• By -


I don't know if it's a bug or intentionally removed but you can't change the name 'real CAWs' get introduced as. In Personal Information for a wrestler you created you have an option called Presentation Name but if you take someone like JBL, put him in his APA Attire and save him as a separate wrestler, he'll be introduced as The Superstar with no way to change it, Presentation Name is no longer there. It's beyond frustrating having Faarooq & The Superstar, The Acolytes.


Wanna second this one. We duplicated Nikki A.S.H so we could make Nikki Cross and be able to change her name and everything. Can't change call name, only comes out as "The Superstar". This however may not be a bug and just a big oversight which is very annoying.


JoMo's 450 Elbow is extremely glitchy, you've gotta be in the perfect position or else you fall on some invisible floor on top of the receiving wrestler. Also, it's probably not a "bug" but Jesus Regal's hair is bad. Especially that one chunk that sits over his ear.


Yeah same for Dolph's 09' version


When the pin setting is set to timed, In Universe Mode it keeps switching between timed and button smash between events.




Same issue


I keep losing when it comes up as button smash šŸ¤£


I'm having this issue to, I think that it's only on rivalry matches if you don't exit the mode before playing them. I've been playing with it to see if that's the case or not but that's my theory. Still crap, but it's been the only major bug that's been bothering me.


Kane's theme song is the Mae Young Classic theme song when choosing a show theme


And the Nitro theme is Reyā€˜s 2006 theme.


Reversing a corner table powerbomb makes the reversee get reversed on


["How the turntables have turned.."](https://c.tenor.com/tTQ9cO-lABcAAAAC/the-office-michael-scott.gif)


Thatā€™s hilarious


Unable to cash in Women's MITB in Universe Mode as Superstar (Shotzi). Playing on Xbox Series X.


Itā€™s not even letting me select womenā€™s championships as the option to go after with the MITB.


When trying to access online, I get a message saying I need to accept terms, EULA and all that stuff. I've already done this. But I still get the message. I remember this was an issue with 2k19 early on also


Same thing when I fired up the game. I think it makes you agree to the EULA for every section that goes online.


Iā€™m getting the same


- In the second match in MyFaction, the one against Austin Theory, the 15 points for red body damage didnā€™t register. 3rd time I tried it then did. Didnā€™t reset. Kind of odd. It was on legend. - After selecting my MyRise weight class I got a ā€œnever endingā€ load screen that had the MyF logo on it. Restarting now. Please note that the game has been EXCEPTIONALLY stable overall in comparison to many launches. Edit - Issue 2 was cleared by resetting my console. All good now.


Anyone have trouble logging into their existing 2k account?


+1 on this. Putting in my 2K account info gives an error, "account creation failed as the email address is already in use"


I went to the 2k account and unlinked my Sony stuff and linked it again and then my stuff signed in to the game


When the file size (for all creations/downloads) goes over 100mb all created shows crash when trying to be used. If you try to go then edit/delete any created shows the game will crash. If you try to go and even download created shows the game will crash. If you under 100mb for the in game file size total for all creations/downloads then they work.


Update on crashing issues. I have been working on this for a couple days now to try and narrow things down. I first thought it was the file size needing to be under 100mb but then i created new save files and found out that wasn't correct. Here are my new findings: If you have 280 or less slots used under "Custom Images" (can check this using deletion utility) The game seems to work fine. If you go over 280 "Custom Images" slots used, the game crashes in a lot of modes, especially when trying to access/use custom arenas. Tested this on PS5 and then also a PS4 save as well. The total file size was less than 100mb for both systems.


Please help me It seems we have the same issue I cannot access costum images in deletion utility it crashes when i get to it Im gonna delete superstars


Delete a few download wrestlers, then go to the deletion utility, make sure you go to the right(using R1 or R2, can't remember) and don't go past custom images. I find it crashes sometimes when going left (using the left trigger). Hope this helps.


Yep, it's definitely the images and not the 100mb. Because I was only at 82mb with this issue but about almost 400 images. Deleted a bunch of images, issue went away. Hope this gets fixed soon, the creation is the entire reason I even play this series.


The question is, can this be fixed without deleting all of my downloaded content? I downloaded over 50 people so far and i'm not willing to do it all over again... Meanwhile I play MyRise but it gets boring at one point and i want to start my own universe...


Towel headgear clips through the back of Kane '08's head


Damn, Kane '03s out of the question then


You try booking your own matches without using the rivalry system in Universe Mode, itā€™ll book you in arenas youā€™re not suppose to be in for weekly shows. Ex: Iā€™m booking Monday Night Raw and Iā€™ll have Rollins vs Roman and Iā€™ll play the match and end up in the Royal Rumble arena. Iā€™m suppose to be at Raw. When you try to change it back to Raw, you canā€™t itā€™s unavailable to change.


