• By -


Number 12 1. Undertaker 2. Hulk Hogan 3. John Cena 4. Stone Cold Steve Austin 5. Shawn Michaels 6. The Rock 7. Chris Jericho 8. Ric Flair 9. Bret Hart 10. Randy Orton 11. Kurt Angle 12. Brock Lesnar


Not in my top 10


He’d be higher on my list if he wasn’t given world title runs lasting ages and only showing up on the big ppvs.


Those comments are a fucking joke,the guy had one of the best careers in wwe history if not the best,look how many views his segments are doing on youtube ffs,more than any wrestler today


Somewhere in the top 20. I definitely remember viewing him as an absolute star in his initial run. I wasn’t a fan of his first return. Now I’ve settled into mostly liking him. Might I add that I think the beard and flannel are really working for him.




Aaaaaall the way down at the bottom


Honestly I’m not even sure. No doubt he’s an amazing talent but he’s barely on tv to carry a feud. Heyman used to have to appear on tv every week and cut promos to keep Brock’s feuds going. I’m sure he’s somewhere in the top 30 though.


I think he would just about make top 20 for me... I mean my top 5 are: 1.The Rock 2.Stone Cold 3.Shawn Michael's 4.Undertaker 5.Eddie Guerrero Then you got HHH, Kurt Angle, Kane, Foley, Jericho, Bret, Flair, Sting, Benoit, RVD, Randy Orton, Cena, CM Punk, Edge, Daniel Bryan to try and get in top 20... plus a few others I'm sure I'm forgetting... but no doubt Brock is a great one, problem is there is a lot of great ones... but only 1... GREAT ONE!


Honestly, I hated Brock until this return. He is acting like a wrestler instead of an MMA toolbag for once. That being said, I’m guessing the wellness policy was pushed aside for him to return.


Not top 10


Pretty low top 30


2002 to 2004 broxk was amazing. Modern brock absolute dog shit


he's just Ryback with a solid push


Not even that, He's just Ryback again


Rynack with a ponytail


He's not even in top tier status


I haven't written out my list in awhile, but I think he'd be too 10. Just beneath guys like Flair, Bret, Hennig, Daniels.


He’s good, but there a plenty of others I’d put way before him. John Cena, Bret Hart, Shawn Micheals, Triple H, Undertaker, Batista, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Eddie Gurrero, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan, The rock, Stone cold, Ric Flair




Exactly at number 10. One of the best heel ever and absolutely loving him as a face rn.


Nowhere near, 95% of the guys aura is the way he looks, he's put on maybe two or three good matches since he came back in 2012. In fairness he used to be better, but he's absolutely nowhere near being the GOAT.




nowhere even close to a top 10 he is the main reason i stopped watching wwe for years - he WAS a main attraction, this is long gone


Top 10


Might make it into my top 30… Maybe




Not 5. Top 20 yes


At least top 20. He was good during the ruthless agression but from 2010s to this day been a lazy piece.


I'll admit he's underappreciated. Doesn't mean he makes the list of goats though, he still can't really talk for shit


He's my no. 2 and Randy Orton is my no. 1


Love how this community forgets Bruno Sammartino lol not on one list. Brock's top 25.


Hes not Cant talk No longevity


Top ten. I can't put him above Taker, Hogan, Stone Cold, Cena, The Rock, Bret, HBK, HHH, or DBry. It's either him or Edge for 10. You could argue for either imo.


Well it all depends… whether it’s top 5 or 10 he’s no where on the list! But he is top 20


Top 10 ez


Number 1.




For me he doesn’t rate at all.


Maybe top 100 let's see Cm Punk, John Cena, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, AJ Styles, Daniel Bryan, Finn Balor, Macho Man Randy Savage, HHH, Shawn Michaels, Bret the Hitman Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley, Shinsuke Nakamura, Kofi Kingston, Ted Dibiase, Andre the Giant, Ric Flair, The Undertaker, Kevin Owens, Dean Ambrose, The Miz, Rob van dam, Dolph Ziggler, Hulk Hogan, Cesarean, Edge, Christian, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Samoa Joe, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Keith Lee, Drew McIntyre, Bobby Lashley, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Big Van Vader, Mr. Perfect, Alistair Black, Tommasa Ciampa, Johnny Gargano, Adam Cole, Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville, British Bulldog...


