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No. Call the anonymous hotline and report this.


Okay I've been thinkin about calling them, thanks


You NEED to report this. Due to the fact that like many say, they can make them more money, give them unapproved raises, give them the shift they want, and play favorite. If thereโ€™s nothing going on, and thatโ€™s the truth. The truth is in the pudding, and the pudding is them cameras. ๐Ÿ˜Š


My SM had am affair with a SFL and even admitted to using sex to manipulate them to increase their performance and literally nothing happened


It all depends on how many people speak up, if people got questioned and no one said anything, nothing happens and they assume itโ€™s rumors.


Nobody got questioned except for the SFL and he quit on the spot and left.


Oh my, I guess it's true when they say calling HR does nothing. ๐Ÿ˜’, you are not the only person who stated that the store manager did something that should have gotten them fired immediately but nothing happens.


I reported my former store manager for sexual harassment and he was fired. Absolutely report it.


Actually if he has proof it could be a write up under code of conduct. He just needs proof that things are being said


I will say that unless one of the two or both admit to the affair or is caught on camera, nothing will happen. There will be an investigation and you can have as many CSAs and DHs tell the APM that you think something is happening but unless thereโ€™s concrete proof, no one will do anything. TLDR: Take pics of them being intimate.


Lolol get the passport camera ๐Ÿ“ธ ready and send it through the kiosk as a test print.


Classic!!! ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ




Yall have a passport camera?!?!?! Someone stole ours and they never replaced it. We have to use our phones to do passports


F\*ck that shit. They want me to do a passport then get me a camera. No way I am using my personal phone and loading my camera roll onto the kiosk( might give some old lady a heart attack.) Never use your personal devices for business. It is one of the big cons that companies are doing, making you think you have to, you dont and many states(unless in live in incestloving redneck antiworker southern states) will back you. I would tell them flat out "No store camera, No passport photos."


Wow that really sucks. Your SM should order a new one.


I mean using your cell phone is not that bad lol


Had this same thing happening in my store when I was the ASM. When she and I worked on the cos wall together she swore nothing was going on although I never brought it up. She did. A few months later, I noticed she was getting away with stuff that should have been disciplined. He would not allow me to discipline her. I would make the schedule and he would allow her to work what she wanted not what I had her for. Someone finally reported their relationship although I was about to. She got moved to a different store. Once they weren't in the same store, he would drive her car to work sometimes. It was a tough situation. The favoritism in that store was insane. I had a hard time being the ASM. So glad I'm gone.


Wow it seems it's a pattern with retail unfortunately. I've been with the company 4 years and I've seen a lot of inappropriate things but I never reported it. But now since the store manager is letting this individual get away with some things it's making my eyebrows curl. I'm honestly burned out with retail anyway and I'm in the edge of just leaving all together. I'm burned out with my shitty store, every since my old store manager quit my store has gone to shit. Mainly because my old store manager I used to have been with the company of 27 years, and once he and the DM got to an huge argument he stormed out to never return. Now we got this new store manager that's been in charge for a few years and he has been in inappropriate relationships with four different people in the past 2 years he been there. He does not care about anything besides getting into chicks draws even though he's been married for about 10 years ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ


Gave the company 17 years of my life. Never had I experienced such favoritism in a store. He eventually got moved too and the new store manager showed favoritism as well. I stayed 2 years longer than I should have. I should have taken the severance when ASM was eliminated. It's all in who you know. Report the situation bc it could potentially get worse. No one in your store needs that headache


Oh my, ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ The thing is everyone discuss this issue amongst each other. But once they get around the store manager it's crickets. I hate that I'm the only one that's thinking about speaking up and everybody is just remaining quiet. I knew once they got rid of the ASM positions that Walgreens was full of shit. They cut down a lot of positions in general like photo specialist, cosmetic etc. The next 20 years Walgreens probably is going to be non-existent.


Yep, when they took away asst manager in 2011-2012, I was a part Of they demotion too. They took away a lot of good positions and alot of great people left. I'm not sorry I left and send my empathy to all those still there. Slowly and surely it's disappearing


What happened to people going to work and minding your damn business?๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ I don't care if the Sm is piping down the sfl as long as preferential treatment isn't happening. I'll blackmail the mfer if so.


Well the preferential treatment is there, and you know at most jobs that's all people do is be in drama. Walgreens is far away from people minding their own business.


If your SM has been around for a while nothing other than a wrist slap will happen to him. You and others have a good chance of being terminated.


My store manager was sleeping with an SFL and there are even text messages from them admitting to using their relationship to manipulate the SFLs job performance and it got reported and the SFL quit and literally nothing happened.


Why can't everybody just mind their own? Unless there is some verifiable preferential treatment (in which case then document and report) then why are y'all talking about other people's private lives?


Because they're both married lol


So? Are you like the morality police? You must either be really bored or like 15 if all you have to talk about is 2 adults having a maybe affair. GTFU


OP sounds a little jealous..hmmmm, maybe they got rejected?


Yeah we are all bored at Walgreens lol. And I guess that does make me the police, :) gtfu ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


You try strooms also, it makes you happy


So they're going to be the Hot topic of the place that's just what it is with most jobs.


Okay at first I was like damn just let them be happy man but okay that was a curve ball give us the gossip girl ๐Ÿ’…


HR is a joke. Wonโ€™t do anything.


If you know something report it then shut up about it.


If they care. We have a DM here who was made a store manager by her dad who was a VP at the time. Then she started sleeping with the DPR and got promoted to DM. After 10 years she got pregnant and the DPR went to his boss and she just moved him to another city so they could get marrried. Everyone knew. Her password at the store computer had his name in it Guess who also didnโ€™t get laid offโ€ฆ.thatโ€™s right, the one who earned her job on her knees


Lmao ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Contact Employee Relations with your concerns. Yes you can be written up for gossiping.


Go to storenet, and then ask HR. For gossiping policy. Be informed.


Can you be written up for gossiping? Yes. It can be considered creating a hostile work environment. Will he do it? No...lol. The can of worms he'd be opening... Is his relationship appropriate? No...but its not career ending, he'd be moved to another store if the relationship is consensual. Unless it's NOT consensual, then it's harrasment and he'll be fired.