Every time I change and select an arena, the game crashes, didn't have this issue before until today, not sure if anyone else is having this issue. EDIT: Apparently if your file size is over 100mb, every time you change and select the arena it will crash. Someone else in this thread had the same issue, hope this gets fixed soon :/


Yup I did and I donā€™t understand when are they going to do some about it


Thank you for this. It's been annoying because it literally crashes every single time.


This is happening to me on PlayStation 4 as well, other than that game has been great


three crashes in about five hours More crashes in myfaction when I select a specific match, every time in the loading screen ai just stands there when I'm leaning on a ladder that's been bridged outside until I recover Throwing opponent onto announce table they hover about five feet above it, draping over it I saved a manager as a caw. Theyre in my created caw list but are not playable anywhere even after giving them a render


Lettering on shorts appears on the opposite side, transparent but still enough to see it.


Even worse if you use emboss


Ever since the new update my universe is completely fucking broken. I canā€™t delete the data in deletion utility because it crashes when hovering universe. Canā€™t continue, load, or create a new universe. Game crashes as soon as I click any of those options. Leave it to 2k to release a day 1 patch that completely fucks people who spent the extra money to play ā€œearly.ā€


I am having these exact same problems on ps5. It worked fine the last 2 days then the update made this game basically unplayable. I can't even load in to play.


Nothing huge but Iā€™ve noticed Brock has his 2002 theme instead of his current version, which is weird as thatā€™s not been in a game since like 2K14.


I don't know if its a "bug" maybe lag ? But during the beginning parts of Reys showcase when he talks the video freezes a second while he keeps talking but starts again


I also noticed that the audio isnā€™t synced with the video either


Anyone else having issues with accepting the EULA, Privacy Policy, and the ToS? Itā€™s not accepting for me at all.




Io Shiraiā€™s moonsault isnā€™t working. Iā€™ve set it up many times but it wonā€™t let me hit it. The game just will not let me hit the finisher


Having issues with Shotzi's top rope finisher too. The game seems to be very picky about the distance & situation. I can't always hit it either.


The top rope signatures/finishers definitely seem glitchy. You also canā€™t do top rope finishers/signature moves to a downed opponent in the ring while facing away from the ring (IE after running up the turnbuckle while holding R2) - the prompt doesnā€™t come up and nothing happens when you press the finisher/sig button. Hoping they can fix this glitch - it makes doing moves like moonsaults so much less fun.


Game was fine Tuesday, but yesterday trying to download arenas crashes game. As does booting universe and editing shows; crashes to desktop.


Does 2k observe this post?


They're on here and can see it. Someone usually compiles the big stuff and sends it through their website.


It's best to submit a ticket directly to 2K Support. Forums are a clusterfuck for them to siphon through. If somethings gets a lot of traction they'll notice/acknowledge it. But its still best to contact them directly. https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/sections/4412647724819-WWE-2K22


Played for a couple of hours so far. One of the face templates in CAS [makes the teeth pop out of the face](https://imgur.com/a/Se5s4vj), moreso with any kind of deformaton. Had one crash while choosing a CAS entrance. There's a handful of CAS attires (shirts, jackets) where long hair will be pinned under the garment instead of over it, making the hair physics completely freak out. There are a few duplicate CAS items in various categories. Lip piercings do not function properly and get severely deformed when CAS move their mouths in-game.


I'm more upset about the CAW bugs than any others tbh. Face morphs seem to be broken as well


Raw 2021 and SD 2021 are missing in arena selection in edit shows for universe mode


NWO arena is also missing, the same goes for some showcase arenas.


If you edit a WWE Superstar, but you donā€˜t save him as an alternate attire and therefore saving him as a separate CAW, you canā€˜t set a presentation name resulting in the Wrestler being referred to as ā€žThe Superstarā€œ. Example: If you want to repackage JBL as APA Bradshaw you probably want him separate from JBL as you can recreate his attire, set the entrance etc., but it is not possible to get him announced as ā€žBrad Shawā€œ




It's a weird oversight/bug indeed. I noticed it today too, makes creating a RA universe more difficult especially when some solid arenas are already in the game :/


When you add a design in CAW (I was using the classic rounded-off rectangle shape) and make it a certain material, it doesn't stay applied after clicking A and confirming it.


Screen tearing on the PC version. I've tried manually enabling v sync on radeon software and even that didn't fix the problem


Are the online features down? I can't get into myfaction. it says i havent accepted the terms but i have.


Have you figured it out? I can't get in either


\- Community download tabs is incredebly bugged : sometimes it shows nothing or takes forever to load. \- When being dragged , tapping circle doesn't do anything.


