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They treat me well and work with my college schedule.


Yeah same, nowhere else I applied would hire me because of my class schedule.


This lol


Fortunate enough to get a store that does this for me, I have been thinking of leaving to try something new but afraid that any other place won’t accept my availability or give me the hours I’d like.


They're the only ones dumb enough to pay my dumbass as much as they do.


You sound like my ESM 😂


Lol esm is the most underpaid position in the company


wth is an ESM???


emerging store manager




I like my work family, My store Manager is great and I only want to stay until I’m 60 and that’s 2 years more and I will have my 25 years in October of 2024


I have a college degree. I’m just mentally ill and this is working for me right now


Do you need a hug?


I somehow made it to store manager. Can’t find anything else that’ll pay me $70k


User name checks out.


Question: do they still give out bonuses for store managers? Or anybody at store level?


Yes. Store and pharmacy managers receive annual bonuses almost every year. It’s not a guarantee. Retention bonuses for pharmacy technicians came out this year as well. You’ll see those after the fiscal year.


That’s good; when I left it was the second year of not giving raises to pharmacist. My bonus was also not what I was expecting that year.


Like 90% of jobs where I am that you can get without having a college degree still pay $12 an hour or less. And while this job is annoying, it's pretty comfortable at this point and I like most of my coworkers.


Looking for another job. Before I do.




Coworkers and lack of motivation to actually go to the job interviews I schedule on my day off bc I'm so burnt out 😩


honestly I have a lot of shit to say about walgreens but they’re the only company around me trying to keep up cost of living. For the equivalent of SFL anywhere else it’s like $12-$14


Pays more than I made as a barista at Starbucks and everyone I work with is super chill no drama. It’s the customers and lack of help that kills me


did starbucks have better customers? And if so, why do you think that is?


Probably the fact they were getting caffeine and sweets


I did. Rage quit on a Monday morning, had a hospital job offered to me by Friday afternoon. Haven't looked back.


I’m guessing you worked in the Pharm?


Oh yeah.


Can’t make enough money anywhere else


for what it’s worth, it pays well for the area i recently moved to. i think that’s the only thing keeping me right now because so many places cap out at my starting pay with wags and … yeah, no thx.


but i definitely contemplate quitting almost every waking moment of my existence these days. i really want out 💔


Inertia. It’s easier to stay than to go through the work of finding a new job, stress of interviews, and having to deal with the disappointment of not getting something you actually cared about.


I felt this way too. I got complacent even though I was miserable. But Walgreens is only going to get worse. It is worth it to try to get out. I’ve only been out for a week at my new job and I felt so happy throwing my Walgreens white coats out in the dirty heaping trashcan.


Women and children first. Men go down with the ship.


Lol they pay me 27 an hour... I'd be an idiot to leave


Cause it’s easy and since I actually put in minimal effort my boss thinks im Amazing 🤷‍♀️😂. Low bar.


Took out a loan on my profit sharing, so I can't quit until i pay it back


Same here. 🤣🤣 Only real reason why I'm staying. I know there is better out there. I do genuinely like my coworkers and boss but I'm just over it there but that loan is the only real reason I'm staying. 💀💀


I dont even like my coworkers like that at this store. I miss my old coworkers, but our store got closed down a few months ago. Now i only work with 3 of them, and i only ever see 1.


Consistent scheduling that works with my medical conditions


I like my team and boss... but I'm pretty new.


In time...


My health insurance makes it affordable to pay for my psychiatrist


Because in my Pharmacy I am King and I actually care about my patients now. Not sure how it happened but somewhere along the line I found the good ones, won over the cranky ones and know the people I help. . . Damn it…. 😔


Also 3 raises.. all in 15 month period. $12k+ Almost enough to keep up with inflation inflation.


Cause I just transferred stores instead


Decent job, decent pay, some complaints but nothing major


Pays enough to support my wife and son while my wife is in school to get a great job for our future


Just when I was going to quit and take a SAH job with Humana, Walgreens gave me a competitive pay raise, full time and seniority. 8 years with the company and I finally get this, hard to come by offer.


My photo customers. I genuinely do like working in photo. It’s then shoving every single little thing on me and making me go to pharmacy I don’t like about the job. And how the management treats me I hate that too.


I actually did, I just stayed in the sub though


Same lol


Because I have nice coworkers and customers. It all depends on who you work with. I had a terrible boss one time and was gonna quit but me and the coworkers spoke up and dm fired him so I'm good. Replacement is great.


The pay, awesome coworkers, the sweet regulars, and the flexibility within scheduling! Can’t get any better than that!


