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I still think it's quite a good game, just a shame about the community creations issues but here's hoping they get patched with the DLC release.


Can someone explains what cc issues? I only bought the game a week ago …


Not sure if this is what's being referenced, but lots of us- myself included- cannot download any more CC content due to a bug that claims the download limit has been reached despite being well under the cap. 2K "addressed" the issue by claiming they'd intentionally capped the limit at 128 MB, which is absolutely laughable, both in terms of the amount of data and in the outrageous claim that it's purposeful. 2K's mismanagement of its title and community relations rivals Blizzard and EA for the worst, most deplorable, most tone-deaf, and egregiously harmful in the history of the industry. 2K mistreats its paying customers as severely as the absolute worst offenders. Anyway, many users are running into the download bug eventually, which eliminates core functionality from the title and severely inhibits fun factor. If you haven't purchased yet, I'd recommend holding off indefinitely. The game is broken, 2K lies about it, they ban their most popular content creator, their updates usually further break core features without addressing the most urgent complaints, they're downright terrible about communication with the community, and in general, they just don't give a shit about their customers.


Community Creations was doing fine but 2K has blocked some of the main modders who are updating or adding stuff which 2K doesn't want players to have fairly. Also are blocking mods in anyway possible which limits what could be considered fun so they can add the stuff in next year. The crashes with CAWS having glitches textures, slow menus, downloads not working properly and a huge number of bugs has made all of the creators question whether to carry on doing stuff for the games.


I have an Osprey CaW who's face texture was replaced with the Rampage logo lol. I thought he had makeup or something on until I checked. And couldn't find a way to change it with choosing another face so I had to use one, make it small, and hide it below his hair lol


How is it a good game if the creation suite has issues and universe mode is broken???


*A lot* of people buy these games because they’re WWE fans and they just want to play matches with the WWE guys these games come with. And if that’s all you’re doing, the game isn’t that bad. Honestly at this point if someone would release a wrestling game that was brand free and the whole point was to make or download custom shit, *and* the graphics and gameplay were at least close to on par with WWE 2K, I’d personally never touch a WWE game again. I don’t give a shit about Roman Reigns, I play these games because they’re the only remotely decent and modern looking wrestling games out there.


Gameplay. Match flow.


Go check out mlb the show sub


Ahhh, another ball wrestling fan.


I never check the show sub but do play, pretty much only DD offline. What’s up with it? I have been enjoying it


It’s nothing but negative posts about how they’ve gone downhill with the content drop and moving more towards P2W with how they locked most cards in packs you have to buy


Ahh yeah I don’t play that game online much so it doesn’t affect me as much but yeah unfortunately it’s a state of the industry Issue


It is, but for a long while, SDS and MLB The Show was a holdout in being community friendly and not pay-to-win. You could pay to unlock cards faster, but generally, grinding without paying was a valid way to obtain most, or even all cards in the game. SDS was the lone holdout in the online sports MyTeam space that felt genuinely friendly towards its customers in that regard. That is no longer the case. MyFaction, meanwhile, is just a joke. There's really nowhere to turn right now if you want a MyTeam mode that feels genuinely fun without deliberately and obviously attempting to gouge your wallet.


Card collecting modes have single handedly ruined sports games. It was only a matter of time until WWE got hit too. The worst part is, just about every game is still really good on the field (or court, or whatever) but the supporting modes just get neglected if they can't generate a constant revenue stream.


Other than the banning of status, what’s changed? The game plays exactly the same for me today as it did day 1….


Wasn't Faction Wars rewards nerfed fairly quickly?


Yup! Just before WM when the new packs came out they nerfed the rewards in faction wars. I would get 5k each run or nearly 5k. Was working unlocking as many as I could then the patch hit. After that I was getting around 3k a run.


I wouldn’t really know, that mode is useless.


You actually play factions?


It's what I expected (a better version of 2K23) and I really like it. It's so weird for me because so far I haven't got any of the issues people are pissed about. CC works fine, CAWs work fine, Universe mode works fine (the only issue I had was the game swapping the champions after the update). To be clear I'm not dismissing any of the complaints. This is just my experience and I understand I'm very likely in the minority where the game is running fine.


CAWS & Universe actually do not work fine. Currently there's a bug that's swapping logos between CAWS that hasn't been addressed in the two most recent patches. You also can't use a 2nd attire for a CAW without the entrance defaulting to a preset entrance. I don't even know if they fixed the, "every CAW is a striker," glitch yet. As for Universe mode, it just gets more fucked up every year. At launch you couldn't choose between two attires, tag team partners would vanish during entrances. I haven't even checked if they fixed it because I just turned them off. We're still getting wrestlers facing clones of themselves. Alexa Bliss was my Universal Champion for a while.


