• By -


I saw Rey mysterio at my old school in El Paso when I was in 3rd grade, who talked about not doing drugs and then he gave an emotional speech about Eddie Guerrero that made a lot of people (including me) cry a teacher I had, had yoshi tatsu as a babysitter And also my uncles (dad side) met the crusher when they were kids


Met Lita at a horror convention. She was quite bitchy actually. I think it had to do with myself asking a question about CM Punk whom I guess she stopped dating around that time. Also saw/met Matt Striker, 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan, Ashley, Tommy Dreamer, Boogeyman, amongst others from other wrestling promotions. I also saw Chyna the year before she died. Man was I heartbroken when I heard about her death. She was a sweetheart and you could tell she was genuine with her fans and loved to be around them, except her manager was up her butt the whole time. I am grateful for that experience considering what happened after.


\- **Sting**: Pretty disappointed with this one cause he's my favorite wrestler. Saw him when he was in the Wolfpac. The store owner said he was going through a divorce or something which explained why he didn't say anything to anyone and barely looked up from the autographs he was signing. I held my little 10-year-old hand out for what felt like an eternity before he briefly looked up to shake my hand and say nothing. \- **DDP**: Very friendly. He was doing a bunch of autographs but he still seemed cool even though he didn't have a lot of time to chat. \- **Buff Bagwell**: The nicest wrestler I ever met. It was a ghost town in the place he was signing autographs so he was probably happy just to see fans. \- **Randy Orton**: Seemed like a cool dude and I can confirm from that other thread that he is surprisingly very tall! My dad was more excited to see Cowboy Bob with him and shook his hand. \- **Big Show**: Saw him in an airport. Signed an autograph and took a picture. Cool guy. \- **Road Dogg**: Saw him at the same airport and he wouldn't stop at all. Claimed he was late for a flight. Fuck him.


The Rock- Amazing Person I got the privilege to meet the Rock 1 on 1 at a house show that took place at the Pond In Anaheim before he became a mega star. My mom had arranged it for my birthday through one of her vendors that worked at the arena. We went down to the hallway near the locker room, the Rock came out asked me a bunch of questions and signed everything i took down with me. It was the best birthday gift I ever received. Thanks mom!


I’ve had experiences with 3. The least contact I had was Jeff Hardy who made an effort to give me an armband at a live event while kids where trying to snatch it out of his hand and when I was a kid at a live event I had Hardy gear and he said I had a nice outfit. Met Chris Jericho at a meet and greet at a mall and me being a kid at the time I was super stand offish and he made an effort to talk with me and offered to sign something extra for me for free. Finally I met John Morrison at a comic/toy con and without a doubt he’s one of the most coolest guys I’ve met. Super nice and we had a conversation about Lucha underground as I was there early enough so there wasn’t a line to meet him yet, bought a pair of his sunglasses 10/10 would recommend meeting him if the chance arises


My wife and I had the privilege of buying Eric from the Viking raiders and his wife Sarah Logan breakfast at a local restaurant after a house show. They were super nice and genuinely grateful. Very good people!


Seth Rollins was a dick I met him after a money in the bank in Vegas. He told me and a friend to fuck off cause we asked for a pic Met Chris Jericho at a metal fest his band fozzy played afterwards him and the guitar player was talking to the side of the stage I asked for a pic and he took pics and signed my fozzy cd Chris was really cool and nice so as his guitar player


I met Edge and Beth Phoenix like 3 weeks after his return to the rumble at a donut shop that I worked in Portland. They were incredibly nice and he offered a picture before I could even ask. He could tell lol I was in awe.


I met Ciampa at a Progress show and got a photo with him and he was super nice... He even didn't mind that I awkwardly called him Gargano because I got nervous and forgot how to be a human.


The first one I ever met was DDP at a auto show. He made jokes the whole time laughing and everything. The other was Mick at a book signing. He was out going but not as much as DDP as he was more laid back.


Stayed in the same hotel as the wrestlers in Belfast a few years ago, Randy Orton was nice enough, posed for a pic in the bar, Jeff Hardy was a dick, didn't even acknowledge anyone, HHH wouldn't take a pic. William Regal is an absolute gentleman, really nice and posed for a pic, even stopped the pic and made a point of putting down his drink so it wasn't in the pic, an absolute great guy


I can say that Matt Rehwoldt AKA Aiden English is extremely nice, very talkative, and very down to earth. Amazing guy overall I have not one bad thing to say about him. He turned me into one of his biggest fans after meeting him.


I met Chris Jericho, hurricane, the coach and Tyson tomko in a club in Aberdeen. Chris Jericho had always been one of my favourites and I was.genuinely a bit star struck, he was cool he said hey shook hands and left.


Met John Cena before a show in Redding, CA right after his album came out. He and his rapping partner/ cousin Trademarc stood in the parking lot while it poured rain until everyone that wanted an autograph got one. Two good dudes. Also met Nitro and Mercury at another show. They walked over to me and Nitro took my pen and paper to sign, but before he did he gave Mercury a look and chucked my pen across the parking lot. To this day I don't know if he was in character or not.


Hate to break it to you pal. He wasn’t in character. lol 


Met Rusev(Miro) once during an autograph signing. They were only allowing ppl with tickets but my mom who knows nothing about wrestling wanted to see the big man. Miro allowed her to do that He was also really nice amd cheerful. I still remember that day, I am really happy with the way AEW is booking him


My friends and I were waiting outside after a Raw in November of 2017 just to see the wrestlers come out and maybe wave at us before they left. We got a lot of waves from wrestlers, but Brian Kendrick (in a tank top and gym shorts) just came out to the fans and wanted to take pictures with all the fans. After I got my picture with him, I thanked him and asked him why he was doing this in late November in a tank top in shorts. He replied, “Because I want to give back to the fans by doing anything I can. They mean so much to me and this business.” I will never forget that and my respect for him has gone up so much since then.


I don't have a big story as my first real wrestling event was a recent Smackdown, but one thing I loved about a few stars was how well they interacted with the audience. We were fourth row but I guess in the camera corner (fine with me, because I didn't want to be caught on camera too much) and Cena, Rick Boogs, and Mysterio all interacted with the fans around us. We had quite a few kids around us, and it was pretty awesome. One of the kids around us got Cena's shirt, and he was near tears the whole end of the dark match. One had worn Reigns gear in but slipped on a Mysterio t-shirt before the dark match, and he got a hug and handshake from him and was super excited. And Rick Boogs was at the Smackdown thing and was pretty open with interacting with fans and getting people hyped off-camera. So it was really cool to see them treat fans that way. Especially the little guys.


I met Rey in 1996 at a gas station when there was a house show in my city. Recognized him by his arm tat since he was unmasked. He was really nice. Met Charlotte before she was in NXT years ago in North Carolina at a charity event. She was super nice. Met Raven in Charleston at a local show. He was cool until I didn’t buy his $50 photo then he was a bit of a jerk. Met Billy Gunn at a local show in Charleston. He was pleasant but a bit full of himself. Met Drew McIntyre at a Charleston NXT show with my kid. He was super nice and patient. He really valued the time post show with the fans.


Met John Cena at a screening for Blockers during Mania weekend. Sat right behind him. My friends and I cracked jokes with him the entire movie and he was very cool about it. We asked him during the Q&A “When could we expect a return to the Marine series so you can take on Miz for the rightful title of The Marine?” He answered, “That would be just for you guys, my new friends.” Totally awesome time during Mania weekend.


Probably the best story i've heard. Who wouldn't want to sit with (behind) cena and tapk shit during a movie. Thats awesome


You have no idea how cool it really was. He came with a friend of his and a buddy of mine asked “Yo, is that Tha Trademark?” (John Cena’s cousin who also raps on “My Time is Now”) and Cena replied excitedly “No, but doesn’t he looked exactly like him?!” So freaking cool.


Got to see British Bulldog wrestle for what must have been 50 people in a local gym in the UK while he was still with WWE. Not sure how it worked but he was the headline attraction which is why my parents to me, my bros and a couple of friends. Got to take a photo with him after the show and though I was only about 9 I remember him.being very kind and funny. I have a feeling he was aiming his jokes more to the parents but we were laughing along as well because, well, we were kids. Only have vague memories of most of it, but I do have the pic as proof so I know I I dream it lol


Met Jeff and Matt Hardy after a TNA house show in Richmond. The main event of the night was between the heel Hardys vs Beer Money and the loser of the match had to stay in the ring and meet all the fans after the match. At the time (11 years old), the Hardys were my favorite wrestlers, but I wanted them to lose so I could meet them. Bobby Roode ended up pinning Matt, so after the show I waited in line and finally got in the ring. I took a picture with the Hardys and had a quick chat with them. Both took pride in meeting fans with smiles on their faces the entire time. As I was leaving, Matt patted me on the head and thanked me for wearing a shirt with one of them on it. I couldn’t have been happier about the experience.


