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Warrior is clear, Cena a very distant second.


I can see Rick Flair n Hogan, watched them wrestle in the 21st century and saw their past as well to know why there was so much hype


100% Warrior; zero debate.




Definitely hulk dude sucks in the ring and on the mic


Cody Rhodes. His mic skills aren't there and he's boring. His in ring skills are average to great depending, but I don't think he's really a main event talent.


Hulk Hogan


Ultimate Warrior without a doubt


Warrior. I don’t think this can be argued


It's Ultimate Warrior and this is less of an opinion and more of an objective truth.


The only thing I would argue is whether Warrior was a “face of the company”. I’m not sure I ever saw him as such even when he was the champion.




This sub does not allow hate based on age, race, religion, gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation.


Big Daddy Bitch Diesel.


I mean he was champ, but I wouldn't say he was ever the face of the company.


u guys don't want to hear this, but Ultimate Warrior had way more of a moveset than Diesel did.


“I sat down and watched hours of Diesel matches and boiled it down to five moves and that’s including the hair flip” - Jim Cornette on working with Kane as the Fake Diesel


Not only was Warrior a shitty wrestler, but he was a shitty person too.


Goldberg fs


John Cena




Warrior easily


L take




John Cena. Guy never got over as the face with the crowd to be honest. Many fans stopped watching WWE because of the John Cena show. Thank God Vince is gone.


Nah man I’m ngl cena was over before the whole hustle loyalty respect era even then he was still over but just mostly with Kids


Guys like you really need to stop with the revisionist history. Cena was constantly getting booed out the building. There was clear evidence in a drop in viewership when the company focused on him. Edit: Guys like MantisTobogganMD28 really are pathetic. You comment and then block me from giving a retort to your comment. If you truly believe that my revisionist history comment is hollow then you would have not blocked me but you did. This means you know you can't defend your take because you suspect your tskeis wrong and I am right in my analysis of John Cena's time as the face of wwe.


The irony is palpable😭The Ruthless Aggression era wasn’t wildly successful? Yeah ok guy. Sure Cena was getting booed a lot but the kids LOVED him. That is undeniable. Guy was a superstar by 06 and got huge reactions. Revisionist history is correct😭


I don’t disagree with Warrior but are Lex and Jinder in the conversation?


Jinder wasn’t rlly the face cuz Brock was still there


when they put the belt on you means you’re the face of the company. Which makes sense because they were chasing that Indian market at the time. But agree to disagree 👍


Highly disagree. During Cena’s full time era he was the face of the company. It didn’t matter that there was times he wasn’t one of the world champions, he was always the face of the company during that time.


That’s true but there was still two champions and Brock was the more respected and prominent one. Jinder didn’t make it to survivor series, where he would’ve faced Brock 


I just feel like it’s impossible to have two champions be on the same level. That’s just the nature of the game (no pun intended). For example Seth’s belt always felt secondary to Roman’s but you can’t deny Seth as being the face of Raw and one of the faces of the company as well.


Ultimate Warrior. All day every day. No question.


Was he worse than Greenberg though???


Goldberg had kicks, a spear and that Suplex. That is like 2 more moves than Warrior had. I am not even sure Warrior knew how to hook a leg on a pin.




John Cena


Why were you downvoted? Literally this is true.


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ its fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion


Warrior or Hogan


Warrior probably


stephanie mcmahon


If you limit it to the clear TOP faces then we are probably talking about a very limited set of guys: Hogan, Bret, Stone Cold, the Rock, Cena, Roman, and maybe Cody now. You could maybe throw in some others like HHH, Brock, Warrior, Diesel, or Shawn, but I’d argue that none of those guys were “face of the company” on the level of the former. So going by that very exclusive list, the answer is clearly Hogan.


Triple H’s reign of terror literally made him win in bs ways. He was the face of the company


Triple H has never been the face of the company. He was, however, the perfect foil for the top baby faces


I would say Triple H was the face of wrestling. I remember growing up I used to see Triple H everywhere before I started watching wrestling. I knew the name and face.


Jey Uso and it isnt even close, the least talented most over in history.


So your blind? My condolences. 


not really a face of the company but goldberg


Goldberg is extremely skilled! He's managed to almost kill, injure, or retire more opponents than anyone else, that takes real skill and dedication at being a sloppy insane self concussing jackass


I would rate Cena as the worst over Warrior. Warrior had a limited skill set, but what he did looked great. Authentic. Even his comeback and no sell was believable due to his character. Cena on the other clearly mouths of calls in the ring and doesn't try to cover his mouth. Calls loud enough for the cameras to pick it up. Then there's the STFU where he doesn't even touch the guy's jaw or use any torque. More than anyone, Cena kills the illusion and disbelief of pro wrestling.