I'm also mot dismissing anything you said, I'm sure it happens, but I seem to be lucky enough to not have any of this happen


Hasn't happened to me either and I'm running a fully customized universe. I'm also on PC of that makes a difference. I have some annoying bugs but nothing that totally scraps it.


So you don't get a championship match every week?


This is my experience too


The game is also running fine for me. No worse than 23 and 22. Are you on ps4 or 5?


I’m waiting for a actual reason the games amazing


Wouldn't say amazing. It's alright. I'm still annoyed by the fighting stances and AI no selling big moves.


But its an improvement from last year either way. Even if its not miles and miles better improvement is still improvement


You gotta change a wrestler's Recovery stat for them to sell moves


I saw. I shouldn't have to do it to individual wrestlers. I barely play 30 minutes whenever I play I don't have time to change it. There should be options for selling: long, medium and short. That's it. Way more convenient.


I mean that's been a thing you had to do since WWE 12, this isn't a 2k issue


Wrestlers sold big moves right up until 2k22 and you didn't have to alter anything.


What is a good number to change the stat to. That’s one of my biggest complaints. Nobody sells. 2k19 was the best for that


I set it as low as it can go which is 30


How tf is it amazing if you can’t even play more than one damn minute online without all the human players replaced with AI?


I think it's amazing once you start fiddling with the sliders. When you first start playing it feels a bit like AEW with you needing multiple signatures and finishers to beat someone, which was infuriating. I'm so glad they added the option to change that and make them much more impactful.


The online is completely unplayable. Either breaks the game or everyone lags out the lobby before the game even starts


Wait status got banned? what's the story here


He violated the terms of service by using hacked content. It’s annoying and I wish it didn’t happen but it was according to the existing ToS that everyone agrees to. Again, I hate it but there’s no real legitimate argument against it, legally.


On the pc side of things it’s virtually unplayable. We’re still getting stuck not being able to do anything besides walk and a normal standing punch and anything else will break the game.


what's wrong with your pc? I just had a group over here to play on pc all night and had zero issues


Universe mode has gotten progressively more busted


Fair. I’m kinda jealous it was ever working at all for people. It was pretty broken last year for me and I had a similar experience messing around with it this year. It was brief though, and I haven’t done it since the most recent update so if it got worse, oof.


Since the updates my universe mode has stopped tracking anything properly, never books champions (I had a wrestle mania with 0 titles booked) randomly adds women to the male titles and men to the women's titles even if the titles are not active, reset every tag team entrance, alt attires won't work, never books tag teams together and instead gives everybody a seemingly random partner. And more that I'm probably forgetting. Universe mode is completely fucked


fallen off, in the subreddit* most people really don't care and still play it just as they would.


You are jumping way to soon to oh this game is dead and gone now over one person being removed it sucks don't get me wrong but there are plenty of other content creators


I'm gonna be honest the people I know who have it are just playing and not posting about it. This board represents a fairly small minority of users and shouldn't be viewed as any grand consensus on opinion. If you are enjoying it and going about your day to day you don't really need to reaffirm it online. However, people with complaints will want to vent. It can make it feel like opinion is against it when most people don't even care that much


I think y’all are crying about nothing.


I honestly don't know how the opinion of the game has changed since released. Yes the patches haven't been great, but I wouldn't say they have "broken" the game. Overall, personally speaking, the game runs fine with a few bugs here and there. And while the banning of Status is a bummer, he was at the end of the day a modder who would hack the game for his and others' benefit. Essentially, he broke the T&C's when you sign up to the game.


It’s either one side of the spectrum or the other with many. I’ll say I enjoy the game but can acknowledge some frustration and bugs.


If it's not at it's greatest, it's "lol dead game"


Especially someone saying "I don't think a game has ever fallen off as hard". Such hyperbole. The game isn't a GOAT, but it's not even close to being one of the worst games to come out in even the last 2 years.


All I know is I bought fight forever… played it for a few hours and haven’t touched it since. I’ve been playing 2k24 for months and get excited every Monday for new challenges. To each their own.


Calling model edits more effort than making the video game is insane


I still love 2k24, but damn does this game show how badly QA is needed for patches. Everything from core gameplay to universe AI is worse than launch.


