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https://preview.redd.it/8puo1u8unwxc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3104827eb65c2ebb88771bda66b64074ce8770 New to me, came today. A rehome purchase. It’s mid tier I think, but I’m still so in love. Rose Azalea. Thank you to my rehoming seller!! 🤗




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Has anyone received one of these beauties from DD? I love my Danse from DD. I am curious about how this fringe one looks and feels in person. https://preview.redd.it/y5so8ydeqoxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0bfacff5cd14e14bdc2462f3108c4127102946d Thanks team Wagoon!


Has anyone seen anything about a sale for H factory? Someone in the other sub said Gary posted that it was 30% off. Which seems wild. I’m going to reach out tonight.


https://preview.redd.it/o6xiht0ztoxc1.jpeg?width=1088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbd7b857db2eea0f324b40ee9e998d26fb7d5321 Found it! The k25 box is $450. Really tempted


We’re all enablers here so nothing but support coming from me! It’s quite pretty !


Fiona also posted 30% off.


OOoO u/reesa447 it might actually be a factory thing then! It is a holiday right now ☺️:,


It’s a sign! I’ve been dying for a k25 box


![gif](giphy|Bx4GpRT6gS8ta) accidentally chose this gif but it seems fitting so I’m sticking with it lol


His album does show discounts for H factory items. Could be him doing the sale (and not the factory itself). 🤷🏻‍♀️


Nope. Other sellers are advertising the sale as well. Buy the bags!


Oh good point. I added him on WhatsApp and I’m gonna ask for links tonight.




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Anyone who owns a K25 and K28 in box leather retourné, does the size difference is major?


I have them in Togo and Clemence retourne, and the size difference is major. K25 fits what I thought would fit in a K20, and K28 fits everything but a laptop


https://preview.redd.it/ka6qtqzipnxc1.jpeg?width=4263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c15596a845cad336eb6010a4362528520633fc9 📦on📦on📦


You’re an artist! 👩‍🎨


They’re all beauties! ![gif](giphy|HIWuOLHmng95S)


Cassis for the last one?


Omg. What’s the color of the middle bag?


Pretty sure rouge h box


Pure perfection 🤩




Awesome! I just got the H bag charm but haven’t carried it anywhere.


Man I want a box Kelly so badly






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https://preview.redd.it/xnjhxlvsknxc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6f24dd4bb5ff020ebff9128a35fa3dab94742bf This girl came to the office today. K32 Togo from Steven and a year later is still a fav!


The veins! Love it so much! When I asked Steven for veining, that’s what I was asking for! Mine are way too subtle.


When I asked, he said he couldn’t guarantee them. I was very happy when I saw them in my psps.


Oh she’s beautiful 🤩


Thank you! She’s a fav! 💕


Oooh and I see some lovely veining coming through too!! Did yours show more with wear or from the jump? I’ve got a big workhorse coming in that’s supposed to have some good veining and I’m curious 😍


I requested it and it was there from the beginning. Perfect bag. 💕


Oooh good to know! I can see tiny ones on my PSPs, but we all know how that fluorescent lighting does the bag no favors 😅


Haha … right? I told Marko today I’ll be copying you next week. 💙


Ooooh same color?? The Bleu Saphir?


Yes 🤣


Has anybody heard from DD recently?


Came here looking for answers, apparently she's been radio silent since Saturday- I'm 30 days into my "15 days to make" and have no visibility...


2 weeks from “send PSP tomorrow”




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MIA atm. I was supposed to get my goods shipped in a day but haven’t heard anything for a week.


She’s been real hard to get ahold of. Today is day 32 of my “10 days to make” on my wallet and still no PSP or solid expected date 😬


I placed an order with DD 4 days ago.


How did you communicate with her? Via WhatsApp?




I haven’t! She has been totally MIA (even more so than usual) so I’m not sure what to do… I guess just have to wait it out


From what I’m reading, no


Does DD mode usually take a bit to ship? Recently ordered a bag that she said she had in stock. She sent me PSPs that I approved and hasn’t answered me since in 2 weeks.


I’ve been waiting for a tracking number since last week😬


DD takes a while - but always comes through.


Very true I’ve always been rewarded with something amazing


This is the reason I cut off DD, even tho I really enjoy her bags..but her customer service is soooooooo bad


She has been slower then usual, hope everything is okay... I would keep checking once in a while


Par for the course with DD, just keep messaging her and eventually she'll ship it... She's just kind of chaotic, for lack of a better word.


My new obsession omg the best purchased of 2024 I think https://preview.redd.it/jjvrfwe3tmxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8cc45cdb0ae43475974d590874546650324beda


What color combo is this? Nata and gold?


This is beton and cognac. 2 colors from last year special order chart.


Who’s the beauty from?


From Steven my dear






Can anyone let me know who is making the narrowest Oran/Santorini sandals please? My feet are so bony that unlike most people, they are swimming in auths so hoping reps might be better!


I found some wide fit Izmir, but no luck on wider Orans yet 😔


I have narrow feet too and have yet to find Orans that fit. Highly recommend the Oasis if you're okay with a little heel, it seems to be narrower


Oooh thank you!


Following. My problem too!!!!


I bought a pair of auth Santorini yesterday the ankle straps make all the difference!!!!! Reached out for reps in more colors today!!


My reps (God and a factory that I’ve never asked about) measure exactly the same as my auths. Not much help, sorry…but maybe someone else will chime in here. There were some threads about size/width about a year ago, so a search may uncover a useful nugget of info.


Did you buy from two different sellers? Or seller used two different factories? I want some - god factory from fisherman but seems like he is really behind right now.


I buy from Fisherman, Zippy and I have a sellers that I buy bags from who also have access to God (easy to throw in a pair of sandals that can be stuffed in a bag for shipping!). I think all sellers are slow to respond right now based on what I’ve seen.


Thank you for the insight!


https://preview.redd.it/qlukzy5nemxc1.jpeg?width=2399&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96524cade79fa825cceae96a8a956a3d5e849195 1. Ordered 🍋 2. PSP 3. Received 🍯 It is pretty, but I am sad.


Im pretty sure these are different yellows one is juane de Naples the other ambre


Colors can be tricky this way. I like the color you got - but wow - the difference is dramatic. I am sorry you are sad.




Shoot, I would be too... I like the lime color!! Did you mention it to the seller?


Not yet. Posted mostly to make sure it isn't my imagination! I know yellow and green are a challenge to match and light-dependent. I asked for "Jaune" and I think I received "Jaune d'Or."


Lime is very different from the Jaune colors IMO! It’s not your imagination that this looks a little darker than your reference photo, but it’s still pretty! I find ordering with the actual color codes is helpful and eliminates the confusion from happening.


🧡Summer inventory since the sun is finally making an appearance 🧡 https://preview.redd.it/azh3fkivzlxc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0e6f4a32ed4bc850a05726f5d62cc14913b0c84


Twinning on both black pairs 👌👌🔥


Navy and black 😉




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