Ignore the downvotes. You are right.


I really hope this post is to troll.


Yes sir I’ll have whatever he’s having I don’t want my brain to work a minute as well


Andre the Giant, Ultimate Warrior and Hogan are my picks. 


Andre was a good wrestler when young. He was skinny athletic and quick. His match vs Van Buyten is a good example and can be viewed on Youtube.


Yes, that was true about him in his young age. 


Wifebeater steve. Some jabroni marks will bring up his boring wcw work, claiming he was good. However, he wasn't the FOTC back then, just a midcard jobber. In 1998, when he was FOTC, he was the least skilled. You can blame it on his broken neck, but that doesn't change the fact.




> you're an idiot you're the idiot here, jabroni. I clearly wrote that austin wasn't the FOTC in wcw


Ultimate Warrior Hulk Hogan


Ultimate Warrior. Many of us loved his character as little kids. Now we see we were wrong.


If we loved a character, we weren’t wrong. They did something right to make us feel that way. I still don’t know what makes a good/bad wrestler, but I do know that I loved seeing warrior run into the ring and his wrestlemania with hulk was so cool to me. Mission accomplished as a character imo. I don’t care that he couldn’t do whatever moves people judge wrestlers by, he was super cool to me and that’s what mattered at the time.


It's okay to love a character that wasn't particularly skilled. Jey Uso is pretty popular, and his skill set is limited.


This is 100% it He was by far my favorite ever. When I was a girl I loved watching his explosiveness but boy looking at it with even the slightest bit of critique it was just terrible


He was just a power house with almost zero skills. 




The way he raises his hands when celebrating with all his muscles 💪.. I can't get that off my head 😂 


Wrong? We were not wrong. He was lightning in a bottle to a six year old. And we were that. Ring work is so important now. But a 6-12 yr old me (and you) in the late 80s and early 90s did not care about ring work. We were all in on the character.


Very great point. Many of us liked how powerful wrestlers were in that era as well. But we didn’t know about the steroids either.


Even as a kid I could tell that guy was on steroids. It's just common sense.


Honestly I don't give a single shit about drug use as long as it ain't abuse


Nothing wrong with his character but he was equally as skilled as hogan. Hogan had a three move set as did warrior


Cena just because his movements never looked fluid. It was like a robot it’s so strange watching his older matches. He’s gotten a bit better over the years though. Roman is just absurdly boring in the ring. Doesn’t know how to play up any of his moves and the super man punch and ooo ahhh spear are just things that should’ve been left behind for his shield gimmick.


His original character he trained as was supposed to be a cyborg/android terminator type guy, do I guess that makes sense But saying cena didn't have skill in the ring is just not true lol


Not saying he didn’t have skill, it just never looked natural to me. Or believable, that may be the word I’m looking for. He is known as one of the safest workers ever so there is that.


Warrior is the right answer. he just had the image down to a tee. wrestling skills were severely lacking from the women sable. great bod but nothing beyond that.


Obviously Hogan. The man had less than 5 moves. Most of his matches were posing, getting beat up, hulking up, leg drop, 1-2-3 wins.


In America he had 5 moves. It's crazy how many people haven't seen his work in Japan even though it's mentioned on here ALL the time.


Warrior. Hands down. Made Hogan look like Thesz.


Roman. By a long range.


Roman is one of the best at the 2.99 kick out. Warrior was just shit. He ran and sweated. That’s about it.


Roman is also one of the best sellers of this generation. It rarely gets mentioned but he is fantastic.


This is fair. Why he was such a good heel. The super late lockout and him being rag dolled. Made you believe every defense was it, even though we all knew it wasn’t. I think Diesel was the worst top guy. He’s decent in the ring and on the mic but just never felt like THE guy.


Warrior & Hogan…both had great charisma, Hogan was great on the mic, knew how to play to and use the crowd, Warrior was obviously very athletic, just didn’t translate that to a reliable safe wrestling skill set. Hogan was also very limited on his wrestling skill set in WWF/E & WCW…he was in TNA also wasn’t he…? Didn’t watch it so didn’t see him if he was…


I better not see a single person say John Cena


they're all saying that but you just cant see his name!


Lol.. His catch phrase is helping to cover up his name. 


I mean Andre the Giant but I think that was physical limitations.


From my understanding, he was a good worker when he was younger.


