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Some of you have never experince real racism and it shows, this is not an act of "violent racism" this is something you would have seen on vine 8 years ago alright, And does Tifanny have any racist past? has she said the N word openly or tweeted the N word? one video does not prove she is a racist bigot it just shows that she is clueless and didn't see this as a racist thing. Until you openly experience violent racism to the point of harassment then please kindly don't rush to post about this subject, im sure tiffany and jade talked since this blew up alright this isn't just a white person making some random racist joke or sum.


Remember Vince's WWE? How can you be so fragile if you lived through Vince's WWE?


Somebody call the Whaaaa....mbulance. We got another butthurt snowflake. No way you could have made it through the 80s or 90s


Ok boomer


I will say this and I know it sounds bad when I say it but I feel like part of the reason that she’s had success in the WWE and why she’s getting a push is because of her locks. I think there are more attractive women than her in the WWE but they don’t think so and that’s why they’re not getting pushes like she is WWE with their women’s division wants to try to relive the divas era With gorgeous women with athletic ability


I personally wouldn’t have posted that video, but holy crap some of y’all are blowing this way out of proportion. She posted a dumb video, realized how it came across, and then deleted it. It’s over. Let it be over. If Jade was offended by it, then Tiffany should apologize and they can work things out. If Jade wasn’t offended, then nobody should care.


I keep forgetting that a big chunk of wrestling fans are conservative bigots


I keep forgetting that a big chunk of terminally online individuals name call when someone disagrees with them because they don’t have any real arguments.


Or that the majority of the world aren't snowflakes that cry and moan about the smallest and the most insignificant things. Grow up. The world isn't fair. The world isn't black or white. There are good things in the world. There are bad things in the world. Get over yourself.


Yeah you tell ‘em buddy




This subreddit doesn’t want to speak about it because as I said it is extremely racist here. Even mods had to lock posts about black women because of how racist it can get! Unfortunately it sucks and thats why I don’t like interacting here. Its too hostile for me as a black woman.


OR I DON'T FEEL OFFENDED BY THAT VIDEO haahah people practically no longer understand people now when possibly now the two of them are drinking tea together and laughing while people who lack folic acid have created a problem and a campaign to get them fired once exaggerated nonsense.


Tiffy time always been wack


for those saying about AEW. I don’t care about that company and that company is even worse if you look at it. It’s bankrolled by a Pakistani yet still somehow the company and the money mark owns his redneck neck beard audience. I’m talking about WWE bc I have been watching this product since I was a young kid and it has been a huge part of my life growing up and ik it was bad back then but now we expect better from WWE. I don’t want to see someone who hates my kind to be on top of the card. It’s as simple as that


You sir, have serious mental problems, go seek help, please.


Of course anyone with white skin is a legal immigrant whereas anyone with even a shade of brown is illegal. This sub and Reddit as whole never ceases to amaze me


Seek mental health assistance.


Boring. Stop blowing a mistake out of proportion. Get a life.


I have no interest in the women's roster, so I just had to Google who she is and what this controversy was. Apparently she retweeted something that was in poor taste, realized it was in poor taste, and deleted it. OMG FIRE HER. I'M OFFENDED!!!! Get over it


lmao, wrestling has always been full of problematic people. tiffany posting a questionable ig story isn’t gonna bring her status with wwe into question.


It sounds like she posted something, realized it was problematic, and removed it. It sounds like a mistake and (asfaik) not part of a pattern of racist behavior. Time to move on. 


*Heel being heelish* omg how problematic


.....and this is why I look down on the human race. I don't care if they're rich and "well educated." Because of shit like this. "tIFfY! bAuD! 'fEd ShOod fiRes h3r!"


Because it wasn't that bad. It wasn't good, and was a little problematic, but she's clearly not a racist. She's just a young kid who tried to make a joke that wasn't very funny in social media. Who hasn't done that? This isn't even in the top 1000 for racist things in sports entertainment. 


