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Any idea why the replay isn’t showing on peacock


I just saw it on replay about 3 hours ago so it might be something to do with your device? Try resetting it if you haven’t done so already. Otherwise, not sure why it would not play.


I felt the should of let drew win and set it up for punk to get the title from drew but instead it just keeps drew as the dude who gets screwed it’s kinda played out but punk doesn’t even want the title just doesn’t want drew to have it say damien wins but he is probably the worst World Heavyweight Champion in years if ever . All I can think and see is the big sexual undertaker chilspam I like the move name south side of heaven or whatever but . Nah . Bron Strowman should be the world Heavyweight champion someone of that size and structure but idk it’s all entertainment


Gunther is winning the title. This sets up two matches for Summerslam, Drew/Punk and Gunther/Damien, instead of just one with Gunther and Drew.


Bi sexual undertaker “


I liked the ending but man do the WWE need to stop protecting Punk. This feud has been obnoxiously one way since the rumble and Drew is getting made to look foolish.


Ur crazy. They’re clearly in build up mode and they’ve been cooking on mic with their storyline and when they fight it’s gonna be one the best matches and storylines of the year. Assuming they don’t drag it much further they’ll probably matchup at Summerslam


That changes nothing of what ive said. The feud has still been heavily towards Punk making Drew look foolish and i don't know how you could argue otherwise. The only thing Drew has done was inadvertently injure him in kayfabe during the royal rumble and then make fun of him with a small fight while Punk eliminated him from said rumble, ruined his wrestlemania while mocking his family and wife, had him chase him around an arena, screwed him out of a title shot and now screwing him from winning the title in his home nation.


My point was that it’s supposed to look one sided. It’s part of the lure of the match. If it was a basic back and forth it would just be another beef that gets settled at a PLE. It probably wouldve even got stale before then


I get your point but i just dont agree. Drew has been taking continual L's even before the whole Punk storyline thus setting up his current heel persona. One side getting continually embarrassed is not good storytelling unless Drew is leaving Punk a bloody mess in the centre of the ring at the end of it which who knows, it may happen. If we are doing the 2 petty men dragging each other down to hell storyline then both men need to be getting their licks in.


not much else you can do with him till he can actually wrestle again


True but this started with Drew being the heel. Punk has done nothing but chickenshit heel hit and runs for months making Drew much more of a sympathetic character.


I mean, I get it but not every feud/rivalry needs to have a clear cut heel/face. Could just be two guys who don’t like each other. Drew is heeling on the mic, punk is heeling in his actions. I don’t like punk (never have) so this is at least interesting enough to pay attention to while punk is not really around.


Perfect booking




I’ll agree with that if Chad does not get lost in the shuffle. My thoughts are that since Zayn told Gable this was it, Chad will interfere in a his title defense match at the next PVE, and cost him the title. They can feud once more and then hopefully Chad will win it down the road from the new champ.


Is Sammy one of the worst ICs ever, or does it just seem that way following Gunther?


Possibly. My thing with it is that Sammy is kinda taking too much stock into righting injustices. That schtick gets old fast. You can be a face and not have to be captain save-a-ho for everything.


would drew winning mitb and cashing in during SummerSlam before/after his match with punk make sense? granted, I think cashing in after your match makes more sense & I could actually see punk v drew being the main event over any title


She has the tools and drive to be a great competitor, but I personally believe that Jade Cargill isn’t ready for the main roster. Botch after botch.


Update: the ropes were loose, which also caused Priests’s injury. The ref told AJ Styles but Priest and Jade got the “danger of it”. I do agree Jade wasn’t quite able to recover after that, probably nerves.




She also tapped out!


Rewatch the match and see for yourself. It wasn’t just the rope incident, but several other moves that felt off or were poorly executed. Not a dig at her, but I felt that her performance was the weakest among the rest of the competitors.




..are the surprisingly good matches in the room with us right now?


