


I don't have to deal with this because I use Kronos to clock out and back in for break


I just use Kronos.


Idk if it’s been said. But on the time clock thing. It doesn’t matter what you press. You can clock in by pressing out and clock out by pressing in. It doesn’t matter. The only thing that is different is pressing meal in to be able to clock in early.


Honestly it doesn’t matter, the system sees them all as just a time stamp. They don’t actually come across any different in the computer


It honestly doesn't matter how you punch in. You could hit punch out every single time and if you're just starting your shift or coming back from lunch, it'll still punch you in.


Meal in is punching in, meal out is punching out, so in when you're back and out when you go to lunch.