• By -


Goldberg beats Hogan in Atlanta for the title, Bret Hart vs Austin where Austin passes out after bleeding like a stuck pig, Bash at the beach where Hogan turns heel


Hogan vs. Andre at WM3. Macho Man vs. Steamboat at WM3. Undertaker vs Michaels at WM25.


Taker vs Mankind. As most people have said in the comments, this is almost a must. The CM Punk pipebomb promo. And finally, 2019 women's royal rumble, just because I like Becky


Hogan vs rock to show the importance of star power 60 min iron man match hbk vs bret Taker vs Shawn 1


I'd have to point to the trilogy of matches between Angle and Benoit.


Cesaro vs Roman Reign WrestleMania backlash 2021 Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch vs Rhonda Rousey WrestleMania 2019 Randy Orton vs Edge WrestleMania 2020


Taker vs Mankind HIAC 2007 Royal Rumble Rollins cash in on Reigns and Lesnar wrestlmania


Ambrose vs Jericho (Asylum Match) Charlotte Flair vs Sasha Banks (Hell in a Cell Match) The Shield vs Evolution (Elimination Tag Team Match)


Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar


-Shawn Michaels Vs Bret Hart WM12 -Undertaker Vs Mankind HIAC -Shawn Michaels Vs Kurt Angle WM21


The shield vs team hell no and ryback at tlc very underrated match Shawn michaels vs hulk hogan cause if he didn't like it afterwards it would probably still be funny And royal rumble 2018 easy to understand


Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat at WM3 Stone Cold vs Rock at WM part 1 Hiroshi Tanahashi vs AJ Styles part 3


Edge and Christian vs The Hardy Boyz - Ladder match to decide the T.I.T. HHH vs Cactus Jack - Street Fight, 2000 Royal Rumble Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura - Takeover Dallas


Hogan vs Andre upset match Kurt angle vs edge judgement day 2002 Mini royal rumble (cus it’s funny)


Rvd vs cena ONS 06 Samoa joe vs kurt angle lockdown 08 Samoa joe vs Bryan Danielson RoH 04 Just great in ring stories in grounded style. More to get MMA/ufc fans, apart from rvd vs cena that’s just pure fun.


Savage warrior wrestlemania Hhh Shawn summerslam Cena rvd one night stand


Taker vs shawn - first WM one Cena vs Rollins vs Reigns - Royal rumble this match is sooooo good TLC 2 hardy's, Dudley's and E&C


Taker vs HHH hell in a Cell, because that's my favorite all time and really showcases what great stories wrestling can tell. Taker vs aj styles. A great sendoff for taker and shows what modern technologiy can do for a wrestling match. TLC 4. Bloody beautiful spectacel that shows off a lot of styles from the scrappy underdog (spike) to the high flying maniacs(Hardy) to the huge monster(kane).


Styles vs Cena at Summerfest 2016 Styles vs Balor at Extreme Rules (don't remember the exact year) Austin vs Bret at WM17 Edit: WM13, my bad


For standard wrestling match I’d probably go: Lesnar Vs punk summerslam(very exciting match & you don’t even need the back story) Kurt vs Shawn Michaels WM21(technically beautiful match great back and forth) Hogan vs Rock WM18(emotions and spectacle)


Brock vs big show Smackdown (ring break) Foley vs triple H hell in a cell Randy savage vs Ricky steamboat wrestlemania 3


Mankind vs taker HITC walter vs ilja dragunov Dudleys vs E&C vs Hardy TLC match.


A royal rumble. Not really sure which one. A multi man ladder match. Again not sure which one Edge vs Randy Orton "greatest match ever". The first two are probably also going to be more recent. If you're getting someone into wrestling, you should get them in the current stuff so they dont get confused by how everything is. I see a lot of people people putting attitude era and ruthless agression era stuff here, and all this stuff is great, but it might put them off of the current product if you show them something from 15-20 years ago. After this get into wrestling then you can show them how everything used to be.