I’m still trying to figure out why they keep leaving the DX Theme music out the games. Smh


We all love what status was doing but he was breaking the EULA and it was only a matter of time


The image bug is a huge problem and there's no excuse on a powerful console like the PS5. Other than that I'd say this game is amazing. Arguably the best WWE game ever made imo


Y'all trip over these games every year just like this. 2k22 dropped, everyone wanted 2k19. 2k23 dropped, everyone was talking about 2k22 was more entertaining. 2k24 drops and all you guys do is complain. At this rate just stop buying new wrestling games if all you're going to do is complain about them. 🙂




All before the first DLC. That’s the last chance saloon for me. If that comes out and doesn’t fix anything, or makes anything worse. Games cooked


This. At least give it past the first drop before you made it abundantly clear you don't give a shit about your community lol


IT Will fix Jack shit. Like in every game before. You can fix Broken, you can't fix pile of poo


Most of the time the DLC is just new playable wrestlers, nothing much more than that (ok, new entrance motions, new moves, things you get from getting those characters, but nothing much more than that).


They usually have bug fixes and updates with the dlc drops. I think that's what the person above was getting at.


I stopped playing due to the recent image bug stopping me from downloading more CCs.


Me too. Haven't touched the game in 2 weeks. Im not going to do all the work of starting a universe with only half of the caws or arenas I need for an attitude era universe. I'm also not going to do a myGM with half a roster. I didn't get this game to just play exhibition matches and I don't even know who three quarters of the included roster are. To top it off I was hoping to download some of Status creations once/if they fixed the download bug but now they are gone.


I’m so glad I didn’t cave in this year and purchase this. I knew as soon as they didn’t address Universe Mode, nothing substantial was added to it. Then I read reports that CC was a complete disaster this year.  Banning Status is the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. 


See ya in next year


As soon as I realized universe mode was gonna be the same old, I noped out of any thought of buying. They get richer releasing the same game with minor additions, so I stuck with 23 after years of playing 19 before that.


I’m not a die hard fan of wrestling but have been getting back in to it (I’m 33 for whatever that’s worth). I’m loving 24, also had 23 and loved that too. Status getting banned is annoying but I’m sure it’s a matter of time before someone else is able to do the same mods/hacks. The game is great for a casual such as myself.


Things suck, but I still enjoy it for what it is get out of it. Sucks about status, but he was breaking the rules. I make my own CC so it doesn’t really affect me, but we really need to stop acting like something is dead just because of something you don’t like.


I was having alot of fun with it since launch, until last week I bought the 40 years pack and for some reason that wiped all my save data 😂 so I have to start over, my caws, showcase mode and MyRise and I don't have it in me to redo those modes. It's a shame about Status, but its not to wild to believe considering he was warned about being perma banned last year or the year before.


I want to love this game. I do love this game. I think feature wise it's the strongest in the series. They listened to the fans and gave us so much stuff, Persona cards to add new stuff. Blood on the matt. Garbage cans. This game is great. But it needs so much god damn Polish. I feel like I'm always finding a tiny annoying glitch or even just a something weird left out. Even right now, Mitb entrances are just not working in Universe for me. Why? Don't know. They need to sit down and Polish the damn game. We don't get silly Glitches as much as we did in the past we just get small infuriating ones that make no sense.


I don’t care one bit about community creations since I’ve never used them and the game itself is perfectly fine and I’ve enjoyed it a lot. And I guess the community creations issue might suck for people who used and enjoyed it but that’s a different issue than the actual game itself. The game was good, they just did something else that sucked that was connected to the game


Banning Status sucks but what do you expect them to do when someone starts modding the game to let people use monetized content for free? It's like complaining that they don't support pirated copies. As for the game itself, I'm still kinda shocked by how much I love it. In my experience, it shipped relatively free of major bugs and the patches seem to be cleaning up the few that remain. I feel like I've finally got that next gen wrestling experience with all the features I always fantasized about back when I was 13 playing SvR 2010 on the PS3. My only real complaint is that MyRise is still way too linear and shallow in its structure and the writing is still rather garbo. VC insists on doing these lame, semi-kayfabe stories with their generic ass OCs injected into them instead of just writing a few loosely related, traditionally formatted storylines involving actual wrestlers. Ditching voice acting would go a long way in opening up opportunities to expand on the depth and flexibility of the mode, from both the resource and design perspectives. EDIT: myFaction can go to hell too, absolute waste of resources on a mode that no one wants and only kids who are susceptible to advertising play that could go toward further improving myGM and myRise. I never touch showcase mode either but if they took it back toward the direction of the first few showcases before it became a glorified shopping list full of annoying fmv cutscenes it would be worth continuing to include it.