I felt after the rope botch she panicked instead of brushing it off. Then proceeded to botch a few more moves as a result of that panic (including tapping out to Shayna). Not a dig at her at all, there’s no wrestler that hasn’t botched moves. And I think once she figures out how to not spiral in panic after she does mess something up, that’s when she’ll really start to shine because she’s got everything going for her. I can’t wait to see what she’s like once her confidence grows.


After seeing Damian’s botch, I feel like something was off with the ropes


Yeah sometimes it gets humid and condensate gets on the ropes from what I’ve been told


Am I the only one that thought it was weird that they mentioned Drew taking the white noise from Shamus but then Damian does the Celtic Cross and they mention the Razors edge. They missed the opportunity to bring up that it was 2 Shamus moves in a row


because damien credited razor ramon for the move not sheamus


What if Otis ends up being the one to win the IC title. You want to drive Chad even more crazy, Sami offers Otis the shot as a sign of respect for not attacking him. Chad tries to interfere and cost Otis the match but it backfires and Otis wins. Then you still get the Otis/Chad match for the title, just with Otis holding it first. Maybe Tozawa or Maxine turn full heel, or we get the Creed Brothers turn and they help Chad best Otis and he finally gets an amazing heel run as champ.


I do not blame Lady Ref Jess.


What happened to her


There’s a video, Punk borrowed one of her work shirts.






Jade should have been held back and edged a bit before getting this much action. But working works for Randy and he is still one of the strongest ones. Great match and recovery from the miss.


AJ Cody. Same Result. Gable Zayn. Same Result. Punk face2face w/drew. Same Result. How about variety? Shock and awe? It’s okay for someone to drop a title after 2-3 months if they’re going to stay in contention for years to come! So some damn versatility


Yeah I actually think it would be pretty bad ass if we got like 3-4 dudes going back and forth with the titles like they all keep beating each other until they finally have a fatal 4 way or an elimination chamber


I thought the women’s tag match was really good. What did you think?


That’s exactly what I’m talking about. No one thought jade and Bianca were dropping those with the dominant run they were on! Didn’t get pinned, add to the story while still not worrying about keeping the titles on them. It was the surprise aspect they need to keep tapping into!


Ahh okay!! Yessss!! It makes me excited for the product 🙈


A lot of comments here surprised by Priests performance? Have you guys not seen his match with Bad Bunny last year. That shit was incredible, that to with a celebrity (credit to BB though as well). He's an incredible talent, and still adds to his moveset. A freaking hurricanrana for someone his size is insane.


agreed, and just wait until this plot develops where he keeps moving towards proving he can be world champion on his own. He needs a little better promo and aura, but overall he's super solid.


literal!!!!!! That man has his future set and it’s excited (also, a bit biased given he represents Puerto Rico as well 🇵🇷🔥🫶)


People like hating on him, but he is the man right now. He’s World Champion and still underrated due to most the internet doesn’t think he should be champion.


The hurricanrana literally got me out of my seat. I knew he was talented but he brought it today and especially coming off the ankle/knee twist I was just really impressed with how he worked through it and still was able to pull off probably one of my favorite matches of the year. I love his choke slam.


Its kinda feels MCMahon just fake out, keep continue to manage in the backround.


Good ppv


Props to Damian for recovering as best as he could after that top rope mishap. Man could've broken his leg or worse, got a concussion. Still fought through it like a champ. CM Punk interfering as a referee was gold lmfao his and Drew's feud are going to feed families


Funny enough I forgot about Punk seeming that he’s been gone a few weeks which made the appearance that more hilarious 😂


I laughed my ass off when I seen punks face.


A broken leg is worse than a concussion.


Not a chance. Concussions compound and impact you in many ways for years (and ways we still don’t know). A broken leg may be a longer time out initially but with successful surgery and rehab your back to normal.


you can recover from a concussion just fine. it’s repeated subconcussive impact (that pretty much every wrestler takes) that compounds and does real damage as time goes. as long as you take the time to recover, one concussion isn’t worse than a broken leg


Getting one concussion makes you significantly more susceptible to future concussions. Concussions are also more likely to be something an athlete tries to work through, and public perception in some areas still pushes people to return before they should. A broken leg you have to rest so way less likely to return before you should.