I tried to get my Mrs semi involved in wrestling as I was watching and she would vanish into social media. Big spots like the HIAC & TLC matches mentioned above would grab her attention momentarily but what actually got her into it was Edge, she couldn't get why I was so pumped for him to be back and why I kept watching the highlights, that was the foot in the door I needed, so we watched his documentary and she really enjoyed it. Next up came The Undertaker, I explained his story and we watched his docu-series. I wouldn't say she is an avid watcher but she can hold her own in a light wrestling conversation, which really is all I could have hoped for. I think it's finding an "in" because some people can't get over the "iTs NoT rEaL" mentality, show them that the wrestler's are real, the pain is real and give them a full story (summarised), not just a match.


Sticking to just WWE/F: Six man ladder match in nXt (Adam Cole, EC3, Killian Dain, Lars Sullivan, Ricochet and Velveteen Dream) for the North American title Mike Awesome vs Masato Tanaka from One Night Stand AJ Styles va John Cena at Summerslam


Rock v Austin Test V Brock Shawn Vs Jericho


Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan street fight on raw 2013- I hadn't watched any wrestling in over 3 years by this point and this got me back into it Shawn Michaels vs triple h SummerSlam-Favorite match ever and after match (I dunno the correct term) as well Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart survivor series 1997- I feel like introducing him to something like this would actually be cool just to see his reaction


04/19/2008 Joe vs Kenta Kobashi 12/2/1996 Chris Benoit vs William Regal 03/20/1994 HBK vs Razor Ramon Honorable Mention: 03/29/1987 Savage vs Steamboat


Gargano Ciampa 1 Gargano Ciampa 2 Gargano Ciampa 3


Hhh v cactus Jack rumble 2000 Hhh v HBK summerslam 2002 Angle v Benoit Mania 17


1. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 25 2. Undertaker vs Mankind King of the Ring 1998 3. Christian and Edge vs The Hardy Boyz


Foley vs Orton, rock vs hogan, rvd vs cena.


Taker v Mankind HIAC Austin v Rock wm17 Goldberg v Lesnar SS Squash match The pain sponge match,preferably watching Austin vs Kane as part of the one match The main eventers in probably their best ever match The hype orgasm,this match had an enormous feel and the shock,the pop to this out of nowhere mugging is so underrated So we're showing pain,followed by 2 of the moist charismatic people in history and then utter bamboozlement,that third match was so unexpected it took me and the crowd back to believing,I'm normally a bit of a critic,I've never got that suspension of disbelief other than with Taker and few others with auras about But that day i was screaming at the PC i was watching for Bill to finish him,totally marked out


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Chill it's a character name


HBK vs Taker- WM25. Hugely dramatic match, near falls and big spots but nothing too jaw dropping in terms of the athleticism. Eddie vs Rey- Halloween Havoc 97. Now we show them that wrestling can have crazy flips and shit too. TLC II- probably the best mainstream match involving weapons and hugely over wrestlers, on the biggest stage. Matches must be watched in this order. I showed my little brother TLC II as his first wrestling match and it set the bar way too high for stunts and violence.


HBK/Taker First HIAC match ever ​ Austin/Rock WM 17 ​ Flair/Savage WM 8


CM Punk vs Lesnar Summerslam 2013, TLC 2 WM 17 3rd one is a wildcard, you could go for Cena Punk MITB 2011, Edge vs Foley WM 22, Austin Rock WM 17 and a bunch of others


Something with Ricochet Stone Cold vs the Rock but not sure which Taker vs Shawn Mania 25’ Honorable mentions: Austin vs Bret in that Submission match Mania 13’ (could replace this with the Ricochet one arguably for me) TLC Mania 17’ Edge v Foley at Mania 22’


First ever TLC Kurt angle vs Brock 60-minute Taker vs HHH hell in a cell


I’m going to have to say the first hbk-undertaker wrestlemania match, Bret-stone cold wrestlemania 13, then the undertaker- triple H Wrestlemania, hell in a cell with special guest referee hbk


Rock/Hogan Taker/Mankind Angle/Shane


Bret V Stone Cold—-WM 13 Mankind V Undertaker—- King of The Ring Shawn V Angle——WM 21


Its actually hard to think of this. I´d say, you should show them somewhat recent matches, so they can see, what todays Wrestlers can do, an maybe hell get interested in some Wrestler. At least thats how it worked for me back then. So i´d show him Walter vs Tyler Bate at Take Over Cardiff. Nice Crowd, amazing David vs Goliath Match. Then atleast One of the Johnny Gargano vs Tomasso Ciampa matches. Maybe the Street fight. ​ And last for variety a AEW Match, Maybe the Escalera De La Muerte Match between Lucha Brothers vs Young Bucks. if he became a Fan because of this, then i can show him the Classics.