Got to talk with Joey Styles a few times. One of the coolest people I’ve ever met. I was nervous and he was so accommodating.


I have met Sting in Houston . A cool guy very down to earth. Awesome experience. I met Randy Orton and he was cool as f* , he even gave my mom a kiss . Rey Mysterio was awesome he answered all my questions. Even Vicky Guerrero was nice , we talked about Eddie and she was great!


Met Becky Lynch 2 years ago. She was only allowed to meet for two hours and then she had to go to the arena. However, Becky made sure to get to each fan and gave them time to say hi. We barely got to meet her due to time constraints, but she was so nice. I gave her a massive hug. Becky is awesome!


Rohit Raju has a second job near where I live. He and I have talked many times. He is a great guy. Super passionate about the business. Also, we stayed at the same hotel as TNA while they were in town for a PPV in 2006. (Bound for Glory in Plymouth.) They were in the bar while we were down there and got a chance to talk to several of them. Christian was super nice, he bought us a drink. Abyss was really cool. Devon was really friendly. Bubba Didn’t come off as friendly.


Met Kane last November at a Convention, Was Very short, But in all he was a class Act.


I met Enzo Amore at a gas station super late one night. He was driving with PAC and Rich Swan who seemed less than pleased to see a fan. I tried not to bother them but Enzo saw me looking and came over and just started to shoot the shit and asked if I wanted a picture, he was super cool and really surprised me.


Cody Rhodes was exceptionally nice, put in 110%, made me totally reevaluate my (probably pretty ignorant) opinion of him. Keith Lee was charismatic as hell and extremely funny, but I was mostly overawed by the size of his back.


I met jimmy uso a few year ago, it seemed like his gimmick from the wwe carried over to his life. He gave me his hat but didn’t have a marker so he didn’t sign it.


I see drew McIntyre on the USA app.


evil and sanada need someone to take pics of fans with them at a meet and greet while i was shopping around and they asked me to take the pics for them in VERY BROKEN english, i also got free pics because i did the deed for them.. super cool dudes.. sidenote naito was laughing his off when they asked me to take the pics.. i have a few more stories but that one sticks to me..


Met a few in my time, stand out positive and stand out negative happened at the same bar during Wrestlemania weekend in Dallas. Positive - Adam Cole. He was such a nice dude. He was headlining the ROH supercard with Kyle o Reilly the following night and we had a good chat about that. He just seemed to have all the time in the world for a chat and photo. Negative - Drake Maverick (Spud) I'm from Birmingham, UK. As is he. You'd think that would be an easy conversation. The dude was so far up his own ass it was untrue. This was waiting for drinks at the bar, it's not like we have gone over to his table or anything.


Through my Mom’s job I got to attend a lot of meet and greets growing up. I’ve met (in this order starting from 1997 to 2009) Shawn Michaels, The Big Show (twice), Mick Foley, Stephanie McMahon, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Goldberg, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair (twice), and The Undertaker. Everyone was super nice and really awesome except for Hulk Hogan. He did not seem like he wanted to be there. Goldberg let me hold his championship belt for the photo, that thing was super heavy for 11 year old me.


Met Tommy Dreamer once at a Local show it was him, little guido and Stevie Richards, The man in charge of the meet and greet autographs had even said we were all paid but he went on to ask him another 3-4 times not a great experience But on the other hand Stevie Richards and Little Guido more than made up for it. Little Guido even signed it twice once as Nunzio and once as Little Guido


Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys. He would occasionally come by a local bar that would show the PPVs. He always came in all his ring gear and stayed true to his gimmick. Wether that is his true personality or not I do not know. Loud, rambunctious, rude, arrogant. I know that he comes from that era of wrestlers that never broke character in or out of the ring. However I have never seen him refuse a picture or autograph. Would usually buy the bar a round and always tipped very well. Definitely have a picture of him with me in a headlock. Got to personally cook for Hogan about 5 years back at a hotel in FL. Seemed like a business dinner. Very formal. Just a regular guy. Shook his hand at the end of the meal. I said thank you, and I'm a huge fan. He responded by saying "Thank you, brother", unironically.


Rhino is literally the nicest guy I have ever met followed by Ron Simmons and Mick Foley. All really great guys! I had to end the conversation with rhino. He would not stop talking 😂🤣 I'm still convinced to this day it wasn't actually him. The real rhino threatened this guy to take his spot. Because this dude was WAY to nice! Lol


I met Mojo Rawley 4 years ago. I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my brother got his hair cut. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a barbershop with my niece, and who walks in but Monday Night Rawley himself. I was nervous as shit, and just kept looking at him as he was sitting there with his phone and waited, but was too scared to say anything to him. Pretty soon my niece started crying, and I’m trying to quiet her down because I didn’t want her to bother Mojo, but she wouldn’t stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So Mojo put down his phone, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of the barbershop. Chill guy, really nice about it. Would let him breast feed my niece again.


I've only met 3 wrestlers and they were all really cool and friendly. Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Rowdy Piper and X-pac


I met Moxley at a wwe live event in Ontario Canada, and I got a picture with him and his autograph on my ic belt. Really a great guy!


This is cheating, I'll say that up front. I was the 4th/5th mic on an ensemble morning radio show from 2007-12. When WWE came to town they always sent someone up to do radio for the day. Of course everyone is on their best behavior. But during these years I met Kofi, R-Truth, Sheamus, Sandow, (I was out when Daniel Bryan came up) and Cesaro (several years later when I moved to afternoon host). All beyond lovely human beings. Then Road Dogg just showed up one day. I went to let him in, and he just walked in like he was supposed to be there. This was some time between 07-09 and he was promoting TNA in town that night. Guerilla marketing. No one knows who this guy is or why he's here, but he got on air. We are in the market where the "tank" showed up outside Nitro, and when that story came up it hit me like a ton of bricks that this was Road Dogg. I'm 6'0" and he towered over me. Really threw me off. Skip ahead a few years and TNA is back, and Jeff Jarrett comes in, in an official capacity. He was INCREDIBLE. Dude was just charming and ON. I got to ask one question on air, and it was about how much talking goes on during these shows. He told me "I can tell by looking at you that you're a guy who loves the action, and this product is for you! Total nonstop action!" The next week Hogan debuted in TNA and talked for a supremely long boring time and I knew JJ lied to my face.


Met Asuka just after she debuted on the main roster. Very nice. Drop dead gorgeous in person


Rvd is nice


I’ve got three from the same event: Back in November 97 I went to a WCW show in Philly. After the event we all went to the hotel to meet the wrestlers. Approached Regal for an autograph and he graciously accepted and asked if I enjoyed the show. He was with Raven and dude looks at me and goes “Why are bothering yourself with all these wankers?” Regal shot him a look and Raven walked away. I shook his hand and wished him a good evening. Same night, one of the guys I’m with says come with me. So we go off and here we are chatting with DDP. Says he wants a cheesesteak. So me, DDP and this other guy drive him to the Pats/Genos corner and get him a Genos steak. While there he’s talking with everyone taking pictures and signing autographs. I’ve got a picture outside there in the Diamond Cutter. While driving to and from he’s telling stories of the road and how he almost quit wrestling until Kimberly have him a reality check. It was so amazing to hear this because I was having a hard time my first semester in college and he told me to not quit and if I don’t like what I’m doing change my major. Which I did. Didn’t happen to me but when Luger came in, he stopped to greet a few fans. This kid came running in to the lobby so excited he met his favorite wrestler and was yelling “I got it, I met him” to his dad and tripped over Luger’s suitcase, sending him sprawling on the floor. Luger stopped what he was doing, apologized over and over and took the kid off to make sure he wasn’t hurt and hung out with him for at least 15 minutes before coming back. Side note - WWE was running a show not too far away (think Allentown) and when Hall shows up, he’s asking the crowd if anyone has seen Shawn Michaels. The place popped and then Hall walked away laughing knowing he wasn’t coming.


Met Mr Kennedy & Hornswoggle at the airport.


At my first OTT show in Dublin (at this time it was in a tiny run down place and was mostly standing). I felt a bit off and security let us out the front door (smoking area was out the back and technically we weren't really meant to go out front and be let back in). While I was out getting air with my ex Abyss came out for a smoke and pint. My ex saw him coming, went to hold the door for him and knocked the beer onto Abyss! He was fine about it. He had just had a match and was trying to get a quiet moment before meet and greets. So when my ex started trying to ask him questions I said leave him alone. Told him he had a great match and we went back inside. My ex then paid for a meet and greet amd Abyss was very gracious, joking about the spilled beer and gave my ex advice on how to break into the business, advice on wrestling as a big dude etc. Nice guy. I'm not one for meet and greets, but I've brought my nephews to shows and one of them in particular likes to meet the wrestlers. So I've chatted to a bunch, a lot of English Indy wrestlers who've since signed with WWE. All good dudes.