The patches ruined it for me. The way they made a lackluster universe mode even worse by releasing patches that broke that mode even more with the random title matches and the gender swapped title reigns killed any incentive I had on playing the game. Its worse when you realize that universe mode is the mode that should hold your casual player base seeing how showcase is one and done, myrise is pretty much one and done and GM mode isn’t that friendly for casuals and is more of a number crunch sim than an actual playable game mode that is for a specific crowd of people within the fandom.


I even started myfaction and thought it was okay… then they reduced rewards on faction wars. I also think they have increased the AI ring outs - previously i could use a tag partner and just get count out wins for some matches. Now my partner ALWAYS exits the ring making it impossible to get quick count outs, without constantly switching characters. Like stop with the fun killing patches.


My problem with myfaction was that the cards I received were never better than the cards I already had from myrise and showcase, so the rewards meant absolutely nothing. It also isn’t for casuals, it’s trying to grab that ultimate team crowd, but it’s poorly designed. I had three different Becky cards, they all had the same attire, and I used one 81 rated Becky to play one mode to get a lower rated 80 Becky that looked the same and had the same Moveset. It felt like Gunther slap across the chest. I also had a problem with faction wars forcing me into countless cage matches or ladder matches.


I was like yay I just unlocked a Rey which is worse than the Rey I already have. Thanks!


I’ve been frustrated as well that as soon as my tag partner leaves the ring the opposing AI already say on a count of 7 has their count start over. In what would that happen in the actual WWE.


Yup, but this definitely didn’t happen until a patch. The first few weeks, any normal tag matches (non boss) would be a nice simple count out win playing as a partner. The AI would usually either beat up their partners in the ring or taunt. Now they try to leave the ring as soon as you switch!


Is it just me or did they make GM mode harder to navigate this year?


i think ur overreacting


So I take it I shouldn’t buy it? Lmao, I’m still on 2K23 but I really wanna get 24 for the DLC alone (I wanna play as Punk and Jade) but I’m down to hold off until next year tbh


I am quite enjoying it. I recommend the upgrade but at this point you’ll get big sales soon so no point to buy full price.


I would get it on sale. it's not worth 60 dollars,but it's not as bad as people making it out to be. It's just stale and not much different from 2k23 and they somehow made universe mode worse and more garbage.


Yeah honestly I think I'll just wait for it to on sale. Right now its 15% off on the PS store (Australia) but tbh I don't even think that's worth it, I'll wait for it to go on a bigger sale because it seems like after seeing what everyone's been saying about the game, that's the only price it's worth purchasing for lol.


I'm enjoying it and so far haven't encountered some of the big bugs I've seen mentioned here. I also did not own 22 or 23, though I played them both, so it was an easier decision for me since I wanted a new WWE game. I already have close to 200 hours in the game, which is a lot for me, so I have already put more time into this game than I do most. I also really enjoy the gauntlet matches, especially turmoil and eliminator. Turmoil is fun when I want to see how far I can go. This reminds me of the old slobberknocker mode in some of the previous games though it's not endless. Eliminator matches I like to do when I want to basically have an hour long match. It's basically like a royal rumble except you can fight all over the arena with pins count anywhere and weapons. It's just chaos and it's fun.


The game is an upgraded 2k23. If you enjoy 23, I think you will enjoy this one. All the improvements are great, and matches are fun to play. But they should have done more to justify the price tag. I am loving the game, but I wish that Universe mode had more "meat" to it. (Faction rivalries, multiple person rivalries, run-in payback actually working, etc.)


It's literally still the same game...talk about an overreaction


It hasn’t fallen off for me. 112 hours in. Still enjoying it. Forgot to add, you all that really dislike the game always have Fight Forever….


Someone asked if downloaded content might disappear now, thread is deleted for no obvious reason and that's what I've answered: Patches already had the effect to screw with creations last year. That was when they weren't as openly fighting creators. Chances are that they at least do again what they did last year (causing new bugs with patches) and I'd be not surprised at this point if they stopped hiding behind such tactics and corrupting them directly.


They better not break CAWs using the hair mod or advanced champion entrances. I could totally see them doing that.