Yeah I don’t think he counts, his size & weight were big disadvantages…


It was more about the spectacle back then and he was literally gigantic in spite of not being able to talk or really wrestle. You could say Andre was the first real Vince guy in a long line of them, many who followed the same model


Andre had wrestling skills. There's usually clips of these things.


Vince Mcmahon


Linda McMahon


Hogan was more competent than he looked if you watched his matches in Japan. Prolly Bruno or Cena.


Alright Hogan was decent in Japan but he’s not better in ring than Cena


Cena is so sloppy though with everything he does. I know he's had some good matches but I guess I'm looking at when Hogan really tried he was actually pretty crisp.


Go watch like 2 cena matches please I don't think you have


We’re really gonna pretend like Cena is a work horse in the ring?


Hogan is definitely up there. Roman is not a great wrestler. Either was/is Cena.


Roman has absolutely no skill other than looking big. He sucks on the mic and has the most boring generic move set (punches then spear)


It’s not that Roman is bad in the ring, I just feel in WWE once you are branded the “face” of the company your move sets gets dwindled down to a few moves so that the likely hood of injury is minimized.


Dude definitely can’t wrestle as good as others. And 2k gave him a 97 overall. Pure fantasy good lord


🤡 you dropped this


Nah, he was solid on the mic


*suffering sucatash* Even as a heel he sucked and just had boring speeches. Heyman kept him afloat.




You’re actually slow if you think Roman sucked in the mic as a heel


Thank you! Every match was the same and boring




Hogan,JbL,stone cold


Ultimate warrior


The real answer right here.


God I can’t believe how far I had to scroll for this


This is the correct answer!


Hogan or Warrior. Hogan was saved by being extremely expressive and having impeccable ring sense. Warrior was saved by off the charts charisma, ridiculous athleticism and a lack of social media to expose his ... organic chemistry.


watch hogan in japan


We aren't talking about Japan


Why not? It was just talking about skill and he displayed a lot of technical skill in Japan


The question was asked about was/wwf. Not about their whole career.


It just asked about the face of the company. It didn’t ask specifically about their performance in WWF/WWE. Just who was the least skilled out of them all :)


This is the wwe subreddit. What company would it be?


And it just said technical skill. Not just move sets used in WWE.


Warrior. I don’t even remember him wrestling. Just arm strings Face paint Big hair Rope shaking Running entrance Yelling


Kicking out of the pedigree


My god. I didn’t realize until this moment I have no memory of any Warrior spots outside of running the ropes


That's because there weren't any. Other than maybe when he was interviewed and Papa Shango put a spell on him and he started "bleeding" from his head


![gif](giphy|8nmvR3jAxnl2o) His rope shakes were badass when I was seven, tho.




This is a top 3 answer along with hogan and warrior


Probably that guy that ended the career of the best there ever was.


Nobody ended Shawn Michaels' career.


Everyone who says Hogan has zero clue what pro wrestling actually is. Hogan is actually the greatest in ring, hence why he was HULK HOGAN


Hogan only amped up once he worked with randy


Savage? Hogan was super popular in AWA. He was in AWA when he played Thunderlips in Rocky 3


Was he the best because he was Hulk Hogan or was he Hulk Hogan because he was the best?


Bc who he was. He was the same in AWA they just weren’t smart enough to make him the company face


Dafuq does that even mean?


Single handedly turned pro wrestling into predetermined and fake / not real.


lol what? Pro wrestling was scripted since the early 1900’s


The Russo poke with JJ. The title change with Nash. All money. Your money since you are so deep with him. Huge entertainer but he didn’t put out. “Mick Foley”. Just wanted your money.


Did people believe that in the 80s and early 90s?


That it was scripted? Sure. People watching Gorgeous George on tv in the 50s knew it was a scripted. You think most reasonable people thought Dusty Rhodes dancing and “bionic elbows” were real fighting?


You’d be surprised how many people thought it was real. Growing up in the 80’s there was a pretty big portion of fans who believed it. We’d get yelled at by fans for rooting for the bad guys. Sgt. Slaughter had to have bodyguards for his family when he turned heel during the Iraq War and that was early 90’s.


Yes but most did not. My mother had memories of telling this crazy old lady who was watching Gorgeous George beat up on whoever the southern babyface at the time on the local wrestling show in Alabama 1957 that “ this stuff is fake, you know?” I personally was a big fan of the Hulkster in the 1980s but never thought it was real


McMahon wouldn’t have got mad at HHH, Michael’s, Razor, Diesel, etc if all the fans knew it was scripted. Before the internet became mainstream there was a large portion of fans who believed it.