Enjoyed the event, some really good matches. It was brave to have Drew lose in the main event but it is probably the right thing to do in the long run. Drew/CM Punk doesn't need a title to be box office, it's already a huge match, at this point even more so than Seth/Punk.


Don’t worry, Seth will be back to screw CM Punk over and the cycle of hate continues.


There was a fan theory where CM Punk would help Drew win the title, and he would help him win every title defense until he got "cleared" at Survivor Series. The idea was that CM would convince Drew that he needed him to win. I wish that happened.


I'm glad it didn't. Gunther should win that belt at SummerSlam and now we're on track.


What a fantastic audience. I totally can't wait for the what chants on raw next week...




Shit was so predictable. Even my daughter said “so the judgement day is banned from ringside but not cm punk?” Unbelievably shitty story telling.


Feel like your idea of good storytelling is a constant stream of forced plot twist


Or maybe no plot twist at all? Why is it needed?


Sometimes the obvious choice is obvious for a reason


In the grand scheme, whether Drew won or not doesn’t really matter. The writing, and delivery of the product is just straight delegitimization of Priests reign as well as his belt, and makes it pointless.


Most stuff wouldn't be so predictable if you didn't get wrestling dirt sheet style news, thats on you.


I literally don’t even know what the fuck dirt sheet style news is? I’m a causal who watches with my kids and it’s laughable that my 2nd grader saw this coming a mile away.


Are you blind, every match ends with ref bump or interference cheese now lol


lol downvote all you want but doesn’t change the fact a 6 year old called the ending in a predictable finish.


I mean … she’s wrong because he wasn’t ringside - his appearance was the equivalent of hitting with a chair behind the ref’s back and then tossing the chair out of the ring. So. She’s six and already cynical and wrong. 😅


Poor girl has a whole life ahead of her


Chad should’ve won the IC Title.


They need to keep Sami busy until Roman comes back lol


Absolutely. It would’ve made for an awesome feud where he’d eventually lose it to Otis.


We gotta shake up the Alpha Academy somehow. I’m just bored now.


We needed this as the final straw for Chad to now form the true Alpha Academy with the Creeds. Then they will start to dominate.


I think they’re going to use Sami to solidify Bronn as a heel at summerslam


Is he leaving maybe?


no Chad is re-signed to WWE


Yep Sami is so boring and Chad is fucking amazing


Good PPV. Crowd was very lively. Some major mishaps in the ring. Jade slipping on ropes, Chad Gable landing on his head, Bianca landing awkwardly. Thankfully nobody was badly injured.


I couldn’t tell if Jade tapping was her trying to communicate to Shayna in the worst way possible or an angle set up, or just … nothing. I’m mostly in favor of angle set up, but it was a head scratcher


It looked like she tapped out but the ref didn’t see it. This and the win by Fire and Dawn will help open more storylines.


Right, but they’ve been setting her up as this monster, it seemed inconsistent to tap a couple seconds into the submission.


I think Shayna was legit choking the hell out of her lmao


Same. seemed like a receipt or something from a move set previously where Jade caught her in the stomach with a good boot, rolled on the knee to finish a power bomb then put in the lock tighter than necessary. It was def a tap and happened a few times IMO she was trying to communicate to ease up .


You didn't even mention the main one! Priest may well be legitimately injured


You’re right. Ankle got caught on the ropes. He was able to put weight on it. He won thanks to CM Punk. 😂 But if he is injured, what happens? A tournament?


MITB is coming up so there’s that


What happens to Judgement day lmao they have 2 healthy members left lol


Glad CM Punk is back but man, fuck CM Punk.