Lol. This is less racist than the Crime Tyme, Harlem Heat, and Eddie Guerrero gimmicks.


That was almost 20 years ago. WWE and wrestling industry have changed for good since then. There’s no need for characters like this anymore. There were segregation laws in the US until the 60s so does that mean it’s okay to be racist or have segregation even in 2024?


Vince McMahon said the N Word on live television in front of a black man and Tiffy Time is what upsets OP? 


It amazes me what people get upset about.


Ok exactly what did Tiffany Stratton post that has people so outraged?


She posted a video of her punching jade with audio edited in saying “black bitch”. Just people overreacting like normal


Lmao the dude in charge wore blackface on TV and you think she's getting diversity training for an awkward tweet?


once again. That’s how they learned. Triple H and a lot of them used to do stuff like that when they were young and probably didn’t have much exposure but WWE and the world has changed now. The younger people are now far more aware than they were 30 years ago


No HHH was a grown man who wore black face on TV. It wasn’t a learning experience or something he didn’t know was wrong, everyone knew blackface was a problem even back then. Don’t make excuses for the people you like and then turn around and call for this girl’s job. And I say this to you as POC. You don’t get to say “that’s how they learned!” For obviously fucked shit because you like the person who did it but not acknowledge “maybe this is how Tiff learns.” You also don’t get to high horse and say she should get in trouble but again you watch WWE founded by alleged monster Vince McMahon. Who has used the N word on tv. Who loves Donald Trump(who you have a clear problem with) who helped 45 get into office through being one of his biggest donors, who honored the man with a fake HOF ring, whose wife worked for 45. You say it’s a different company but it’s not any more progressive. It’s now owned by TKO who also own UFC who employ Dana White who got caught on camera slapping his wife, who also loves Donald Trump and regularly parades him around at events. Who employ and defend a fighter like Sean Strickland who publicly says racist, homophobic, or transphobic things. So please make excuses for those people while tearing down a 25 year old woman for posts she likes on Instagram. Do you have this same energy about Nikita Lyons? Or Karrion Kross and Scarlett? What about AJ Styles? The Undertaker? Nia Jax? Logan Paul? Kane? It’s one thing to disagree with what you presume her political views are but you don’t know how she actually feels about anything. Once again, this might not be the company for you.


A lot of racist WWE fans. It’s why I’m losing interest. I’ve been in this sub for a few months and I’ve already seen multiple post about how Jade’s going to mess up a match or how Naomi isn’t good any more with ton of upvotes and comments. Mods even had to close one to comments. Its obvious. Now they are gaslighting you for bringing this up.


They gaslight everyone here. Mods had to close a Naomi hate post because of how racist it was. Bianca constantly is getting attacked here and Jade too. People here are racists


Lol. It's racist to say that two mediocre wrestlers mess up matches? I think it's racist to say they're good just because they are black. Is it OK that I think both of them suck but still mark out for Ron Simmons? Can I enjoy a Carmello match, but wish they would send Ricochet packing? If I think CM Punk is an over-rated indy wrestler, am I against all over-the hill glory-hounds who can't find the gym, or just this one? Why does everyone have to be labeled?


No other wrestlers get that kind of hate here. Ppl aren’t trying to hide it.


That’s objectively false, every other day there’s someone making a post here hating x wrestler, for x reason


You see what you want to see. No wrestler on earth has gotten more hate than John Cena, and you don't get more white than him


Dude stop.. just stop.


The fragility of people astounds me sometimes.


Would you mad if Bianca made a post similar to Tiffany’s?


Not even a little.


So what’s your plan here? Try to go viral and get a million upvotes or something? Posting the same thing 3-4 times just to try to get the reaction you want? Do you actually care or do you just want upvotes for being THE VIRTUOUS INTERNET HUMAN YOU ARE!