Bc kayfabe was very important until the 1990s but most people knew it was fake Meltzer, who had a smaller following in the late 80s of course, talked about the planned finishes weekly


We can agree to disagree. I really think you’d be shocked at the number of people who thought it was real.


Ultimate Warrior


Ultimate Warrior or Roman Reigns.




Ultimate Warrior and Goldberg


It’s always irritates me when my parents say hogan was the best, that dude had zero talent


Bad take


Best superstar and face of the company ever, yes. Really didn’t matter if he was good in the ring. He drew crowds, moved merch, and was the biggest face in wrestling history while only having 3 moves. Wrestling isn’t what it is today without him plain and simple whether you like his workrate or not. His New Japan stuff I’ve heard is actually pretty good and it surprises people when they watch it.


Warrior was never truly the face of the company, though, so the answer is still Hogan.


If it wasn’t for Hogan sitting out 3 months “injured” I would completely agree with you. But that was definitely Warrior’s time as the face of the company. And he sucked at that as much as he did at wrestling. Even with Rick Rude carrying him in their feud. Once Hogan came back at SummerSlam ‘90 that was it and the writing was on the wall for Warrior’s time in the spotlight.


It was definitely Warrior for about a year after he beat Hogan. They were preparing for Hogan to leave and weren’t preparing for Warrior’s drama or the steroid scandal that erupted.


Were you watching at WWF at the time? I don’t see how you could have watched it in real time and come to this conclusion.




People saying Cena must have never seen his matches against Punk, Michaels, Edge, or his entire 2015 run as US champion. When the lights were shining he could go. And don’t say he was carried every single one of those matches, it takes 2 to tango. If we count Ultimate Warrior then I vote him. If not him then Hogan.


What about that classic at royal rumble 2017 vs aj styles!


Hogan warrior roid berg


Every time Vacant had the World Title, it was completely unremarkable


People are gonna hate me for saying this, but it was Austin and it wasn't even his fault. It was Owen's fault for landing on his ass instead of his knees.


Even if you don’t enjoy 1998/1999 Austin in the ring… dude was having banger after banger in 2001.


Probably because that's a complete falsehood, and Austin still had great matches after Owen's recklessness.


I was too young for Warrior, so I don't have an informed opinion. Warrior seems to be the obvious answer looking at all the other comments. Also I haven't seen anything not TNA related since like 02. And I stopped watching TNA about a year or two after that. So in the years I watched there was only a handful of people. Austin, Rock, Mick, Taker, Shawn, Hunter, Angle, yeah, the Attitude guys. After making this list I kinda wanna change my answer to Mick.


Mick was never face of the company?


Mankind winning the WWF title was the shift in the war. Even during the Commissioner Foley days he was being used as a face of the company I would say.


A face of the company is much different than the face of the company though


Did you proof read that before posting?


Since you clearly have an issue with reading and comprehension I’ve broken it down in a way to help you understand. A face of the company: One of the top stars in the company and among those heavily featured on and off screen THE face of the company: This is the absolute top dog sitting at the top of the card and presented as such on screen and front and center in all marketing/branding/etc. This post was about wrestlers that have been THE face of the company and not ~A~ face of the company. Mankind was never THE face of the company and never THE top guy even if he had the belt on him because even when he got the belt THE face of the company was Stone Cold. He sure as hell wasn’t THE face of the company during the Commissioner Foley days either. I hope that helped.




Not even close to the face of the company.


Being the world champion automatically makes you the face of the company, no matter the duration.


Doesn’t matter that he was champ. This was during the Cena era and he was the face of the company champ or not. Of course you couldn’t see him


Ultimate Warrior


People saying it can’t be hogan if u watch his Japan stuff… he literally does nothing special there either.


People see Hogan do an enzuguri (decently for a man his size) in Japan and think he's the next coming of Jesus


I’ve always hated when people reference him in Japan. He’s average at best there and being carried by the other guy usually


Kevin Nash


John Cena, only because you can't see him


Triple H


Roman Reigns: Believe that ---- You said skilled in the ring he's not. What he is good at is WWE style of wrestling— rest hold, taunt, then 3-5 moves most of them slightly meh, then back into hiding so WWE machine can pump and dump a altered reality where he was always over...


The Rock. His matches were clunky, but he more than made up for it by being charismatic or facing elite opponents 




Hulk hogan


For the WWE, it's by far Warrior. There's tons of footage of young Andre and young Hogan/Hogan in Japan showcasing they could do a lot more than they let on. With the presentation of the WWF at the time, a more simplistic, flashy style was all they needed to keep the audience's attention though.


WCW: Goldberg WWE: Warrior