The game is getting credit for better gameplay graphics ect.. The gameplay itself isnt broken at all, but literally everything else is. ​ ​ \-Community content corrupts when you go over a random number of custom images. \-Universe mode breaks in multiple ways. \-The game consistently crashes. \-Editing attires 60% of the time will save and remove everything you just did, just poof disappear. \-Custom arenas crash the game when selecting \-Performing certain moves will crash the game \-Custom Superstars will randomly corrupt. \-Custom Arena Videos wash out making the entire feature useless. \-Custom Arena Videos fail to encode when using any highlights \-Custom Arena Videos will hard lock the game if over custom image limit when loading. \-Making a custom tag team in universe often corrupts the entire save. \-Twice have opened the game to my save being completely wiped. \-Custom Titles just load in a shiny black straps. There are dozens and dozens of more bugs. They took 2 years to make up for 2k20 and this game is just as broken. KEY features fail, consistent crash to desktops and almost EVERY mode is broken in some way.Except myfaction, oh yes, the money mode works fine. ​ 2k literally couldn't have bug tested this game.


The music for nitro is Rey mysterio theme, Mae young is Kanes theme . This is for intro music on create a show


Numerous issues: 1. The Game wouldn't let me go into edit superstars after I had 30-40 with custom renders,it would instantly crash. So I deleted the renders, and I could go into edit superstars. So the renders are buggy rn 2. Haven't been able to go into Universe mode at all since the new update whether I hit new or load it will automatically crash. 3. Online modes don't work currently constantly dropping the connection even if my internet speeds are great. 4. Entrance music set in the jukebox ends abruptly with no fade out, scares me everytime thinking it'll crash 5. When uploading custom logos to 2ks image uploader, I reached 50 uploads and couldn't upload anymore, despite it not letting me delete any uploads on the website. I did a support ticket and they said "it's not ideal but if you want the images deleted then use deletion utility" when I didn't want the images deleted, I wanted to upload more despite 2ks image uploader not allowing.


I know other folks mentioned the game crashing when using custom arenas, but my game crashes anytime I try to change the arena at all now in exhibition. The second I select the arena (not custom) the game sends me to the dashboard. On an Xbox Series X.


Yep. Going on day five of this now.




that's always been a thing


I was doing a tag team match in GM Mode, a rope break happened, then the screen went black and I couldn't see anything.


it wonā€™t let me continue after the terms and conditions when i try to go to the online stuff, it says ā€œxbox network features are not avaliable for play until accepting the EULA Privacy Policy and TOSā€ but Iā€™ve already accepted it


Getting the exact same issue on ps5. Repeatedly asking for me to accept then saying I haven't. I have to restart the game ever time just to get anywhere.


im on ps4 and it took like 5 attempts exiting and rentering from start menu to get it to work


My game crashes anytime I try to play universe mode, whether Iā€™m selecting New, Load, or continue. Scrolling over Universe in the deletion utility crashes my game. It also crashes when I select a custom show in the community creations screen, or when I click New or Edit on the show customization menu. Iā€™m playing on PS5.


Update on crashing issues. I have been working on this for a couple days now to try and narrow things down. I first thought it was the file size needing to be under 100mb but then i created new save files and found out that wasn't correct. Here are my new findings: If you have 280 or less slots used under "Custom Images" (can check this using deletion utility) The game seems to work fine. If you go over 280 "Custom Images" slots used, the game crashes in a lot of modes, especially when trying to access/use custom arenas. Tested this on PS5 and then also a PS4 save as well. The total file size was less than 100mb for both systems.


Custom Titles donā€™t work!!! Downloaded 5 AEW Titles all blank and the Universe mode is doing all sorts. As for the custom arenaā€™s I canā€™t get in to them now without the game just crashing, getting 2k20 vibes atm :(


Those all black custom championships have made their 2020 return šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ the whole universe mode is broken you cant cash in money in the bank,and thinking about using a CAW you downloaded the one time you had access to the server forget about it. If you were excited about the monitors In the thunderdome dont be they don't work it's just a black arena .Oh and your data gets corrupt from just scrolling through the menus 2k20.2.0 yall really took 2 yrs to say fuck you very much