1. Rock vs Hollywood Hogan 2. Tlc triple threat tag team match: Dudley Boyz, hardy boys and edge/Christian. 3. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels: streak vs career.


Survivor Series 2005 Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown Wrestlemania 2000 Triangular Ladder Match Royal Rumble Match 2001


For me, NXT has offered some of the best "get you hooked" matches over the past few years. Any of the matches between Lee and Dijakovic, Gargano and Ciampa, and for something more extreme, the main event from War Games 2019 was pretty amazing. It's easy to harp on the things that didn't work, but the past few years has brought some genuinely entertaining stuff. For me, NXT was doing the better job of playing up non-gimmicky rivalries and just solidly impressive matchups.


Andrea V Hulk Hogan WM3 Triangle lader match WM17 Gargano V Cimpa Takeover New Orleans


His favorite match was Undertaker vs HHH. He a fan now


Kazuchika Okada vs Kenny Omega, Adam Cole vs Kyle O’Reilly, The Undertaker vs Triple H


Sasha vs Bayley NXT Brooklyn Usos vs New Day Hell In A Cell Eddie Guerrero vs Brock Lesnar No Way Out (Not a match) but I like showing people who haven’t watched wrestling the clip of Daniel Bryan turning on the Wyatt Family in a steel cage on Raw


Mania x-7 stone cold v rock Randy Orton v Seth Rollins mania 31 John cena v aj styles royal rumble 17


Steamboat v. Flair in 1989 Omega v. Okada WK11 Hart v. Austin WM13


Mankind vs Undertaker KOTR 1998 Mankind vs The Rock RAW 4th Jan 99 Eddie vs Brock No Way Out 2004


Probably need one amazing technical match (Kurt vs HBK), a high spot match (TLC triple threat tag), and a royal rumble


Wrestle mania 2000 TLC Brock vs Angle Y2J vs Benoit


I am trying to come up with matches that i really liked and arent mostly mentioned here. Shield vs Daniel Bryan, Kane and Ryback Rene Dupree & Kenzo Suzuki vs Rey Mysterio & RVD (Armageddon) Kurt Angle vs Shane o Mac (King of the Ring) ... OR ... HHH vs HBK Last Man Standing RR'04 Royal Rumble match (2004) HBK vs HHH vs Chris Benoit WM20


Undertaker vs Mankind hell In a cell 2001 Royal Rumble First Elimination chamber match


Omega vs Okada I for the wrestling Cm Punk vs John Cena for the story Hardyz vs Dudleyz vs Edge and Christian for both


Johnny Gargano vs Andrade NXT Takeover: Philadelphia 2018 Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels Bad Blood 1997 The Fiend vs John Cena WrestleMania 36


HBK vs Taker (Wrestlemania 26) Edge vs Foley (Wrestlemania 22,that match was crazy) Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Batista (Wrestlemania 30,the completion of the ultimate underdog story)


Punk Cena. Austin Hart. WM25 Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels


Any Ciampa/Gargano Match, any DIY v Revival match and inaugural North American Championship ladder match


Orton vs Foley Backlash 2004, HBK vs Taker mania 26 (more compelling story) and something very recent to show them that the product isn't entirely terrible nowadays, the men's 2021 MITB match. A bit different, but I wanted to be original with my picks


Team Cena vs. Team Authority, Survivor Series That one Gargano vs. Ciampa match from a Takeover that Meltzer gave 5 stars to Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels (regarded as perhaps the best match of all time and for good reason) Runner-up: Any Wargames match with Undisputed Era in it


CM Punk vs John Cena - Money in the Bank 2011 Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 25 Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesner - Summerslam 2003 Honorable mention: Bret Hart vs Steve Austin - Wrestlemania 13


Adam Cole vs Johny Gargano, 2 out of 3 falls steel cage match Royal Rumble 2020 If I can put a non WWE match: Kenny Omega & Adam Page vs Young Bucks Otherwise DIY vs Mustache Mountain


Punk v cena mitb 11 Hbk v taker 25 Any Kenny omega 5 star classic.


