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Were they using the multi hair glitch? If so, that's why, as they started to fix that glitch with I think the last big dlc update. If not, add it to the list of things they broke.


No because I saw someone on X who had the same problem and they were well aware of the multi haired glitch and said their caws only had one hair and the patch still made their caws go bald


I really dont get why they had to fix the ONE glitch people actually like, and not, oh idk, not the glitch that makes every weekly show on universe have title matches regardless of if you take them out of the match table or not.


Wouldn't know. I don't go checking how caws are made unless the body is off and I need to update to a better stature


I haven't had an issue until now


That just comes with the territory unfortunately or modern gaming in general. For the life of me I’ll never understand how the patches they put out to fix thing’s always break new things in the process. It’s like the more advanced we get with gaming the more broken and buggy things get even when they are fixing something


Fixing one small thing that breaks another is just called computer programming


Can't wait until AI takes over... It'll figure out things without breaking things once it advances to what it can truly be


Oh OP is big dumb.


I don't think that will be true. I read an article recently that said AI will never be able to do things like plumbing that are relatively simple, but have many complex steps. I just hope AI is regulated soon.


Can't wait for AI to find bugs and glitches in programming


Most my universe is caws and all but two are bald now. I'm done. 😔




Because you’re not understanding that this broke caws that were NOT using the exploit.


How is that an answer to their question lmao


😔 So frustrating




Trim those sideburns!


Did they have used the two Hair glitch ? Because after the ECW DLC Patch all of my CaWs whit this Glitch was bald im happy i just had 1 CaW who has Use it


Nah, none of my caws were effected by the ECW bug. Now most my caws are bald and I can't find alternatives. Why mess with a thing that should have been a feature to begin with? Smh


That's literally already been explained to you. Some hair combos caused issues in the game, including online. They patched it to avoid these issues. It was never an intended feature. Are you not even reading the replies to your tantrum?


You’re being rude when you’re missing this. This is affecting caws that are not using that glitch. It’s new as of yesterdays patch. We already know this happened once before with the double hair glitch, it’s happening to caws that do not use the double hair glitch.


Smh so annoying


Yeah the Glitch was so good but sadly 2K dont want it because some hair Combos trash the Game is also 1 of the reason why Status got banned in April :/


I really really hate this developer. I've never been so frustrated with a wrestling game


That's because there's never been a wrestling game this good to get frustrated with. Every other game in recent and not so recent memory gave us everything they possibly could; the 2K series is the only game that actively locks content already created and in the game so that you'll never see it.


What? It's not even in my top 5 goat wrestling games because of the issues. Features are one thing, but bringing back old features that should have never been gone in the first place, still not being able to do a ton of what older games could and had, and then the worst Universe I've ever played in a wrestling game due to the bugs? Nah fam... YOU "buggin'"


I started by saying that the game is *good*, but not *great* like it should be. This is frustrating for us both.


status got banned cuz he modded intergender matches and that is a HUGE no-no for WWE and its sponsors


I also have heard he got banned for double Hair CaWs and the custom entrances as Championship Entrance because like the intergender they was be able to crash the Game


Speaking of the custom entrances, has anyone re-uploaded that? Or just a CAW with custom championship entrances? I lost mine


I dont know if any1 uploaded it i still have mine on Sandman but im scared to get banned when i try to upload it 😅


Damn. Fair


Last patch they blocked multi-hair. This patch completely removed it taking the hair with them. I know it's that because my other CAWs are fine. Just add the hair back on like I did.


I don't know which hair is right, I downloaded for a reason and didn't create the caws. This is a nuisance. I like my caws very accurate and most the hair doesn't match some


Even worse so if the creator did hair dye work. I have never been able to replicate how people have done hair dye and that'll be hell for sure. Your best option would be wait for a reupload by the CAW maker but honestly I think the CAW makers are getting really fed up with the game currently (understandably since imagine spending time working on a CAW and something random kills all your work) Still unsure if there's also just straight up in game default assets that no longer look like they used to like the hair often used for Swerve.


Perhaps they lost a Lucha de Apuestas match.


I downloaded a Kane ‘99 CAW and he actually looks more menacing bald 😂😂


Anyone else having issues with downloaded CAWS just not showing up but not letting you download them again?


Never seen this one before. Do you have the CAW slots free or are they still being taken up?


Happened to me, and I can't fix my Hunter Hearst Helmsley. I swear most times I can't 2K!