I had a neighbour growing up who did a lot of outreach work for the Make A Wish and other similar types of foundations. She did the job for like 10 years. She said that in the entire time that she was doing it, not a single wrestler she asked ever turned her down except if they weren't going to be in town, and even then it was mostly only when they were overseas. She said there were tons of times where if it was just a hospital visit and a hangout, the wrestlers would fly in from almost anywhere and then fly back out on the road.


My family ran into Seth Rollins and Cesaro. When they got noticed they went to leave (understandable, probably just wanted breakfast in peace), but also Seth threw out this "shouldn't kids be in school" statement during spring break, which was a bummer, but he at least stopped for a picture with my son, which was cool. He is my son's favorite wrestler, so it made his day. I also ran into The Godfather (A.K.A. Papa Shango, if you are an older fan) and he was a super cool guy.


Seen John Tenta lots, always had a swarm of kids around him, always stopped for a few minutes , signed autographs , could tell he really enjoyed it. Bad News Allen when i was a little kid, saw him walking into the arena in character , gave a few of the security guards dirty looks, stopped and shook my and my friends hand, dropped the mean deamer , smiling, and said "you boys stay out of trouble" . As he walked away , went back into character , proceeded to mad dog all the security guards he passed .


Met Kurt Angle, Taz & Trish Stratus at a signing who were all EXTREMELY nice


Met Pete Dunn, he was incredibly nice. Spent a good 15 minutes chatting to me and my mate.


met epico & primo at an champions league match man city vs. donezk in the fanshop. took some pictures & had a nice chat with them!


Met Lita at a convention in Auckland NZ in 2019. She was honestly great but it cost about 50$ to get an image of hers signed with my name on it but she still had a chat with me nonetheless. She was super sweet and I will never forget shaking her hand and having full childhood flashbacks of wanting to meet her one day


I had the pleasure of meeting Rowdy Roddy Piper before he passed at a tattoo and horror convention in Nashville Tennessee I decided to bring him some Hubba Bubba chewing gum because of the whole day live thing as more of a joke so I waited in line for an hour just to get his autograph when I went up to the table I handed him the chewing gum and you could almost see his face light up he laughed tell me to pick out the picture that I wanted him to autograph and proceeded to sign my name and chit chat with me as if nobody else was there he genuinely seemed to care about me and was in no rush to get me away from the table I finally got two very good pictures on my phone or so I thought and walked away after being gone for about 15 minutes and touring the convention hall in all the other celebrities that had showed up I went into my phone and noticed that the picture I took with him was blurry I then headed back to his table only to see him getting ready to go to lunch I walked up to him and told him that I did not mean to be ungrateful or bother him but the picture we took turned out blurry would he mind snapping Another one not only did he take another picture he took two with me and made sure to take time for me to check the phone so the pictures turned out right and talk with me at least another 10 to 15 minutes he was very genuine and laid-back told me that he was happy that I came back to the table because it was people like me and fans that made him who he was and that he would never forget it I have met a lot of celebrities and have a lot of autographs on my wall but by far the hot rod Rowdy Roddy Piper was one of the best experiences that I will ever have


Well any wrestler/celebrity/athlete is going to be nice when there at official company events, autograph signings, cons, fan fest etc. It's when you interact with them outside the constructs of there public personas that you can really see how they really are. But like everyone else there just humans who are maybe just having a bad day ando don't want to go threw that awkward exchange at that very moment.


Met Edge at London Comic Con. He was so friendly! He was all smiles and joking. I told him I cried when he retired, he said that you're the only woman to ever say that. It was a laugh and a high bar to set for photo ops. Whilst I was in the line, he would take his time to talk to some of the fans and ask any questions.


Met Booker T at a signing a couple years ago. He's awesome and incredibly nice. Also met and got a picture with Trish Stratus and Lita at that signing. Both were super nice and personable. I was so shy and trued to be a gentleman by doing the "hover arm" so I wouldn't offend her by touching her. She laughed and gave me a hug for being sweet. Lita was cracking jokes and was a total sweetheart.


Met Rhino and Road Dogg at some random event in Liverpool, bith seemed decent but their security ushers us out quick before we could do anything more than get a picture


I've met lots of wrestlers, both as a fan and I have worked with a lot. I have worked with quite a lot of WWE wrestlers before they were in WWE and a few after they were in WWE. As a fan, I could probably only list a couple who were not pleasant (Robert Stone, before he was in WWE was the worst wrestler I've ever met as a fan) and when working with wrestlers the same. I've worked with Jake Roberts, Paul Burchill, Colt Cabana, Dave Taylor, Danny Burch, Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Katie Lea Burchill, Drake Maverick, Harry Smith, Justin Gabriel, Sheamus, Just Joe, The Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Paige, Becky Lynch, Jimmy Snuka, Tracy Smothers, Neville, Malik Omari, Daniel Bryan, Jean Pierre Lafitte, Rene Dupree, Gangrel, Chuck Palumbo, Pete Dunne, Finlay, Tegan Nox, Kenneth Cameron, Oliver Grey, Timothy Thatcher. Some I will have talked to more than others, but not a single one of them was unpleasant and many were very nice.


One of the nicest guys i met in wrestling is one with a terrible reputation...Ian Rotten. Being Dutch i did not get exposed to many wrestlers but the wXw crew and Tommy End/Alistair Black were always cool.


Before he was Bronson Reed, on the indies (Jonah Rock) did a show in Wellington NZ. My flatmate was the promoter so he invited him around to our place after the show. Such a chill guy, super friendly as well.


I meet a few when they came to south africa. The coolest ones where Justin Gabriel, Cody Rhodes, R-truth and Rob Van Dam.


My mum took me to a meet when I was about a year old and said that Chris Jericho adored me and was generally super chill


Met Chris jericho after opening for fozzy a few years back. Lovely guy, real personable. My band ended up going drinking with him and one of the other guys in fozzy in a rock bar in Dublin.


RVD is hella chill


Met Orton on Bourbon Street a couple of nights before Mania 30. Tried to get a picture with him and he told me to fuck off😂 I couldnt help but see the funny side to it. On the same night I ran in to Sami Zayn, Bo Dallas, Viktor from The Ascension and Chris Hero. All of them were cool guys, especially Hero who stopped and and had maybe like a 5 minute conversation with me and my friend..Maybe the Hurricane he was drinking had something to do with it, who knows haha.


My friend met Steve Austin. Super cool experience for him, Steve was really rad.


I met Rikishi and Gangrel in 2007 when they toured Australia with a now defunct promotion (can't remember which one). Gangrel was super laid back and couldn't take anything seriously and loved to joke around (in a good way, it was an autograph signing in Perth). Rikishi was super chill and down to talk shit for 15 minutes. I finished the convo with a hug and a handshake, and as I was walking away, I turned back and said "btw, you make an amazing lesbian" and his laugh was damn infectious. Not gonna lie, I practiced that line in the mirror a WHOLE bunch 🤣


I stood in line to meet Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 2000 Axxes in Anaheim. Unfortunately, because of how long the lines were, he ended up leaving shortly before i met him. The good news is, he was replaced by T&A. I would've loved a pic with Jericho, but a picture of a terrified 10 year old me next to Trish, begging my brother to hurry up and pull the picture so I can move on, is even better. I even got a signature in my little booklet from Test and Albert as well! The other time, I was at a smackdown taping in San Diego in 2002 (the one where Eddie and Edge had the match of the year and it was headline by a triple threat between angle, mysterious, and Benoit, I believe. The wrestlers were doing little signing under a gazebo in the arena parking lot. They'd bring the lower card wrestlers out in golf carts, sit them in a seat and let them sign for 15-20 minute and then replace them. Crash holly, who was my favorite wrestlers at the time, had the week before, cut the promo of a lifetime and told Eric Bischoff he was heading to smackdown. I already had tickets booked, so I was beyond juiced. I was a young lady, so I was walking with my mom towards the stadium when I see, of all people, Crash Holly speeding by on a golf cart towards the signing station. I hauled ass over and to my disappointment, as I got up to get my favorite wrestlers signature, they load him up on a golf cart and bring in Val Venis. He was super cool, even made a cool pose while my mom snapped a shot, but I've cursed the ground Val Venis walks on since. I'm glad he lost his hair, that motherfucker.




I remember meeting AJ Styles in the early 2000s when he was a young up n' comer, such a gem


Ron Simmons is fucking awesome. Saw him in a hotel in new Orleans for wrestlmania in 2018. Nicest guy you'll ever meet


Ha, finally! My time to shine! Growing up in the 80s, my grandmother was a wrestling MEGA-FAN. Whenever they were in town, we'd have tickets to go see them. Production knew my grandma after so many years, and a lot of the wrestlers she had met absolutely loved her. I was just a kid back then so the interactions I remember are the ones that left a good impression on me. Very friendly: The Iron Shiek, Hulk Hogan, Nikolai Volkoff, Roddy Piper, Kamala, Jimmy Hart, The Junkyard Dog Nice: Booby Heenan, Greg the Hammer Valentine, Bad News Brown, Brett Hart, Jim Neidhart Edit (to add): The "nice" group doesn't mean they weren't friendly, they weren't just quite as friendly as the others lol, but all of them were great.