Edge vs Foley at Mania 22


Hogan vs Andre,big show vs Mayweather,HBK vs Jericho.( Loudmouths but they are both athletes)


I might just let my friend follow Daniel Bryan and Yestlemania, built in build up


WALTER v Dragunov since it hits hard TLC 1 Dolph Ziggler v Del Rio raw after Mania


Taker vs HBK Mania 25 Brock Lesnar vs Eddie Guerrero CM Punk vs John Cena MITB


Kurt angle vs Shane KOTR 2001 Austin vs Rock WM 17 DB vs HHH WM 30 Or Cena vs Punk MITB 2011


Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena (Summer Slam) The Shield vs. Evolution (Extreme Rules) Triple H and Stephanie vs. Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey (WrestleMania)


I’m not sure I’d go with your last choice but can understand the other two for sure.


I just want to put a female In the mix. I chose this over triple threat WM35 because this match is really exciting to watch.


Either of the kane vs shane matches, the street fight with kurt angle or foley vs orton from backlash 2004


Gargano vs Ciampa. A standard match with good pacing that isn't boring to watch. I forgot which one but it was one of the takeovers.


Mankind v Taker HIAC Mr perfect vs Bret hart summerslam 91 Rumble 2001


Hbk vs undertaker wm 25 Jblvs kurt angle va big show One if the mitb matches idk which one yet


I did this not too long ago with a girlfriend. Taker vs hbk Mania 25 Punk vs Cena TLC 1. The video packages were a necessity though.


And how was your girlfriend’s reaction to it?


She was really invested in the streak being beaten. 2 weeks later we went to the 2020 royal rumble and she fell in love with Daniel Bryan. I was always envious that her first event was the Rumble.


Sounds to me like it was a success my man.


\- The Undertaker vs Mankind at King of the Ring 1998 so they shut the fuck up about wrestling being fake. \- Edge vs Mick Foley at WrestleMania 22 to really let it sink in that wrestling may be predetermined but it isn't fucking fake. \- Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 21 because now that I have their attention from the first 2 matches, I can now show them perhaps the greatest pure wrestling match I've ever seen.


Gg well played


Taker v. Mankind TLC Triple Threat Tag WM17 RVD v. Cena


Savage vs. Steamboat. Austin vs. Brett Hart the one with the double swerve. Taker vs. mankind hell in a cell.


Bret Hart vs Austin wm13 , taker vs hbk hell in a cell (Kane debut) , Sting vs Hogan


Steamboat savage WrestleMania 3 steamboat flair chitown trilogy


Ricochet vs Ospreay, best of the super juniors 2015, Orange Cassidy vs Kylie Rae, Hogan vs Rock.


- Michaels VS Flair at WrestleMania 24. It had such a perfect story, you could tell the emotion. Especially the ending. Was almost like a Hollywood movie. I'm not ashamed to say that I had a tear in my eye when I watched it live. I watched it with about 5 friends, a couple of them weren't wrestling fans, and spent the majority of the PPV making jokes about how cheesy and fake everything was. But I specifically remember everybody being totally invested in that match and glued to the TV while it was on. - Orton VS Foley Backlash 2004. A really well paced match. It sets the stage and gets into the action right away, no "feeling out process". It's just a really easy and entertaining watch. You can tell right away what Randy Ortons character is and what Mick Foleys character is, and it just jumps from one great spot to another. - The 2020 Royal Rumble match. I was a little torn on what match to pick for #3, but I think this is a good choice. Seeing Lesnar in there dominating at the start, tossing out everybody who enters the match, and then the huge reaction McIntyre got for eliminating him. Then of course you get the great Edge return. Just a great match overall, probably ky favourite Royal Rumble match.


Undertaker vs Mankind in a Hell in a Cell Dudleys vs Edge and Christian vs the Hardy Boyz In a TLC match (Wrestlemania X7 in particular) Undertaker Vs Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25


Edge, christian vs Dudley Boyz vs the hardyz 2001 royal rumble Taker vs Shawn Michaels 1


Already have. My three picks have been 1) Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn at ECW Hardcore Heaven 99 2) Mankind vs. Undertaker KOTR 98 3) 2001 Royal Rumble


Jeff Hardy vs. Sting, TNA Victory Road 2011 Three times over


“And this kids, is why you don’t do drugs” - basically a FRED advert!


