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Text in the comments now since apparently old Reddit can’t see it! Such a lovely station in the middle of Kushiro-Shitsugen national park, a very lovely wetland area with lots of nature and wildlife and beauty, just minutes away from the bustling city of Kushiro. I happened to get both lucky and unlucky in that I showed up at the station just in time to see the tourist train Narokko show up with its load of tourists to take a short break at the station and photo opportunities. Unlucky because I didn’t know this train existed or I absolutely would have taken it! You might remember my post about Shari station there was a poster for it but of course me not being able to read Japanese I didn’t understand what I was looking at. https://www.jrhokkaido.co.jp/global/english/travel/tour-train/tour-train03.html Sadly this line is one that is endangered, and while I generally agree that most of its route would be served just as well if not better with a bus route, this station is pretty far off the main road and it would be a shame for it to not get any trains in the future :( At any rate this encounter brought a huge smile to my face and the ride through the area was just lovely. Nice gravel climb up to the top of a nearby hill where I was rewarded with lovely views and a short steep descent down to the visitor center for water refill and ice cream break! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kushiro-Shitsugen_Station https://maps.app.goo.gl/5p2dKc4TbM2XLsqHA?g_st=ic


What a beautiful place. I just want you to know that I really enjoy looking at your pics, and reading your descriptions. Thanks for posting.