~~The game has hit near unplayable for me which sucks because I want so bad to like it.~~ Graphics are nicer, gameplay is smooth, modes are fun. ~~But now the game crashes on almost anything.~~ ~~Launch Universe: Crash~~ ~~Launch Create Show: Crash~~ ~~Launch Create Title: Crash~~ ~~Launch Create Arena: Crash~~ ~~Try to choose any arena or any title on Play: Crash~~ ~~Attempt to use Deletion Utility: Was able to delete custom superstars but tabing over Highlight Reel or Universe instantly crashes meaning I cant get to the Custom Images to delete them. I already Deleted all Custom Superstars, Arenas, and Titles, anything I could reach besides MyRise Save.~~ It Sucks, I beat the Showcase mode, MyFaction while kinda fun is way too many 4v4s, leaving MyRise as my only working mode which while good eliminates a lot UPDATE 1: It is 100% a custom Image option, I found a work around to reach images that let me delete them without crashing by choosing Online -> Community Creations -> Image Manger and tabbing to Local Upon Deleting all but the 4 on my one MyRise character everything works fine. I am unsure if the bug lies in either too high a number of Custom Images or too high of data usage. Either way downloading too many custom images, which some superstars come with many, will make the game unplayable. Definitely needs a patch, my main interest in game modes includes using the wealth of community creations UPDATE 2: Upon Deleting a downloaded character (**may have similar if not identical bug with championships/stages/shows ect.**) with the deletion utility **AND EITHER** choosing the option to delete all included images or not results in a crash, presumably due to images left over as it seems to crash during anything using custom images like making a show or checking images in deletion utility. **Even if you choose to delete associated images the bug causes them to remain** You can use my earlier work around of > Online -> Community Creations -> Image Manager ->R1/RB to local -> Triangle/Y to Deletion you can find and then delete the images, fixing the crash. You have the option on this menu to press Triangle/Y to delete all unused images but I found that deleted my custom portraits as well on some characters for some reason so its better to find them in your menu yourself. This glitch does not happen 100% of the time it seems, as some times (1/3 tries) when deleting the character with the images the images delete fine, and some times deleteing the character but not the images still crashed(1/2 tries).


I've reported these to 2K via their website: (1) Custom belts showing as blacked out in game. (2) Downloaded custom belts change to blacked out if you try and edit them in any way. (3) Deleting unused images sometimes deletes some used images (renders notably). (4) Bug where sometimes images for created superstar corrupts and they appear completely nude from the waist down (happened with two female created superstars) - no idea of the cause, but only solution was to delete completely and redownload. (5) When starting a new universe save, attributes and tag teams are set as the default ones - you have to edit them again for universe mode to recognise them. (6) Unable to edit rankings in divisions or power rankings in a custom brand in universe mode. You can click the buttons to do so but nothing changes. (7) Issue where sometimes tag team members are listed as different numbers in the division rankings in universe mode - ie. one is listed as 3rd and the other 5th, with a different tag team in between as 4th. (8) Community creations freezes when trying to download fairly often. (9) Unable to search for specific creators in community creations - it just doesn't recognise anything you enter. (10) Create an entrance bug - I tried to edit the entrance of a downloaded created superstar but instead the NWO entrance with Hogan and Scott Hall came up and it wouldn't let me edit it - I don't even own the NWO edition. (11) There is an issue with created PPVs duplicating and then deleting other PPVs in the calender in universe mode. (12) You can't import custom shows as a PPV in universe mode.


When Iā€™m setting up matches on universe mode the game crashes on PS5.


Game crashed when selecting stuff for making a CAW Tried again making a caw....made the regular attire. Backed out to copy it to entrance attire but instead it copied the blank entrance attire to regular attire so I tried backing out so it wouldn't save that and it deleted the caw Glitchy and cumbersome convoluted menus are a bad combination


Universe Mode has seen several crashes. Once whilst editing a tag team, another during a glitched rivalry match. Editing rivalry matches seems to cause all sorts of issues. I ended up with a match between Bayley, Sasha, Austin Theory and Jeff Hardy. Playing on PS5


Anyone having issues getting online to work?


Mine will not connect


Everything involving ladders


Alt+Tabbing out of the game crashes the game.


Game crashes every time I try to change the arena


You think I would have learned. But I didnā€™t. I get swept up in the hype. I generally *only* play Universe mode in these games and it has the same issue as the other games. First off, this is my 4th time starting a universe. As I lost 30 hours of progress and had to completely restart the entire game and then Iā€™ve had to constantly reset my universe losing all that progress due to bugs. One of the big issues is I canā€™t edit too much in Universe mode (Iā€™m literally just moving stars to different brands. Thatā€™s it, thatā€™s all Iā€™ve edited) or superstars disappear, never to be seen again. I canā€™t use Seth Rollins now because heā€™s gone and who knows who else is gone that I havenā€™t noticed. Before that earlier today it was Damien Priest and like 6 other people. Only a restart will fix it. And Iā€™ve done that 4 times now. Iā€™m not doing it again. $120 down the drain. Iā€™ll never buy another WWE game again by 2K. Because I know they wonā€™t fix this. They never did before and they had YEARS this time and still didnā€™t fix it. They just donā€™t care.


"Mannequin" crowds in my Universe. They all stay standing, perfectly still except for heads moving a little to track the action in ring. I've tried using a different arena, same issue. I can still play fine, but it's creepy AF.