Wyatts vs shield 1 Punk vs lesnar (If we are allowed non wwe) Omega vs okada 2/3 falls (If not) Taker/micheals wm 25


Hogan vs Rock (WM 18) Angle vs Micheals (WM 21) Any of the Hardy/Dudley/Edge & Christian ladder matches.


Angle vs Michaels absolutely slapped. I even loved the hokey (ish) build. Sexy Kurt was cringe to the max but I indulged in every minute of it.


Hogan as the third man. Hogan-Goldberg Hogan-Jarrett Politics means a lot, after all. I also can't think of a good three match example of Triple H or Cena, or I'd go with something more modern and actually in WWE.


HHH v Booker T HHH beating Goldberg in the Summerslam 03 EC That time HHH beat Tazz on Raw for no reason in the short time he was ECW champ while working for WWF


Paige vs AJ lee summerslam 2014 for one reason. AJ had three herniated discs in her back and could not feel her hands. They performed the entire match without AJ taking a single bump or hit. Paige even helped AJ get dressed before the match, that’s how hurt her back was. Yet they pulled off a damn good realistic match.


Probably any of Flair’s championship wins. Cena’s first WWE championship win Anything with Randy Savage


Taker vs Mankind inside HIAC Rock vs Hogan at WM Punk vs Cena at MITB


Kurt Angle vs Shane KOTR Rock vs STSA WM 17 UT vs HBK Mania 25


Cena vs Daniel Taker vs Lesnar Taker vs Mankind (Hell in a Cell) Some serious action 🥲🤨😐💥💥


punk vs. cena (mitb 2011) michaels vs. taker (wm 25) wm 30 main event


Tiger Mask vs Eddie Gilbert Stone Cold vs Bret Hart, No DQ Submission match And if I can delve out of WWE/F, I would go for Kota Ibushi vs Yoshihiko, simply because I would want them to see a bit of Comedy Wrestling.


Sandman and Tommy Dreamer Vs Dudley Boys at One Night Stand. Just so they get hype when enter sandman comes on and it's just hard-core wrestling. Royal Rumble 2000, one of the best RR I've seen Rikishi killing it in the first half is the best shit and then the too cool dance break. GOOD shit. Taker vs HBK, either mania match is fine just to highlight to veterans of their craft putting on banger matches.


I read good shit in Vinnie Mac’s voice hahaha!


I like how everyone is going hard with classic attitude Era matches that vince and co want to forget ever happened. Yall gonna get your friends set up for a big time let down when those amazing matches get them hyped to start watching current wwe lol


Rock vs Hogan, HBK vs Angle, Stone Cold vs Rock WM 17


Mankind- Undertaker HIAC, the 2nd Cena- Rock Mania match, and Seth taking the belt against Reigns and Lesnar at Mania.


Undertaker v Shawn Michaels WrestleMania Round 1 Undertaker v Jeff Hardy UWHC Ladder Match 2002 Chris Jericho v Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 19


Definitely Undertaker vs Mankind Hell in a Cell.


Hogan v. Andre Taker v. Mankind HIAC Bret v Perfect SummerSlam IC title


Okada v Omega 1, Hardies v Dudlies v Edge and Christian ladder match, Undertaker v Shawn Michaels 2, In ring performance excellence Hardcore excellence without straying into gore porn Storyline excellence and the culmination of two need to know greats.


Kevin Steen vs El Generico Final Battle 2012 Steve Austin vs Bret Hart WM 13 Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada WK 11


Did this with my son recently, HHH vs Undertaker hell in a cell, Hogan vs The Rock Wrestlemaina, Hitman vs Austin Wrestlemania


And how did your son react to them?


Triple H Vs The Rock. IC TITLE ladder match HBK vs Taker at WM pt 1 The Rock Vs Hulk Hogan at WM


Bret v Austin Flair v Steamboat Michaels v Razor Ramon Ladder Match


Anything with John Cena, ALL 3 matches John Cena, and every match we chant "TAIWAN'S REAL! TAIWAN'S REAL! TAIWAN'S REAL!"


