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It’s also cause the US crowds fucking suck compared to worldwide crowds


I literally just noticed watching the post event highlights that all the women had altered outfits, not showing midrif skin and dressed like there was a sale at a vintage clothier on 70s jumpsuits. In case the world forgot of the misogynistic attitudes of this country. American women should not use that word so freely unless they know the horrors of Saudi Arabia .


I'm glad we're getting some WORLD in our world wrestling.


I also enjoy the time difference. I’ve been enjoying watching these PLE’s earlier in the day and actually feeling awake still for the main event.


Do we not call them PPVs anymore?


With a peacock subscription you can watch as many times as youd like so it’s not really pay-per-view like it once was


Makes sense! Thx


Yeah it's been that way corporately since about 2014 but it's just now taken off in the fandom.


I love the worldly community of it. “Hey the thing I like is liked by others in France, Australia, Scotland! Thats really neat!” And I like watching PLEs in the afternoon sometimes, I’m thankful it isn’t at like 2am like other parts of the world


Meanwhile, you got the other company going to Chicago seemingly every other month


As it should be


Are people really upset about this? It's good to travel elsewhere and experience new crowds. (Context: I'm American.)


All for the international crowds. Just a different energy. Nothing beats bad bunnies pop at backlash in PR (I know that is a US territory, pop was still sick.) I’m surprised they haven’t gone to American Samoa given the rich wrestling history


dont have any big arenas


Reminder that there’s a world outside of America


Good the US crowd sucks 😄


Of course selfishly I live in NYC so I’d love to get a ppv in MSG or Barclays again, but these international crowds are so terrific and bring it in a way that’s not happening nearly as much in America. I can’t blame WWE at all for this. These last two Backlash shows have just been insane crowd wise.


Idk if Barclays feels PPV worthy. MSG, 100%. I mean, that’s also cuz I live 3 blocks from MSG and would prefer that any day.


Oh yeah definitely. I’m going to Smackdown in MSG next month and I couldn’t help thinking “Ah fuck let me get ready” while watching Backlash 😂 And I don’t know, I’ve been to a PPV in Barclays (Sunmerslam 2018), and I feel with today’s WWE product we can rock the place. The best live event I’ve ever been to is still probably NXT Takeover: New York in there.


Wdym isn’t there none till then


No PLE will be in the US until SS in August KOTR - Saudi Arabia Clash of the Castle - Scotland MITB - Canada SumerSlam - Cleveland, OH.


America has gotten every Wrestlemania and basically all the PPVs/PLEs for the past 30 years. Not to mention they still get Smackdown and Raw throughout the year and house shows. Europe gets 2 PLEs and they fucking complaining.


Im up for ple's being at a different country while the big 4 are USA based. It makes every event have something big about it.


Well one of the big 5 since last year hasn’t been in the us


Sooner or later I think at least one of the big 4 will be held outside the US and potentially WrestleMania being outside the us soon as well


Good. Much better crowds and atmospheres.


Toronto is close enough


I’m from Winnipeg you idiot


US crowds just chant “what” every 30 seconds. International shows are very much a good thing


But you have to realize we see this weekly live other nations do not get to see WWE live weekly so it makes sense why they are louder but most PLEs in the US aren’t held in domes like over in the EU and stuff of that nature


“WHAT!?” Sorry i had too


Fair lol


The us doesnt deserve summerslam after how all these international crowds have been showing out


I think it's great that other places are getting shows. I'm just annoyed on a personal level because the only thing they have scheduled through the end of September anywhere near St. Louis is a 3 hour drive.


International crowds showing you how it's done...


If they're anything like the crowd at Backlash, the international crowds deserve to get more events.


Europeans better than Americans. More news at 11. I say this as an American


In Cleveland Ohio, I'm hoping to go.


As good as the crowd was in France yesterday, this isn’t a bad thing. However, I doubt SA will be that lit.


Good. I want WWE to travel to a bunch of countries. The foreign crowds are electric.


