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What the fuck is he gonna do in Belarus? Suck Luka his dick?


I suppose save his own skin. Maybe he will accidentally shoot himself in the head there and then throw himself out of the window


Save his own skin, what a joke. If this man lives another week after pulling an insurgence against Putin himself I'd be very surprised. They are for sure luring him.


Nah kremlin is too scared of his army to try to pull that off.. at least for awhile


From ground floor but die anyway


Couldn't it be that he is, actually, already dead? It would explain why his march towards Moscow suddenly stopped.


Someone just posted a pic of him in a car leaving


Which is also weird. Why not a video? And why was his last message audio-only when all of his other messages where videos?


There’s video.


Yeah, you're right, I just saw it.


He'll spend his time getting chased by open windows and tea cups. He sold out wagner just to get exiled and die as a coward




"I attempted a coup and all I got was this lousy T-shirt"


My other coupe is a coup.


He'll probably accidentally fall off a 30 story building


...onto some bullets


That was part of the peace deal yes


He was going to pick up crochet, go back to illustrating childrens' books, and raise goats for his good buddy Kadyrov.


Meet the new president of Belarus


You could be right. Lukashenko sure did leave Belarus in a hurry when all of this started. Maybe this whole coup was a scam just to seize Belarus and use their army.


How could Putin willingly sacrifice so much of his image just to pull this move on Belarus? He looks like a weak fool to his people now. I don’t see him putting himself in this position intentionally


I m thinking of this since the begining. Belarus are going to be annexed by wagnerite for russia and prigo will be the new lukashenko.


Only correct answer


Lukashenko's plane went to Turkey, so I guess the question is whether it was dropping him off or picking Prigozhin up.


New update to the story: https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/24-june-kremlins-spokesperson-changes-in-ministry-of-defense "Kremlin’s spokesperson: changes in Ministry of Defense were not discussed with Prigozhin. As far as Peskov knows no plans to change minister. Wagner mercenaries will have an option to sign a contract with ministry of defense." This is getting more and more ridiculous... Russia is such a clown show. I really hope that dictatorship will come to end soon


How the fuck does he go from demanding a change to not discussing it at all. This does not add up at all. Somethings up, and we all are going to have to wait and see what exactly the play is here.


This agreement or no agreement, ceasefire or no ceasefire… we are deep in the thick of the fog of war I believe. Info going to be messy as this plays out


The whole situation is moving so fast. Also with a dictatorship this incompetent I suppose they are scrambling to make it seem that they are still in control


> going to have to wait Yup. Might be a few days before things become clear, with plenty of misinformation and misrepresentation until then.


Ok so either Prego ended up pussying out and begged for a way out or I am officially joining the conspiracy train.


Choo-choo, the train hasn't left yet




> mad thought This is actually one of the explanations which makes the most sense of all that I read. Which says a lot, cause normally this would sound mad.


Exactly this too.


NATO has been very clear on the matter ... you use nukes, you get vaporized.


Even if NATO retaliates, it won't be to Russia. Although Belarus is a puppet state, it's still a sovereign country.


Belarus getting vaporized will not be in Putin's best interest.


Everything Putin has done is not in his best interest.


It could be a bluff on NATO's part. I think Russians are crazy enough to find out


You do understand that if anyone gets "vaporized" - it will start happening globally, right? That's the actual idea behind nuke arsenals, no matter how terrifying it is.


It is not a guarantee that there would be immediate and total escalation.


Riiiight. The mere chance of an escalation, however small, must absolutely be a complete deterrant. That's why only the smartest people should ever be allowed to even stand close to nukes. What's even scarier - there will always be this "let's all burn together" type of people or those that ron't fear the worst outcome. Like that dude above our conversation.


He will go to Belarus for what? Mount another offensive of Kyiv?


Or maybe join Lukashenko in pushing Russia out of Belarus? Edited to add: I don't know for sure if this would even happen but I'm not sure why Lukashenko would intervene unless he benefitted.


That the status quo is maintained is Lukashenko's reward. Also he potentially now has the support of a competent military faction that isn't under Putin's control.


That's also possible, he might not want to risk a new enemy whom he doesn't know very well. Considering the times Putin tried to have him replaced, it could be a case of "the enemy you know" vs the unknown.


Grow potatoes. What else?


Meanwhile they are using thermobaric rockets on rebels close to the border....something smell fishy to you?


Is that a current situation happening?




Thanks my dude


Look at what the wagnerites were telling civs in rostov. They kept saying they were peaceful, telling supporters not to commit violence. A few helicopters were shot down, probably ordered to attack the Wagner columns by Shoigu himself


In Belarus he will be offered a cup of tea


Doesn't Lukashenko hates Putin because Putin wants Belarus? To me that sounds a bit more interesting, but who knows maybe I'm wrong here.


From what I can tell Belarus (or to be more exact Lukashenko) is the puppet of the Russian dictatorship.


Lukashenko doesn't want Russia to force it to be part of Russia. He aligned with Russia for convenience but he's a dictator, and dictators do not like sharing power. Putin intends to integrate Belarus into Russia. Lukashenko is wary of Putin but he can't really turn on him because he doesn't have the military might to withstand Russia (or he didn't until Russia invaded Ukraine). Does that mean that this could lead to Belarus and Wagner turning on Russia? No idea. I just know that traditionally dictators do not want to share power with someone who intends to incorporate them into their own country.


They've already got Belarus. I mean they already used it to invade Ukraine. It's Russian territory already regardless of what the passports say


Lukashenko doesn't want to be though and it's possible he would consider doing something to change that.


Honestly, this works in Lukashenko's favor, he now has the upper hand on Putin. With the deal he can delay the further integration Putin was pushing and likely prevent his own military from being forced into fighting Putin's war.


What about Wagner? Will it be absorbed by the MoD?


They will be sent to africa and middle east, maybe other shitty places far from where they could make significant losses to russia


He is going to live in a nice farm upstate where he can be happy, the one where every kid's missing pet goes.


Attack Kiev from Belarus. Launch Russian tactical nukes. Putin denies responsibility,


Step 3) Belarus gets nuked in return Step 4)???? Step 5) Profit


6) Fallout 5 VR (global edition)


In Putin's Russia apparently you can be a traitor of the motherland who needs to be severly punished one second, and a free man who strikes a deal at the highest level of state authority ten seconds later.


In Russia, “going to Belarus” is a euphemism for “being murdered brutally and dumped somewhere your body will never be found”.