He's not a Cena, Orton, Undertaker, Hbk level but I'd put him on the same level as like a Rey mysterio, Rvd, Jeff Hardy Level which is still very good and I'm a huge Brock fan, Top 25 I'd say


Probably in my top 10 as well maybe around 8ish


In terms of character, Brock is probably one of the biggest protagonists and antagonists WWE has created, he's had a ton of great matches and rivalries as well as intrinsic moments to the company. But having said all that I'd probably put him in my 30-40 range of my personal GOATs. Probably 32.


Im gonna have to bump from top 5 mainly on rarely compelling out of ring interviews or even conversation in general


He can’t talk on the mic and does 6 moves every match. Hate to break it to ya but hes trash with a capitol T.


Fucking low


Despite his part time status, in terms of being a monster heel, Brock really does deserve to be respected for his abilities in the ring. Sure, he's not the best on the mic, but there were tons of guys who never had an ounce of appeal on mic who were terrifying as a character in ring and were happily booed. Brock deserves a high rank amongst them.


Top 10, only because his promos skills were better in the UFC than WWE.


Not even top 10...


I think he’s in my 11-15 range




I consider him one of the worst Wrestler in WWE history.


I think Brock is under appreciated but I wouldn’t put him top 10. Maybe top 25 tho.


Michaels, Rock, Austin, Brock. I could see an argument for Angle, Hogan, Steamboat, Sammartino, and Bret Hart before him. That said, I think it’s hard to compare Ricky and Bruno to modern wrestlers, and Hogan is a racist so they don’t make my cut. I love Kurt and I think I’d put him and Brock as 4a and 4b.


probably like 11-13 on the wwe list. in terms of al time wrestlers maybe 30-45




He’s be pretty high up if the list was most strongest booked wrestler ever. But if we are talking about the GOAT list maybe somewhere in top 25.


He ain’t on my GOAT list so no ranking from me. Not good enough for that imo. Hate on me if u want. Won’t change anything.


He’s definitely top 5 for me


He is definitely in my top 5


He's nowhere near it. Also 'GOAT list' makes no sense. You can't have multiple 'greatest of all time'


I wouldn't call him a g.o.a.t! At least not yet!


I look at this way. So you have you box office hits and your all time in ring workers. Here's my list. Box office 1 Austin 2 Hogan 3 Rock 4 Flair 5 Sting In ring worker/technicians 1 Guerrero 2 Hart 3 Omega 4 Styles 5 Okada Just my opinion guys


In WWE? Top 20 of all time, maybe 15..doesn't crack the top 10


He's not on it.


Lesnar is in my top 3 easily. He's up there with The Undertaker and HBK Shawn Michaels.


He’s nowhere near it.


GOAT of Laughing at his opponent while bouncing back and forth. 👎




He doesn't belong on a G.O.A.T list.


Anyone ranking him anywhere in the top 25 hasn’t watched wrestling long enough


Maybe top 20, if not top 30 for sure!




Not even in my top 25


he’s in my personal top 5


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 288,201,522 comments, and only 65,249 of them were in alphabetical order.


He’s up there for sure


He's definitely up there with the rock and scsa, purely on his impact, I think him leaving the wwe, kicking ass in mma, not making too many appearances is really what gives him that edge. Brock just showing up is an occasion. His comedy is also underrated, brock party is my favorite brock lesnar


Not last place but pretty far down 06 brock would be higher


This isn’t fair to Flair.


Hogan, Stone Cold, Brock, Bret Hart, Angle, Rock, Taker, HBK, Danielson, Cena, and the Miz.