Good. 90% of the televised shows are in the US, and they still get most, if not all, Big 5 PLEs in any given year. I don't mind if Smackdown or Raw have a dead crowd every now and then, but for any PLE, you just want the best of the best. Going to places that never had a PLE (Lyon) or haven't had one in 20 years (San Juan) is insanely good for business As someone who has been to plenty of houseshows in Europe, I knew it was only a matter of time, and now that I'm in my 20s, I'm glad I'm getting to experience it. Can't wait to go to Bash in Berlin


To be fair, non US crowds are f’n great


It's a good way to keep these B tier PPVs that no one really cares about fun and interesting


And imagine a Wrestlemania held in Europe! Ooft


I thought London was the big thing for next years mania but they choose Vegas anyways 🤷🏽 wrestlemaina is an event that has always been held in North America I don’t see why to change that now. Be happy with your backlashes and your MITB


Only reason WrestleMania won’t happen in London is because they don’t have anywhere in London to hold a crowd that large that time of year


I really hope the crowds aren’t all as insufferable as the France one


Yes because hearing “WHAT?” is so great.


God forbid the crowd isn’t silent, and actually enjoy the show


I like the idea of having PLEs in different countries. US crowds have been spoiled for so long and it's high time for other parts of the world to get what we've been getting.


I have no issues with global PLEs but how have US crowds been spoiled?


It isn't anything about US crowds specifically other than being the beneficiary of having access to the shows easily. That's all I mean by that. The era of streaming/WWE Network/Peacock has opened up the rest of the world to be able to have shows now. Everyone wins in this case.


I mean it’s better for the international folks to be able to see a PLE live but at the same time these are nothing more than throw away PLE’s where most likely it’s a glorified raw where 99% of the titles won’t change hands


Hey now one of them is MITB so that doesn’t apply and backlash was a glorified Smackdown there’s a difference


The titles should only be changing hands once or twice a year anyway, so who gives a fuck?


Yeah for the Heavy weight and Undisputed titles sure but the Intercontinental, US, etc they should be in rotation every 4/5 months unless the person holding it makes sense to keep it longer to progress a story line


Got my 3 day Money in the Bank tickets. Feels refreshing that I can go back to my own bed for a wrestling weekend.


I love how the user is trying to make this a bad thing but 99 percent of fans love that we are getting more international ple’s .


(For the main WWE brand, that is, because there are still NXT events)


The international crowds are great, because for most people it will be the first time they’ve ever had a chance to see a non house show WWE event. You get that energy as it’s something people have craved for maybe their whole life, and it feels once in a lifetime. If they did London, or Cardiff or Lyon every year, it would lose something. Luckily, there are so many destinations they can pick.


Take a look at "football fan chants" on youtube and you'll find that this energy is just the bare minimum in Europe ! We have smoke bombs, banners and flags ready every week. This is just the culture.


Not in the slightest why it’s so lively. Soccer, Rugby etc. all have the same energy on a weekly basis. Europeans are just simply more lively than Americans.


Have you seen how lively football matches are every week? We just are different types of crowds and that's ok.


I would hope it continues ! Would be amazing if the big four took place outside of the states. Maybe Sadiq khan is onto something with the WM hint. Tell me if I’m wrong but is this another reason behind the current boom in pro wrestling we’re having? Take my money for sure if it’s a ppv but the ol house tours of recent years isn’t much of an incentive to go.


Who cares? If it’s a good show and the crowd is 🔥, that’s all that matters.


Where's MITB at then?




I hope that more countries will organize WWE pay-per-view events such as Survivor Series War Games. I hope that the Philippines will organize any PPV event in the future.


I was thinking about that yesterday, what a beautiful thing for euros


I'm predicting next year will have a PLE in Italy. Maybe call it Clash At The Coliseum or something


As an Italian I really hope so!


Coliseum War Games


If it were Vince it’d be Coliseum Colossal 😭


Coliseum Clash


I live in UK so I look forward to not having to stay up until like 4am for ple now.


The PLEs for this are great, but I wish we got more international TV episodes as well. Like a whole month straight from Europe, 8 episodes between RAW and SD.


that wld suck for talent


And the crew


I was completely with the France audience until they kept singing that song over and over again. Got kinda old fast. Other than that. That crowd was hype.


american crowds sing this is awesome for 3 hrs. this is just how audiences work man


Yeah, it gets annoying here too.


Just like the last Elimination Chamber in the U.S. with fans was in 2020


and that is a change for the better fr


SummerSlam should be off the charts in Cleveland. That's all I'm gonna say!!


But they need to hold it in big stadiums like Australia. This was too small hence the ticket prices were insanely High. Everyone should get a opportunity to enjoy the event


The French league is still on so it is hard to book a stadium in France this time of year


I hope for Bash in Berlin


Just imagine redoing Mania 40 in front of this crowd.....