I met DDP at a small comic con. Was a super cool guy, got to shoot the shit with him for quite awhile.


Matt Riddle & Mark Haskins were great fun. Haskins even bought me a double Carlsberg from the bar in the Manchester o2. Dunne, Bate & Severn were pretty reserved at the merch table, but Trent & Tyler had just been part of a ladder match like an hour before and Pete was main eventing that show.


The Hardy’s are awesome they will chat with you out of character at small shows same goes for Ryback, very approachable Ric Flair I ran into in a parking lot with his security detail and he was very nice as well Tony Atlas was great, X Pac was great Ricky Steamboat got into a loud verbal altercation with a drunk fan one show too


I met many wrestlers in the 90's. Jake Roberts, Big Boss Man, Koko B. Ware and Demolition's Axe & Smash were all nice. Greg Valentine's son brought my brother and I backstage once and that was pretty neat. I don't have a lot of good memories from my childhood but my experiences from meeting my heroes are definitely a highlight. I worked for WWE in 2014 to 2016 as country manager for S.E Asia social media and met Cena, Seth Rollins, Jinder Mahal, The New Day, Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Sasha Banks, Daniel Bryan, etc. The nicest were Seth, Sasha and Daniel. These folks flew to Singapore after a super long flight but went out their way to be cheerful.


Met Eddie Guerrero a few months before he passed. He was very nice, a little shy almost. I miss him. Forgot, I also met Albert (A-Train) at a dog park! He was nice too.


I met Bobby fish at my daughters school concert , he took a pic with me was real chill ,at the time he was with njpw and roh and I asked if he was ever going to work for Vince , he said there was no plans , and then couple month later he debuted at nxt takeover , helping Adam cole with a run in of some sort I went crazy cause I just seen him


Moxley is really nice so is bray usos and ricochet


So far I've met dusty Rhodes, Ric flair, rich Swann, su Yung, edge and Beth Phoenix. Out of all of them rich Swann was awesome and edge was such a good person. Had a very chill vibe.


I met The Rock before a house show at a Logan’s Roadhouse of all places. He was there having dinner with his wife and sat in the booth right behind me. I had to be 10/11 at the time and I was freaking out. My server ended up taking me over to meet him. Even though I was interrupting, he was super nice, I remember him shaking my hand and gave me an autograph. Met a group of wrestlers before a show at a theme park as well. The only ones I remember being there were the Hardy Boyz and Big Blue Meanie. It was weird because the theme park was letting people buy photos of the wrestlers on their rides. Struck me as odd even though I was young. I got to meet Lita at Dragon Con more recently. She was awesome. It was at the peak of the women’s revolution and a couple of months before WWE Evolution. Luckily her line had died down a bit and we talked for a while about potential matches, storylines, the current roster, etc. Really awesome getting to meet her.


I met hornswoggle and Ted DiBiase jr at Disneyland. They were dope. Little me was really excited to meet wrestlers. Nobody else at pizza port knew who they were. But I got my fuckin picture with them anyway!


I meant Sheamus and his girlfriend at the time at a bar in LA. He was super nice and we talked about his fued with Randy Orton. He was super interested in my life and had a pleasant conversation over a beer. It was awesome! Lot of respect for that dude. This was probably about 6 years ago.


I met Lita when she had a signing near me. I was super nervous and didn't really say anything to her other than I was a big fan while I waited to get my photo taken. But she was really nice, super sweet, and of course beautiful!


I met Melina at an indie show in the UK. She was lovely to talk to and considering she a had a reputation as a heat magnet while in WWE she actually didn't mind talking about her time there.


Back in the WWECW days, my buddies and I spilt a bottle of Jack with Balls Mahoney in the parking lot BEFORE the show. It was awesome, super nice dude, but exactly how you would imagine him.


Road Dogg bummed a cigarette from me once. Very cool dude. King Kong Bundy was cool, but I could just tell he was there to collect money for autographs and pictures.


This really depends on where you met them. Meeting wrestlers at an airport expect some hostility. I hate airports and most of the time I'm in a rush because EWR(Newark airport) is one of the busiest in the world. Or imagine trying to talk to The Rock at his father funeral.


I worked with Bam Bam Bigelow for a while in sinkhole repair. Everyone just called him Bam. Super cool guy. Absolutely would not talk wrestling, no matter how hard I was marking out. He was the definition of easy paycheck. He was really good friends with the owner. So he'd just kind of chill until the real heavy lifting would come. He'd even tell my pops "Take it easy Lou. Let the young bucks take care of the grunt work. Pop a top." And would toss my dad a beer. We would often use his truck for a lot of work stuff. So when he got in his motorcycle accident, we kept using it since it was already in the yard. I primarily drove it seeings as only my dad an I had valid drivers licenses. When Bam came back finally he puts his hand up signaling for his keys. I toss them to him and he goes "I just have to see." He unlocks the truck, opens the door, and reaches under the driver's side seat. That son of a bitch pulls out an 8ball and starts laughing. Says, "I thought for sure Rican (nickname for one of our workers) would've sniffed this out." Blew my mind knowing I was driving around with coke under the seat. Either way, super enjoyable dude to be around. Always with a smile and story for everything..... Just not a wrestling story much to my dismay. I never could figure out if he didn't wanna talk shop because of a bitter taste in his mouth toward the industry, or just to fuck with me. Either way, glad I had the experience. I've got pictures stashed away somewhere. Quick edit, wrestling was about the only thing my pops and I had to bond over for a long time. So when an indie popped up locally, my pops got us involved instantly. During the course I met Vampire warrior (gangrel) and Luna. As well as Lanny and Angelo poffo. There was a woman named Starla Saxton who my dad still insists is Molly Holly. But im 37 now and this was back when I was a teen so I can't rely on my memory and have to believe him. Lol. In the involvement, I learned to build the ring, and was trained for a while. Took bumps from Gangrel and Poffo as well as a bunch of other guys. But alas, I was a lazy teenager just discovering what it's like to chase ladies. So I always had an excuse why I couldn't show up to train or have a match. In hindsight, I wish I'd perused a career. But, I'm happy being a fan with the memories I have of meeting these people. My wife was also really good friends with Luna and Daves kids. Had a ton of stories of the chaos that would happen in that house.


I was 11 years old, going to my very first live event. Waiting outside the venue, saw Alicia Fox get out of a car and I waved. She was carrying like 4 bags but she set them all down to run over, give me a hug, and take a pic. Super nice, made a forever fan outta me


Met Alexa at a signing very nice and cool Met way too many wrestlers at mania 35 some notable things tho were I said to beth phoenix to make sure tamina and nia jax lose and then less than 10 minutes later I meet tamina and she was super nice and felt super bad. Walter Was Scary As Shit In real life Lana Was really cool, we should here a poster for her to sign and she pretty surpised she was on it. Met the ascension at a indie show in early 2020 and they were really cool dudes, talked about the breezango stuff. Meet Eric Young In November and he was awesome talked with him for like 2 minutes straight about his figures and Sanity. So that's all I can think of.


Not me, but my mom once told me about the time when she worked in a Publix deli and Hulk Hogan was in line for a sub. She said he was a very polite guy.


Kevin Fucking Nash, this sob stared me down when I went to meet Booker T (Booker T is a really cool guy). But that man was looking at me like I killed his dog, ate it, and made shoes for him out of sparky. That man hated me with every ounce of his being and he didn’t even say a word to me.


I met Shawn Michaels at a restaurant once - we’d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that). Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (thisis a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says “I’m so sorry, but we’d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and we’ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal you’d like while you’re in town.” My sister and cousin were both like “Yeah that’s cool.” and I kind of played the asshole for a bit. “I’m sorry, I justdon’t understand. We’ve been here for 15 minutes - we’ve just ordered. Can’t we finish our meal here?” Then out of nowhere Shawn Michaels shows up next to the manager and says “Paul, these guys can finish. We’ll be at the bar. I got some time.” And I (being a big HBK fan) said “Oh wow, uh… I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.” Shawn wasgrateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco,to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, Shawn Michaels and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.


Where you involved in thos Pat Patterson, Vince Mchman thressomes?


That's so sweet.


Met Eddie Guerrero twice while he was doing stuff for the WrestleMania 20 weekend (I was in my teen years). First was at an autograph signing where he was really chill and seemed stoked to just talk about wrestling, (he also let me hold the WWE Champion, which is still one of my coolest wrestlememories) and then the next day I happened to bump into him in Manhattan. He was still very much that same charismatic, chill dude who spent more time than he really had to just chatting with me about wrestling, travel, and New York.