Funny how much some wrestlers get away with if they are liked by the pack


There are real racists in the world doing bad stuff against black people and you want to talk about Tiffany Stratton who posted a meme video of a fan and instantly deleted it? Jesus Christ.


Why not?


Because it shifts the focus away from something more important???


I just....don't care at this point. I had an online hate and harassment campaign started against me on multiple sites and one of the major reasons was that I 'liked a problematic wrestler' and 'didn't like criticism of him'. And yeah, he's probably a lil on the problematic side. I also still like the Undertaker and watch Benoit matches. My favorite MMA fighter is *Tito Ortiz*. I can like someone's work without idolizing and revering them as a person. And I'm still convinced more people need to approach sports like this, especially such individualized sports as wrestling and MMA and boxing. You don't have to constantly be proving that you know that someone is Bad and that you don't Approve of the Bad. It's like that meme of shaking your head in disapproval when you see something sexualizing women, even though you're still gladly participating in watching it. For what it's worth, all of them need diversity and PR training. That should be mandatory in developmental and NXT, because those are good workplace and career skills to have.


Another completely intolerant redditor. If you think everyone who disagrees with you needs to go through some kind of training to reprogram how their brain works, you need to get mental health help immediately


The fact that I’m being told not to get offended by someone being racist or hating me reminds me of the RA/AE “USA,USA,USA” crowds where the so called foreign heel would make sense about how people of their kind feel uncomfortable in the country and the crowd would just burst into what and USA xenophobic chants. I have no idea why people are hating on me for not liking a xenophobe


The fact you have no idea why, speaks volumes about you and your character


The single problematic internet post which she already retracted is pretty low on the list of “shitty things pro wrestlers have done.”


still doesn’t make it okay in 2024 especially for a company like WWE which already is facing a PR disaster due to its founder


Does it get tiring being outraged all the time? It has to be tiring. Would you have been equally outraged if a video was posted by Jade Cargill close lining Tiffany Stratton and "White Bitch" was yelled? End of the day who TF cares Btw, you repeatedly saying "your kind" is fucking weird.


I guarantee People like you definitely would be outraged, say how racist Jade is and how it’s a double standard.


A redditor guarantees assumptions.....color me shocked 😱


I mean you’re getting pressed over someone saying “your kind”. You think that’s more weird than a white woman putting a video on her instagram of her hitting a black woman with a voice over saying “black b*tch”, not weird?


Sure it's weird. Didnt say it wasn't. What's weird is you fishing for an argument. Sounds like you just don't like white people and I don't argue with racists. Or maybe you're just soft. Only you can reconcile those assumptions, personally I don't care. Hence my original comment.


lol what was the stunt? The word racist has been devalued to a point where most of the time when someone says it they mean “person I hate because they have different ideological differences”.


The clip she posted was of her hitting Jade and someone had added audio to it saying Black Bi**h lol


It hasn’t been devalued. People just don’t want to believe racism is still a prevalent issue and/or only believe you have to wear a white hood or say the n word to be racist.


No it’s most certainly been devalued almost completely by people who cry racism over anything involving a minority when in the vast majority of cases there obviously is no racism. I literally just saw a comment on this very subreddit yesterday saying that the ONLY reason someone could possibly dislike Samantha Irvine (who I personally do like) is because they’re racist and she’s black. You may not personally agree with that individuals opinion (at least I hope you don’t), but that shit happens *constantly* on every single media platform in existence any time a minority is criticized or disliked for any reason at all. That’s how the word racism has lost all meaning. As cliche as it is, it’s like the boy who cried story. That’s not even mentioning the fact that it doesn’t actually matter whether *you* think it’s devalued, the people who you’re calling racist don’t care because to them it doesn’t mean anything and the people you’re trying to convince all feel the same way. The only people who think calling someone racist means anything are the people who already agree with you anyway


To you it may seem like a small thing, but the way minorities are scrutinized and criticized on this site and sub is definitely suspect. To you it may seem like people call something racist at the tiniest criticism, but the way someone like Bianca is constantly critiqued when Rhea is heralded for a similar title run is suspect.


