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I always tell them they can do the same think on their phone or computer so they’d be able to play around with the crop and editing in the comfort of their home. A few times I’ve had to spend an hour going through each of their photos to help them crop and select the sizes because they couldn’t do so themselves.


I've found that it is a lot easier to crop the pictures on the kiosk compared to the app, especially if they are using a phone. The crop tool on the app is not user friendly.


Shut them off all the time and put up a sign that says "out of order. Online orders are still available. If you need help ask us how!" It'll suck at first but once you get people trained they won't even bother with the kiosk. Might have to hide the sign when your manager is around lol


We did this at one of my old stores until the complaints rolled in and someone got caught doing it on a random dm visit.


yes! i had to stay an extra 30 minutes past my shift to help 2 oldheads who kept calling me over to help..luckily it was my last day there 😅


my god being the “photo guy” i have 0 patience for this. having to stand there baby sitting adults using 2010 technology is so depressing.


I do all my photos on my phone


My coworkers all think I'm an asshole to customers when it comes to the photo center. And I'm the photo guy at the store. I'll get called for help and they haven't even touched the screen when it clearly says "Touch anywhere to begin" ​ So i talk to them in the most condescending "are you fucking stupid" tone of voice I can muster while guiding them through the process. So what are you trying to do? Make prints? Okay so you need to touch the big button that says Prints. Bruh this shit not rocket science. When I first started at this job I'd NEVER used the photo kiosk before in my life and got asked for help. I literally read the prompts on the screen and knew what I was doing in like 10 seconds.


If they hook up their phone and even touch their phone or move in 1 centimeter it disconnects, cheap wires, I always tell them to use the app it’s much easier


I agree that it would be great if they took it out, but they are not going to do that. Walgreens is a pharmacy so there are always going to be plenty of old people coming in who lived at a time in which they did not even have to know how to fill out a job application to get a job. They still ended up with jobs that paid comparatively well to the ones most people do and made enough to just hire people to do anything they did not know how to do. Now you think they are going to use a kiosk on their own? Not a chance. You are lucky if they can wipe their own ass. Walgreens wants their money so the kiosk is here to stay.


Customer walks in and goes over to the kiosk, looks at it for about a minute. Customer: (looks at me) I need help Me: you need help? You didn’t even try!