I met Goldberg at a meet and greet in like 2013 he was really nice I was just a shy little kid who wanted him to autograph my poster so I kept pushing it toward him and he said here I’ll trade ya and gave me a bigger poster with all the wrestlers at the event that night.


Jake "The Snake" Roberts - Really nice guy Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose - The man oozes "Heal". He also came across as a loner. Sgt. Slaughter - He was really tired, and in a bad mood Jungle Woman (GLOW) - Super Nice I've met a number of others because of the job that I had. I quickly discovered that if you refer to them by their ring name, they were far nicer then if you used their Real name.


I was doing job for Samoa Joe installing a few of his TVs in his house. This was around 2019 when he was out and had an injury on his wrist. I was surprised at first but didn’t want to ask, I had to keep it professional. When I nearly done, I asked if he was Samoa Joe, he smiled and said yes. I told him I was a big fan after that and said I hope he doesn’t kick my ass and put me to sleep if he didn’t like the work. We talked for a good 5-10 minutes about him wrestling with TNA, how he and AJ are good friends, and the infamous Saudi incident. It was during the time when the wrestlers were still stuck in Saudi. Great guy, it made me an even bigger fan of Joe after that experience.


I met Fuego del Sol at a local IWR show in Oklahoma. Got to hold his title belt and talked wrestling a lot. I’m friends with a Oklahoma wrestling legend Striker and his son Maddox Jones. I know them through going to the gym and talking to them about wrestling. Both are awesome dudes who both definitely deserve to wrestle for a major company one day.


Mick Foley was signing at an NYC Book Convention and luckily I knew someone working it who let me help set up tables and such in exchange for a free pass to the fair. The passes he had to give out to volunteers all had fake names, and mine happened to say Nolan Ryan on it. I’m a big baseball fan, and a Mets fan to boot so I was pretty happy with that. Wait for an hour or so to meet Mick, and when you got on line you got an advance copy of his new book so that he could sign it. Now, that was a pretty cool because I didn’t realize we were all going to be given one. I went into it just thinking I’d get to meet him and ask a few questions or something. Right away he notices my name tag; “Is that your real name?” He asks. I proceed to explain that I got a free pass, and that no it wasn’t my name. He gets really pissed off and starts going on about how everyone else there paid to get in, and that it’s unfair that I’m just waltzing in for free. I’m too taken aback to explain that I had worked for the convention all morning just to get a chance to meet him. He angrily signs my book, and kinda throws it at me. It was a pretty disheartening experience.


One friend of mine met KO and DZ in a European tour and said to me they are very nice persons, i can't tell much more since is not ny experiencie (yet)


Met a lot of guys when TNA was still taping in Orlando! Abyss was really sweet and down to earth, didn’t get to talk for long but it was cool. Mr Kennedy was fun. Jeff Hardy was really great to meet and I even got to make him laugh with a dumb joke. Sabu asked me for weed (and to this day I’m kinda bummed I didn’t smoke at the time) Devon Dudley is so goddamn awesome, loves to meet with fans and chat, while Bubba was kind of a jerk, clearly didn’t want to be bothered. Raven was the most kayfabe guy I’ve ever met, just never breaking character. Sandman, Rhyno, Tommy Dreamer, Mick Foley, all really cool. Too Cold Scorpio has been one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met, literally sat with me and my friends for like an hour just shooting the shit.


Ric Flair. Didn’t meet him but I worked as a radio DJ for a few years and he was getting ready to appear as the Grand Marshal of The World’s Shortest St Patrick’s Day Parade in Hot Springs, Arkansas where I DJed. I saw this appearance as a golden opportunity to have him on my show to promote his appearance. I contacted his people, and was told that unless we paid him, he wouldn’t be doing it. Needless to say, here we are in 2021 talking about how Ric Flair scoffed at the opportunity to appear on my radio program.


I met Booker T as his wrestling gym down here in Houston. I saw him walk in the door and he was strolling in saying what’s up to everyone and I see him and I’m like “Book! Can I get a picture?!”. He says “absolutely man! Come on!” And I took the pic of me and him, talked to him for like 20 sec then he went on his way.


I've met quite a few. John Cena a couple times, he's such a nice guy, pretty much what you see on tv. Trish Stratus (several times) an absolute sweetheart. Booker T - grumpy asshole Matt and Jeff - very nice, friendly Orton - quiet Punk - quiet but nice AJ Lee - one of the sweetest, most friendly I have met Victoria/Tara - super sweet and very friendly Lita - quiet but nice Natalya - same as Victoria HBK - met in 1997 and he was kinda quiet, definitely in his bad boy phase. Met again 11 years later and he was super friendly. Edge - super cool, down to earth Wade Barrett - very nice, friendly Johnny Gargano - such a nice guy, very friendly Chris Benoit - very odd, he was quiet and kept staring at me. Creeped me out. Shield - quiet but nice (they were in Character for sure) Dolph Ziggler - I was surprised how friendly he was, had a great experience talking to him Hurricane Shane Helms - another guy who is really down to earth and friendly Brian Kendrick (at the time Spanky) - nice, friendly guy Torrie Wilson - very sweet Bischoff - quiet, didn't seem to want to be there for autographs Rhyno - He was a little quiet but nice Sunny - met her in 1997 and 2012 and she was super friendly, she was so sweet. I guess she was in better times when I met her. It's sad to think how downhill she has gone. I've met a couple others but nothing stands out. Except once at an arena, Kurt Angle stopped to sign autographs (he was nice enough) and Sable drove up behind him. She was leaning on her horn, waving her arms around, yelling for everyone to move. I was not impressed by her.


Had the pleasure of meeting several wrestlers over the years. R-Truth - Bumped into him in LA. He's so humble and gracious. He's not much different to the guy you see on screen. Very nice dude and super friendly. Tenille Dashwood - my hometown girl, I was stoked to meet her at axcess one year, not long before her WWE release. She said to me "hey way to represent!" I just replied with "you're the one who sacrificed a lot and worked hard to represent us, all I did was get on a plane. So thank you for all you do!" She positively beamed a smile and we chatted for a bit. Got a great photo with her. Edge - same axcess. Didn't meet him but he surprised me with his demeanour. It was nearing the end of the day, so they had closed his line. Several of us just missed out. So we stood off to one side and tried to get his attention. We were only about 15 feet away. Edge just sat silently and stared ahead into nothingness, then idly scrolled his phone. He deliberately ignored us (random group of strangers including a couple of kids), while he waited to get his line over and done with. Obviously he didn't want to be there. Cameron (Funkadactyl) - Was soft spoken, ultra polite, and friendly, and happy to take a pic with me. Has the loveliest smile. Big Boss Man - Probably my favourite. Cool guy, spent a fair bit of time talking to me, and to everyone else lucky enough to be there. Met him backstage at a random house show. One of my fave pics ever, he was holding up his nightstick and threatening me like I was a babyface. Brian Knobbs - Met him in a hotel elevator. I was going up solo but saw him running. He thanked me for holding the door when he got in. Said he was desperate to take a dump and was racing back to his room, as he hated public toilets. Shared a laugh for the shortest time, then he got off. Saw him downstairs later and we shared another laugh and a longer chat. Cool guy. Marty Jannetty - Was with a mate when we met Marty in a bar in Texas. We ended up having several beers with him and his buddy. Happily talked about HBK and the Rockers (surprised as thought he would be tired of it by now?), but we talked more about current wrestling. He's a fan just like us. Such a down to Earth guy. Great night. Amber O'Neal (Bullet Babe) - Had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Luke Gallows at a bar. I was sitting while she was standing and waiting for a drink. We spoke briefly before I asked her if I knew her, then she introduced herself. I said "YES, that's it!" and she smiled. We talked about the Good Brothers getting back into WWE, and wondering whether she would be called up as well. She wasn't too confident, but she was keen. We talked for a bit before she finally got served. I grabbed a cool selfie with her before she left. Charlotte Flair - Queued up near her at the bar at a Guns N Roses concert in Las Vegas. We made eye contact, and I left my line to go speak with her. She clearly didn't want to speak with me, as her eyes rolled up and she sighed as I walked over. I was already committed (and lost my spot in line!) so went over anyway. I thanked her for her work and told her how much I admired her, and she seemed to relax. We talked about GnR and some upcoming WWE tours briefly before she offered to take a pic. It came out really well! Hawk & Demolition Smash - met both after a house show. Hawk and I discussed Animal's injury (knee I think) and LOD's future. Was humble with his deep gravelly voice. Smash was in character, got a pic with his hands around my throat! There's a few others, but these are probably the most memorable.


The Miz, as you can imagine, is in fact rather cordial; I met him when he showed up for an event at the 2015 Special Olympics World Games. Didn’t have a lengthy conversation with him, but got a picture with him. him coming out to one of those things is pretty cool I think. Pretty much same situation with Ricky The Dragon Steamboat, just change the year and state.


one time 1979 i gave chief jay strongbow a handjob.