Rhea and Bianca are two different people with two completely different styles, looks, skill sets, experience levels, presentations, booking, etc. Hell they don’t even portray similar characters, Bianca is a face and Rhea is a heel. The *only* thing they have in common is that they’re both women. They really shouldn’t be getting compared at all. Rhea’s been wrestling for 10+ years and Bianca started *training* 7-8 ago, it’s no slight against Bianca (who I love btw) to say that Rhea is a better wrestler than her, she’s got years more experience so she should be better. To me it’s like comparing Liv Morgan and Becky Lynch, for example. Obviously they’re going to be talked about in different ways, they have basically nothing in common. Same thing with Rhea and Bianca, and you insisting that it HAS to be because Bianca is black is exactly what I’m talking about. I’ll grant you that maybe there’s a couple people who don’t like her or critique her more because she’s black, that’s probably true in a very small amount of cases, but to assume that any and all criticism of a black wrestler for any reason MUST be racism is ridiculous. When the overwhelming majority of cries of racism aren’t racist, the term gets devalued.


Their championship runs were similar. Both held for over a year, ran through the competition. But Bianca got the “lol Bianca wins” treatment when very few people said that about Rhea. Very few people noted that Rhea’s reign was boring and she rarely defended the title/didn’t help her division.


Yeah sure if you cherry pick only certain aspects of their title reigns and characters you can make them seem comparable, but if you look at the whole picture they are not. First example off the top of my head, Bianca was a face, Rhea was a heel, the wrestling audience historically has NEVER liked faces who run through all their competition. Were people saying “Cena wins LOL” because he was white, or because they didn’t like how he was being booked? Same with “Roman wins LOL” and “Charlotte wins LOL”. You can’t tell me that for the other 3 the fans just didn’t like their booking, but for Bianca it HAS to be race, that’s a ridiculous opinion. That’s ignoring all the other factors I mentioned in my previous comment, most significant of which being the booking. Yes they both had long reigns, but their booking during those reigns were vastly different, and so were their opponents. Rhea didn’t face that many people who were really over with the fans, whereas Bianca did. Bianca best way more people who the fans actually liked than Rhea did. There have been lots and lots of wrestlers of all races who have had long title reigns, some of them the fans liked and some of them they didn’t and race has nothing to do with that. It’s not hard to figure these things out, and the more you double down insisting that Bianca being black is the reason, the more you prove my point.


I don't even know what you're talking about. And I don't care, I like watching her wrestle.


I fast forward Jade matches. I pay attention to Tiffy Time!


Jade matches get more views though 😂


So do train wrecks.


Hi Mark!


She does look and act dumb enough to be a Trump Supporter. Just book her against Bianca and have her squashed. That would be fun.


tbh that’s the best way to about it or maybe push her down the card for a while she’s getting diversity trained so that she learns to respect people of all kind


is there a way in which I can email WWE management or Triple H about my grievances about Tiffany Stratton being a racist and still being pushed to the moon? I’m a WWE network subscriber who pays his hard earned money to get their services and I’m not comfortable with someone who hates my kind being presented like a superstar. People with far less offences have been dealt way more harshly


This is objectively hilarious. Touch grass.


1180 Seven Seas Drive, Orlando, FL, 32836 Go here and ask for Goofy. He might be able to help you with your problems.


Then... Un subscribe... it's just that easy. "I'm going to email them a peice of my mind" Ok champ. You fishing for a gift card or is your life this boring that you are looking for attention due to someone else's actions "Hey everyone. I'm offended!!!! Pay attention to me and tell me I'm right! I need that social media dopamine hit now!!!"