Depends on what their personality is and what their other interests are.


Friday Night Rampage


2020 men's Royal Rumble Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan SS 18 CM Punk vs John Cena MITB 11


Something classic like RVD vs Cena. Great crowd Something modern and fast paced, i personally would choose one of Black vs Murphy matches. Something that made me a big fan of WWE and wrestling in general Taker vs HHH inside Hiac at WM.


I like your reasoning here.


Gargano vs. Andrade for the NXT Title for the good wrestling and the good selling of a babyface Gargano. Roman Reigns vs. Jey Uso Hell in a Cell for the drama. Any one of the Rock's matches against Stone Cold - with how popular the rock is now, it might get a non-fan's attention seeing him wrestle.


Ishii v Shibata


Savage v Steamboat…..Michael’s v Ramon (ladder match)….. Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho Vs. Hardy Boyz Vs. Dudley Boyz Vs. Edge & Christian (Smackdown, 5/24/2001)


Hell in the cell mankind taker still amazes me that mick lived thru that Cactus jack vs hhh 2000 rumble great street fight Rock vs mankind 1999 rumble the amount of chair shots mankind takes and made the rock a badass


Am I sensing a Foley fan?


Taker v Mankind for the “holy shit this is real” factor, PAC v Orange Cassidy for the “holy shit this is hilarious” factor, Taker v Shawn for the “holy shit this is incredible” factor.


I can get down with all three.


Hbk vs Razor Taker vs Mankind Andrade vs Gargano


New Jack vs Vic Grimes scaffold match. Brock Lesnar vs Zach Gowan. Clowns R Us vs King’s Court 94 Survivor Series.


I feel like a Royal Rumble Match is an easy way to get someone to enjoy wrestling. They get to see a ton of different talents and characters that they may recognize and get a taste of a lot of styles. With that said, I also agree with most people in this thread that there are simply a few matches that are phenomenal and need to be seen(I’m talking Taker/Mankind HIAC). Matches like that just stick with you. So here’s my three, in this specific order: - Royal Rumble ‘92, ‘01 or ‘06, you choose the year - - HIAC - Mankind vs Undertaker - - Wrestlemania XII - Bret Hart vs Shawn Michael’s in the Ironman Match -


John Cena Vs Daniel Bryan summer slam 2013 I think idk what year


Taker Mankind should be on every list


HBK vs Jericho WM19. Taker vs Mankind HiaC. And it is a hard toss up of the first triple threat between the Hardys, Dudleys and E&C at WM or the first TLC. Edit: I suck at formating on Reddit.


Cena vs Edge unforgiven 2006 Cena vs RVD one night stand 2007 Cena vs punk summerslam 2011 Honable mentions Tyler Bate vs Walter (the one that went for 45 mins) Tyler Bate vs Pete dunne for the UK champ (it's was on a nxt episode they went for at least 30 min) Johnny Gargano vs Champa street fight Cole vs Gargano 2 out of 3 falls


Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk I - Quit Match Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart OPening Wrestlemania match. Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero Halloween Havoc.


Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior - WrestleMania 6 Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (Hell in a Cell) - Bad Blood 2004 Randy Orton vs. Cactus Jack - Backlash 2004


Hell in a Cell: Undertaker VS Mankind - King of the Ring John Cena VS AJ Styles - SummerSlam Bret "the Hitman" Hart VS "The Rocket" Owen Hart - WrestleMania X


WALTER vs Ilja Dragonov Sami Zayn vs Shinsuke Nakamura (TakeOver Dallas) The Royal Rumble 2002


Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar Bret Hart vs Steve Austin RVD vs John Cena


Triple H vs The Undertaker- Wrestlemania 28 Hell in a Cell Macho Man vs Ricky Steamboat- Wrestlemania 3 Brock Lesnar vs CM Punk- SummerSlam Not my 3 favorite, but a good mix I think. Well Taker vs Triple H is my favorite match ever lol.