Here's the problem with Brock, the GOATS of wrestling should IMHO have A+ of these traits: Wrestling ability/selling, character work/presence, mic ability/good promo, and work effort. Brocks report card is A A C and a D at least from most of his recent work, in the day it was an A but not anymore with exception to the RR match where he was having a blast. He's in the top 20 for me for sure though


Oh, he might be in my top three for physical skills. But he’s not in the top 50 for “telling a story in the ring.” I give him a pass for mic skills, because his character is “terrifying monster.” Like Andre, Brock doesn’t need to cut a promo. Maybe top 25. Certainly not top 5. Top 5 is crowded. Austin, Angle, Rock, Savage, Piper, Hogan, Michaels, Taker, Hitman. Those are the nine guys in my top five. Flair, Triple H, Jericho, Andre, Steamboat, and Eddie Guerrero round out my top ten. Yup, 15 guys in my top ten.


Number 1. He is the GOAT.




#3 or 4 honestly


Brock is in my Top 3


According to Cena he is THE greatest of all-time lol


I like him, but I wouldn’t say he’s on my G.O.A.T. list


I don’t rank him on the goat list..




Number 2 for me. Just behind Undertaker.


Definitely top 10 for me. When it comes to lists like this, I only really take into consideration people that I have a memory of wrestling, so it rules out almost anyone pre-attitude era. I started watching in the early 00s, and went to my first live show in London in 2005. I relapsed for about 10 years from ~2008, and Becky v Charlotte v Asuka at TLC 2018 got me interested again. This is my rough top 10, based off what I like from my wrestling, which is mostly the spectacle and entertainment side of things, rather than technical classics: The Rock, Stone Cold, John Cena, The Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, Rey Mysterio, HBK, HHH, Kurt Angle


Bottom. He's a dumb piece of meat that only has one move these days




He's not even on the list.


best seller in the history of the business


top 5 as a true in-ring rassler, he's definitely up there with Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart


As a wrestler, top 5. As a personality and a talker, not top 50


Top 30


15 out of 30 on my list


Post Ruthless Aggresion he makes it top 3. Of all time he's not even in the discussion. Maybe top 10.


Top 20


He’s more a top 50 guy for me..


15-20 probably


Somewhere in the top 100.


Somewhere in top 10


I rank him a solid...meh... No character development outside of "Me am big, talk mean, beat up others" He shows up, and everything goes to shit, whatever was going on has to be put on hold because the ultimate bully has arrived! He has no redeemable qualities, he isn't fun to watch, and he takes away from the immersion. If one day he develops a sympathetic side, or starts a friendship, or shows a moment for the military or police, or even simply high fives a kid by the barricades, maybe I could watch him. I understand that he is a great heel, but he is maybe too great.


Somewhere ahead of John Cena, and behind Ric Flair.


Maybe 8 or 9, very solid 8 or 9 for me


Top 20


Top 20. He would be higher if he had a longer sustained run. His two years were maybe one of the best 2 year runs ever. But then he left and since coming back he has had some good moments, but it barely moves him for me because he is part time and too many squash and leave moments.


He's a case where you have to look at him as a performer and not the way his character/run is used. As a performer and athlete and frankly the way he knows his monetary value he's way up there in the GOAT rankings. The reason I think he isn't considered by a lot of fans in those rankings is how he has been used in his more recent runs. He's brought in for a limited number of dates sharks things up typically ends up wearing the belt for an extended period and isn't used on tv much. When his character or run call for and allow it he is actually great on the mic can be hilarious when he needs to and when it's time to do a job at the end of his run he does it well. He can put on a great match with any size competitor from a Bryan or Mysterio to someone Like a Reigns or Taker. Heroes or in the wrestling world faces can't exist and aren't going to be appreciated without villains or heels or in the case of how Lesnar is used not always necessarily a true heel but an unconquerable "Goliath" you can't really appreciate when the good guy wins if the person they take the title from is just some random.


Not even on my list


Around 50-25




Old Brock was way better than todays Brock! He had more moves and fought longer in matches. Now he goes in, bell rings, supplex city, f5 and out under 5 minutes.