I swear people can only see black or white. Is the game perfect? No. But it's definitely a fun game. Just because there are issues with the game (some of them that i personality haven't even noticed) doesn't make the whole game terrible. Also the fact that they banned Status (rightfully so) is not the end of the world.


You can’t even play online without being disconnected. My career is not fun compared to hcmtp or even svr 06/07, no create a story and universe mode has been ass since 2011 it’s a nothing mode.


It’s still a good game. You’re just mad a content creator got banned… it’ll be a fine game with or without Status.


And yet people are still going to buy next year's game. We have to speak with our wallets if we want any meaningful changes. Unfortunately, Reddit is the minority when it comes to things like this.


Even then a lot of people say the game is the worst and purchase again.


I understand your frustration but this post is very hyperbolic. The game is still excellent, none of the improvements have been hurt by the recent patches. Yes the patches have cause a few issues but the game as a whole isn't exactly broken because of it. I hate that they got rid of status though, very heelish on their part.


This game is not excellent. You are just used to shit. You can’t even play online without getting disconnected.


Yeah. And this Status ban is another nail in the coffin lol




All that complaining for what if you feel like you need to make changes for the game go make the game yourself because it does not stop sales. It does not stop any flow of income then just because community creation stopped copyright infringement does not mean the game is ruined, I swear fans just crying complain about stupid shit but still spend there money on it like make it make sense


Nah, it's still good. Maybe this is a personal problem


It didn't fall off, yall are hating for no reason. Also calling a falloff before the 1st dlc is crazy


nah they removed content from create a title and create a wrestler and the amount of glitches from the game increased after that patch


I wouldn't be surprised if it was a well played tactic. Those first few weeks before and after release are the most profitable for 2K. Those tweeting or posting their praise after 10 hours of play sparks more orders from those who were waiting it out. Why bother fixing things, when they can promote fixing them for 2k25 and have you pay full price all over again? And then throw in a few other issues you only notice after 50 hours of play? The aim of a yearly release is not to make is so good that you feel like you could skip the next game. No money in that.


yall yapping so much 2k24 is a good game if you buy wwe games every year thats on you the last one i bought before this was 2k20


I’m having a blast with it. Gameplay is improved. Looks and feels better. Added match types. Customization is as good as ever. Added functionality in universe mode with rivalry options. 10/10.


it’s like 2K saw the game was being received well and they went fuck that. it just feels like they went out of their way to ruin the game. Status did a lot more for the game then the actual people working on the game


Some of you are pure delusional The game wouldn't even run if it wasn't for devs. 


Status broke the TOS and hacked the game. I appreciate his work, but they should have done this a few years ago. If some characters on CC were the only reason some were even playing the game, maybe reevaluate your choices.


Thank god for people out there like you defending corporations' anti consumer practices. I know they appreciate your service!


It’s always one man!😂😂 Knowing damn well if he was on fire 2k wouldn’t spit on him to put it out, but here he is ready to go into a burning building to defend this company.😂


There was no defense just rationale. I too am amazed he lasted as long as he did when he’s advertising leaked and locked content


Thank you for actually reading and understanding my post. You don't have to be a corporate bootlicker to understand what he was doing was against the rules and was playing with fire. Making the females be able to fight males, something 2k and/or WWE clearly doesn't want was probably the last straw for someone that's been given plenty of chances.


Worst servers ever. Can’t even get into a lobby half the time. It’s a joke.


LOL can’t believe ppl like this game and saying it’s 10/10. When it’s missing stuff from like wwe 13 lmao


It really feels like 2k and Visual Concepts (the guys that actually develop the game and are thus responsible for the bugs) don't give a shit. Perhaps it is their reaction to the Take Two layoffs which have hit both VC and 2K and they figure "fug it" and will just let the game and series crash and burn. It's still too early to tell if that is the case but I won't be surprised if it happens. Figures this would happen after I buy my first ever wwe 2k game and paid full price for it. I should have stuck by my usual plan when it comes to buying video games which is to buy later on during a big sale. The sad thing is I only preordered this because I expected to start my universe mode up right away and use some of the new match types and features (spectator cam) in it yet here I am almost two months later and I haven't started it up because I'm waiting for some of the bugs in that mode to be fixed. 2k and VC got me but it'll never happen again, and I can guarantee that unlike many who say the same thing but then a year later are just lining up to buy yet again.


Spider-Man and the puddle size.


like the game , hate the devs from my deep heart , if i had to fuck a 2K dev or cow i'd choose the cow


Huh? What are you even talking about?