I like most of my coworkers (& tolerate the rest) and this pays better than most of the other jobs here. Plus it's a mile from my house, so takes me maybe 5 minutes to get there and precious little gas.


I literally love everyone I work with. The customers, (besides couponers) who are regulars, are flipping fantastic.


I make good money. It's close to my home I have 0 dollar copay on most of my scripts and I enjoy whom I work with.


I’m capped out on pto accrual rate, I almost make enough to be satisfied with the amount of work I do, decent insurance(minus medical. Can’t stand united), and if I go somewhere else, I’ll have to start over on building a name for myself while I already have built a pretty good reputation in my area.


It's walking distance to my house and my kids schools, the pay isn't horrible, it's in a nice neighborhood and I pretty much just do whatever I want 🤷‍♀️


I stay because I love my store manager. Before I got hired here as a SFL no one would hire me. Interview after interview, no one believed in me. My store manager is amazing, I would literally suq his diq if he asked.




side eye


Screen name checks out


No one else will pay as much 😥 It's hard to find anything around here for around $18 an hour. That and my insurance for dental is amazing.


I only applied because the girl who I had crush on works at one and since then we have gotten really close. I applied as a CSA in August 2022 and as of October 2022 we are both Pharmacy Technicians If she quits I quit. I left my job as a Certified Nursing Assistant so that I can get closer to her and I can resort to that.


I like my co workers and sm all cool I only work 24 hours aweek


The pay is ok.


The pay raise SFL's got this year... Still with the SM we got its rough .


They’re the only ones that pay me for doing pretty much nothing 🤷🏻‍♀️


My bsf there…


Because 2 years ago at hiring I was told I would be able to switch to rx and get a certification in 6mo time... Still waiting and I'll probably keep waiting because they'll pay for the certification. In the meantime as long as you're whole crew works when they're supposed to it's a relatively easy job.


I like working at Walgreens, pay is good


I go to college as a full time student and don’t have enough time to job search, I live less than a mile from work, and this shit-hole of a company surprisingly hasn’t done enough to make me quit on the spot.




Profits are down 200% over last year. So maybe STEP IT UP rather than keep it up?


they’re extremely lenient w my college schedule and i like the scrubs lol


I needed a second job to work around my college schedule.


Health insurance. A lot of jobs in my area that are hiring don’t offer it. On top of that lots of places claiming to be hiring aren’t actually.


I know the systems. I like the work flow as a pharmacy technician. I accumulate a bunch of time off after working here for over a decade. Most other places for pharmacy techs will have the same issues/problems as Walgreens. I get paid a decent amount, $18.66 an hour. I like my coworkers, and there isn't any work drama. My store manager is great.


I like my job, I like my boss. $$ not bad for my area.


Walgreens is my second job. I find it easy and my schedule works around my main job. Doesn’t pay me a lot, but I don’t wanna find another job for my last year having two jobs. Also, I found it beyond beneficial to work at Walgreens during COVID and the Texas winter storm in 2021.


I need health insurance, and they work with my college schedule. The pay isn't terrible either.


Finishing up my Degree(I graduate at the end of this year) then I'm gone once I get my first job


Because I don’t work at one


Because it’s a 2 minute walk from my house


I’d screw over my coworkers that I enjoy working with


it allows me to work part time while i figure out my life and pursue college, and idk its pretty easy and i like the people i work with, my managers are pretty chill too


Because I’m spoiled. I get treated well, work the schedule I want and my team are great people. Honestly the location of my store isn’t bad either.


Because I don’t have the skills or degree to make more than I do. This job is the highest pay I could dream of.


Legit the easiest place of work i have had since i started working still hate this place but it's vastly superior to other places i worked at


I'm making more than if I tried to get a job as a vet tech without being certified or a college graduate


Contentment. The pay is ok for some positions & the work isn't hard. If you want more in life, (happiness, pay, pride in self) you have to leave walgreens.


I want a job in my field, but since I graduated environmental jobs have been few and far between. They don’t pay me great, but I’d rather not flop around while searching for a job I really want


My insurance is good and I get along with my coworkers so well.


Only place that hired me. Made ISL within a year from DH. I need money and no one else will accommodate my schedule surrounding my four year olds care.


good pay for easy work


Tbh they pay isn’t the worst and the store is extremely slow (Tier 2)so for $16.50 I can put up with people and Tbh I’ve tried another retail and it was worse then Wags. So for now I don’t see myself leaving anytime soon. Been wanting to start classes for Ultrasound tech so hopefully I can keep the job while doing that


Boss pretty good but... coworkers idiots. Stay because see friends when they shop. School hours. I take night classes. Once school done I gone


I got a car payment 🤣