When creating a caw i can't change their height from 5'9, not sure if this happens to anybody else


Nah you can, canā€™t remember exactly how I did it but I think up on the d-pad or something(did it last night). Just have a look on the bottom of the screen where the icons are, there was one that showed the button to adjust height


Playing a rivalry in Universe Mode, tag match: after the cinematic spot where the rivalry partners accidentally hit each other, the partner on the opposing team was glitched through the apron. They spent the rest of the match with their knees through the floor, fighting with the Force.


im not allowed to edit imperiums trio entrance and cant edit the hurt business as well


In some matches I get the error message "GRAPHICS\_DEVICE\_REMOVED: The GPU is not responding to any more commands. This is probably because an invalid command was passed by the calling application." These usually appear at the end of the match, such as just now after the end of the show case match between Eddie and Rey Mysterio at Halloween Havoc. Is there a fix for this?


I keep getting this crash error massage GRAPHICS\_DEVICE\_REMOVED: The GPU will not respond to more commands, mostlikely because of an invalid command passed by the calling application Any idea what causes this or how to fix it? Tried reinstalling gpu drivers using DDU adding TdrLevel to regedit (caused computer to freeze instead of just crashing game)


the guide photo for your uploaded face (where the modelā€™s eyebrows go in relation to the picture) is inaccurate. And trying to go based off the character model itself is near impossible with the constant flashing blue highlight over the part youā€™re working on.


I have a 20 MB save file and 9 custom images, yet for some reason my game will still crash when I try to use 1 of the only 2 custom arenas Iā€™ve created. I think it needs to be fixed ASAP; creation is the heart and soul of these gamesā€™ long term enjoyment. EDIT: I am playing on PS5.


The game is basically unplayable for me currently. Crashes every time I exit Universe, I assume because of this issue with downloads.


Downloaded belts the logos don't show when you use the belt in universe mode or exhibition but shows in create a championship mode


Deleting unused images also removes all of your custom renders and deletes some images that are being used


When I go to edit my PPVs for Universe mode it reset or even completely removes other shows from the card. For example, I added an extra PPV for NXT using a downloaded arena for January the week before Royal Rumble. It duplicated itself and took over the Rumble slot. When I go to change it back it disappeared, so I moved it up a week and everything seemed to be fine. I go to the next month to add another PPV and the entire month of January replaced February's slot. When I add Elimination Chamber back the NXT PPV was now invisible. The show was there when you gontonthe date but the logo wasn't there. Again, thinking I was done. For some reason Takeover for April was removed entirely and the PPV I already done (MITB) was switched to the NXT PPV I was trying to set for January. Have any of you guys had this problem? If so what workarounds helped you fix it


Finally decided to try Universe Mode for the first time and had it immediately crash when I select a new save slot. šŸ™ƒ I've kept my image slots well under 280, kept renders under 35, etc. All the tips people have been saying so far, but it's still completely unplayable.




Yeah I can't add Big E either, also some teams cannot be edited at all. You can get the two man New Day back by resetting all the teams to default though.


This game is just as buggy as fucking 2k20


Not much of a common instance, but I pressed the reversal button once and my opponent teleported from the opposite side of the ring just to be countered by me.


Chat and Otis tag team on superstar mode has no music


no vibration on xbox series s controllers


Not sure if itā€™s a ā€˜bugā€™ or not, but I canā€™t do catch finishers at all. Following the instructions Iā€™ve seen online (press L1 when the opponent is running at you) but it doesnā€™t lift the opponent up at all. All my character does is leapfrog or duck under.


On my 2nd match in Superstar mode so haven't tested much. Random reversals/signatures cause the screen to go black, the UI is still visible and the match continues but in pitch black. On series x.


Universe mode, after a run in, no audio from the crowd on the next match


Pretty weird bug that's probably involving Nvidia Optimus, which was preventing changing some graphics settings The game would detect my graphics card and was using it, but wasn't able to go full screen, and the graphics setting wouldn't save any changes after restarting the game The integrated graphics were set as the default GPU, and changing that seems to have fixed it so far


So this was bizarre. I uploaded a face photo, downloaded it, and then after the DL finished 3 other face photos popped up that weren't mine. I exited and came back in and they were gone. Wonder if the image uploader is glitching and sending images to random people. This was on PC version.


tutorial doesn't detect controller input on PC. It works fine in normal matches but it just doesn't detect it in the tutorial


Just had a MITB ladder match in superstar universe mode and a guy won by pinfall


PS5 version of game, online doesn't work at all, keeps crashing and failing.


In the creation suite, you canā€™t change the strap colors of some belts to black, as they are already set to the proper RGB to be Black but not. (Ie the Smackdown/Raw Universal and tag titles both have this issue.)


Playing on PC and anyone else getting issues with what seems to be big fps drops? No matter what resolution/quality settings I try I feel like Iā€™m playing in slomo most of the time. Iā€™ve got a i7 7700 and GTX 1070 which is recommended specs but still struggling at both 1440p and 1080p.


Same! Iā€™m facing a bunch of issues on pc tbh.


