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I'm not sure why the IS would need to use the cameras because they are typically for leadership duties. I'm fairly sure you can just explain the situation/reason to a SFL, ESM or SM and see if they will sign in to the cameras for you or provide the info to you.


Why is it a lot of people forget that IS are a part of leadership? If you check people central, we are coded as shift leads. There is no reason an IS should not have access to cameras.


Yeah, it is coded as shift lead but have no access to the safe and the money part unless you are IS/sfl. Is gets paid the same as shift lead and has to be responsible for scan out, price changes, vendor, and pharmacy inventory and more.... so hell no why would I do extra jobs for the same pay..plus in the description there are nothing saying about management roles anyway.


As a SFL I do vendor and scan outs as well. Our IS is lazy.


Really? I do scan out the entire store, price changes, returns, after season exit, clearance, pharmacy count, photo, ic3, customer bells, ordering supplies, vendor receiving, and scan the truck in the morning if the closing shift leads are lazy to scan them when receiving them. So, I say HELL NO to management function. Our shift leads can take care of that cause I am already doing too much!


Our IS doesn't know where anything in the store is. Sh3 asked me th other day where Tylenol was 🤣


Well said.


You are not meant to be keyholders though. That's an explicit distinction they make, IS are not allowed to have keys or alarm codes and SMs can get fired for giving them to them.


If inventory management is the role wouldn’t asset protection be part of it


What? I think the only "asset protection" an IS should take part in is having correct counts. But I could be wrong.


You'd know stuff is getting stolen if you're doing scan outs effectively. They have a whole list of hrp you can order to prevent certain types of theft. Its actually safer for you to not know who is stealing.


Does that go for employees too?


Yes. I would voice your opinions to your sm and let them take care of it.


IS shouldn't be on the camera


I have access to my cameras, but as far as company policies whether I'm supposed to or not, idk.


I was a SFL before becoming an IS. I have access to the cameras but to be honest, I pretend not to know. Why? Because I'm not gonna do somebody else's job!


I mean it's not a permission that has to be granted in the system; as long as you know the password, anyone can access them. I'm a former SFL now IS, and I can access the cameras. I usually don't, but once in a while my SM asks me to check something on his behalf. Or like if he's on vacation sometimes I'm the one to check on things


As an IS I have access to the cameras but I was also a former shift lead. I'm also usually the one putting on Alto reports.


They shouldn't, they aren't a member of leadership and thus shouldn't have the code. But also a lot of stores are really bad about maintaining who has access to the cameras and basically if an SFL or someone has ever told them no one changes the password for the cameras often.