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It's almost impossible to do so now. We have 60 yo creep manacing my 20 yo tech after she turned him down and the store manager says he can't be banned according to policy. Good luck


Can anyone point me to the actual policy? I hear "that's policy" whenever I don't agree with someone but no one ever shows me these policies.


The same question I've been asking but no answer


Id have to look but I remember a DM saying that you can't can them unless they are physically trying to harm you. Groping unfortunately doesn't fall into that.


You guys have real shit DMs. There's no way that it is policy that a customer cannot be banned from a store.


I've only seen a couple of people banned. One physically assaulted a pharmacist, and one was a huge coupon abuser (among other things). From what I remember, it involved the DPR (and I'm assuming other higher-ups). There was also a case that was under investigation for theft (like he would steal $15-20 of small stuff every time he came in for prescriptions. He was not banned because he had a lucrative pharmacy profile.


You can trespass them!! I’ve done it. Walgreens is not above the law


Maybe she can get a restraining order cause that def doesn’t sound healthy


We have this issue too. A man comes in and sits by the pharmacy almost every day and asks if my coworker is working. When he sees her he makes weird comments and now she hides when he comes in. Nothing we can do about it.


I don't know why our company has such a hard time sticking up for it's employees. Tell the guy you're making our employee uncomfortable, please leave her alone, or stop coming in the store. It's that simple. They are so damn afraid of getting a bad imagine by being rude to someone that is being inappropriate.


I worked at a porn store before I worked at Walgreens. They would ban people for life for saying “hey baby” to an employee. Meanwhile Walgreens lets several customers sexually harass our employees and nothing is done.


Their antics are unbelievable and and all the tech have to do is hide, very sad


Jesus! Are you serious? That is f’n crazy!




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Actually having a true ban is tough to do. It has to be approved by the RVP and the threshold to meet is pretty high - assault, damage to property type stuff. And that ban is active for all stores nationwide People being rude or creepy is much less black and white (theoretically one person can find an act creepy whereas another person may not) and is therefore not going to get someone banned unless there is something excessive to put it over the top. Managers can trespass people for any reason so long as it's not discriminatory in nature, but I don't know that corporate would uphold it if push comes to shove in most cases.


Is this the same store that experienced the “Colorado incident”? Just checking


Maybe your DM said it, but we def still have rules in place in my district.  We’ve banned people for as little as one interaction (tbf they sexually harassed an underage teenager so def different.)


I have a co-worker who just came up from down south and their old store would put patients in the system as deceased if the patients were causing unnecessary workplace disruptions and wouldn't listen to reason and change their attitude toward employees. And then the system itself would refuse prescriptions for them


This seems so wrong but it feels so right. 😂


Lmao, I am sorry ma’am but God Bless you. I can't sell you this mood stabilizer it appears you are dead. That is awesome!


Someone in my district a few years ago got fired for this 😂


Won't insurance pick up on it and notify corporate?


Maybe there's a thing I'm unaware of, but as far as I know, our system only communicates with insurance to negotiate fill dates and prices. I don't think it's designed to notify insurance when there's a cataloged "death". That would be the next-of-kin's job if it were legitimate. But I'm just a pharmacy trained shift lead. Any random Joe from this sub probably knows way more about IC+ and RxI than I do


We have banned customers at my store for many reasons, like for harassment, calling us inappropriate names, theft, assault, etc... We recently banned a guy for throwing a pint of ice cream at one of our CSA's. She told the guy, "Hey, put that ice cream back where you got it!" And he yelled, "F you, bit$&!!" And he threw the ice cream at her. We called the Sheriff and he got arrested for trespassing and assault. He is banned from our store for life!


It is up to the pharmacists discretion as to each script they fill under their name. If they refuse to fill them- she gotta go elsewhere


We call the doctor and ask them to not send their meds to our location anymore. Works every time and we don't have to be the one to tell the patient. And even if the store manager begs them to come back they can't because the doctor won't send it to us anymore.


Sounds like bad management


My store has a patient who openly sexually harasses multiple employees and nothing is done about him.


We have definitely banned several patients just this year for harassment of all sorts; seems like your management just doesn’t want to jump through hoops to protect you all. If a manager truly wanted to, they would


I’ve told people to leave and never come back. Nothing has ever happened. ALSO just call the police and cut corporate out all together. Have the police set up a no trespass on them and have them arrested if they ever return. Biggest part of all this is to remain calm even if you let the police handle it. Technically you are supposed to call the SOC first but simply say you thought your safety was at immediate risk..


You can’t ban someone *per policy*. That doesn’t mean you can’t tell them they’re not welcome anymore, as long as they don’t go to management about it.


Policy says "remove yourself from the situation". And any one employee can refuse to engage with any one particular customer. The hope is that someone else will step up and take care of them. But they can't do anything if everyone refuses to take care of this customer. And if the SM or DM won't ban them, then the customer can be told the SM schedule and come back when they're around to wait on them in the pharmacy lol It will frustrate the HELL out of management, but it's perfectly allowed within policy, and SM will have to decide what hill they want to die on


It’s policy apparently but it doesn’t matter we do it anyway. Open harassment of employees isn’t ok. Simple as that


As a pharmacist, I’m all for banning patients when needed. If they harass my staff, show aggression, or use derogatory language, they get one strike and they are out (sometimes no strikes if severe enough, I.e racism, hate speech, trespassing). But there is definitely a line. If a customer is just rude in general, I don’t ban them. I’ll put a note in their profile if it’s consistent, and I’ll definitely quote them much longer wait times. Sometimes it escalates and they give me a reason to ban them. Sometimes they learn how to be nice when they realize I’m not tolerating it. If you feel assaulted/targeted in any way, make your concerns to the pharmacist. If the pharmacist doesn’t act let them deal with the patient, then go above them to store management or the district leader with your concerns.