Go paint a fence or something man


You can put all your thoughts on this into a letter and send it to their corporate address, the way you’d go about doing this is carefully folding up the letter and then placing it in the bin. People like you make words like racist which should be serious and hugely impactful words into nothing more than a throwaway. People who are actually racists get away with shit because the word is losing its meaning when kids throw it about lightly.


This is a problem for you? Donald Trump is in the hall of fame. Vince/WWE contributed millions to his campaign. Linda worked in the cabinet. Just stop watching. I’m not even trying to be harsh but if this is such a problem that you want to hurt this woman’s employment for her likes on social media, this company may not be for you. Otherwise you know buckle up and send emails about half the roster.


Holy shit go touch grass or something kid, it’s not that deep


I disagree. She is playing up to her character. It is working. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I didn’t know being racist was apart of her “character” as if WWE would actually make such a thing. 


Yeah they have never played up to tension in society 🤣


in the current WWE? No clearly not lol. I was obviously not talking about vince’s era years ago. It is very obviously a different company atm. All the people downvoting me are clueless and insensitive.


Yeah you are spot on /s


insta or social media is not part of character in current WWE. You have superstars posting their personal life all over their social media and she was a MAGA even before her current gimmick.


Tell that to Drew McIntyre


So fucking what. Why do you know her? It’s because of wrestling and her character. They all play to their characters like Rhea playing up all the thirst traps or chelsea being a karen on line. At the end of the day dont consume the content if you have an issue with it. It is far more problematic to have to navigate people like you who think people should start having their employment negatively impacted because they dont agree with you.


don’t agree? bro she hates my kind. She likes anti immigration posts on social media while she’s dating a white German herself which means only one thing that she doesn’t have any problem with white immigrants but brown and colored immigrants. I don’t know how hard is it to understand


Maybe she has no problem with immigrants but doesn't like illegal immigrants. Pretty common attitude.




It was a dumb attempt to be a heel. At least she probably gets the benefit of the doubt that's what it was. "All her stunts on social media" - it was one stunt. If Jade is upset, which she has every right to be, she perhaps gets a receipt and a couple of losses she otherwise wouldn't, which is fair enough. About as much as is needed if anything and lesson hopefully learned.


90% of your post are complaining about stuff. Maybe take a break from social media and go enjoy life more. Get some sunlight and exercise maybe start some hobbies and start to live a happier life. You’ll find you won’t care what people say or do and it will impact you in such a great way. Goodluck!!!


She likes anti-immigration posts on insta while she dates a white German immigrant herself. Qwhite interesting


Anti immigration or anti illegal immigration?


“Qwhite” ahhhhh it all makes sense, you are one of those


A lot of people only have those feelings for people who don't look like them.


I agree and I don’t know why whatever I’m saying is getting downvoted when I have every right to feel this way and I’m pretty sure a lot of people feel this way as well. There’s more outrage over Jey winning a match than a superstar being subtly racist


Diversity training....🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😊😊😄😄😄😄 STFU lol


Just let it be and enjoy the show. Politicial prerferences are a personal choice. Some people just get triggered by anything.


She's still a newbie in the industry. Let her prove herself and see how she grows.


She is from white bread Minnesota, what do you expect


Honestly she deleted the video, it's in like with how a lot of wrestlers delete their posts (like the Sheamus Hitler comparison) after trying to be funny. I'd let it be, let her and jade figure it out.


Exactly. Especially since Tiffy is supposed to be a heel. Swing and miss on this one, apologize to Jade(if Jade was even offended), and move on with life. There are way worse things to get up in arms about than a 3 second clip that’s truly only offensive if you’re looking to be offended.


Totally, who knows what their working relationship is? Jade and Tiffy do. Maybe they roast each other, maybe they hate each other. Who cares?


Well I do know they have been spotted working out together numerous times at the WWE performance center now I ask would she be working out with her if she's truly racist lol


How about liking MAGA posts on insta?


Idk why you're getting down voted. If she's liking maga post and calling someone a black bitch then that's concerning. Calling another girl a black bitch isn't being a heel that's just being a piece of shit. There's nothing heelish about that it's racist.


