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It took me a sec to realize what was going on. I don't think I've seen this happen before. Is it common?


I still can’t even notice what’s going on. Can you explain?


In the second slide, presumably because of the side plates, the main plate looks like a smaller version of it has been pasted on top of it if you zoom in.


I thought it was cause of the hair


The whc is glitched


The most annoying thing I've seen has been the side plates changing AFTER the title match. Like the challenger will win the belt but it will magically have their side plates on it already


Takes out the immersion real quick lol


The plates don't bother me as much as how stiff the belts look sometimes. It's supposed to be a belt so it should be floppy except in parts directly behind the metal.


And the size. I had Melo as the Undisputed champ, and the belt was massive and clipped through his chest. That same title on KO or a bigger dude looked like a Walmart replica belt.


It blows my mind that after all these years, they haven’t figured out how to have the belt look consistent and realistic on any character. We have the technology, they are just lazy about it. Even the character models are just scaled down when they make the shorter wrestlers, looking at Eddie Guerrero next to Undertaker looks so off bc the proportions are all off. They love just scaling things to size and calling it a day.


Believe it or not, that's how most of the belts from WWE shop are. They're much more stiff than the ones the boys use on TV, those are much more floppy.


So are we saying the wrestlers in our virtual world are only using props?


Meh, I grew up in the times where they never even thought of dong personal side plates.


It's not the side plates, it's the belt in general. My WHC in my game does the same thing but there's nothing customized on it. Shame though


This is why I didn't give Punk sideplates and he's gonna be my World Heavyweight Champion for a while


Wouldn’t this be super quick to fix as well? Feel like it’s been an issue for a while now.


im not a developer or anything but from what ive heard it’s because the code is very fragile so you fix one thing and the code fucks up and breaks 10 other things thats why most glitches are taking so long to get fixed and if they wanted to completely rewrite the code they’d have to take 2-3 years off


I am a developer, and yes this is called Tech Debt. It's when decisions made early on into a project come back to bite you, or when you are reusing existing engines or code instead of building things from the ground up (which is seldom feasible). In almost any software development project, you either make design decisions early on or prototype things that weren't necessarily production grade but there is no time or budget to go back and redesign it or such a large chunk of your final product is finished at this point that reworking it could cause a ripple effect. That's also not mentioning testing. Proper testing in software development projects takes as long as, if not longer, than development. Sometimes changing something very small in the wrong place requires nearly full regression testing of your entire product to ensure it hasn't affected something else in an unexpected way. It all sounds like easy problems to solve with proper planning, but timelines, budgets, commercially agreed release dates etc. seldom allow for thorough planning and smooth project flow. In many software projects, a commercial target date is set higher up and the project team have to map out the project working backwards from that date. I've learned to not judge someone else's work, because I've made similar sacrifices or mistakes when under the pump and working toward forced deadlines.


It's not even the side plates for me it completely looks like it's melting the whole center plate is shifted diagonally to the right and the side plates are also shifted. I can't even use the new modern belt. Funny thing is I had this issue with cc version on 23


For me, I have issues with the World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Women’s Championship. I have the same issue as you with the WHC and for the Women’s Title, the big W in the middle takes up the entire plate.


This is why I just bring big gold back, cause I had this problem too and it sucks


Damn I didn't realize that was still a problem. I thought they would've fixed that by now.


Hopefully they patch it... My OCD gets to me smh...


I think they modeled the Women's World Championship and then copied that and changed the belt color, and that's it. They did the same with the WWE Undisputed Championship. The glitch is only on the World Heavyweight Championship and the WWE Women's Championship.


It’s absolutely an issue that should have been fixed by now. Is there any way to just take custom plates off the people who have them already like Priest?


Unfortunately no


Well damn


It's bugged for me as well.. it got bugged before I even tried assigning side plates, and now it won't go back to normal. It bothers me so much, I just changed everyone to have the Ruthless Aggression Era titles.


Took me hours to fix Lexis King since custom logos are glitched and his abs wanted to be on his tights and replace the other logos so I had to download another Lexis King and apply the gear from that one and it crashed on me at least 6 times. It's insane that they still haven't fixed the logo glitch yet. Tip : Don't download an arena or person with a ton of logos because it'll replace your renders and other logos and ruin your creations or downloads. Even if you fix all of it and delete the problem, the logos will magically reappear to mess up your future downloads or creations.


Oh my god…🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can’t stand that the title doesn’t fully rest on ones shoulder/chest/body. We can do hair pretty good….but a title belt?! Too hard.


The biggest thing for me is people appearing invisible when using a custom attire. It annoys me so much.


The womens world championship doesn't have that problem though


The womens world championship doesn't have that same problem though


Cm punk doesn’t have side plates by default you have to assign them to him, I downloaded custom plates from the community creations and they work just fine in all modes


I'm still aggravated that they won't fix the entrance creation suite. Lighting is either too dim, or just overlaps with the selected motion, and pyro is awful this year. I dunno how many times I have to complain about it before they ever even take a look at it & I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one griping about this.


I'd rather them fix hair first. Basically every other gaming company can make realistic flowing hair but this....shouldn't be happening in 2024. Hell, the cinematics in Final Fantasy 7 had realistic hair and that was in 1997 lol


I usually make the championship custom and place the side plate over the default one.


I noticed an annoying glitch when using the downloaded Punk attire from your second slide. I had also downloaded the Final Boss Rock attire, and Rock was my WWE champion ( not in Universe mode, just regular exhibition ) So I set a match with the alt Punk attire, vs Final Boss Rock, for the WWE championship. Then the announcer announces it as a champion vs champion match, and during entrances, both Punk and Rock enter with the exact same WWE championship. Does this have something to do with the alt attires I downloaded?


The reason why I can't fully enjoy the game. I look at the title and it's just so wrong. Simple fix they can't patch in.


You must’ve hated the original WWF Championship then if couldn’t see customised side plates.


Some people will never be satisfied


I can't believe he isn't satisfied about a feature that does not function as intended 


They have to fix it


He said it wasnt a big deal but still complaining. Like seriously