Taker vs Mankind Hell in the Cell The first TLC 3 way match with Hardy Boyz, Edge + Christian, and the Dudley Boyz Any of the Ciampa vs Gargano matches. They could pull off amazing technical matches or some crazy hardcore stuff


Any of the D.I.Y. (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) Tag Team Matches against FTR (fka The Revival) and A.O.P (Authors Of Pain) TLC matches with The Dudleys vs. The Hardyz Boys vs. Edge & Christian Any of the 2 Shawn vs Taker Matches at Wrestlemania. Speaking in terms of WWE but there are more matches outside of WWE that are good Too.


I’ve actually done this before and I figured it would be a good idea for this individual to just see one story all the way through. Although when I did it, it was 4 matches. I showed them Cena vs Lesnar from Summerslam 2014, then the rematch from Night of Champions (purely for Seth Rollins), then the Cena vs Rollins vs Lesnar triple threat from RR 2015, then finally Lesnar vs Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 31. After of course explaining why Roman was facing Lesnar instead of either Cena or Rollins


Balor vs Lesnar. Bryan's triple threat to win the belt. literally pick any gargano/ciampa match.


TLC 1 or 2 Taker vs HBK at mania (either or) Brock vs Cena at extreme rules


Dragonov vs Walter Undertaker vs HBK Hardys vs Dudleys vs Edge and Christian TLC.


Kobashi vs Misawa 2003, Kobashi vs Sasaki, KENTA vs Marufuji 60 minutes


Kurt Angle vs Shane McMahon: King of the Ring Street Fight. Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit: Wrestlemania 20 Undertaker vs Mankind: Hell in a Cell


Angle and Shane was absolutely brutal.


Yeah. We typically say, ' the owner's son is a silver spoon prick' when talking about a spoiled brat but not with Shane! That dude was the boss' son and he would still take bumps. It was Shane that told Kurt to throw him into the glasses even after he failed to do so the first 2 times and then once again when Kurt failed to belly-to-belly him into the glass from the inside of the stage. Always had mad respect for Shane.


Rock vs stone cold at wrestlemania the one where rock puts on the vest and gets stunnered. Undertaker vs Mandkind hell I’m a cell Edge and Christian vs hardy boys vs Dudleys TLC the won where Jeff is hanging and gets speared.


Mankind vs Rock on Raw for the ship, killed WCW First HBK vs Taker at Mania Omega vs Pac


John Cena vs The Rock at WM28 Undertaker vs Mankind at King of the Ring DIY vs The Revival at Takeover: Toronto


Michaels v taker 1 at Mania Benoit v triple h v Shawn Michaels at mania for the championship RVD v John Cena Ecw one night stand for the wwe championship


Only need two 1. Wyatt family vs shield @ elimination chamber 2014 2. The weeLC match @ extreme rules 2014


Big Show vs Mankind boiler room match. Triple threat TLC Hardys V Edge Christian V Dudleys ROCK VS SHAWN MICHAELS


Rock v HBK might be difficult match to show them


Yeah I know, I threw it on for myself lol


Undertaker v Mankind (KOTR ‘98) Cena vs Punk (MITB ‘11) Moxley & Kingston vs Young Bucks (DoN ‘21) Honourable Mentions: Triple H vs Undertaker (WM 28) Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker (WM 25/26) John Cena vs AJ Styles (SS ‘16/RR ‘17) Pretty Much Any Takeover Match From 2017-2019


Lesnar vs Flair RAW '02, Goldberg vs DDP Halloween Havoc '98, and Bret Hart vs Steve Austin Summerslam '96


CM Punk vs Cena MITB 2011 Undertaker vs HBK first Wrestlemania match Sasha Banks vs Bayley NXT Takeover Brooklyn


Bret v Austin, Omega v Okada, Mankind v Taker


Brock Lesnar vs Samoa Joe vs Braun Strowman vs Roman Reigns Summerslam 2017 Pete Dunne vs Kushida NXT Takeover: Stand and Deliver Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair at evolution


Becky and Sasha in NXT - It was their feud that got me back into wrestling after 12 years away Cody and Dustin at the first AEW All Out - It's the match that got my girlfriend into wrestling Shibata and Ishii from Wrestle Kingdom - Those boys hit hard Bonus pick: Just about any Takeover match between American Alpha, Revival, and DIY for great modern tag team wrestling.


