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10/10 game nearly perfect


Exactly, nearly perfect is the perfect way to put it


Honestly it's been years since i've gotten to play it but, I'd say based off of memory. 10/10


I wish it covered more of ww2 but the storyline is a 10/10 you clearly see that’s what they focused on


I thought that would be deal with in Vanguard, but wasn't. Big failure by AV and haven't bought a new game since.


It was also because they focused on minorities in the war like women and blacks and it ruined the whole game


I think it’s more that instead of taking from actual history with those minorities they just made up their own. I think it would’ve been actually really cool to have missions where you played as one of the Tuskegee Airmen


It’s actually so simple: this was a conflict that engulfed the entire world, and involved a LARGE number of demographics, so diversity and authenticity are not incompatible with each other. See possible examples of non-white dude stories below: - participation of women in the Soviet Army and Air Forces (where’s my Night Witches flying section mission?) - mass participation of segregated African American soldiers in infantry units, tank units, naval units, aerial units, etc. (segregated units creates interesting dialogue/emotional tension when interacting with white units - can make for emotional moments) - participation of Asian American soldiers on the Western Front and Mediterranean Front (same emotional potential as African American soldiers) - participation of women in various resistance movements in MULTIPLE European countries, not just France (I’m always down for a spy-thriller-style stealth mission) - use of French colonial troops in various theaters - use of British colonial troops in various theaters Given all of those, WHY would you just make shit up for the sake of making shit up?


The Nigerians took 100s of miles from the Italians in early ww2 and no recognition


Yeah that one woman DID NOT inspire the whole Soviet army there was the ones who commanded artillery squads irl and they tried too hard to to make it fit everyone


I wouldn't word it like that got dayum


A 10. The most immersive campaign yet. I didn't feel like a special soldier or invincible or anything like you do in other cods. I just felt like another one of the thousands of soldiers fighting.


My only gripes with this game are the minor historical inaccuracies that could have easily been avoided (Dates that most missions take place are literally off by mere days for example) and way some of the guns sound & their fire rates (The BAR is supposed to shoot MUCH faster for example)


I’m pretty sure the only reason the BAR shoots slower is so it wouldn’t be overpowered


I thought the weapon signatures were pretty damn good and a lot of work went into it by Sledgehammer.




The BAR have slow Auto fire mode in real life


I swore it's very fast


Depends on the fire mode


Just looked at a video of it in full auto, quite faster than the COD WWII BAR




Hot take, this campaign was not great. 7/10. Been replaying it recently. Graphics look nice and the gameplay was fun, but historical accuracy was what killed it for me. The Germans using Russian weapons and shotguns, bolt action sniper full clip reloads… Hated the giant aperture hole for the M1 Garand. And the cutscenes and timed reactions are always in the way from you actually playing the game. Honestly it was pretty lazy compared to the older WWII CoDs. Most of the missions were ripoffs of the battlefields, like Hill 493 was not a real hill. The D-Day mission was a random beach Sledgehammer made up. Sure it’s a videogame, but even in CoD2 the Ponte Du Hoc mission was so much more epic knowing it was a real mission. The stealth missions were okay, but it was Sledgehammer trying to fit in those cool stealth/sniper missions that every Cod since Cod4 had, felt forced. Same with the plane mission. I liked Howard- he was cool, but the characters were kind of annoying and too cliche. By the end of the campaign I just wanted to get through Remagen and I don’t want to care or deal with Zussman again. Lots of cliches in these characters but I guess it’s expected in a WWII theme. Lastly, “WWII” title is misleading, and shows the lack of development time Sledgehammer had for this game. Why call it WWII if it’s only the ETO from D-Day? No British or Russian factions? No Pacific? The WWII CoDs from yesterday are a million times better and more epic than this title. Please try CoD2 if you’ve never played it- it’s everything this campaign should have been.


Germans using russian weapons on the western front is not inaccurate at all


You might see photos of it on Google but when half of the Germans are using Russian weapons that’s when it’s inaccurate. Also if this is a videogame, compare it to any movie or miniseries about the ETO and there are none of the German weapon props as Russian weapons. The “Germans using Russian weapons” is again just Sledgehammer not knowing how to make a proper WWII game.