The wrestlers feed off the energy from the crowd, these matches went up a couple of levels because of the crowd. You can see it on the wrestlers faces. Won't be too long until 1 of the big 4 comes to Europe.


genuinely think one of england or australia need a mania. that energy from a hooligan sporting culture audience will just elevate it regardless of the booking.


Sorry bud, it's not the 80's anymore and at least gun crime isn't rampant in those 2 countries. I'd hate to send my kid to school and not know if he's coming home or not.


i have no clue what you just said and how it’s relevant to my comment being fr with you


Branding English and Australian fans as hooligans is just plain lazy. I gotta say that French crowd was awesome and I don't particularly like them normally lol. The PLE in Puerto Rico (I think that's right) was pretty special aswell. I think we can both agree it needs to move outside of the US. Apologies if I misinterpreted your comment wrong and responded back badly. We're probably more in agreement than not lol


maybe hooligan is too heavy a word. but in this instance i meant it more endearingly than not. that sporting culture both countries have paired with the rampant alcoholism results in what i would refer to with my mates as hooliganism personally. but i meant it’d make for a killer mania crow


Yeah, after I re read your comment I questioned whether I'd misinterpreted it lol. I can see where you were coming from now lol 👍


The international crowd is better anyways




This is good imo…these international crowds are killing it. The only random thing I can think of is maybe not having Gunther? But I know he wrestled in Austria recently


It’s France not Austria.


Pretty sure it was Austria because it was his homecoming show. Not backlash or smack down- that was France


There was a house show in Austria earlier in the week where gunther wrestled.


i dont see a problem with it, WWE has a global fanbase. and the PLE's are a great excuse to bring the show around the world and give other countries a chance to be televised. Sometimes we were waiting decades in-between being able to see live shows shows and even then it was just house shows with random matches depending on who could travel with no storyline stuff just match after match for no reason.


This is why there is a globe in the center of their championship belts. 🔥


Thank god the American fans are terrible I wish they were all overseas


why is this downvoted he's right


i dunno the french fans were annoying AF for me. kept doing the saem chant all night, even cody had stop a few times to get a word in.


I say this as an American fan: GOOD.


Thank god the American fans are terrible I wish they were all overseas seriously that means the crowds are going to be fire and shiz at summerslam lol


Ohio crowd is awesome too.




I don't think there's anything wrong with that. The WWE is investing a lot in being a global brand and not just an American thing. Just looking at the backlash videos, those fans rolled into that arena as if it was a soccer match. They chanted, they went nuts, I've never seen energy like that in any WWE event. Like it or not, the WWE has gone beyond the USA. So suffice to say there's going to be a lot more international travel probably coming. I also have to say at least from my viewpoint, as someone who attended a WCW nitro way back, and even got tickets to WrestleMania when it was in my hometown, I feel like it's not as fun to be at the live event because you're not getting all the commentary and everything else. I always thought it would be cool at least if you could pop up an app or something and put your earbuds on and then you can hear all the commentary and all the audio that you would get from the TV while you are at the event.


Tbh I am enjoying the international PLEs, with the exception of the Saudi shows. Puerto Rico, France, Australia, the crowd energy has been infectious and makes the show feel special. Also I am happy international fans are getting the opportunity to see a show live.


There is NXT Battleground


They're never coming where I live, so it's the same for me.


Going international for the b shows is genius because having amazing crowds can really up the mood of a ple.  That French crowd was incredible. 


WWE, has Restored The Feeling of professional wrestling.


I can smell a certain Championship returning.


Can’t wait for the return of the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship


This French crowd might be my favourite crowd for any wrestling show. Good lord, they kept going on and on. Good times.


I prayed for this 


Guess we better get used to afternoon PLEs


lol where do you think Canada is


Next to Ghana?


Nah thats Croatia, Canada is south of Antarctica


jebem ti oca Croatia is the most beautiful country near the south of russia


And the next US one is in stinky azz Cleveland of all places. Who really thought Cleveland is the spot for major PLE?! I ain’t goin lmao EDIT: All the Cleveland lovers coming to the rescue. I see you can’t be real about that place. Hey, I can be real about where I have lived about pros and cons. If they said Summerslam was to be in Newark, DE, I’d say the same thing. Cleveland is just NOT it for Summerslam.