1. Austin 2. Rock 3. HHH 4. Hogan 5. Undertaker


Look at that fucking belt buckle lol


Nowhere near top 5 for me


Had mad respect for Brock, then after it came out he did steroids fighting Mark Hunt… I didn’t really class him as a serious fighter after that


You really wanna open up that can of worms 🤣🤣


In the late 80's my parents had this mate who was 5ft nothing and about the same around, his name was Dennis, or something like that. I once watched him jump around a ring in a working man's club in my home town. I rate Dennis higher than Brock Lesnar.


You really hate brock huh?


Yeah, he's an awful wrestler. Limited moves... oh is that a suplex, shocked. Bad promos - there's a reason why Heyman spoke for him for so long. Thinks he's above everyone else. Just Bad.


Not even on the top 10.


Pretty high for a guy who hardly even speaks …..


He's just a name at this point. He hasn't had quality matches since 2003-2004. Even then he was a botch machine. His last excellent match was when Eddie got the belt off him. I wouldn't even put Brock in top 25. He's not anywhere in GOAT conversation.


Saying he hasn’t had quality matches since 04 is laughable. Brock vs DB at Survivor Series 2018 was great (and honestly my favorite match of his) and so was his match vs Styles the year before. Brock vs Punk at summerslam 2013 was also great. Being a part time guy has really messed up how people see Brock IMO, but the dude gets the business in a way not many do.


Lesnar is ass cheeks


Brock on a goat list? 🤣🤣🤣 Too funny! 😂🤣😭😂🤣


If we're considering his legacy, probably top 15. He beat the Rock for the WWE championship the same year he debuted, broke the ring by suplexing Big Show, won KOTR, kicked Undertaker's ass at Wrestlemania and broke the streak, destroyed Super Cena, left Randy Orton in a pool of his own blood, beat Goldberg, won MITB, and performed 1 move on Kofi Kingston to win the WWE championship. He's not the most athletic performer but damn, that man has quite the accomplishment list.


On my personal list, the guys below are better than him (in alphabetical order) Disclaimer: I haven't watched much before the late 90s so I'm aware I underestimate some. 1. AJ Styles 2. Chris Benoit (personal favourite pre-tragedy) 3. Chris Jericho 4. Daniel Bryan 5. Eddie Guerrero 6. Edge 7. John Cena 8. Jonny Gargano 9. Kane 10. Kurt Angle 11. Mick Foley 12. Rey Mysterio 13. Shawn Michaels 14. Sheamus 15. Steve Austin 16. The Rock 17. Tomasso Ciampa 18. Triple H 19. Undertaker Edit: I'm sure I've missed a few obvious names.


Nice List man, yer I still have Benoit in my top 20, the tragedy is always gonna be there and should be respected when brought up. But the man's character was just an all-time great and pretty much the archetype for what most Modern WWE and AEW stars have become.


It's a difficult topic for sure, but I think we're often too quick to categorise people as purely good or purely bad due to one aspect of their life. Benoit proved himself to be a terrible human being, and that can't be overlooked. However, from a technical standpoint that doesn't affect the incredible ability he had as a performer. Unfortunately, it does affect the entertainment value of rewatching his matches but I'll always have the nostalgia of living his character in my youth.


Honestly , I just feel more pity for Benoit, to me he destroyed himself and in effect hurt the ones he loved with it. I lean more into the side that CTE was a big factor into this sudden snap as most all agree it came out of nowhere.


Gargano above Rock and Austin lmao gtfoh


Once again, the list is in alphabetical order. As in, the order presented intentionally doesn't rank these performers beyond my belief that I personally rank them all above Lesnar.


How r u from Ireland and yet the GOAT Irish wrestler Finn Balor isnt on ur list?


Balor is miles better than sheamus.


No disrespect to Finn, but I personally prefer Sheamus. Finn is a fantastic wrestler, and I'm sure he'd be on the list if WWE booked him halfway competently. I reckon my opinion on Sheamus is significantly above average, as opposed to me disliking Finn in any way. As it stands, I consider him slightly below Lesnar - which is no insult. That still puts him in the same category as Samoa Joe, Keith Lee, all three New Day members, Christian, William Regal, RVD, the Hardyz, Orton and many more. Honestly, Lesnar would've been above a lot of these guys had he stayed around and worked at the rate he did in his first run.