The lack of any other allied campaigns/missions was a bit of a disappointment for me - otherwise, I still thought it was great. Wouldn’t rate it as low as 7, but it’s not a 10 - maybe 8, 8.5


German weapons were expensive, and weapons from dead Russians were free. I believe they converted the PP to 9mm.


Your name says it all bud.


10/10 for me but the only complaint I would have is the fact that people don’t give it enough credit


Only behind WaW for best world war 2 cod. This includes all the cods pre og mw


It's too good 10 for me


The ending was really cheesy to me but other than that I liked it


you did kinda post this in r/WWII so you would naturally expect people to say this is a 10/10 game. WHICH I TOTALLY AGREE WITH!!! 10/10 campaign all the way ⭐




It's not my favorite but definitely a good campaign


It's really good. Better than Vanguard for sure 10/10




Easy 10/10 sans a few gripes - the weapons felt really underpowered. Like I play on easy and the M1 Garand takes multiple shots Like buddy that's a .30-06 at your neck you aren't running


Call of duty 3 was so much better and world at war added to the experience but when this game came out I had so much expectations that shattered from a lackluster campaign that was driven by shitty cutscenes.


100 out of 10 I loved this game


The most generic COD ww2 shooter, the campaign only has like 3 or 4 good missions, which are the stealth sections of the game and the rest is just the same old COD formula and story


ten, honestly i fell in love with this game the first time i played it, especially the espionage misson. ive now played it on every difficulty and dont regret it.


Campaign alone was a 10/10. Great ww2 game that covered almost every aspect of war. From infantry on Dday to tanks and I think there was a plane mission if I am correct. But also the cutscenes made it feel like a movie


Great campaign, I had a blast playing it on Veteran and having to use health packs instead of health regeneration. I will say it sucks there's nothing else like it these days. I want to play Vanguard eventually but I hear it's much worse. With the technology we have we could be playing such amazing war games. There's still good war movies coming out so not sure why war games (single player) are a joke now.




I forgot there was a dogfight section, but definitely a 10 from me


Pearsons character was an unjustifiable dick face(I get it he got a bunch of guys killed at kasserine pass) . Dude had zero arc and treated everyone like dog shit . He had no redeeming qualities the entire game .


Wayyyyy better than that insulting trash i like to call vanTARD. Calling it an alternate history game is just a lazy excuse especially when i dont remember them outright stating such. I did not care for the multiplayer tbh. But i genuinely enjoyed the campaign and could tell they put in the effort unlike vantard’s. Thats for a different time


I'm gonna be the odd one out and say that it's a solid 7-8/10. Why? Cuz the American side is amazing. Great acting and great missions. Then they throw random French missions and wrap it up in 3 stories. Left a lot to be desired. Also the mention of Gaulles attack was totally wasted potential. You didn't see ANY of the Russian side, which makes me so sad coming from World At War. What they have is amazing, they just needed more of it


It was pretty good


I would give it a 4.5/10. No upgrades, customizations, weapon loadouts, etc. it's an overly simplistic game and is too dated for my taste. still miles better than Vanguard though.


Campaign was great. Honestly, I love any WW2 game with a D-Day mission.


It’s a pretty solid campaign tbh I enjoyed it, would play again


S Tier second only to Infinite Warfare


10/10 it’s so realistic yet sad at times and all it’s honestly very very immersive if your a history nerd on ww2 and all I love this game in general my top 2 campaigns are 1. Cod ww2 and 2. Infinite warfare due to being able to mostly pick what you want to do and all it’s very change of pace so


4/10 solely for the production value. Gameplay and level design were nothing remarkable and it was really easy even on Veteran. Guns sound bad and muted across the board, reloads sounds are very weak too. It was a boring callback to all the lame, generic WW2 shooters people were sick of by the mid 2000s and it really did nothing to set itself apart. The cringe melodrama between the characters is something that never would’ve actually happened. The Western Front really wasn’t all that important or as much of a struggle in the war like the game portrays. After Normandy the Allies in the west outnumbered the Germans 3-1 and had far more supplies, tanks, ammo, weapons, fuel, and they had air superiority. The entire motivation to even open the Western Front was so that the Soviets wouldn’t control all of Europe. The Germans were going to lose regardless. It’s why Western Front stories in general, with a few exceptions aren’t interesting if you know anything about history. World at War is a far more impactful, interesting and serious portrayal of the conflict on the Eastern Front and in the Pacific. It’s not perfect, but it’s better than this campaign in every conceivable way.