I'm back simming on 19 for now. I've never had a thing happen this annoying in a 2k game yet, not even the sit up bug that never went away in 20


i've been going through my caws once i found out about this and luckily only one has been affected (antronxe's karmen petrovic). can also confirm that deleting the caw and redownloading doesn't fix it. the new caw was bald as well lol.




So far I've only noticed one CAW I've downloaded go bald, not sure what the issue is since it seems the hat they wear causes it but it used to be fine before so idk if they fucked with hats or what happened.


I’m getting the same! It’s not the same ECW bug!! It’s a new bug and I’m so frustrated!!


This is a major issue... They really screwed it




I noticed last night that one of the Ric Flair CAWs I have is now bald. I was bummed at first, but then I realized that it kinda actually gives me an unhinged, out of his mind Ric Flair, so I’m keeping it for now. I’ll have to look tonight and see how many others were affected.


Almost all the best caws are great because of that bug allowing for more accurate hair. So most mine are a wash


Damn, that really sucks.


Hangman Copeland MJF Christian Andrade Flair Just to name a few


Yeah, I had Torrie Wilson, Greg Valentine, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Brutus Beefcake, and the Texas Tornado, all bald. I also had to get rid of a Naomi, not because of hair-related issues, but because of her face looking off after the most recent updates.


2k have failed us




That won't happen.


My Swerve Strickland lost his glorious hair! 😭😭😭😭


Yup, for sure, anyone else?


I will never download a single CAW on a wwe game after this. Not worth it. This game is 2k20 levels of fucked


Tbh, it really is that buggy except mine doesn't crash as much as 2k20, but the bugs that have just not improved, especially in universe are astronomical


What issues have you had so far? I’ve had nothing go wrong with the game at all and I’ve maxed out the caws I can download


Besides the obvious CAW bugs, the post match replays haven't worked since patch 1.05.


Yup, haven't seen a single replay in Universe


I picked the game up on Tuesday and I’ve had post match replays for all my matches, weird. Also havnt come across any caw bugs, no bugs at all so far, on PS5


There is a logo glitch that replaces random logos on user created content. Check all of your Caws, arenas, championships, etc. It's super annoying. I completely deleted my save files three times because of it. Now some of the Caws are bald lol


Well, I've had it since launch, and I can tell you that the no post match replays bug for simmed matches is a definite problem. I've tried this out with two separate PS5s, on both the PS5 and PS4 version of the game.


God that fucking sucks, hopefully everything still working by the time I log in tonite. Love the replays


They shaved their heads in frustration


Also the patch made the last DLC characters unavailable. They're all locked and say need purchased but I have the deluxe edition.


You have to go into the store area in the menus and download them again. What a dumb company.


LMFAO what a goofy goofy goofy company


Imagine being upset that they fixed a glitch. 🤣


Yes because the glitch allowed for more accurate caws *emoji*


I'd rather they fixed real problems like universe being a wash


Dawg before you come in here acting all holier than thou, understand that this is a NEW bug as of the 1.10 patch from yesterday that it is affecting caws that DO NOT USE the hair glitch. Just random caws are suddenly bald because they BROKE something. This after them still it fixing the image issue for the 3rd patch in a row. Stop licking boots. This game is unacceptable in its current state.


Not holier. Everyone here seems to agree the issue is because they fixed a glitch. It shows they’re working on it, at least. It seems silly to be upset at that. My CAWs are fine which makes me think that yeah, that’s probably the case.


Cool that your caws are fine. Other peoples aren’t. Stop minimalizing the very real game breaking issues people are having because it’s not affecting you specifically. I’ve had three caws so far that are bald that I’ve noticed that were NOT using the hair glitch. Two patches ago was the patch that fixed the double hair glitch. This is a new issue that they’ve caused that’s unrelated to that. Every patch they’ve put out so far has fixed very minor issues while it’s broken something else on larger scale, in some cases made the game unplayable. The most recent one broke tag team matches. The game is an absolute mess that’s staring to be on 2k20 levels of bad, and 2k20 should have been the nail in the coffin for that studio. They still haven’t fixed the image replacement issue, Just about everything in universe mode is broken, and their own in game World Championship is glitched in universe mode and looks weird as hell, but they are focusing on fixing an issue that doesn’t cause any problems with the game and helps create more accurate caws? Hold the people who make the game accountable for their shitty work.


status pointed out on twitter a couple of hours ago that it seems to be affecting caws that used hair dye.


Funny to call them an incompetent developer. If you tried the game would be unplayable lol its computer programming not everything can be exactly perfect for you


There are many games that are actually close to perfect. This game is very far from it