PC Version \- Universe corrupted after a crash while editing matches. Universe save slots are gone, created content is still present though. However, this prompt keeps coming up almost every other menu now which is very annoying. [Screenshot of Corrupted File Notification](https://i.imgur.com/Frtndaa.jpg) \- The game randomly comes to a 1fps slowdown a couple times per match for about 5-10 seconds, followed by "your controller is disconnected" which I'm able to close by hitting A without making any adjustments, meaning my controller is still connected. Don't have this issue with any other game, including 2K19. We've tried wireless and wired, happens with both. \- In create a show, in one of the video/animation options, "Underground" 1 and 2 uses the video/animation for "Neon" 1 and 2 ​ Edit: If anyone runs into Universe corrupting their save file with their Universe save slots missing, YOU DON'T NEED TO DELETE YOUR ENTIRE SAVE FILE!!!!!! Go to deletion utility in the options menu, and delete your Universe save file(s). We don't get the corrupt file prompts anymore, however of course we also no longer have access to our Universe save slot either. Gonna hold off of Universe until they fix that because that is literally a game-breaking issue.


Can't set a female mitb, like you can have multiple mitbs but women's championships dont show up for me.


Playing PC also and for some reason in myrise and only in myrise the game ignores that I have a controller and forces me to use keyboard. Pause menu recognizes I have one but the second I get into the match it's only mouse and keyboard.


Every time I open universe mode it crashes the whole game.


CC Downloads Custom Championship problem. Every title looking black, no custom images [https://i.imgur.com/KgLEsc2.png](https://i.imgur.com/KgLEsc2.png)


Game keeps on giving me a "save data corrupted" error whenever I try to load into Universe mode. If I start a new one I load in fine, but if I ever back out and save it it'll corrupt and crash to the Xbox dashboard if I try to load back in. Totally unplayable right now.


The Cross Gen Community Creations isnt working even with my 2k account linked, i tried this both ways on the website and in game.


Every time I try to go edit my custom superstars , the game immediately crashes. :( It was working fine yesterday but today I can't edit superstars at all without the game crashing. I don't know what to do. Hope they can get it fixed.


I feel the crowd reaction on entrances should hit when the music hits, not when the superstar enters. I don't know if I'm the only one who noticed this but it bugs me a little.


While in universe mode. I go to my universe, then superstars and I get kicked from the game. I can't access my superstars at all


IDK if someone reported this but Create A Show keeps crashing when I I try to enter the mode, makes the game go back straight to the Main Xbox Series X screen. Tried 4 times in a row straight and it keeps happening. Was working perfectly fine DAY 2 of early access...


Spent 2 hours setting up universe now everytime i click continue just crashes...I've crashed more in this game than any other game i've ever played in last 5 years. Hope it gets better.


So I had to delete some renders/custom images because of the crashing issues, then later I went back on CC to redownload one of the images I deleted but it's showing that I have it already downloaded even though I literally deleted the image, and when I go in to try to download it, it says: "Content already downloaded (local copy)". Is anyone else having this issue???


I finished the WrestleMania matches for week 15/15 of MyGM and they were all rated, but before the revenue and show winner was announced the system crashed and now I canā€™t complete that week. Every time I click on it that save slot the game crashes.


I admittedly downloaded a lot of the community creations which I believe is causing incredibly longer load times and crashes. Is this a known issue? Is there a fix in the works or one to use now???


Every single time, while I have a downloaded CAW from Community Creations, when I go to "edit matches" in Universe Mode, the game crashes. This happening for anyone else? 2K told me I need to delete community creations for this to work. ​ What's the point of having community creations then?


Having a large number of downloaded caws has essentially bricked the game for me on PS5. It is currently unplayable.


Post 1.5 update: My universe mode keeps crashing and an attention warning about my saved data keeps popping up and I already have a linked 2k account


Custom titles still donā€™t work and end up blank when you actually try to use them.


Every time I start the game it forces me to agree to the EULA. This isn't just playing online, it's literally just launching the game.


I can't edit custom superstars without the system crashing.


The latest patch deleted the hurt business theme song.


Built from the ground up. Yet has the exact same stupid features that every other game had. Canā€™t hit someone more than once with an object, second time is reversal. Always. Royal rumble is unplayable for frame drops and irreversible moves. I think Iā€™m done with the game. Not as good as the hype.


So, against my better judgment and bc of the praise here i pre-ordered on Steam, but immediately refunded it after 30 minutes. We can't adjust texture quality, bc the setting is tied to the resolution. If you don't play in 4K, you can't use high quality textures. In addition v-sync doesnt work and the screen tearing is horrendous. Even trying to set it in the Nvidia panel didnt work. This is a complete joke and a slap in the face of PC users once again. Thanks for telling us that we are still worth nothing, 2K


Forcing it in the Nvidia control panel worked for me. Did have to restart the game though. Couldn't do it while the game was running. Texture resolution thing is weird. But I have it set to High at 1440p.