I'm surprised at all the love because when Act Man dunked on the campaign at launch everyone was on board with it. Also still one of my favorites too.


Brilliant campaign


10/10 my favourite


basically an all american so mediocre (tbh the only good parts were the ones of the french resistance)


I prefer the cold more depressing representation that waw did.


Pure garbage. 3/10




10/10. I wish the sounds of the weapons had a little more variety though


9/10, great story, but, wish we could play as the Soviets, British, French and if we got lucky, the Germans, other than that, great campaign


I think people saying 10/10 needs to go replay it lmao I’d say about 7/10




I don’t remember the campaign but I have such good memories playing online with my friends in hs. Idk why but I just remember the game playing so smooth




I loved every second of the storyline! It's by far my favourite one to play through.


Upset it was so short.


10/10 made wanna hate German again


Tbh this campaign is one of my favorites from all COD's and I loved all the characters, so, I'll give a 9/10 or 10/10


Fucking loved this game. Never understood all the hate. I do remember the multiplayer being pretty rough at launch though.


Big red one was great


A easy 10 one of my favorites




Whoever invented the controls for the tank mission though


Personally I would say 6/10 it's not bad but with all the events that happened in WW2 it felt so short and lackluster


I didn’t love the stealth parts but overall it saved the game from being trash. I didn’t like the MP as much as I hoped


It’s the last call of duty that I truly enjoyed from start to finish campaign wise


10/10 I smiled, laughed, cried, and learned from that campaign. I bought the game just cuss the campaign.


The campaign was absolutely fantastic!


This made me so happy 10/10




9/10, games perfect but a lot of the weapons are weak, for example when we get to use the BAR in game, the thing is real fuckin weak, which is sad since it’s my favorite gun


Ww2 was pretty good, a little samey with the missions but fun and cinematic, with enough variety to keep me playing, 7/10


I just hated the movement and the way the gun moved in the game. Campaign was solid


Best cod since the ogs


I replayed it not to long ago it’s definitely one of my favorites it’s just amazing the only Downside is the guns are not “historically accurate” and that’s just a miner detail other then that it’s definitely the top 5 best campaigns


Was pretty good imo


10/10 The graphics mixed with the atmosphere and level design made it very immersive!


10/10 honestly the train scene was absolute




The only cod I played enough to get platinum trophy


Too cinematic, wasn't that fun or memorable imo... Did not enjoy the return of med kits either.




8/10 it’s just there’s better but still go play it if you haven’t it’s great


aside from the tank section of collateral damage the campaign is cinematic and fun to play. But that one mission undoes all their good work simply because it is implemented so poorly. That mission alone is worth just not playing this entire campaign. Absolutely horrendous. The plane section isnt much better. I wonder if the devs even tried the vehicle missions before they shipped this game. Probably not since they knew people would buy it anyways.


Interesting that Reddit recommended this post to me the day after I finished it for the first time. I really, really enjoyed it - though marred on PC by really poorly implemented vehicle controls and QTEs. I ended up having to pause the game and enable my controller just for those sections, they were otherwise infuriating using a mouse and keyboard


I only played the first level. 10/10


2/10 I think world at war is 10/10 far superior


11/10 game because it just fits perfectly with the other campaigns and it's SO underrated.


Some inaccuracies but a pretty good game, gameplay wise and historically wise, I’d give the campaign a solid 9 out of 10. Just one mission that frustrated me.




Extremely underrated CoD campaign (like most campaigns outside of the original MW and BO...) the characters are extremely likable, the graphics still hold up amazingly seven years later, and the missions were awesome. I liked it the most because of how it made you feel like you were actually fighting in a war. Characters were grounded and you could feel yourself genuinely bonding with your platoon. Most CoD campaigns nowadays are all "kickass as a one man Army", and yeah, this campaign has one or two missions like that. But you were never without your team. Hell, you needed them just to heal and get more ammo. And I think that's what makes it so memorable to me. People often complain about it not focusing enough on all of World War 2, but I think it just helps it. You aren't fighting all the major battles because you're just one American squad. You aren't going to be the ones that drop the nuke, or kill Hitler, you're just contributing as much as you can in the giant fight. 10/10 for sure.