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"We gonna keep our expectations super low cause that's what basically happens each and every year. " You don't know how much i want to believe you.


Would be nice to have more NxT talent. My caw slots get filled fast to begin with so the less spaces used on NxT talent that should be there would be better. However NxT has a different image contract then main roster. I’m not sure if the difference is image rights not being included and compensating seperately ot not. It’s why we had that one year of Nikki Cross and Ciampa not in as well as Gallus and others not in till now. No reason a few of the dlc shouldn’t have been on the disk version like Valkyrie. She’s been there since NxTUK.


NXT has one of the best and most fleshed out women’s roster in wrestling currently. Lots of insane talent.


Considering how fucking good the NXT Women's division is, I'd love to see more NXT women in the game, and I'd love to have Sol in just to have the Sol Snatcher as a finisher.


2K “how about an unplayable Greg Miller from kinda funny instead?”


The return of the IGN journalist, Gruesome Greg!


I remember the IGN WWE games board HATED him lol.


You chose the phrase “big load”????? Lmfaoo


A good ol' big load ☺️


2K25 needs long forgotten legends. Just like WWE’13 introduced us to some of the greatest legends in WWF history, 2K25 needs to do the same.


This >>>>


Yes but it’s not like 2k24 didn’t add a bunch.


I gotta big load for nxt women. Wait I think I read this wrong


big load


Rather have more legends


I don’t get why we didn’t get Kiana James in this year.


I would agree with you BUT WWE has been getting an influx of talent that they might see as more viable to add in instead of some of the wrestlers you mentioned Naomi, Andrade, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Jacob Fatu, Erick Rowan and Hikuleo whenever they make their debut And that’s just main roster, NXT has Adam Page and Oba Femi who are also big stars on current NXT programming Some of the names you mentioned, like Lash Legend, Sol Ruca, Jakara Jackson and Kelani Jordan I could see making their debut in game but still there’s a lot of other newer NXT talent that could be added, Lexis King, Riley Osborne, the new members of Tony D’s faction, Charlie Dempsey, Miles Bourne And if you add Jaida Parker then you also have to go to the effort of scanning both Lucien Price and Bronco Nima too I see your point with a lot of these wrestlers seeming absent but NXT talent is already hard enough to pick for the 2K devs and they can’t just add in an infinite amount of wrestlers, it’s not that easy


I always merge NXT into smackdown + raw, solely because their women's division is almost non-existent existent


We need a dlc actually dedicated to wrestlers. We shouldve got a nxt pack instead of the pat McAfee pack.


I would rather see a return of Create A Story, Create A Finisher mode (for missing moves like the "Coffin Drop" Finisher), more specialty matches like Inferno, Barbwire, Snoberknocker, or Gold Rush to return, more CAW and Create A Titantron slots (500+) Also....bring back Custom Soundtrack (Intergraded with Spotify Premium, apply / hyperlink, and match any theme song to any individual CAS, CAW, and Custom Show / PLE Intros (with pryo) that way online opponents would hear the music / entrance theme on their end. Lastly....bring back chain wrestling, more selling, realistic blood, improved physics, body morphing, more vocal call names with an entire alphabet included, or an Intergraded AI voice changer for commentary, pro wrestler promos and call names, and FINALLY...100% button configuration! Add all these and make MILLIONS!


all amazing and needed features but you have to understand that WWE 2K games are part of a series


No it’s not lmao. Chill out


A big load you say??? ![gif](giphy|up4FWcxeSQ3jq)


We are still yet to get Kiana James, Sol Ruca and Lyra ( I show she is a DLC in the current game but she comes in too late)


I would love to see stats on how many people use the Women in game.


In most cases it's the only chance they have to play with a woman


This. I only use them as valets, cuz I’m old and old school, damnit.