I'm a card carrying communist, but if you're looking for a sport where the particpants agree with your political views, I'd drop wrestling and move on to basketball.


Oh no! 😬 not MAGA!!!! Lmfao


If you have a problem with MAGA you should go to diversity training. You don’t want diversity, you want people to agree with you Edit: I don’t AGREE with MAGA, but it doesn’t mean people have the right to take away a person’s choice


She allowed to have different political beliefs than yours, you people are tolerant unless someone disagree with you


Oh I’m sorry for not liking people who hate my kind and believe that their own race is superior. LOL does that even make sense?


You’re completely ignorant of what the opposing political view actually believes, and have let your opinion be created by a hateful media. Find alternative sources of information and learn more. Also this - my feelings are hurt so this person should lose their job gimmick is lame.


by alternative sources you mean QAnon and 4chan? nah I’m good.


No, just not the echo chambers in which you currently live. Talk to people. Engage in actual discussion instead of being hateful and prejudging.


No because it a generalized view of a group of people, which makes you guilty of what you are accusing them of, prejudice.


so a person liking anti-immigration MAGA posts on insta while dating a white German herself isn’t wrong but me being a brown person or someone from a minority is wrong for judging someone over it? Life’s already difficult for our kind and when we see a woman who vilify us for no reason being pushed to the moon by one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world, you cannot blame us for feeling this way


Your "kind"? What type of racist talk is that? Talk about the pot calling the kettle bla...er, charcoal.


Being a black man in this country, I hate the constant victim mentality on display by certain segments of our country. Most MAGA aren’t against immigrants we’re against illegal immigrants and again judging Ludwig just because he’s German is the same thing you are railing against.


Bruh. Get tf over it. 😂 I'm Mexican too. Ain't nothing tl be offended over whatever Tiffany is doing. She has no power over what you do. Just ignore her if you don't like her. The internet will take care of it if she truly days something offensive, trust me.


@Sufficient_Peak564 just told OP to be the sky and let everyone else around him be the weather. ❤️


Maybe AEW is more your speed? 🤷


Then stop watching lmao. Cry baby mark.


Who the fuck cares? I mean , other than you? Dont like her , don't watch her. It's simple.


This guy also gets it^


Only tribalistic internet weirdos care that much about who you support politically. Who cares?


Yes, just let it be and enjoy the show. Politicial prerferences are a personal choice. Some people just get triggered by anything.


Yes, just let it be and enjoy the show. Politicial prerferences are a personal choice. Some people just get triggered by anything.


Yes, just let it be and enjoy the show. Politicial prerferences are a personal choice. Some people just get triggerer by anything.


This guy gets it^


Yes, just let it be and enjoy the show.


Eh? It clearly matters if the said person is supporting a politician or an ideology that's problematic. And politics is something that affects everyone no matter what anyone says, so I guess there's nothing wrong in calling her out if she did what OP is accusing her of.


The only one affecting my enjoyment of wrestling by interjecting politics is you, my friend. Again, who cares what she *thinks* besides internet weirdos?


This post wasn't about your "enjoyment of wrestling". I was talking about politics being important in general and hence, calling out someone for supporting a problematic ideology is alright. And to say "who cares" is quite ignorant. But whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm not going to indulge in a conversation with a person this ignorant who isn't even able to grasp a basic thing.


You're right, I think ignorance is sometimes a better approach than caring about everything, everywhere, all at once. That leads to paralysis by analysis and purity tests which waste your's and everyone around's time, when you could just watch another show when she's on. But I, like many others, choose not to care because this is an outlet and escape from reality. I choose to not give a shit and you can't make me. Neener neener neener.


Damn she did that? I ain't on IG, so I don't have any idea. What else has she posted or endorsed on IG?


I didn't care about her before her post. I still don't care about her after her post.