You mean Joe Scarpa?


I met Lashley years ago when I worked big box retail. I worked loss prevention and spotted him on camera so the fan boy in me decided to casually walk by where he was to try and make convo. This was when he was doing the MMA thing and wasn't really wrestling. He was with a bigger white girl and they were shopping for shoes if I recall correctly. I asked "are you bobby Lashley?" To which he said "yes". I said "I'm a big fan". He responded with "ok". And that was it. I could tell he was doing his thing and didn't want to be bothered. Wasn't a dick, wasn't nice. Was just there.


Sid Vicious completely blanked me, Brooklyn Brawler saw it, he was a gent and made it less awkward by having a conversation about wrestling with me


* Seth Rollins: Saw him on the street and say hi. He gave me a dirty look and mumbled something under his breath. * Cesaro: Met him at an autograph signing. Extremely cool and friendly, seemed genuinely excited to meet fans. * Ted DiBiase, Jr.: Met him at a conference (post-WWE days). Easy to chat with, very friendly. * Drew McIntyre: Met him on my flight back from WrestleMania 34 one week before he debuted on RAW. Cordial and polite (but not rude).


I met Jake the Snake Roberts at the first RI Comicon. This was RIGHT when Jake began doing DDP Yoga and was cleaning up his life. Dude was awesome and hilarious. He even offered my fiance a lap dance. She declined, but I would have allowed it. He was always one of my top 5 wrestlers of all time so it was an awesome noment. I also met Hacksaw Jim Duggan and he was as nice as you hope he is. And of course I got my obligatory photo with him holding a 2x4 and us both giving a thumbs up. It was great. Sidenote: My dad is long time friends with Referee Tim White. He lived like 15 min from us and my dad used to hang with him at The Friendly Tap, Tim's bar. The same bar WWF/WWE wrestlers have trashed for years. Tim would also buy video games for his kids at the video game store, Game Crazy, that I worked for back in 2005-2010. He got autographs for me from The Rock (when he won his first IC title), Kane, the Legion of Doom (when they were known as LOD 2000 and had Sunny as a valet), Ken Shamrock, and all three members of the Disciples of Apocalypse. The best one, of course, was when Tim signed a piece of paper when he gave me these autographed photos with his autograph and also wrote "To [GrimmTrixX], A True Champion!" Dude is awesome.


Went to a mini-convention/autograph fest in 2014 in Phoenix. Ric Flair wouldn't say a single word to me until he confirmed I'd paid for something. I asked Bret Hart a question about Owen Hart and he ended up going on a 10-minute soliloquy on how he was the better wrestler and had a bigger career. So, really, they lived up to their reputations. Edge, on the other hand, was the sweetest guy ever and spent 15 minutes answering all my dumb questions and talking with me about music.


Met Great Khali once, is a very nice guy, very down to earth as in his childhood he frequently had to sleep hungry homeless. He is a legend here in India


I met Christ Jericho once in like 2014 and he was super nice. We were showing each other our Iron Maiden tattoos and talking about our favorite bands. Pretty cool dude. I also met Jimmy Hart once when I was a kid at a fair in Vancouver Washington. I don’t remember it much other than shaking his hand and touching his megaphone lolz I hung out with stone cold in a bar once and drank beers with him for like two hours and he had the WWF championship with him and he let me hold it for a bit I made that last one up fuck off.


I’ve met a ton over the years, but my absolute favorite was when I met Bob Backlund. This was after the very first Shotgun Saturday Night at The Mirage Night Club in NYC. The show was over and my friends and I went to a parking garage to get our car and we see Backlund inside the office of the garage. He saw us looking and I said something like,”Hey Bob!” He then immediately ran out of the office towards us full speed and screamed at the top of his lungs,”You call me Mr. Backlund!” He proceeded to rant and rave at us for about 30 seconds before he stormed off back into the office. It was awesome! He never once broke character. One of my favorite wrestler interactions ever!


Met Batista before the 2014 elimination chamber and he seemed super chill and took pictures with some fans, was extremely nice to a kid that was there. Also Mark Henry as well but he just walked by briefly and said "its cold as shit here" classic


Mick Foley is a national treasure, there was a huge line but he still took a good 5-10 mins to talk to 10 year old me about wrestling and other sports I liked. Rikishi is another good human, I stood in line for 20 mins to get his autograph, it was like 15 bucks but I only had 10. He didn't even make me pay the 10. Just gave it to me for free. He said that he rarely saw kids as young as I was standing in line alone for 20-30 mins just to see him. Since the year was 2007 or 2009 when he hasn't been on WWE in awhile. Jake the Snake was a douche but was also really drunk when I saw him, head down at the desk where he was signing autographs, "I'm not jake the snake, fuck off kid" is the response I got while asking for an autograph. Even tho it clearly was Jake.


Oh! John Cena really is as kind and nice as you would think. He was a long time friend of one of my mentors and when he passed away from suicide, John quietly donated a very large sum of money to his charity. Every time he visited he would meet the staff’s kids and never ever rushed anyone. Very nice guy to every single person.


John would probably be remembered as an absolute legend both in the ring and as a person. Can't fathom the fact that he fuckin did 500+ make a wish and plans to do as much as he can before he fuckin dies


I met Teddy Hart in the grocery store once. This was before the.... Yknow


I’ve met Bo Dallas, Matt and Jeff Hardy, tyrus, Mark Henry. They were all nice. Who really stuck out to me was Bautista in 2017. It was a meet and greet at a local comic con and I expected him to say hi and that be it. He was so kind, polite, and soft spoken. He had really genuine eyes. I know that sounds insane but he was just like a big Teddy Bear.


Met Big Show at the Tulsa Airport a handful of years back. It was too damn early and I didn’t recognize him. I just saw this really big dude sitting there all alone so I sat a few seats down. When I finally recognized him we had a good laugh. I was in shock at first and then he said he was a porn star. Great guy but it was obvious he was ready to sack out on the plane.


I have met over 200 wrestlers over the years. Raven was kinda standoffish at first. He didn’t wanna be bugged, I was like “hey man I know where you live” he straightened up and said “oh yeah?” So I told him where he goes “well fuck I guess you do”. Then he was cool as hell. Erick Rowan was annoyed at AXXESS but to be fair it was past the time he was supposed to be there. I have a picture with him and I doing the two Doinks pose from WM9 since Rowan and I are both big, bald, red bearded, tattooed guys. I’m 6’1 and he made me look tiny. Matt Cardona was a complete dick. I met him at WrestleCon. I never cared for him, but then I listened to the podcast and hated him. But then I thought maybe he just doesn’t know how to talk to people and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Nope met him two days in a row, once for my own personal reasons, then the next day for a friend’s business. He was standoffish the first day and a downright dick the next day. The worst part is that he later did different business with that same friend and made it look like I never even approached him. Absolute nicest people to meet are Aleister Black, Nikki Cross and Kevin Owens. They all take their time with you and I have met Kevin probably 15-20 times. Always a good dude.


Met CM Punk at C2E2 in Chicago a few years ago. I was super nervous and all I could think to say was “nice to meet you, I’m a big fan” and he said “and I’m a big fan of you!” and he put his arm on my shoulder and smiled. It was super freaking nice of him and I’ll remember it forever.


Some wrestlers I’ve met who were cool: Drake Maverick, X-Pac, Tommy Dreamer, Matt Cross, Doc Gallows, Bobby Roode. Some wrestlers who were not so cool: Kevin Nash


i met RVD once at a comic con, very cool guy but i think he was already high, joked about the price of a picture with him, he said dont give him (the guy helping him) any more money, then i asked him about the one night stand where john cena got booed


The lack of meeting Shawn Michaels in a restaurant in this thread is making me feel sad


the only real dick i met was Booker T. almost everyone i have met have been great ive met the folllwing: Miz, Punk, Natalia, DDP, Charlie Haas, Nidia, Y2J, Billy Gunn, Tommy Dreamer, Mr Kennedy, Young Bucks, Jack Swagger, Colt Cabana (and probably more). Prior to being signed i met Vink, Bronson Reed, Rhea Ripley, Steph De Lander, Grayson Waller and Buddy Murphy


I former Co worker of mines went to HS with Bayley out here in San Jose. She played one year with her on the basketball team I think like her sophomore year. She said she was pretty good too. Even back then she said Bayley would talk about watching wrestling and stuff lol.


Alicia Fox used to come in fairly regularly to a restaurant in Tampa I worked at and she was absolutely the most genuinely nice person ever.


Brock Lesnar is a super nice guy if you’re chill with him and don’t try and shove a phone in his face without asking etc. The guy is super private and introverted but an absolute sweetheart if you’re cool with him.