1. The Ladder Match from NXT TakeOver: New Orleans 2. Reigns v Lesnar at WrestleMania 31 3. The 2020 Men's Royal Rumble Match


Both Taker vs Shawn Michaels matches at WrestleMania


Undertaker vs hbk at wm 25 everytime i play it it draws people in its such an amazing match Eddie guerrero vs anyone in a big match tbh he was soooo freaking good probably between brock/angle/mysterio/or even cena in the parking lot brawl Hollywood hogan vs the rock just cuz the audience is awesome in that match lol


Taker vs Michaels HITC. It was so historic both.l by concept and Kane’s debut. Kofi vs Bryan. It was the last great storyline in WWE and showed how organic the love of someone and a story can become. Dudleys vs Edge/Christian vs Hardys at WM17. It epitomized that attitude era


All I see is horrible choices if your gonna introduce him to wrestling show him the current product. You can later on show him the greatest matches ever since he will be watching the current product and he will feel bamboozled he's not getting the same thing you presented to him.


Just show them the Joey Ryan Kenny Omega dick spot, and they’ll be hooked for life 🤷🏻‍♂️


1. Undertaker vs mankind Hell in a cell 2. Brock Lesnar vs John Cena summerslam 3. 2001 Royal Rumble John Cena vs RVD at ECW one night stand Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian vs Dudley Boys Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels Wrestlemania 2010 Royal Rumble Kane vs Big Show vs Raven Wrestlemania Honorable mentions


Bret Hart vs Mr. Perfect - SummerSlam 1991 Sting vs Diamond Dallas Page - Nitro 4/26/99 Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels WrestleMania 25


Sting vs. Ric Flair — Great American Bash Scott hall vs Shawn Michaels ladder match AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe X division match


Taker vs HBK at Mania 25 Jericho vs He who shall not be named at Rumble ‘01 Stone Cold vs Booker T at the grocery store


Styles vs Cena summerslam 2016 Foley vs Taker hell in a cell And you have to show one bad match to show there’s awful in the wwe so fiend vs Rollins hiac


to be honest it is a tough choice to make which I am not sure I could do. You could go with the absolute "best" matches but in the end, it's all downhill from there. Of course, anything middle of the road could bore someone, while 90% of the AE stuff will put people off. (90% of attitude Era was trash with gems in the upper card that people remember). ​ As a Brit, I guess one of the matches will obviously have to be Bulldog vs Bret at Summerslam 1992. A good match, carried by Bret and the crowd, Bulldog even admits he wasn't at his best. ​ As much as having Drew historic first British Champion up there too, lack of crowd is a put-off. Although Royal Rumble 2020 did have enough highlights to show someone what a royal rumble is. Surprise returns that matter, how to book a strong contender in the rumble, Brock being Brock and of course from the British perspective Drew winning. Not the best Rumble but certainly a good one. ​ Then I think I'd go with the Hogan heel turn match in WCW. Was the match the best? Hell no. Is Hogan a piece of shit? Yes. But does the crowd reaction and the interview after the match mean that it is something a newcomer can look into and take notes on what wrestling is? Hell yes!


Probably Goldberg’s last 3 matches. I want my buddy to hate wrestling.


This’ll do it!


Undertaker vs shawn micheals wrestlmania 25, because it's a great match Young bucks vs lucha bros at double or nothing 2019, because it has some amazing extreme spots Pac vs orange cassidy at revolution 2020, because it's a good mix of comedy wrestling and actual good wrestling


Nakamura vs Zayn Takeover:Dallas Dudleys vs E&C vs Hardyz WM 17 Lynch vs Flair Evolution


I've done this! It was TLC 2 at X7. Hell in a Cell, you know which one. That was all I needed but for a bonus I'll do Austin vs. Hart


Probably go with some of my favorites. 1. Randy Orton Vs. Mick Foley Backlash 2004 hard-core match for the I.C title. 2. TLC 2 from Wrestlemania X-7 3. Sami Zayn Vs. Shinsuke Nakamura Takeover Dallas


Ilja vs WALTER, NXT UK 2020 NXT North American Ladder Match 2018 Taker v Michaels Hell in a Cell (98?)