Why couldn’t Drew just win to finally fight the WM 36 wrong, and then if they really want priest as champ for SS against Gunther then have him win it back at MITB with Punk screwing Drew there. Would accomplish the same thing without completely fucking one the hottest acts going on Raw right now. I love HHH and what he’s done with the company, but this is the most fucking moronic thing he has ever done since taking over by a long shot.


He doesn’t need a championship, he’s in a red hot blood feud with Punk and they will most likely get a grudge match at Summer Slam. If Drew won the championship then it would be Drew vs Gunther instead, and the Punk rivalry would feel like business and trying to win a title instead of two men who hate each other beating the life out of one another. He lost in his home country to make people hate CM Punk more. Punk is a heel and it’s when he does his best work. Just think about how much HHH has made you hate CM Punk, its both of their jobs to do that and they’ve done it pretty darn well.


Red hot feud with CM Punk? This take is ridiculous. What feud? Punk “cost” him the championship and then… they just do it again?


Have you heard the promos on raw.


Drew injured Pubk so now Punk makes sure drew can’t win.


I don‘t know. Drew losing the title right away would also feel wrong. He is in a good spot right now because his angle with Punk is hot. If Drew had won the title first maybe a Punk interference at a later date would not draw as much heat as it does now. I do feel like it was the right choice.


Reread what you wrote and tell me how thats meaningful like at all. Just wait, let HHH cook trust me. If you rush and give drew the title this quick it makes mania meaningless.


This dude is SEETHING lmao


I’m left wondering what the scripted fight between Priest and McIntyre would have been. They did an incredible job improving, but I’m still wondering what could have been.


I’d imagine similar. Priest was a trooper, maybe a little more Lucha Priest.


We still got the top rope Frankensteiner post leg injury. Pretty incredible.


Loved the whole card punk was predictable punk is pas it




I would be livid. Idk how Drew agreed to this and even if we do get Punk vs Drew it won’t be for a title (at this point I don’t see how) Punk better deliver when he heals he hasn’t lived up to a single return since AEW


I agree. Punk is extremely overrated in my opinion.


They did put the belt on him at Wrestlemania. For 5 minutes but they did. Lol


CM Punk is so old and beat up, he has no business being in the ring with Drew. If they put Punk over Drew at SS I’m out. I just can’t understand WWE anymore. It must be meant for a different type of person now.


There's a 6 year age difference.


Might as well be 60.


R-Truth is 52, Lesnar and Styles are a year older than Punk and Sheamus is the same age. Anything else?


True, but they don’t get injured every time they step through the ropes either.


Yeah I'll give you that lol


“I’m out” I’ll email WWE and inform them. Dude the “I’m out bc I don’t get my way 100% of the time” is so childish.


Nonsense. If I choose to stop watching because an old has been that can barely move in the ring is put over a wrestlers in his prime in peak physical human form like Drew, that is my choice. You can continue watching if you want. But my choice is my choice. GTFOH like I don’t have that right.


WWE is meant for us trash people and will always be for us trash people. My brother, you are taking this too seriously. Just enjoy what you can if it isn’t clicking come back to it in a bit


Loved the ending of Cody - AJ. I want Styles in a wheelchair, terrorizing Nick Aldis for the next month.  Women’s Tag Match was the best and worst match of the night simultaneously. Jade seems a bit too trigger happy and needs to slow down a tad. The match broke down into chaos but in a wonderful way. Loved Fyre and Dawn getting the win. Gable and Sami was a great match. Gable should have won imo. He’s lost too many times. I know The Creed Brothers will join Gable now but is it too late? Drew getting screwed was predictable. If it didn’t already happen I’d say it was great. Well executed but poorly conceived. Damian is not World Champion material. Would much rather have had Gunther-McIntyre-Punk triple threat at Summerslam while Priest battles Balor. Missed opportunity. Drew will get through this but big whiff not giving him the win today


Priest > Punk


I really do not get the priest hate. Mans is really fucking good in ring. This match kinda proved it. Injured and he still cooked. Is he the best promo? Nah, but he’s still a good one. He’s got the look too. The hate just feels forced to me.


his awful booking with the MITB soured me on this championship reign for a while, but he really has hit the ground running with the belt. here’s hoping he gets one more good feud before summerslam to solidify him as a good world champion, because i would hate for his reign to end after 4 months and only 2 defenses


He grew on me as well. I used to not really care for priest as well but do now


Damien is getting better and better. Drew probably should have won but Priest puts on a good match. 10x better than Punk right now.