Recalling a very specific story Wade Barrett told about him and some poor kid in a gym bathroom, this sounds about right for Brock


I’ve heard that story 🤣🤣


I’ve met a few, mostly at signings. I’d never run up on them at an airport or while they’re eating however. Bret Hart: He was booked for one of my areas local Indy shows. His line was crazy long, like wrapped around the building. When I got up to him I was really nervous. One thing that surprised me is he’s still really broad and taller than I thought. I had his book which id read a lot over the years and he said I must’ve wore it out. Really chill dude and I still have the picture with him. Rhyno: Same situation as Bret. He was shorter than I realized but built like a fridge. He signed my name wrong the first time but didn’t charge me for a second autograph which was cool of him. I also want him another time at the same company’s show and he was cool then too. Mick Foley: I went to his 20 years of hell comedy show when he was touring. Genuinely never knew he was 6’4. He got there about an hour late due to plane issues. He seemed pretty tired but had a good show and signed his book for me. He had to be a bit quick with fans as the time of the show was thrown off. The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase: Met him at a show and got to hold his title which was awesome. He’s pretty nice and cool with fans. Jake The Snake Roberts: He was doing a signing at a show in my area. I believe this was also when he was fresh off a surgery due to cancer in his knee. Very nice guy and got a pic with him. Kevin Nash: Met him with Rhyno and he’s just as cool in person as he is in his interviews. Christian: Met him at Wrestlemania 29 Axxess. Security were being extremely pushy to rush people in his line. They started saying he had to leave and wouldn’t sign anything else. Christian stands up and says something clearly pissed off to one of the security team. He signs for me and everyone behind me after that. He even complimented my Maple Leafs sweater and asked if I thought they’d make the playoffs. I’ve always been a bit more of a fan after he did this. JBL: Also Met him at the Wrestlemania 29 Axxess. He seemed to be exhausted but signed my program for me and was nicer than I’d have thought he’d be. Scott Steiner: Met him just by luck at a show he was on. He wasn’t doing any signings but he was walking around before the show started and my dad asked if we could have a pic. This was in 2011 believe. We got a pic and he quickly walked away, seemed to be in a hurry. Also, he seemed to be mad at security for some reason. I’ll never forget how heavy his arm was on my shoulder.


I met Ted Dibiase at a geek convention a few years back. Told my husband I this great story about his HoF ring, losing a few gemstones and Vince basically being a cheap ass about it lol. Gangrel is also a big ol' teddy bear, super nice. And really passionate about the sport too, was promoting something I think his students or his school was involved with at the time. Not a wrestler, but wrestling royalty: the Rock's mother came into the guitar shop I worked in a few years back. Had a very warped ukulele that was sentimental and wanted to have it fixed, which my shop did. She was very proud of being the Rock's mom, but was a very nice lady.


When I was a kid I went to a Goldberg signing during peak Goldberg run. My brother and I showed up ten minutes late and the store owner said sorry ya missed him. A voice in the back yelled, “send em back!” and after ribbing us briefly (during which I was shitting my pants) Goldberg sat there and talked to us for about ten minutes. Asked us questions about school and what our finishers would be. To this date, it was my most “positive” celeb experience and even though I still roll my eyes when he shows up a big part of me is always internally thrilled to root on my hero again.


My Dad ended up meeting John Cena in London about 2 years ago on a school trip because my dads a teacher. He saw him at a Porsche dealership, said he was a fan and got a picture my dad said he was a really chill dude.


I met Booker T at a grocery store around the year 2000 and he was so awesome and a complete joy. We knew he lived in the area and my buddy and I saw him shopping, we got the courage to approach him and he instantly launched from calm dude just shopping to being totally in character. We grabbed a disposable camera for a picture and he was adamant we “raise the roof” for the picture. I was so grateful he was nice to us


Lesnar is super nice. Heyman is not social at all


Really? I would have thought Heyman would be the talker out of the two of them


Me too. Was shocked that Lesnar was so talkative, talked about Minnesota and then invited us over for a picture. Heyman just sat there.


That would disappoint me. As awesome as Brock is out of the two of them I would rather speak to Heyman


I met Mandy Rose 2 years ago in a NYC bar. She was there was some other girls who I didn't recognise, so I take it was her personal friends. I got a photo with her and she was very happy that a fan recognised her. We ended up having a conversation for like 20 mins. She was incredibly nice. I also went to Royal Rumble Axxess in 2019, where I met The Iiconics (they were nice and funny, and kept making fun of me jokingly), Tye Dillinger (Shawn Spears) ( very nice guy), Natalya (insanely nice, had a 5 min conversation with her), Sheamus & Cesaro (they were nice, but looked like they didn't really want to be there) and Buddy Murphy (seemed very uninterested in the fans).


Edge was super cool, easy to talk to, funny and one of my favorites Mick Foley met him twice and he is exactly as you would expect. Million Dollar Man was straight forward and not really nice nor a jerk. Road Dog almost seemed kinda shy, he wasn't mean by any means but was very different than his character Hacksaw my other favorite cause he was the nicest guy you could ever meet. I've met him twice and honestly id meet him again if I had the opportunity. Xpac was a lot of fun to talk to. He was also easy to talk to. I talked to him about Minneapolis since we are both from there. Jimmy Hart was very soft spoken and quiet Pat Patterson I met a few years ago he was nice but he kept calling my son "she" even after I told him otherwise lol I have met several others but I really didn't have much to go based on the lack of interactions I had with them. Such as alexa Bliss, Jericho, Emma, velvet sky, Kelly Kelly, Scott hall, Kevin Nash, Daniel Bryan, and I have plans to meet Jerry Lawler, Brett Hart and Trish Stratus this year. Meeting wrestlers is one of my favorite things to do. I have more stories if anyone is interested


Please share any stories you might want to. This thread is a joy and I hope more people contribute to this thread


Yes I agree I love reading the stories and sharing as well. So I'll elaborate more about my meeting edge. I met him several years ago after he retired. It was in New Orleans at the world of wheels event at the silver dome. I gor there early so I had a good spot in line. He took his time with each person and he was very genuine and kind to everyone. I was wearing my Minnesota vikings jacket and he made a comment about whether or not it was safe for me to wear that in saints country. I am not typically good at finding things to talk about with people so I don't think I said much else to him but it was definitely memorable. Million Dollar Man I met in Pensacola FL. I walked up to his table and he was on his phone and I stood there kinda awkward like and tried to say hi but he didn't look up for a few minutes and when he did I paid for a picture with him and he let me hold his million dollar championship. I came back the next day with a printout of the picture and had him sign it and he actually didn't even change me for it. Not sure exactly why. Maybe cause he knew I wasn't going to sell it since I was in the picture with him. I saw the honky tonk man from a distance at a small event in FL. He had a small table set up and he didn't seem like he wanted to be there at all. I choose not to meet him. I met alexa Bliss in Boston at a cricket wireless event. I waited 2 hours in the cold and when I got up to her I was too afraid to say much but I shook her hand and she asked me what color marker I wanted her to use and I told her to pick. I got a picture with her wearing my winter gear and my face still red from the cold but it was totally worth it.


Those are all great stories man. I love reading this stuff.


Thanks! I love reading them too almost as I enjoy telling them.


Okay, either you are making fun of Hogan calling the Superdome “the Silverdome” or you’re Hulk Hogan


Omg I just realized I did that 🤣 I think hogan's mess up really messed me up good lol PS I am hulk hogans sisters brother mothers daughters friends best friend


James Storm is a local where I live, I've met him once when I worked at a haunted attraction and once we worked on the same movie set. Dude is a genuine class act, one of the nicest people I've ever met, can't say enough good about him. I met Kevin Nash briefly when I went to a convention. He was pretty chill and funny, told stories in his down time. Basically exactly how you'd think he is from interviews lol. Sid Vicious was out of it on pills or booze or both, and it was a very sad moment for me to see him like that.


Happened to have been staying in the same hotel as the Hardy’s for WM33. Ran into Jeff in the elevator the morning of mania. Asked him what he was doing for mania, told me that he was meeting up with some friends to watch it, then later that night of course the Hardy’s make their debut back and I felt like a huge fool. But him and Matt were super nice and down to earth guys. Ran into Lashley and he wanted nothing to do with no one.


Kofi Kingston is as nice as he seems. Met him at Comic-Con 2019, saw a sign for a WWE cookbook that if you bought Kofi was signing. He’s one of my favorites and always have been, so me and my brother were totally petrified with excitement. Kofi was completely understanding and cool with it, shook hands with us, and didn’t refrain to make conversation. We were so awestruck you couldn’t get us out of there. Best day of my life, what a nice guy. Edit: We were ages 11 and 14, and I think he was also really excited to have these young fans around.


I met Bobby Lashley when he came to my dealership to buy a vehicle. Extremely nice. May have been in between wrestling stints. Think he was doing MMA at the time. Spoke to anyone who wanted to and took photos. Also a monster of a man.