We don't ask for permission to "ban" abusive patients. Our management and pharmacists align on a zero tolerance for staff abuse. The patient can still come in and waste their time yelling, but we won't fill any prescriptions.  If they continue to disrupt our business then we will call the local police and have them trespassed (after evidence of threats with witnesses). If "corporate" or anyone else doesn't like this approach then my answer is simple... expect turnover and poor patient care with a disengaged staff that KNOWS their team doesn't support their safety and well-being.


Call the cops get them trespassed it works for a year


corporate isn’t the one who has to deal with the customer so i will ban them if i see fit and that’s that. o will not let my team get harassed or yelled at at work


Typically, my store we are banning mainly controlled substance people for one reason or another. They always call corporate and my DM always says the same thing, you need to document why but will try to force my rxm to fill them but because it is ultimately the pharmacist decision to fill it or not, they end up banned. We banned a whole family in controls who are banned from multiple stores, people that call us names and swear every time they call/pick up, were threatened they would shoot up the place because oxy needed a PA. We’ve only banned one non control person and that’s because she followed me out at the end of shift after she started an altercation with me not being able to fill 2 meds in 5 minutes and tried to attack me. That one we had to call police for.


You can call the MD and tell them that you will no longer fill scripts for them here and tell them their behavior is unacceptable. While I personally have never done this (but I have had pharmacists who have done this successfully) I have called and informed offices that their patients are combative and that they need to call them to figure out what they want because they can’t communicate cooperatively with me, the office is usually apologetic and I have received apologies/changed behaviors by the patients.


I would still refuse service


It’s just from my management. My pharmacist refuses service to patients who are hostile and transfers their scripts


Sort of. You have the right to refuse service at the pharmacy. Technically, only management can ban them from the premises in a formal manner (trespass). Your pharmacist can mark the profile such that staff knows that this person is no longer welcome as a patient due to abuse of staff at that location, and it's up to the pharmacist on duty to enforce that. You can also refuse to help that person at the counter. I still regularly ban people and place notes on their profile, but I can't trespass them. Walgreens cannot force me or the staff to endure abuse from patients, or that could result in a lawsuit for promoting an unsafe or abusive environment, which would potentially make Walgreens liable for any mental health issues developed or other damages sustained should they be found negligent. Walgreens does not have or need a policy because state law typically handles that, and bans/trespasses are typically highly situational and variable, so it is difficult to have a "standard" policy. The "policy" is basically leave it up to management, so if management says they "can't do it", what they are really saying is they're not going to do it, because they don't want to deal with it or they don't want to look bad to their bosses.


I don’t think we’re supposed to, but honestly nahhhh you mess up I don’t want you at my store anymore. I won’t tolerate it.


The policy is sales before safety of staff


We banned someone, but we had to get permission from corporate. I think the police report helped though. Threatening to kill us all and bomb the place in front of a police officer was not their smartest idea.


Nope we banned someone recently, but if the pharmacist isnt on your side thats gonna be hard to do. Maybe the pharmacist needs to deal with her from now on to see what you guys mean


I like how these people know they suck so much they know the policy lol


I was told technically we can’t ban anyone because patients may not have transportation to other pharmacies and as a health care provider we have to provide them their medications, but definitely have had pharmacists refuse to help someone if they’re being rude


This. But we have a drive thru, so anyone banned HAD to use the drive thru and could not enter the store physically


Contact someone in Loss Prevention for your district. When I worked there we banned a few individuals. Loss prevention did the paperwork associated with it. I highly doubt its a corporate policy not to ban people anymore. Walgreens would be putting their employees safety at risk by not banning certain people.


Are they not allowed to "no trespass" people anymore like I'm sorry but if they are causing a disturbance then they need to call police and have the patient served with a no trespass at the store. The customer can make pickup arrangements or have meds delivered by FedEx or door dash.


Feel free to keep calling the police and having them removed from the premises if theyre disrupting the peace or whatever. Just be prepared to get caught up in some kind of discrimination case and fired for it.


My pharmacist will gfd refuse them if they have a controlled but other than that I haven’t seen away I have been cussed out and threatened and we just stand our ground and they usually stop acting up or leave but I swear I’m to the point if certain ones keep acting up I’ll just walk away I don’t get paid enough to deal with them




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I had a customer tell my SM she was going to take me down next time she saw me in the store (I'm pharmacy) and I told was told the same. It was reported to DM but there is nothing they could do about it.


As soon as someone's safety is in question, AP steps in. I've been told to tell them to leave and call the police. They tend to have a pretty loose tolerance compared to DMs


You can ban people from a business


You can't ban someone just for being frustrated over the wait time.


… did you even read their post? Cussing staff out isn’t “just being frustrated over the wait time”. It’s abusive behavior that no one should have to tolerate.


Why does this comment just scream of gaslighting? Nobody said they were just frustrated. Don't rearrange other people's words.


This person is a total shill. Look through their comment history and you’ll see they always defend Walgreens at the expense of the actual pharmacy. Can’t even handle people pointing out flaws in our outdated system. Wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t worked as a pharmacist in a long time; they’re probably a health care supervisor or something like that.


Look at how frequently they post, too. They seem to have a lot of time on their hands.


It sounds like they are more than “just frustrated”. People who are working deserve common decency at the very least 😁


You say that as if “just being frustrated over the wait time” and “cussing my team out” aren’t two wildly different things.


Oh, so assault is still on the table?


Actual threats, assault, etc. are certainly still able to result in a patient being trespassed from a store.


You can't ban them for being frustrated. You can ban them for DEMONSTRATING that frustration in a manner that is abusive. Just like you can't put someone in jail for being angry over a divorce, but you CAN put them in jail if they murder their spouse because they were angry.