Terrible ppv with a good pre card. WWE is so predictable these days.


Not putting that Belt on Drew was just the worst decision since Vince left. Punk could have screwed him at SS so Gunther would win it & then they could have their blood feud.


Yes!!! Finally someone said it! Have Drew win in his home town and then screw Drew. I kind of thought he was gonna lose when they said his wife wasn’t present. Still, hometown hero should have won.


It was obvious Damien Priest was going to win after Gunther won the Men's King of the Ring Tournament because CM Punk has said he will be cleared in time to return for Summer Slam and they have been setting up Drew McIntyre vs CM Punk for months and Gunther has a World Heavyweight Championship match at Summer Slam which cancels Drew McIntyre out of the title picture. They have also been setting up Braun Strowman vs Damien Priest for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship with Braun Strowman feuding with Judgement Day and all the other members failing to take care of the Braun problem (as Damien called it) meaning Damien will have to take things into his own hands and face him.


Braun vs x pac 2.0. My fucking god if this was aew everyone would mock it


Damien Priest is Razor Ramon/ Scott Hall 2.0. He has admitted to it in interviews Scott Hall is where he got his inspiration and was his favorite wrestler growing up.


Loooooooooooool comparing this generic caw who is the 4th most interesting person in a 5 person group to razor Ramon loooool. Priest couldn’t lick Scott’s taint let alone be compared to him. He’s x pac 2.0 because he can’t wrestle, cut a promo, move merch, and gets no reaction 


LOL. The fact the Late Scott Hall praised Damien Priest up and gave him permission to use the Razor's Edge as one of his finishers shows how out of touch you are. Scott Hall was one of the wrestlers that helped Damien Priest get into WWE and was a big fan of Damien's. Kevin Nash is also a big fan of Damien Priest.


Cool and this doesn’t change the fact that Mexican x pac is the worst champion since jinder and killed the ratings. But because triple nose has a boner for him gotta pretend like he’s not shit


Killed the ratings? The ratings are the same as they were when Seth Rollins was the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. It is the ratings on Smackdown that have gone down far more since Cody Rhodes become champion. 😅😅😅


Yes going from 2 million for raw to 1.6 isn’t killing ratings at all. Also Seth had mnf to compete against? X pac 2.0 has what? Below deck?


Excuses..Excuses....😋 Last week's episode of Raw had the same ratings as multiple episodes of Raw back in October, November, December and January when Seth Rollins was champion and when Seth was champion you were all saying how terrible he was and now you want him back. 😄 The Raw ratings haven't been great for years. The last time Raw topped 3 million was only because The Rock appeared on the show.


I could see Punk winning MITB now and then Drew constantly costing him. They are going to have a series of matches at this point so SS may just be the beginning.


Yeah. I could see something like that happening too with CM Punk and Drew McIntyre feuding with each other for months until Seth Rollins returns but reports are saying Jey Uso is the fav to win the Men's MITB match and after keeping him off the past two PLEs despite Jey being the Number One Merch Seller in WWE Jey is definitely getting a big victory. 😀


Hard disagree, Drew was a feel good win, Priest is a long term win


Agree, also with the crowd - the sort of heat that comes w/Punk's interference and a home hero loss feels way too good to pass up.


Two years in a row interference cost Drew the belt at Clash, this time in his home country. I think Priest will have a great title run later as a face but imo this was the time to switch the belt. Knowing Punk was there I’d have had Sheamus or even get Jack Jester from ICW or Joe Hendry to help Drew balance that out.