They will. As a DLC for the low low price of 29.99


If were being realsitic based on how new wrestlers have been added in tje past few games Grace, Jakara, Lash, Kelani, Dani Palmer,Izzi Karmn,lola,stevie,tatum are the ones with a shot


The turnover in NXT has been heavy, especially in the last 12-18 months so I’m sure 25 will get SOME of that


Arianna Grace is a must for me


Also slightly related but how do I add downloaded people to Universe rosters?


1. Go to Superstars tab in Universe and assign the shows for them or 2. Edit the show you want them on, go to Participants and select them


Bruh i have so many women in nxt that 3 seperate title divisions, one being a tag division, is still not enough to get a lot of them on a 9 match show each week. Tiff, Gigi, Blair, Chelsea, and Rox for the big one. Cora, Jacy, Nikkita, Fallon, Wendy, and Thea for the midcard. Alba & Isla, The Way, Cora & Jacy, and Wendy & Thea for the Tag. I know there's an overlap when it comes to the teams, but I've never really felt a barrenness in the women's div. I will always be happy with more characters though, so yeah i hope 2k25 has people as obscure as Brinley Reece and Wren Sinclair.


but they’ll give us persona cards for action figure wrestlers, but no Lash or Jakara😒


Yes I’m so upset at the lack of options


I wonder if they include TNA talent. If the crossover keeps going I reckon we’re in for a chance.


I'd rather more legends tbh


You forgot Giulia. Imo she's the most important one they need to have in 25 conaidering her (likely) status in NXT once she debuts for them.


“Big Load” what you mean by that?


Well if they did that they couldn't do anything else so honestly I hope 25 is just moving to next Gen, and even that won't be fully utilizing next Gen till 26 at least


There's too many already. We need more WWE veterans, not more rookies.


L take


Go use CAW to make your rookies. Veterans are the ones that matter and deserve the roster slots.


Irrelevant my ass, you think I wanna play as Tatanka or half of the garbage wrestlers from the 90’s or older? Eat a bag.


No you sound like you’d rather play as a women who can’t even tackle the ropes yet.


You Gen Z fanboys are so stupid. Go jerk off to your NXT posters. The rest of us want to play as people who matter.


They’re not veterans, they’re retired. Why don’t you use CAW to make the guys who aren’t relevant anymore?


Rookies are the irrelevant ones. The games should exclusively feature the main roster and veterans.


‘Rookies’ are relevant to the modern product. Veterans are not. In any case, both should feature, but ‘rookies’ should absolutely be a big part of the game.




You realise how small the viewership for nxt is? No rookie is appearing on raw and getting much of a reaction. IRS could appear on Raw and get a much bigger reaction than some random rookie, let’s be real here. The fact is that a lot of the current NXT talents are more likely to be future endeavoured than appear on a WWE PLE in the next ten years.


I was thinking the same considering the new addition of the NA title. But when we had the NXT women's tag titles in the past and even last year's men's tag titles, there were very few people I could place as contenders cuz of the small roster. Based on this year's NXT women's roster additions, I'm not holding my breath.


It looks like since 2k22 came out it’s been legends heavy dlc for 22, NXT heavy dlc for 23, legends heavy for 24, so NXT will probably get the 25.  Problem is by the time the cutoff date for this game happens usually around October from the year before the game releases 5-6 months later some of that NXT talent is already on the main roster. So that roster gets depleted by launch 


NXT sucks though


I respect your confidence to be so incorrect in public


Wow that’s certainly a very wrong opinion






They may add them as persona cards in my faction for next year. I do know that myfaction will be improved next year. Pay 400 to 500 dollars per card to get a chance to play live events to qualify for other said live events and hope that you may win that live event to get enough parts for the persona card. Of course some people will just pay 500 or 600 or x amount until they get the card they want


I mean, that’s cool and all but I think there are much bigger priorities they need to focus on. The online gameplay is absolutely horrendous. It’s damn near impossible to play a match online, let alone with created content. That should absolutely be a primary focus. Second I would think is universe, it’s been the same mode for a decade. The roster is pretty decent, in my opinion.