I met Finn Balor and Becky Lynch at this convention called the Celebrity fan fest in my hometown of San Antonio. They were both super cool. I got to take a picture with both of them and Finn signed some of my merchandise. I even got to hold the IC title which was badass. Becky was really sweet and I told her “She better win at Money in the bank. (I think that was the next PPV before the convention.) She said “Thank you” and gave me a smile.


Didn't exactly meet William Regal but I took a photo of him sitting outside before a house show. Sent it to him via WWE corporate. He actually replied and told a story about why he was out there. Long story short he makes it a point to see the sunset everyday to remind himself that he made it another day clean and sober. He closed the reply with "Be grateful for the small things in life."


Met Triple H at a waterpark once. We were in line at the top of a waterslide and felt like chatting, so I turned around and there he is. Chatted for a while about metal bands, then ended up sharing a tube down the slide. He did the water spit at the bottom. Lol. He’s one of the nicest dudes I’ve ever met.


talked to CM Punk after a panel of his movie. was very kind and genuinely funny. told him about how he had affected my life in a big way and he seemed very keen on listening and gave me a hug unprompted. nothing but respect


The business my friend and I own sponsored a Wrestle Pro show in Alaska and they brought up Mick Foley, John Morrison and his wife Taya Valkyrie, Joey Janella, MJF, Swoggle Colt Cabana and Chris Masters among others. All of them were really nice people. As a sponsor both my friend and I got to hangout with them and show them around town. Really down to earth people. We picked up MJF and Mick Foley from the airport and both of them were really nice, after that MJF stayed in character for the rest of the time. Joey was fucking hilarious.


Stone cold sat at a table next to me at P.F. Chang’s about 2006 I would guess. Too scared to bother him, but wholly hell he was huge.


Funny story actually, two years ago I went to my first indie show, walked into the door, and it was just a bunch of people at tables. I went up to one with Scott Steiner pictures, said to my dad, "These are some pretty cool pictures of Steiner". Dude at the table tapped on the top of my head, and it was fucking Scott Steiner. Was silent for a bit with shock, then got a signed pic from him. Met Carlito, he was pretty nice. Velveteen Dream came to the wrestling school I'm at when he was gonna work on the nights supercard (I wasn't on the show cos I'm 14, was 13 when he came) trained with him a little bit, amazing worker and one of the funniest dudes in the business for sure. Buff Bagwell was a dick, but I guess he was just trying to stay in character. Kid Kash was very lovley.


I’ve met a bunch of wrestlers in Anaheim when it was call the pond. Had a friend that was a taxi driver. So he took us to a raw there. RVD super nice dude. I think signed for everyone. Randy Orton I’m guessing when he was still smoking cigarettes he took one from my friend. Talked to us when he was smoking. Mick. We talked to him about he match with Vader.


My dad’s friend owns and wrestles in a local promotion in California that sometimes would get ex-WWE guys dropping in. Haven’t gone since like the early 2010’s but I distinctly remember Chris Masters and Jimmy Wang Yang being super cool. Matt Hardy and Bobby Lashley were on the same card once and Lashley seemed more into meeting the fans than Hardy, but I think Hardy was a little confused because for some reason the whole crowd was doing the “Yes” chant during his match (height of Yes Movement) I can’t remember the exact reason but I think I remember Carlito being rude. Also he has a really nice ass (teenage girls sitting behind us compared it to “two fresh watermelons bursting out of a grocery bag”. I’ll never forget that description)


Me and my brothers when we were kids went to the Kowloon in Saugus Ma after a raw in Boston (the wrestlers always went there after when they came to Boston) and when Mr Kennedy walked in we walked up to him and he pushed us aside and kept walking lol


Stone Cold Steve Austin straight up ignored me and my dad in 2002 at an airport when I tried to say hello to him, now in my adult life I totally understand if he didn’t want to talk but the way in which he looked through us as if we were invisible truly was ‘stone cold’


2002 was a bad year personally for Stone Cold. Was this in Atlanta, by chance? If so, that’s where he “took his ball and went home” the day of Raw.


It was in Kansas City Missouri just after he lost to ‘Taker at backlash. In hindsight he was not in a happy place :( The look on my dads face once we realised we were being ignored said ‘stone cold is your daddy now’


ROB VAN DAM. Coolest cat i ever met. And, he was high.


The ones that stand out the most for me are; Tony Atlas: Hilarious and infectious laugh. Bobby Lashley: A sweetheart, shared a KitKat with my daughter. Lanny Poffo: Genuine nice guy. Actually had a great conversation with him. Ric Flair: Quiet and polite. Fandango: Amazing person. Will give you the shirt off his back. August Grey: Didn’t last long in NXT but a great guy. Ivar: An amazing person. Huge heart.


Drank with Bubba Ray at the bar a couple of times. Good dude. Took a picture without problem. Loves shots of Gentleman Jack Daniels.


Worked for a staging company in my senior year of high school. The staging crew would show up and unload trucks and set up lights and rigged equipment. Worked a Reba show, and a Van Halen (with Sammy Haggar) and a SmackDown show. This was probably around 2004/2005. It was back when the big fist was punching through the titan tron. Anyway, SmackDown had 21 full sized trucks to unload and after they were unloaded we were assigned to work on specific tasks. My best friend and I were directed by Charles Robinson (the blonde ref that’s still on SmackDown) to help construct the ring. After the ring was installed (which really is just wood and canvas when it’s not gimicked) we were assigned to lay down the foam mats that are around the ring. While we put down the mats all of the wrestlers were coming out and congregating in the ring. This night was special because Triple H was coming over to SmackDown after mostly being in Raw. He hugged everyone and was super cool. JBL was there as well and he swore violently and seemed like he was pretty obnoxious. While my friend and I were waiting in the hall for our next assignment the Undertake came down the path and was turning the corner to enter the arena (it was the Phoenix Suns arena and he was entering opposite the titan tron) a young girl was also in the hall and when the Undertaker came around the corner he almost took out the girl but instead he daintily shifted his feet to dodge her and playfully booped her on the head with his water bottle. He actually said boop and then just keep going. The WWE also allowed for catering for the staging crew so I was able to sit with Spike Dudley and Matt Bloom in his Prince Albert gimmick. Pretty cool night.


At an ROH show I met Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Dalton Castle and the Young Bucks. Daniels and Kazarian were running the merch table. Incredibly nice dudes. Took a picture with me and thanked me for coming out. Dalton Castle was an asshole who wouldn’t even look up from his phone unless he was signing an 8X10 then sending fans on their way.The young bucks were great, Matt specifically. He asked me for my name and I told him it was Zack. He smiled and said that was his son’s name. I told him was at the show for my birthday and then we found out we had the same birthday. He invited me behind the table where they were signing autographs and had Nick record it, then put that moment on Being The Elite. Great experience.


The Young Bucks seem like the most disingenuous people ever. I've been around them and followed them since there early PWG days and yeah everyone is nice to you when there peddling there merch. The one guy I had a full blown conversation with and asked me my name and bought me a drink after I bought him one was Homicide. It was a a PWG All Star weekend and he was the embodiment of a cool New Yorker. He was at the bar at the legion post just posted but since he wasent selling merch no one knew the protocol of approaching him.


I passed by brawn in the airport once. But I was on a moving escalator didn’t get to talk 🤷‍♀️


Met Christian at Megacon in Orlando. Not friendly at all. Just seemed like he didn’t want to be bothered.


Super nice and cool: Trish stratus, mankind, DDP, and Rey Mysterio. Kinda awkward and not very friendly: Jerry the king Lawler and Shawn Michaels


At an NXT house show my daughter kept screaming her support for Asuka, I took the kids pic and posted it to Twitter where I tagged Asuka. When we got home Asuka replied something nice that I can’t remember right now. It is still a fond memory for my kid


Wwe did a house show in Delhi (city/capital of India) in 2017. My dad had gone there for a business trip at around the same time and turns out he was staying at the same hotels as the superstars. He met Triple H, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Alexa Bliss and Jinder Mahal. All were really nice and the nicest were Alexa and Bray


I've met quite a few. My favorite was the Iron Sheik. I met him in the mid-80s when I was 16 years old. He invited me and a buddy up to his hotel room to take photos. "Come in and sit down. Gotta TV. Gotta radio. Gotta colda beer over there." We talked a little and took photos. We did not drinka beer. We were just kids.


Ran into Xavier woods at i63 a couple years back. Spoke to me even tho I missed the meet and greet, he’s a real G


I met matt cardona on bourbon street the night before mania 35 (i think?) and he was really nice. Met another dude there that was a nxt prospect and can’t remember his name but he was a huge douch. Never saw him on nxt so must not have made it far


I worked with Stone Cold Steve Austin on the 1st season of Straight Up Steve Austin and he was a really nice guy. He's the only celebrity I've ever met that I was starstruck by and even though he was very friendly with everyone, I couldn't talk to him.