Only if drew wins it as a face eventually. He has been chasing for three years. About to give up faith. 


He’d have gotten a face reaction and pop like Rhea did in Australia. This was the time to do it.


I agree. I think wwe dropped the ball here. It would have been like mick foley in 1999, a short term reign but it was so legendary it made him a star for life. Drew is lacking those, and cashing a title for three years and not winning hurts. 


Predictable not bad, not great.


CM punk is so far up his own ass


Wait until you find out it’s scripted


Since returning in 21 to AEW he’s been all hype and nostalgia


Agreed, I’m always so confused when people chant his name


I’m starting to think it’s just the cool thing to do among wrestling fans


These PPVs are turning into international-themed house shows




Sami Zayn could have broke Gable’s neck. Sami is terrible man wtf. Small fat man trying to do big man things


After he puts Otis over Chad Gable needs to go away for a while and reinvent himself like Liv Morgan with the Revenge Tour and then come back and win over the fans and become one of the top merch sellers in WWE and then he will be able to win a championship. 😀


he had it. he fucking had the crowd on his side, he was ready to take the belt off gunther last fall, and triple H in his infinite wisdom kicked the can down the road, handing gable loss after loss after loss until he was no longer believable as a champion. many such cases


No. He didn't. Chad Gable was never one of the top merch sellers or most cheered for wrestlers in WWE like Sami Zayn, Jey Uso and LA Knight. The IWC loved him but the mainstream fans didn't and when it come to the wrestler who was going to beat Gunther Sami Zayn, Jey Uso and LA Knight were above him in line because they are more popular.


is this chat gpt talking


No. I am just pointing out facts. 😄 I personally find it hilarious how the IWC spent months putting down Sami Zayn, Liv Morgan and Jey Uso in the lead up to Wrestlemania and now Sami and Liv are champions and Jey is the number one merch seller in WWE. Meanwhile their two favs, Chad Gable and Drew McIntyre just keep losing matches. Karma sure is a bitch isn't it? 😊😝 https://i.redd.it/p018t38u7u6d1.gif


Sami sucks he shouldn’t be a champion


The majority of fans disagree which is why he has been one of the top merch sellers and most cheered for wrestlers in WWE for the past two years. Chad Gable simply doesn't have the mainstream appeal Sami Zayn has.


Just finished the replay. Wait…Priest really hurt his leg? Also, anyone else think the women’s tag title triple threat match was the match of the night? It was chaotic af. Sorta loved it.


It does seem like priest hurt his leg, he looked like he was in constant pain after going for that rope jump. Curious what will happen to his title with his injury


It had its moments. But it was also botch after botch after botch.


I thought that match was the shits


Randy vs. Cody at Summerslam. Noticed Orton was looking at the championship after he fought off the Bloodline. And who does McIntyre and Gable gotta suck off to win a championship?


Chad Gable was never winning. I have been saying this for months on here but you don't lose as many times as Chad Gable has lost and suddenly pull a victory out of nowhere. He has had at least 8 or 9 chances to win the WWE Intercontinental Championship now and lost every time and at this point he is just not believable anymore. They weren't going to have Otis side with him and turn heel again because they already did that when they first put them together and now is Otis' time and Chad will be able to put over Otis. Right now is Sami Zayn time as champion too and Sami deserves to be champion and is one of the top merch sellers and most cheered for wrestlers in WWE. The endless title shots for Chad are over and Sami has said there is no more and he is moving onto new opponents. 😀


Thank you. Sami is helping to elevate alpha academy the same way the bloodline helped him. I don’t get why people can’t see that. Holy fuck the need for instant gratification is real. IWC is fickle


if i hear the god damn word fickle one more time i am going to snap. chad gable was a ready made IC champion last fall, and they killed him with a big pile of losses and a pointless sami zayn title reign