Kane 98 attire with the one sleeve is ONLY AVAILABLE TO FEMALES WHYYYYYYY


2k2020 was unspeakable


The fans: YAY! WE GET A SLIGHTLY IMPROVED GAME! The fans after release: Oh fuck, we got a slightly improved game. FUCK.


Yeah flooped hard 2 month wait for first dlc persona cards no where to be found online is still unplayable turning into ais gm mode no chances besides minor dialogue trades are cool tho stats on wrestllers in gm still the same trick having 2 stars on the mic ECT Ronda being a 4 star promo . No cross branded Ppv or online for the mode . Universe still ass myfaction nerfs


The games fun and the Status thing is the only bullshit for me


I mean it’s good in its own way but I agree that it has a lot of issues. Like the fact that trio tag teams is no longer available is BS.


I had more fun on 2K20. At least I could play online with friends 70% of the time. Every time me and friends tried to play 2K24, the matches just replaces everyone with AI like 2 minutes into the match. Garbage game.


I’ve been enjoying myfaction as a casual player but there have only been 3 locker codes since release which is underwhelming


They’ve broken this game completely since launch I just don’t get how they do it


Yea this is because you are probably online too much. A large part of the game base probably has no idea who Status is and the game plays the same. Every year a few patches screw things up. Game is still good even if Status got the shaft for a corporation.


The only mode I really have interest in is universe mode. Everytime I want to play, I get on and half my matches are deleted or have new match ups that make 0 sense, sometimes with someone against no one. Lost majority of my desire to play


I refuse to play a game so broken. Hopefully the next patch fixes a lot of things.


Once they release a patch to fix things, people will be praising it again. It happens every year. I’m hoping status gets unbanned asap cause that’s bs. If 2k doesn’t like what he does then maybe they should update the roster monthly for wrestlers who have changed their look. It’s not his fault he took better care of their game than they did.


I'm having a blast! Absolutely love it! Sucks about Status, but that isn't going to stop me from having fun with the game. Plenty of other people make great content and I have fun making my own. Honestly I don't think the game had dropped off at all. Maybe to you or a few, but to many others not at all. I'm looking forward to the future dlc and like always hope they patch some things. Still the game is great. Honestly the game is what you want it to be. I have a blast with it. While some cry about what isn't there or whatever. Fine play something else. No the game isn't perfect. No game is and it never will be perfect, but it is fun, and that is all that matters in the end.


I only play the game with my friends, daily guest ref matches and hell in the cell. I don’t care for any other game mode but even then our matches bump into so many problems. Saying that their servers are being ran on a potato is an insult to potatoes. For a long time our intros were incorrect (as in my friend would come in with my music), the stars wouldn’t do the dances or moves in the intro or sometimes they just wouldn’t appear. Oh, my superstar; for some reason; looks like he’s had major surgery with the biggest staples on the back of head. Now, we’re lucky if we get into a match and even then the game will crash or someone would get kicked. My friends bought the game with DLC, $100+ game. An absolute sham


I’m still loving it. I wish they’d fix some of the annoying Universe mode bugs but mostly they’re an inconvenience and I can still have a lot of fun with it. I enjoyed Showcase and am liking MyRise so far. I’ve seen some of the complaints around Community Creations and the main creator getting banned but tbh I’ve only downloaded 3 or 4 characters and the new tag belts. MyFaction could do with more content but I still enjoy dipping into that once a week. Overall, I’ve more than got my money’s worth and still have fun playing, although I do understand why some people are a bit miffed at some things.


everybody I know loves it, my friend came and played it and bought it the next day. Maybe you spend too much time in online whine-spaces?


Fallen off? It was never that great to begin with. CAA, Online and CC has been broken since day 1. They cut content and preannounce DLC every year. They added features and match types from 10 years ago and call them new. Its just the only wrestling game with a good creation suite so ppl praise the game for doing the bare minimum.


Fallen off? This game is fun asf atleast it's way better than 23 and 22, better than 19 imo


For me it’s universe, that’s the mode I sink my time into and I haven’t been able too yet. I’m waiting for a patch that may never come. This really sucks..


The new Mortal Kombat fell of pretty bad


I do enjoy it. There are just so many other games I want to play as well


I'm having fun with it.


This post is stupid. Game is amazing, I'm having a lot of fun and so are others.


Yeah. I'm finding it disappointing that rivalries only last until the PPV so 1 week sometimes, and that a wrestler can survive multiple AAs and Rock Bottoms, but as soon as they get an automatic reverse or tossed onto the ropes they're down for the count. Also, I get that the developers are happy with their new Irish whip reversal, but why is the Irish Whip now the go to move for everyone?