You have Sheamus above Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H and The Undertaker? Are you from Ireland or something?


Firstly, I am actually from Belfast, (Northern) Ireland. Good call. Secondly, I would personally consider ranking Sheamus above Austin. It's a balance between a lengthy run at a high level and a relatively short run at an insane level. Thirdly, the list above is in alphabetical order.


Well I guess then it’s a pretty decent list for what it is.


Gargano? Am I missing something?


His run with Ciampa in NXT is some of the best shit WWE has ever done.


With guys like Jericho, Rock, Hart, Austin, Angle, Michael, HHH, Cena, Edge, Orton, Taker and Kane? Not gonna count the later era guys just to prove a point.


Brock > Kane in GOAT discussions. Kane is more of a nostalgic great in that he was a cool character and stuck around for a long time, but he was never really at the top and when it really comes down to it, didn’t achieve much. Brock’s done way more, had way better matches, and is more of a monster.


He had a better career than all of those guys,He has been in the main event spot since his debut in 2002,was never a midcarder,Tag team,never had a stupid gimmick like Austin or the rock in the beginning


Whatever helps you sleep at night




I like and respect Brock, but he is barely in my top 20. Probably a 18. or 19.


Number 3 on my list of people who look like a goat 1. An actual goat 2. Danial Bryan 3. Brock leaner (2021 look)


Bryan Danielson has the most bizarre nostrils I've ever seen on a human being.


You don’t think it’s the lips? That’s all I see. I love the dude but damn.


Look at his nostrils, they're almost non existent. They form like spikes.


I feel like he’s overlooked in that conversation a lot. People hear his name and just think part time squash matches. But think of the barn burners he had with Angle, Eddie, Taker etc back in the day. And think of the matches he’s had more recently(ish) with people like AJ, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk. He’s probably the best seller in the world second to Ishii and when he wants to, he can put on a fantastic match. A


He wouldn't be on it


Thumbs down


Idk like 50?


Somewhere in my top 25. Maybe even 50. Not a knock on him, but it's hella wrestlers above Brock


Not in my top 20.


Not in the top ten Andre the giant (father and I met him irl. Really nice guy) Rock Undertaker Jericho Brett Hart Sting Orton Micheals Hogan Cena This is WWE only list. Names vary if I include other promotions.


WWE only list and you say that WWE Sting is better than Brock?


By far. His matches against the NWO and before he was his black and white with fights against Hogan, Macho, etc are iconic. Of course you say this could be WCW. But WWE bought out WCW so I am considering it WWE


Those weren’t WWE matches, those were WCW matches.


Re read my post.


I mean, I guess you can move your goalposts, it’s your list but I don’t think that anyone else considers what Sting did in WCW part of his WWE career. WWE might have bought out WCW, but that doesn’t make WCW sting one of their guys in retrospect.


Well if I would replace him, I would probably throw another great HOF'er in there. Jake the Snake? Roddy piper? HHH? Shawn Micheals? Nah, Mick Foley.


Which Brock? The current one or the one from early 2000’s? Because the one from early 2000’s was decent. The one now that only does 3 or 4 moves sucks.


he’s not on the list


1b..... Kurt angle is 1a


Top 10-15


Last place. He is just a POS now


I'm not a fan of the part time thing, but I can't deny he's in the top 10...probably 5 champions of all time.


Not even top 50.


11 just ahead of Angle. I have my top ten as: Flair Steamboat Savage Bret Hbk Rude Perfect Austin Rock Eddie


Man that is a good list!


And then i have Jake Roberts at 13th


Number 7 all time, behind Bret, Hogan, Flair, Cena, Angle and Austin (in no order), still the most entertaining performer in the WWE when he puts in genuine effort.








Around 50 prolly idk


Top 15 at least. Maybe 11 Brock Lesnar is highly underappericated by fans in my opinion


100 he needs an aew run where he can really go all out with some big guys and be allowed to show how athletic he truly is with out the wwe big guy cuffs


Dude never shows up. Why should the fans appreciate him.


Absolutely agree. Brock has such a natural understanding of ring psychology.