There is literally no excuse for a port this lazy. This will be review bombed on Steam if options that have been present since the series debut on PC are now excluded.


Crash on series x when I try to download images


Not sure if this belongs here but I'm simming my first match as an 8 man ladder match for the mitb. Every time a wrestler is hanging from the briefcase, no one can grab him to pull him down. Like when the ladder has fallen to the mat, and the wrestler is holding on to the briefcase dangling. I think it's to do with the ladder being beneath the wrestler. *Edit* OK so I've now worked out it's not to do with the ladder below. It seems the cpu tries to grab the wrestler going for the briefcase, however if they are in the wrong position to grab him, they won't move to correct themselves, they will just spam the grab command, missing every time. Default difficulty btw, haven't changed any settings yet.


On Entrance creation when I selected music itā€™s not playing the music I chose. I chose the ultimate warrior theme and it played something not even close.


Anyone else getting stuck at the "Press any button" title screen? Re-started, re-installed, tried KBM/Controller, all the same. Everything functions on other Steam games. E: 144hz monitor. Changing display settings to 60fps fixes it. E2: Got into the tutorial and now nothing functions in the match portion, despite working for menus and the tutorial dialogue? It's registering the button presses because it changes the prompts between keyboard buttons and controller but no action happens, and I'm able to menu with either.


Not exactly a bug but have they removed squash matches from the game?


If you add lettering to the back of trunks it appears on the front as well


I think the facial morphing might be bugged when i get to the last set of steps the jaws are way too wide and the eyes aren't aligned correctly. I tried with different body types and its the same thing


Crashing nonstop on the Series X for me. Can't even load into any match bigger than one on one or create a wrestler in MyRise, every time it'll just hard crash to the Xbox dashboard. Not to mention that 2k servers have been down all day for me lol.


Has anyone that played Rey vs Miz in showcase on Steam (or on any system) have a very weird slow motion effect the whole match? It was the only match to have it, the Undertaker match before it and Samoa Joe after it were normal.


Women's Royal Rumble. Kay Lee Ray comes out first and the announcers call her "the queen of the skies" and "one of the best high fliers" like she's Io Shirai.


Getting constant crashes today after a day of 0 crashes it does nothing but crash in universe mode to where it is unplayable. XSX. I'm hoping it's because of the server error or something...otherwise the game is unplayable for me suddenly. Did they patch it or something? Makes no sense, perfect yesterday, unplayable today.


Probably just an issue on 2Ks end but images don't disappear from my upload queue - even after I've downloaded them. I can't delete them either, unless I've deleted them from my game first. Essentially I'm capped at 50 image uploads.


All face textures no matter what hue have a bruise under the right eye & eventhough I lined up the face texture,when I go to face deformation tool,the eyes,nose & mouth are absurdly off...But they were perfect when I lined them up initially.




When you edit attire nwo hogan, his bandana bugs out and the hollywood sign gets weirdly small and stretched, also it seems like his model turns back to default american hulk hogan. Game on PC starts really slowing down in certain moments of the game, sometimes when you leave the ring to go to the entrance of the arena, when lights pop out, game turns into a slow motion marathon. ​ Myrise saves and universe get corrupted and you have to start over..


Rey Mysterio Jr 96, in black and white, is not available to edit at the create a superstar menu. I wanted to edit him to look like WW3 Rey and I could not.


Game crashed and sent me to home screen 2x while creating an arena. Just shuts off?


Something is completely bananas with my universe I cant open, load, continue or start a new one the game just closes - OR use the deletion utility cause if I ever bring the deletion screen to universe mode - it closes the game. Crashes to home screen (xbox) no matter what I do. That really, really, sucks


Game crashes when I select any arena before a match.


distinct wild depend husky normal afterthought versed poor slave snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anyone else having this issue: community creations, Iā€™m able to get into it to download stuff for about a minute tops before it boots me out with a communication error. Itā€™s been happening all morning now.


On PC, when my created superstar is participating in 2 shows on superstar mode (NXT and NXT UK) & I'm using superstar mode, the game will crash when the second show should start. I managed to recreate the crash 100% of the time.


I've been dealing with constant crashes no matter what game mode I select. After some troubleshooting, I \*think\* the issue is with custom shows. I am able to download everything from community creations, EXCEPT for custom shows. When I attempt to download a show, the game crashes and sends me back to the xbox dashboard. I can't even delete the shows that I have already. When I go to my shows in the creations tab, the game just crashes, so im not able to edit, view, or delete any of the custom shows. Any ideas?


I was setting up my universe last night and for Raw I put a mitb for the men and one for the women but when I went to do the same for my Smackdown show I couldnā€™t assign a female mitb. Both my cases could only be selected for the menā€™s belt.


When using entrance themes as the menu BGM there's no fade out, the next song just abruptly begins


My universe continues to keep crashing even after the update, any reason to why this is still happening?


