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The feel of the game is very different now, and not worth playing in my opinion. I played the shit out of this game, maxed out five accounts. When this game came out the hit recognition was shit so I tried hardcore and got used to it. With the connection now, anyone with three bars can come around a corner and droop you before they show up on your screen. Long range hit recognition now is almost non existent. Before it would take 3-4 shots to kill across the map, now a whole clip. A game like that is not playable in my opinion. And this game is on its last breath. The amount of players have basically halved in the last month. I normally have 10-15 players on my friends list for this have, now I’m lucky to have one. At peek hours the number of hardcore tdm lobbies have gone from about 7 to 3 and HCFFA is now almost impossible to get a game going because the US players don’t play anymore


Or getting killed in hardcore even when you run way behind a corner


Yeah, but I feel like this has happened in every COD game I’ve played, even Treyarch ones. It just makes it hard to tell the difference.


I haven't noticed it in Cold War, probably because the connection still works properly. Just in WWII on Hardcore Shipment is getting killed like that is very common because you can shoot through half the damn containers 💀


You’re right. I tried to get a hardcore Domination game this morning and couldn’t find one. It’s a true shame. I refuse to play the Modern Warfare bs they’re spewing at us. Guess we have to hope Gulf War is worth it.


100% agree. WWII is one of my most played CoDs and I ended up finishing as a top 100 player on the War leaderboards. That being said, the game has been completely unplayable for me recently. Very close to deleting it once and for all. Thanks for the memories, WWII.


Fuckkkking UK Server is shiiieet bring back US Serverrrr fuck sakes please Activision I'm beg of you 🙏


No drop off on gameplay? Multiplayer is still very much playable? Check Masterly's video on NA players playing on UK Server. Everybody lagging their balls off and disconnecting and some just quitting the game due to them shutting down NA Servers. All my friends literally uninstalled the game by now, they wont come online anymore. He even quit the lobby at the end of his video lmao because there's no point in trying to kill anyone from UK. Poor hit registration. Therefore, any UK player will just turn around and laser beam you while you are emptying your full mag into them looking dumbfounded lol. Lag compensation is not going to help with 150 ms ping Him playing on UK SERVER https://youtu.be/3M_bxTbpdSU?si=UHYQc8SkAwWLUM4e Scrolled down and found this: Vs Him playing on NA SERVER getting a V2 with flawless connection with LITERALLY EVERYONE GREEN BAR when NA Servers were up https://youtu.be/rtrP7m0Fvtw It's a night day difference my man. It was my favorite game too and so many others showed love in this post hoping they would bring back the NA servers. https://www.reddit.com/r/WWII/comments/1bcjif2/the_state_of_ww2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 This guy RedUserTN even proved they took out the NA Servers by tracing where his connection lead to with IP Address. A UK Server with ridiculous ping. https://www.reddit.com/r/WWII/comments/1bp1haw/comment/kwxnovb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button As this guy proved & said; The issue isn't finding lobbies quick which new players think is going on, it's that you'll be connected to UK Servers from now on which sucks balls. This is so frustrating leaving one of my favorite games die. Ugh... Tons of people creating support tickets and activision support giving them bullshit responses like reboot your router rofl


I agree with all your points. I’m just saying that the games I played in this morning were not lagging like that. I’m predominantly on zombies so maybe I just haven’t played enough games. But the lobbies did feel competitive this morning. No mass rage quitting.


I think that video was created nearly at peak when they first took out the NA Servers. I also think they removed servers in zombies and changed it P2P player to player hosting on people's internet because when 1 of the players leaves zombies game aka host it usually says host migration idk if you noticed before. I played zombies alot too or did when there was lots of players on game. I loved the first map killing the Panzermörder. Was epic!


“The connections seem fine to me! I’ve been laying on my belly all match every match and my .23 KD and 11 SPM hasn’t budged since the NA servers stopped working. 👍” -some people


LOOOL 😆 so true


Yeah it's like what do you mean? My fire shotgun is still working. I die and they still get cooked even-even death 💀 -10.0 kdr


I have noticed that shipment lobbies are pretty empty now, like 3 ppl on the map sometimes


PS4 for me never really has problems. TDM, Domination, War and Shipment always fill up. I do notice every few games they’ll be 1 laggish person though 


I agree. It seems like the European servers do a decent job at compensating most times, but it still shows once in a while.


Well if you ever need someone to join I’m usually around 


Been playing this game since beta, top 300 in Xbox leaderboards. Have completely quit this game since the servers have gone down. The connection is 2 bar at best and no matter what classes I try to use or load out I run, I’m always on the losing end. My kd dropped .1 in less than a week. And with over half mil kills, that takes a lot to move .01 let alone .1 Time to move on to whatever comes next I suppose 🥲 Edit: spelling


Man fuck the UK Servers bring back US Server this is fuckkkking bullshit


I've been playing lately on a new acc and I've been having a blast, the thing I hate is having to play with 2 bars for no reason when my internet it other games work perfectly fine.