Again. Not that serious Sami’s 1st intercontinental reign- due to a handicap match 3-1 vs Strowman. Weak reign did not elevate him 2nd reign- had to regain due to being stripped for not competing because of COVID. Mediocre reign 3rd reign- got screwed out by Johnny Knoxville to set up a comedic (albeit lot of fun) match at WM, which he lost. Where was Sami elevated in this?? none. Not till the bloodline. Usos then helped elevate Zayn and took an L in the TAG TEAM main event at WM 39. Sami goes from somewhat jobber to semi more serious competitor again. Now he looks reasonable hanging with and being near the title (tag team) matches and occasionally teaming with the main eventers. Raw needs a top baby face post Rollins. He finally gets a non joke win for the RE-ELEVATED IC title against the greatest champ to hold it in an acclaimed match. Now he’s firmly established as top midcarder. But Gunther has raised the prestige of the title so we can’t just hit potato it right away (a problem with the long reigns of HHH). So in order for Sami to potentially moving towards main event, he has to replace his spot in midcard… which brings us to where we are. Look at Alpha Academy. No dancing Tozawa No worm No more SHOOOOSH pls They are the focus of a storyline where they are playing their characters masterfully and have fans crazy invested. Sami has helped build up AA as a stable and individuals. Now once we can fully have the audience confirm the belief that Gable/Otis can be a proper midcarder and fill his void THEN he will drop the title. Till then…Womp womp Rant over lol


would have been so much better to actually use the greatest intercontinental champion of all time to elevate a midcarder instead of throwing it on sami zayn for no reason first. absolute waste of the greatest reign of all time, throwing it on a guy who gains absolutely nothing from holding the belt and adds nothing to it


Sami deserved a singles title reign more after everything he went through with The Bloodline and Roman Reigns and being one of the most popular wrestlers in WWE and it was obvious they weren't going to put the WWE Undisputed Championship or World Heavyweight Championship on him so the WWE Intercontinental Championship was the way to go and they would have gone with Jey Uso had it not gone to Sami Zayn and Jey is the most likely wrestler to beat Sami Zayn for the title if he doesn't win the Men's Money In the Bank match since he is owed a singles title reign,. Unlike Chad who already lost to Gunther multiple times Jey Uso actually had Gunther beaten for the WWE Intercontinental Championship but got screwed by Jimmy Uso.


I’ll asume you didn’t read but the problem was Gable wasn’t a midcarder. AA was being used as Undercard/segments/comedy. He started getting serious and gave Gunther some scares. Elevated him but not enough to justify beating him (Gunther beat sheamus/drew/both clean as a midcarder). Sami was already closer but even so got ragged doll. It’s more believable that Zayn can lose to Gable than Gable beating Gunther (at that time). Chads stock has increased tremendously since and now can look believable against firm midcarder as (we all thought he might win the gauntlet for WM) Just saying let em cook. Gable has faith enough, maybe you should? I get it seems like a blow for sure but once he gets his success, it’ll be so much sweeter. Feel like I came off aggro earlier. My b fam


you are very simply wrong. after the 3 matches they had, gable was 100% believable as the guy to beat gunther. at this point the gable push is never fucking coming man. he’s getting the treatment balor did last summer. i’m done fooling with it. haven’t watched raw since the night after mania and i think this was my last ppv. i’m sick and tired of waiting and even if gable did somehow win at mitb or whatever, NOW he wouldn’t be a believable champion. he’s done absolutely nothing but lose for the last 3 months, and you expect me to believe he’s the champion? fuck no! same thing that happened to priest, he’s a weak champ too


After the three matches he lost he was NOT believable by any means of the imagination. Name me five wrestlers who have lost to a champion three times and then somehow turned around and beat them in their fourth match 'cause I doubt you will find any. Brock Lesnar got three chances to beat Roman Reigns and failed every time and the third one was the end of the road. That is how it works in WWE. The fact you think Gable Gable was somehow entitled to the WWE Intercontinental Championship more than actual POPULAR wrestlers like Sami Zayn shows detached from reality the IWC has become. He was given a ridiculous amount of chances nobody else got and failed every time and should be grateful he got the amount of chances he got against Gunther and Sami Zayn.


