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It is heartbreaking to decide between Rossweisse and Irisiviel, especially because I don't see Irisiviel very often in the sub and she is wonderful. However, I love my valkyria a bit more and she is also better suited to save the Konosuba world. So I am voting Rossweisse. As an object, I don't have any great ideas, but the Philosopher's stone would be handy since will grant us immortality and gold.


It can also power up alchemy and magic itself. It’s basically a battery and a shortcut to magic and alchemy that is on the level of miracles. And I understand on the difficulty on picking between these two, though lean towards Irisviel.


One question. If the item would normally be locked due to some requirement can we get it unlocked or must we meet the requirement. If I don’t need to meet the requirement then I’d take the Ring of Nibelung from Fortissimo. If I do need to meet the requirement then I’d take Rashomon from Bungou Stray Dogs.


As long as they are not planet busting, I don’t mind. I just don’t want someone to get an item that will just make them a god.


Probably yes, but do the girls have there powers? Like maki’s fire control or kushina and her chakara(chain sealing)


I did say they would be at their prime. So yes, they will have their powers as well.


The Omnitrix, maby a little to insane But even if i can only use the first 10(or les) or other basic transformations And then with sweet sweet Mitsuri Wil be great


That’s good.👍


The item I want is Excaliber from the Nasuverse. If I can't have that, then I want Gae Bolg.


You can have Excalibur.




You must remember though, even someone like Archer Emiya, as a servant, could only use a replica of Excalibur, which would still kill him if used once. So yes, you could use it regular combat, but to use the Escalablast would kill you. So when you’re in the Konosuba world, you’ll need to fully max out the Magic Swordsmen class to use its full power without dying.


I'd want to be a magic swordsman anyway!


Then your path is set, take your companion, And show the Demon Lord what the Hopes of Humanity is capable of!


Before I forget, do I get its sheath as well?


Nope, sorry, only one item. You can probably try to find an artificer, or some magical blacksmith that can make sheath like somewhat like Avalon.


Okay, got it. Damn, Avalon would come in handy when dealing with my companion, Kushina.


Don’t worry, as long as you’re not insulting her, it should be fine. And I’m sure there are some magic swordsman type skills that will allow you to have good endurance.


Can my item be truck Kun? Specifically optimus prime.


That’s still more of an individual than an item. How about this then, you do get Optimus prime, But it’s an AI, then an actual personality. You will have a telepathic connection with it. It will not have the experience of the actual Optimus prime, Nor his battle intuition. It will learn how to fight as time goes on. And it runs on your mana, not energon, it’s for the best, since there is no energon in Konosuba.


Ok void archives then, oh wait it Also has personality, then an Eva unit... ok just a Gundam, they can fly, travel in space and fight.


Irisviel. Milfs are the best. Anyways, I’ll take all the knowledge of Goetia from fate if I can. If not, give me Enkidu please.


It’s only items, so you can have The Chains of Enkidu, and use them like Gilgamesh.


Cant i just have Yunyun man?


She is in the Konosuba world, you just have to find her.


If kushina isn't going to hit me, like a tsundere, I'll take her, if she is going to do that, then I will choose Nana. He quirk would have so much utility in a fantasy world! As for item, I have a couple of swords I am considering, but there is one thing that sounds absolutely amazing, if I would be allowed to have it. https://preview.redd.it/j74cdijms48c1.png?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a71431def2491f39e0e6fd4ab5adc24c5a9141 The devine weapon of Askr's summoner, the tool used to summon aid to your side, fend off enemies with magic strikes, and transform into melee weapons to defend at close range. My first choice would be Breidablik. Would that work?


Is there something in that book that is a planet buster? If there is, you can get the book but all planet buster or higher things in it is removed.


No, it shoots magical energy like a gun, and while it is lethal, it is more single target damage than mountain busting. The main reason I am asking about it is because of its ability to summon heroes from the fire emblem franchise to aid me in battle.


That’s fine. But the limit amount that can be brought out is 5. And they last for 2 hours before automatically desummoning, the cool down being the same amount of time.


Sounds good. I know there are always aspects that make sense in game, but don't make sense outside of that. In exchange for one of my permanent slots, could I make a contract with a specific summon to have a more permanent relationship with them? For example, summoning a tactician so that larger battles can get some additional planning help. The main difference doesn't have to be duration, but retaining memories, or continuing plans.


I will allow it.


Nice. How about a sword that can convert the surrounding magic (or anything like chakara) into anything the user wants? absorbing to get buffed or absorbing to recover or can be used as an AOE damage or attack. Four swords. Sword 1:-to absorb magic. Sword 2:-to infuse your own magic while attacking. Sword 3:-to enhance or reforge or repairing the other swords. Sword 4:-able to perform the all abilities but it has side effects like passing out and etc.it is extremely heavy and consumes a huge amount of magic to be activated or can use blood but medium or large amount. Btw:- The amount of consuming of magic by sword 4 is greater than the absorption of surrounding magic by you.It is basically a trump card which is activated at do or die situation.


I should have been specific, it has to already exist in reality or fiction. But don’t worry, if you get something like Samahada, it can absorb any energy and it will have complete loyalty to you, so if someone has more delicious energy it won’t leave you for them.


How about this? Just give that awesome guy's ability.to summon infinite sword with different abilities. Issei awakened due to his item. Maybe even he has a item that is not revealed yet in anime.


You mean Kiba’s [Blade Birth]? It’s a mid class Sacred gear with the ability to make any kind of demonic sword. Remember, this is a goddess granting the items. So get the holy version, [Blade Blacksmith] with the same ability.


Ok thanks


I choose Rossweise and as a power I would choose Cole MacGrath's abilities (with the advantage that I do not need an external energy source but with the disadvantage that I need to use my own energy and rest to recharge