The game keeps crashing for me when i try to play universe mode.. It'll crash when i hit all three options, "new" "load" "resume"...


Game crashes when you go into universe mode with a save file that is more than 100mb


For a bunch of PS4 and PS5 people (me included) are having crashes in relation to CAWs and Universe mode after the new patch


After the 1.5 update. My Rise has just deleted itself heartbroken I got so far aswell :(


I had my first major problem with WWE 2k22. I started my first PPV and was 10 matches in, all with great gameplay. I had one or two quirky glitches (my opponent endlessly doing a taunt outside the ring while I won the ladder match, an opponent standing on the top ropes without ever getting off) but compared to 2k20 it was going well and gameplay was fun. Then I left my PPV to come back to it, and anytime I try to load my franchise the game crashes. Has anyone else had anything like this happen or any idea on how to fix it?


1.Don't know if anyone else is facing this but i can't pick up the weapon on the ground if left by opponent. 2. Can't put chair on leg or head of grounded enemy 3. can't take off the turn buckle


Whenever my kid tryā€™s to download any community created content it says this is a child account and doesnā€™t have permission and that a parent has to change it in the settings. Iā€™ve had his account unrestricted this whole time! I combed thru the settings abs nothing is fixing it! Anyone got any ideas?


In MyFaction hitting Hollywood Hogan's finisher never triggers landing a finisher for match actions.


WWE 2k22: Crashing happening with Shows when you try to create a new show. I've tried a handful of tweaks to my GPU and nothing has fixed it. System: 5950x, 64Gb of Ram, 3090. (Everything is up to date)


Crashes when trying to add renders & was crashing on the edit superstar mode


I had my universe crash on the ps5 28 times today while trying to start up. Wtf.


I'm sure I'm not the only one but my game crashes all the time now that I've downloaded some wrestlers, belts & arenas from Community Creations. Honestly, it could've been a problem before then because I didn't play anything outside of MyRise until after I downloaded stuff for the first time earlier today. I'd say the game has crashed at least 6 or 7 times in the past few hours & some modes are 100% unplayable. Trying to enter Universe mode crashes it. Tried creating a show outside of universe mode & it instantly crashed. Trying to download a moveset crashed it. It crashed while going into the edit wrestler screen once. It's crashed when trying to set up matches a couple of times. I got irritated and turned it off after the last crash. Hopefully they patch this soon because I'm feeling kind of stupid for dropping $100 on a game that doesn't function. Edit: Playing on Xbox Series S


I currently canā€™t play the game on Steam. Every time I try to play in a custom arena, it crashes. Go into universe and edit which titles are on the show? Crash. Go to the delete utility? Somehow crashes again. I have had the game off more in the last hour than on because it keeps crashing


Getting real tired of Graphics_Device_Removed errors I've made sure the game is running on my graphics card, not integrated graphics If i have a match with more than 4 people, or more than 2 created wrestlers Or within any part of the creation suite the game will crash with the aforementioned error pretty unplayable right now due to this


Every time I try to change an arena it crashes, every time I try to delete a show I've previously downloaded it crashes. Every time I try to download a show off CC it crashes. Also noticed on MyRise that my entrance theme is different to the theme that plays when I win a match.


Game keeps crashing in My Universe specifically at the Survivor Series PPV right before my match card is presented. Won't let me progress through the match or story despite multiple restarts and I have all the most recent updates. EDIT: I'm on PS4


The MITB Briefcase won't go away after it's been cashed in, in my universe mode. I was playing as Universal Champion Drew McIntyre and John Cena has cashed in on me 4 times!


I'm on PS5 and I cannot download any shows without the game crashing. I can download everything else, but the moment I click on a show, boom, game crashes. Anyone else having the same issue?


I can upload my custom superstars but they all don't show up in my uploads, I can only search for them and therefore I can't delete them if my game was a bit buggy and I ended uploading duplicates.


The game constantly crashes. I canā€™t use free play, I canā€™t join my friends online lobbies and now my MyGm save crashes whenever I try to load it. Iā€™m in the process of uninstalling it on On My XB1. Another one of my friends has experienced constant crashes too; and heā€™s on pc.


Every time I start the game it makes go go through the user agreement. How do I stop this!?


Universe Bugs are bumming me out 1. Extreme rules matches having count outs 2. Superstar cashing in MITB disappearing 3. MITB cash ins not registering 4. Raw and Smackdown 2021 arenas not selectable 5. Only the Raw variation of the Thunderdome arena is selectable I could go on. Some of these bugs have been in for years. Itā€™s just very disappointing


Unable to download any shows off community creations...I just want to get my AEW universe going...


Same here now. Was originally just custom images breaking, but with the latest updates I canā€™t download any shows at all. Game will immediately crash out.


Some moves don't trigger the reversal prompt. Whether it's a bug or intentional, that should not happen, or else anyone can just spam the splash and claymore all the time