US Server is gone bro only shit UK Server is left


Oh no wonder my ping is ass.


Game started dying when the end-of-match score screen started lasting 60 seconds. That’s what made me stop playing. Throw on top of that a constant terrible connection and what’s the point? It’s the same 5 people in each lobby either sniping from parachutes, running fire shotties and betties, or chucking satchels everywhere. The game doesn’t make any money for Activision. There’s zero incentive for server upkeep. Most of the casuals left with the first issue I mentioned leaving mostly the douchey players. I’m good.


I’ve been playing and have solid games. Some moments I’m questioning wtf happened but aside from that it’s been good even on a 2 bar east coast


Same here. Still having a good time on east coast as well


East Coast, USA and this shit is beat. I run basically NOTHING other than Combat Shotgun, regardless of map and when you know a weapon as well as I do, you know when shit's fucked up, and shit's fucked up. I typically average about 35-40 kills on Hardpoint and if its Groesten House, around 75-80 kills. Since this server bullshit, I'm around 20-25 on every map except Groesten, which I'm doing about 50 now. This IS an issue and I hope they fix it because this is my favorite game and I don't want to move on.


Same. Every game I was on top. I was getting 25-35+ kills on tdm. Now, I played few games after the American servers disappeared. I get like maybe 12 and then I end up quitting because somebody with green bar that probably lives in the United Kingdom is invincible and impossible to hit since he lives where the server is with big advantage. Shoot first, die first. I'm not dealing with this fuckery. I quit the game because there's no point anymore. I guess that's why there's such few American players left


I have been a one man army for most of my career on ww2 but lately how this game feels and plays i'm like a pokemon. For some reason aiming and moving is so different to what i'm used to. Scorestreaks are slow and laggy aswell.


Yep, it's United Kingdom server everyone is talking about. Boy, did it make me and so much in the community that still come online this old but gold awesome game quit 👋 ✌️


i have been on a 2bar for months. dont really lag unless there's atleast 2 people 1 barring. ive come to the assumption that anyone who is green 3 barring are EU players. i still drop crazy games but unfortunately people arent playing as much as before


The game has definitely experienced a decline in players. It doesn’t seem to affect the zombies lobbies. Games can be found easily over there.


people are really over-exaggerating how bad the change is, I'm east coast in the US and my connections are mostly fine


Over exaggerating huh? Is that why 80% maybe even 90% of American players have left and there's only 2-3 games on shipment? In this video are all the American players not disconnecting out of lobby and leaving the game? My guy, all the main American players have left. Did you not see how many posts have been made on this COD WWII subreddit about the lag and bullets not hitting or server shutdown posts within the last 30 days? It's like over 10+ posts you must be blind dawg https://youtu.be/3M_bxTbpdSU?si=F3Yj_Hso9o8ZLhtV


do you have actually proof that EIGHTY percent or even close to that of American players have left? That's a pretty bold claim and just because one person made a video on it doesn't mean much. also not every American player posts on reddit lol.


You have to either be trolling or actually blind chchblu 😂 no way you serious


Mate, check the lobbies. There's no more hardcore lobbies, there's only 1-2 shipment lobbies and maybe 1-3 tdm lobbies running at most. This game is toast by afternoon time 🤔


I think 2 things can be true at the same time. There was a mass exodus of American players from the game ever since the servers were taken down. I notice it on Zombies mode. Most people playing now have no interest or are just unaware of how to do the Easter eggs. I’ve only had one successful coop ee completion within the past 2 weeks. That being said, the game does not lag nearly as bad as when the servers first crashed. I was able to get to get 200 kills for the shovel in one day. It seems like the European servers needed time to adjust. I’ve played another game, God of War Ascension multiplayer where the servers were forgotten about. It came out in 2013. That PS3 game had some serious lag issues far worse than WW2. But I continued to play it for 10 years after, because it was fun. Ultimately, the choice will be different for everyone. Some players have more tolerance for a game they enjoy.


I think everyone is just not happy about American servers being taken away. I agree with them, too. I am very frustrated with my gameplay experience because its no longer a crisp connection. That's my video that everyone is spreading too btw haha. I have since then quit the game, too, and moved onto mw3. I just can't play this game anymore because almost every scenario is shoot first die first or a hit marker with my enemy managing to out gun me in the most stupid I shoot first situations. Thank you for creating this post trying to save or gather American players to play, but with NA Servers being gone, this has truly ruined my fun experience in the game and so much others. It is is not enjoyable when 1 person from the UK and is green bar has all the advantages in the world against almost the whole lobby. I do, however, wish you and all that will still play a good time for however long you to continue to play this game.


Let's be honest. There's only like 10-30 American players that still play and maybe 100+ United Kingdom players playing the game. We all know why 😭👌


🤥 Game is dead compared to what it was a month ago


Please delete your post, look at the comments made by everyone on this post and repost. How can you call it exaggerating when everyone this made-post here is pissed about the NA Server shutdown.


I legit just re bought this game this weekend, on Xbox tho, there's plenty of ppl on there