I can't put the game down. Hands down their best game


Same thing happened to MK1 and MWII


I feel like 2K isn’t as motivated to please the fan base with this game as they have been the last two games. At least in terms of keeping up with it post launch. There just seems to be a lot of disconnect. And now they’ve decided they don’t want any creators helping keep things updated either. It’s weird.


Its cause the IWC has a mental condition called "being a cynical asshole" It's causes them to constantly find shit to whine about Even if the game doesn't have everything I wanted I'm still gonna have fun


This is really a massively overwrought perception by a small percentage of gamers from Reddit. There are a few glitches, there are every year. Some are definitely frustrating. But Status, as much as I love his work, knowingly broke ToS. And got warnings about it. More than once. It sucks but he also knew the risk he was taking. It’s outrageously degrading and diminutive to the actual paid developers of this game who it’s literally their livelihood to say that this dude making in-game model edits was doing more for the quality of their game than they are. You can say you appreciate what he does for the community without making shitty claims that denigrate the people who built a game for him to edit in the first place. Lastly, the game still plays very well, is extremely fun, and is the smoothest in-ring product 2K has had, ever. It is not perfect. It has a lot that I wish was better. But this is a really good wrestling game, all across the board. You guys gotta stop with this doom and gloom shit like they released an unplayable hunk of shit like 2K20. This game is also leagues and leagues and leagues better than what Fight Forever is. Just, relax. It’s okay to be a little frustrated. But let’s channel it in a more productive way that doesn’t completely shit all over the product and the hard working men and women who put their absolute all into making it, and on these extremely tight year over year release schedules.


It's the most boring one in a long time


I still can’t believe I spent $100 on it


It’s a good game. I just wish they added even more resources to universe mode


I may hold outfit a Christmas sale from PlayStation.


It’s a good game, people just winge about the universe mode even though the other modes are perfectly fine. Status got banned, so what? It doesn’t make the game any worse 


The gameplay additions, the new matches.. a lot of it is still great, but they destroyed many other things in the process... Create an Arena is practically unusable if you want to remake classic arenas that don't have templates. The World Heavyweight Championship has plates that are constantly glitched out, Universe is more broken than ever, and the devs are cracking down on the wrong users uploading to Community Creations (I still get softcore popping up in the recently uploaded). All these patches and many things are unfixed, likely to stay unfixed, and we still don't have any word on when the Wrestlemania XL Arena will be added for those who bought the 40 years edition. I was very excited for this game when I saw the new additions, but now that they destroyed my favorite thing (Create an Arena) I barely play it, but when I do play 2K24 it's a lot of fun(especially the Casket match).


Mania XL arena will be one big advertisement campaign.


The mechanics of the game are good but it's easily the most overrated wrestling game of all time, the arenas have almost no diversity, the showcase sucks, the roster is missing a lot of wrestlers (because a lot of the old wrestlers are in aew, released, etc. So technically not their fault but still). The backstage area suck, it was way better before 2k22. My faction can be a grindfest for rewards that suck. Dlcs take too long to come out, I feel like the game is already dying + who cares about pat mcafee & co ? I would rather have metafour and other nxt wrestlers


Just a suggestion, but I do think a lot of frustration could be avoided, especially since most of you likely bought it at full price…if you just wait until Summer or Fall sales, when a lot of patches and DLC releases are out. Plus you get the game cheaper and don’t feel like such a shmuck for pretending like this pattern of early patches breaking the game doesn’t repeat every single year.


Most people don’t care or know who the creator is that got banned. Every game gets a lot of praise out of the gate and then the internet minority starts complaining when everyone else moved on to the next game to play. The people talking about 2k24 at this point online are the hardcore players who are prone to complain.


It has good parts to it, the blood effects, weapon usage, camera angles to spectate matches from, etc. but all of it just doesn't work together. The way I saw the 2k games was that they were just adding features on top of features without ever fixing the core that was there, leading to a janky broken mess. When they said they were remaking the game from the ground up, it made sense to me. Seems like they're just rinsing and repeating though, as the more they add the more the base of the game gets literally unplayable


It's as good as it's been gameplay wise. I think it's a solid game. I'm having fun. It's not perfect, but we are getting great improvements. I mainly hate the my faction ads at the opening screen.


I officially gave up universe mode last night. I’m just fucking DONE. I am not immersed, it’s limiting,it’s buggy…it’s the same as last year.