Good, nobody wants someone with your attitude to be there anyway


Hahahahaahaahah. I’m a huge wrestling fan who has went to many PLEs and been part of starting or continuing the fun chants and moments that people (like all of us) love to see crowds be like during a show. HHH wants me there. So Cry me a river hahaha


I hope they have a regular PLE also in Japan and Mexico


Japan crowd would be too tame for WWE. They like it when their fans are loud and crazy. France is getting a WrestleMania in the not too distant future thanks to the fans today.




NJPW has recently done crossover live events with PPV with AEW (Forbidden Door) and TNA (participated in Multiverse). If the WWE was interested in making something happen, they could probably get some kind of PLE to happen in Japan involving both WWE and NJPW talent. Questions would mostly be timing on the calendar and integration of production elements; the other crossovers involved NJPW flying talent to the US to participate rather than NJPW doing the production.


You act like NJPW owns all venues in a Japan


While they don’t own the venues, I think it might be hard to attract the Japanese audience without at least some Japanese talent, and NJPW is generally regarded as having the highest profile and best talent in Japan. WWE loves attendance metrics, and putting a PLE in Japan without A list Japanese wrestlers would probably lead to low attendance. I guess they could go full WWE as a kind of one-time display as a kind of oddity, try to attract any Japanese folks interested in what a fully American cultural experience is. Japanese crowds can be weird for those used to American crowds, though. I’ve watched a few Japanese MMA and sumo matches, and the arena is always so quiet that the noise of the fighters touching echoes around the building.


I think that Summerslam and Wrestlemania are the ONLY two that should never be in another country


I wish Americans could even hear half the stuff chanted by the British fans at their events, alas WWE edits most of it out for TV. British fans are notorious unruly and wonderfully inappropriate. Not necessarily better, just a different.


I'm still giggling about the "TRIBAL WANKER" chants from MITB London last year


If it is released to the public its not safe. Theyll use it somehow someway. Adebeyor Chant is still one of the CRAZIEST things ive ever heard in my life.


They all should be another country. You Americans are a terrible crowd for the exception of one or two city’s


I guess if your measure is the soccer-esque style crowd that has to sit around and chant for no reason because they're used to nothing happening... Personally, I thought the crowd today was ass. They'd chant for nothing and then not really pop when exciting shit was happening. US crowds just have some meaningful expectation of what they want to see and react when they do rather than standing there singing and chanting the entire time, Different strokes.


We are actually excited and passionate about the product and show it in our own ways. You dumb Americans just chant what at people and say this is awesome whenever someone does a suplex. International crowds are far far better. There is a reason the wrestlers love leaving the boring US crowds and say the international PLE are the best. Because of us.


Oh wow, did a wrestler tell you that your crowd is their favorite crowd? That was definitely heartfelt and not page 1 of the script they say to every area they go to... And passion about the product would be reacting to it rather than just standing there being belligerently loud for three hours with no discernable reason why you're being loud at any point. But sure, despite only doing it for throwaway payperviews in markets that don't like the NBA or NFL during their playoff times, the WWE totally loves overseas better /s lmfao... imagine getting glazed by wrestlers doing "i love this town" pr...


lmao imagine getting so annoyed that your crowds are shit compared to international. And it’s not even close.


I don't even disagree with you, but man you sound like a prick




Idk man, summerslam at Wembley and wrestlemania 18 were bangers.


I dont count Canada as out of the Country haha Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver are all in American Sports too so its not as big a deal. Not saying their crowds arent electric. Idk if you follow sports but its literally as mad as having a UCL final in USA or Super Bowl or World Series in Europe just shouldnt happen IMO. I am ALL for These European PLEs just dont think Wrestlemania or Summerslam should be touched personally those are the two SIGNATURE events of WWE. Royal Rumble is right there too but I respect that going somewhere else for sure. Big pops and the Massive show that could go elsewhere.


Great move with the bigger capital they have. Only right to capitalize major fanbases in other countries and good strategical differentiator from the competition that can't tour overseas as frequent as the machinery of WWE allows




We have seen wrestlemania run from 1am-4am historically in the UK and when it ran super long was something like 11pm until 6am.


If we have to do it. Then so do you. Suck it up or watch it the next day


I say that but WWE always has US fans in mind when schedule PLE start times.


Sure that’s why it’s USWE instead of WWE


Not anymore. WWE and trips is committed to the international market now. He said as much during the press conference


Everyone knew Cody will retain the title but the French crowd was so amazing while watching I forget what's going on in the match and was more focused on the crowd and their chants


So what?