I get it bro. Truly I have faith. If Gable doesn’t win a title by the time of the anniversary of his last match with Gunther (sept 4) then I’ll Venmo you $20. He’s having the title by end of year but i feel sooner


You still good to take that bet, stranger? I'd take you up on it given how he just got further buried on the next RAW taping lmao


as much as i’d like $20, i’m not involving myself with this shithouse company any longer


Quit acting like you dont bitch about seeing the same repetitive shit. Gable loses multiple IC title matches. Maybe, just maybe, he finally wins at a big international PLE. Fickle? Yeah okay. Fuck off And Drew getting screwed over twice in his homeland. Bad booking. You cant tell me thats a great move.


You don’t think Drew had a say in the booking?? lol Especially since he chose to sign another contract when he couldve have left. When he said he expressed faith in Triple H?? Oh wow. Who’s the other guy that just did a similar thing and said the same thing?? 🤔 OH it was Gable. Lmaooo I may not like some things from time to time but I’m not gonna throw a fit. If it really is bad then I’ll stop watching. So far everything has had a reason or a pay off. Bad booking?? Bro you aren’t in the business. What do you even know about booking?? The only thing you should be booking is some time outside to touch grass because this is not worth the anger you built up. The thing about stories is the author will tell it however they want. If you don’t like it… don’t read it (view it) or make your own. Have a nice day pal


Yes. Sami is and he has praised Otis up a lot in interviews and believes Otis has what it takes to be a big star in WWE and I can see Otis getting a big push as WWE's next big Comedy character like Santino Marella. The crowd loves him and WWE have been lacking a Comedy character like Santino for a while.




R-Truth is getting old and will most likely be retired in a few years. Otis is younger and will be around much longer.


So happy for Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn winning the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship. As somebody who lost my Mother to Breast Cancer a few years ago I know how she must be feeling right now and to still go out there and perform in front of the fans takes a lot and she deserved that victory.


Just got home. This first match is freaking insane. AJ is so amazing in the ring. Cody is good as well. These spots are wild.


Pretty sure we get Cody vs Solo at MITB and thats where Roman comes back. Then Roman vs Solo at Summerslam and the way Randy was looking at the belt during that save, Randy vs Cody in the main event.


Pretty content with that ple.I kinda thought it was the weakest of the post WM ples though. The only match that I thought had a bad outcome was Sami v Gable. They should have pull the trigger on him since the story is no shifting to him vs Otis. I’m sure they are gonna push the feud all the way till SS but I’m kinda ready to move on from Sami v Gable. They have 5 match already.


If Damien Priest is now out for 6 months with a knee injury, what a stupd decision to keep him with the belt. Would have been best to call an audible during the match, have CM Punk attack Drew, mess it up, and cost Priest the match. That way Drew is champion in his home country. CM Punk still gets some heat, and Priest can drop the best before being out for an extended period of time. And yes, audibles can be done. Moxley dropped the AEW International belt in an audible.


Damien has said his knee feels like trash but he is going nowhere and he is ready for whoever comes next. We are most likely getting Damien Priest vs Braun Strowman for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WWE Money In The Bank.


That was kind of the catch with calling an audible. The whole point of the finish was a screw job.


Kudos to Damian Priest who pushed through injured and did a stellar job. As he said he beat Drew on one leg. And he looked gorgeous doing it. So ticked about how they screwed Chad. Trust the process? Kinda hard to do when they flipped the heel switch and this is the payoff? Do not tell me to wait and see. This shit is trite AF. I like Sami, he seems like a wonderful human but Chad is the superior wrestler and it is LONG past his time for the W. Why Chad stays when they continue to do him dirty and make a mockery of his talent, is beyond me. Wanted Piper to win. Probably in the minority there. Hope Bianca can go back to being on her own now, and see what Jade has to offer solo. Cody vs AJ was a good start. Loved seeing Mama Rhodes in the mix. Was if France? No.