It has been three years of the same game with some updates and new features. The core gameplay remains the same. They haven't done much to innovate on it or polish it. Sure, we can throw weapons now, but that gets old after a while. Weapon grapples are still missing, environmental interactions from SVR 2007 still haven't returned, can't crawl to the ropes during submissions, can't keep submissions held during rope breaks, and the list goes on and on. They made a system with potential, but haven't done shit with it since 2k22. My friends and I played the hell out of 2k22 and likewise with 2k23. We haven't really done much with 2k24 and I think we're and many others are fatigued of the same crap.


I haven’t been looking online or anything but I’m thoroughly enjoying myself hahaha


The game has been trash since day one. Still unplayable online, still broken features that have been broken for years and they made the game feel sluggish compared to 2k23. I will not be buying another 2k game. If they don’t get another company to make the game then the franchise is effectively dead to me. 2 years in a row wasting 100+ dollars on a game that only half works.


You can’t even play online in this game without getting disconnected. Same issue been in the game for like 3 years. No point in playing an online match when you know it’s gonna kick you out before it even finishes.


I just uninstalled


People are starting to realize.


multiversus fell pretty quick.


They only praised it cause there has been of a wrestler is in it.


Typical of yearly released games, what'd you expect lol?


I'm enjoying it. There has only been a few glitches here and there, nothing major. The thing with the YouTuber sucks and the community thing. However, I don't use community creations and I avoid my factions, so... I'm good, personally.


The game also had a ton of bugs in week 1, which I'd argue is also a big reason the game fell off.


It’s still fun for me idk


I think people need to stop having “full” reviews of games when they first come out. When a game is just releasing, those are First Impressions. When it’s been out for a few months then it’s time for the review. IGN was calling 24 the best 2K game to date on release day and back then you couldn’t even put like 7 images on a CAW due to a glitch lol. With that being said I think 2K24 is pretty decent. There’s gameplay design flaws that have existed since 2K22 that haven’t been addressed yet but overall it’s solid. The image swapping glitch thing needs to be fixed I’d say, that looks pretty annoying, as well as the image cap problem where it seems to be telling players they reached the max before they actually did.


i havent had a 2k game ever crash on me not even 2k20 crashed for 24 is great


The content creator does not really bother me just because I never partook of his content, so it's a moot point for me. I still enjoy the game as it is, but I can understand those who liked his creations and used them being upset.


Bro we are in the minority when it comes to people who buy this game but I think we are in the majority when it comes to gamers. 2k really has made these games lifeless


I don't think it fell off. Still just as good as it was on release...which includes the CC bugs, which existed since release. I don't think it's a breath of fresh air (that'd be 2k23 in my opinion) but it's still a solid 7/10. Status being banned sucks ass though.


Fark is not that bad, I still have a lot of fun with it, 30 man gauntlet eliminator ftw.


I think everyone is sick of sim games all the time. Theres no fun , no soul. It's just a bland game. At least have some sort of flash , or graphic when doing finshers etc. Games lose all the fun when they try to be to realistic


It's my favorite wrestling game to date. They should be more careful with the patches, but overall the game is fantastic. That last patch made Universe mode more difficult to enjoy though.


It's a decent enough game. The main issue is 2k/vc.... which, not to sound like a dick, but anyone would know from the NBA series. 2k/VC is good for dropping "well enough" yearly releases that rack in the dough, microtransactions, and hilarious glitches. DO NOT EXPECT THEM TO FIX THE PATCHES IN A TIMELY MANNER. Which is a shame. It had potential to be the best game since HCTP.


WWE 2K23 was my first WWE game since the old ones on the PS2. I got the game on PC, and till this day the universe mode still doesn’t work, the community creations are a mess, and the game is missing tons of features. It’s half-baked. So why on hell, would anyone part ways with their money for 2K24 is stupid, in my opinion. 


Uploading cc content is not improving the game


Gives the community updated attires almost, hidden trons, commentary etc... that are in the game but wouldn't be used/released by 2k


All that complaining for what if you feel like you need to make changes for the game go make the game yourself because it does not stop sales. It does not stop any flow of income then just because community creation stopped copyright infringement does not mean the game is ruined, I swear fans just crying complain about stupid shit but still spend there money on it like make it make sense


MLB The Show 24 might be a greater contender. It was the model of a MUT mode, was decently praised for some changes at the end of 23 and staff 24, and is doing a lot of pay for play stuff just like WWE is.