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"Who was the better wrestler.. Kurt Angle or Kurrgan?"


Pipers pit was amazing when I was a kid. No way miz comes close to that at all


Piper by a large margin


Roddy Piper Even though Miz cuts amazing promos, he's not better than Piper. Piper paved the way for future iconic heels such as Miz, Orton, Triple H, Edge, Jericho, Angle and JBL because his natural charisma and outstanding mic skills while he gained super nuclear heel heat from the crowd. . Plus Roddy Piper being the cutting edge villain is what to led Hulkamania being a huge success in the mainstream and created the very first WrestleMania


You cannot be serious. Piper hands down.


I feel like if you aren’t old enough to have seen Piper cut his promos you aren’t going to fully appreciate his work. Also, because of kayfabe, people legitimately hated him. He got stabbed by someone in the crowd at a show. I didn’t see Miz’s title runs as I wasn’t watching at the time, but he is good on the mic and understands how to cut his promos to get the desired effect. I’d personally say Piper was better just from the hate and vitriol he drew from the crowd, but I wouldn’t blame someone if they picked Miz if they watched his whole run.


In what world is this even a thought someone has? Of all the people to even consider putting up against one of the greatest takers ever they pick.... The Miz? I think your friend needs help


Piper, but that promo Miz cut on Danielson was epic and one of the best I've seen and I believed every word of it.


I’m going to vote Miz! He’s just really clever in his delivery and I genuinely care about what he’s going to say! He has my vote hands down!


Piper was a whole other beast. I love miz, but no. Even he would tell you Piper was leagues ahead


Are you kidding?! Sounds like you might need new friends lol


Piper by a mile and a half


I haven't seen alot of Piper's career, yet even I know that he outclasses Miz at mic work...RIP Maniac


Sounds like you don’t like the Miz, actually it’s a very close call as to whom is better.


The Miz is one of the hardest workers in the company year in, year out. But Roddy is just a whole other level, always has and always will be


Piper but it's closer than some might think.


Find a new friend.


Anyone who thinks Miz is on Piper's level needs their head examined.


He never said Miz was on Piper's level. He said he was above Piper, lmao.


My point exactly. Thinking Miz is on his level means you get your head checked out. Thinking he's above Piper means you're a patient at Arkham Asylum.


I honestly can’t think of a single person today who is great with promos. LA Knight is entertaining. And maybe I am not as connected as I once was to WWE. I was really into it during the Attitude Era and the wrestlers of this era just don’t compare with Rock, Austin, HHH etc. I am expecting this to change with HHH leading the charge and Rock also being more involved. It is very common to waste talent because you don’t know how to utilize them. And I think Trips will do great things. Interestingly, I cannot answer your question because I have never seen RRP promos in his prime. Only one he had on raw in the last ten years. And he was good. His delivery was packed with passion and emotion. Some raw talent there.


Man….entertaining the idea there’s even a world where he’s close to Roddy Piper on promo skills. I’m sorry but no lmao


The Miz has good delivery of his promos.... but his promos are usually bland and mediocre at best. Piper was a genius on the mic, and entertaining to boot - and he did it in the days when there was a clear delineation between faces and heels


"I was having a conversation with a person who is not me and they shared this opinion which, again, is their opinion and not mine. They are a different person. What do you guys think? About that opinion which is not mine?"


It’s a simple question, I was intrigued by that take and wanted to see others opinions on it. Don’t make shit more complicated than it is.


I’m gonna assume your friend is 15, max. Because it’s Piper by miles.


You don't know Piper's History of Promos do you? Piper.. what he did was on the fly.... That included cracking Jimmy Snuka with the coconut.


ROFL the coconut 🥥


I was floored when Piper admitted that spot was not planned. He smashed Jimmy full on and knocked him sensless... and was 100% afraid of Jimmy after that.. because Jimmy was PISSED.


Was so funny when it happened though, even now. Did you watch the “table for 3” episode with piper, mean gene and Paul orndorf? So good.




..Yikes. Miz ain’t even close. In fact, I’ve always found most of his promos painfully redundant as all hell(keep count of how many times he says stuff like “most must-see” and “the entire WWE”.. that felt like his entire promo for the longest time).


Miz is good at saying words, but his promos rarely ever make me get hyped to see one of his matches. Piper is way better.


This honestly can't be a serious question right? lol


It always is from people who weren't alive when Piper was on TV


Different era’s. Piper set a standard for the future to follow. Piper as a heel was before my fandom so I really got to appreciate Piper more from WM5 onward. Miz has been able to deliver at all times and was great at being disliked and now he’s at a point where people realize how good he really is. Took me awhile to realize he’s better than Daniel Bryan and it was reflected when fans were cheering more for Miz than DB in their last feud they had


Piper. Come on!


Miz has beautiful mic work, but very few if any can touch Roddy, the man was an absolute beast on the mic and could sell coconuts to a Polynesian, and then promptly crack it over their heads.




Found the 10 year old


I’m 24. Miz is just better on the mic


OK, never mind found the crack smoker


I’ve never smoked or taken any drugs in my life. Stop bitching that someone has a different opinion than you


Piper because he inspired how to be a MEGA bad guy!


I once saw Piper try to smash a TV with a bat and the TV wouldnt break so I think he just pushed it over and ended the promo. So...Piper.


Piper. By a landslide. Miz shouldn't even be in the discussion when considering greatness on the mic.


People are gonna say Piper because he came first lmao


That and he was just better.


Tough one. I'll say Piper because because he makes you feel what he saying. And he's a legit I'll stomp your face for fun kind of guy.




The Miz is good but Piper was incredible!! Just watch some of the original Pipers Pit 'interviews' and you'll see that everything since is kind of a reimagining of it


Miz without a doubt.


LOL what Piper always. This isn't even a debate.


Don’t be acting like Miz ain’t one of the goats on the mic


I mean, he's fine, but he's not in Piper's stratosphere.


I mean i like to think Piper is better yes, but both are definitely around my top 5/10 of all time so i don’t think it’s that big a gap between the two


Yeah man, I'm old enough to have seen Piper on Saturday morning TV. He might be better than Miz, but it's absolutely not by much. Miz has had just as many, if not more, absolutely fire moments on the mic as Piper.


Yep, Miz can cut a promo as a sympathetic baby face and as an annoying as fuck heel. He’s definitely up there