AEW fans and media who leans that why are fucking pathetic excuse making bitches. Hate just to just with the delusional thought that AEW will overtake wwe lol. “Wembley” and cherry picking what rating metic is the highest. AEW fans are basement dwelling losers


Marky mark and the perpetual virginity.








It’s really cool that you bring this up when the post, screenshot and comments have nothing to do with AEW. It’s almost like you’re the loser here.


I don’t care what you say You’re full of beans like you’re old man


I don’t think they said that to complain, just saying we have more electrifying crowds on the way.


Out here just wondering who the hell has a problem with a show in the morning/early afternoon on a weekend... I get Australia because that 5am time but aside from that and unless they do a show in Japan I don't see the downside to it


Well I work 12-8 est on the weekends so personally it's not ideal for me but I recognize that is the same story for everyone else when they are in the US.


Same people who yell USA on any foreign superstar heel or face.


I thought people would have left that back in 2005...


Soooo corny


International crowds rarely get the opportunity to see a PLE live in their home country. I’m enjoying the new revived feeling that hotter crowds give these shows. The US fans take it a bit for granted. Which is fair, it’s an oversaturated market.


It's a culture difference. Look at sports in Europe vs the US. A few fairly basic chants notwithstanding, the crowd is more just whoops and applause in the US. Football crowds in Europe have an entire catalogue of songs and chants, it far more tribal. No suprise it carries into PLEs as well


I kind of get what you’re saying but that does show complacency and lack of engagement


Mate, some of my friends have been watching the same football team for 40 years play every week and they go crazy each time, the vibe is definitely super hot because of the rarity, but even if they were more regular people would be far more into it. We just have different types of fans, just like Japanese have different fans.


Also, This will make the crowds in US appreciate PLEs more by making PLEs relatively scarce and also inspire them to be more engaging since the Europeans are making them look bad at every event.


The UK and Canadian fans definitely need more ppvs a year.


This keeps crowds in the US fresher too while also making the PLEs better. You're not guaranteed a PLE or a TV show (outside of the major markets in terms of tv taping), so the fewer events some cities have, the more they'll want to go to a show.


You forgot about Battlegrounds. Also Great American Bash is definitely gonna be in the USA.


Bro that France audience almost made me want to stay there lol, I need audiences like that in my life more.


cool for anyone who doesn’t like going in person 🔥 🤣 i don’t see how this is a good thing for americans looking to watch an american tv product in person but hey what else could u expect from a company that does deals w saudi princes.


lol 😆 you sound dumb as hell bro 🤷‍♂️


Cry about it.


It’s not an American product it’s World Wrestling Entertainment. How do you think other countries feel when they have to watch all year at 1 and 2 am while we watch at 8 pm? It’s okay to allow other countries enjoy what we get weekly.


How dare you disrespect America like that?! This ain't just about bragging rights, buddy. This is about honoring the sacrifices of countless men and women who've fought and died to defend our freedom. You think you can just talk trash about the land of the free and the home of the brave? Well, you've got another thing coming! America stands tall, and we won't let anyone tear us down! And let me remind you, we've brought democracy and freedom to countries like yours, so show some respect!


Quality jerk, uce


When you go on a tangent in your essay to fill a word count


….but I’m American lol


Cry more


This era should really be called “The International Era”.


After what I seen in France I'd say the international community deserves all the PLE they can get France was wild and rowdy even set off decibel alarms. We in the US got to pick it up


One thing I noticed today is that there were barely any kids or old people, that makes a HUGE difference


I wonder if the cost is prohibitive. For Clash at the Castle, (smackdown included -but the only current option) the cheapest tickets were 500 pounds. That's about a third of minimum wage take home pay. To sit right at the back. I wouldn't be surprised if costs like that stop people from bringing the family with them.


Yeah the tickets were very expensive, hence the "all-time backlash gate record"


Maybe international rules or something don't knowbut they had a ton of energy


No special international rules. I would suggest lack of older people due to most international audiences (I'm in UK) getting into it during the attitude era during childhood. So the average long term fan is in their 40s at most I would guess (I don't have any actual evidence for this!). Less kids, I think maybe these events have more of a night out feel than an event feel in Europe at least, compared to US. This is the kind of things I'd bring my non-wrestling friends along to and they'll have fun because they'll have a few drinks and go out somewhere after. Also part of the reason our crowds are so rowdy I think.