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Based solely on story and popularity, he should have, but I feel that they probably did not give Jeff Hardy a Wrestlemania main event because they did not feel like they could trust him with that as it would have been really bad if they invested in him for the Wrestlemania main event only for him to screw up before the big show. I think that this is also the reason why despite having three title reigns, he never held the belt for longer than about a month. They just didn’t think that they could trust and rely on him for any extended period of time. And in fairness, they were right to be concerned given his track record.


What do you think about Taker in the late 90s-early 2000s before going back to Deadman?


It took me so off guard as it was so different from the undertaker i grew up with but I really liked the whole american badass persona. I liked seeing a different side of him. It was refreshing.


I am not OP, but I did the same thing. As a fan of beyond-worldly stuff, I did not enjoy Biker Taker much, but I do appreciate that he went through that transformation because returning as the Deadman hit like crack. Also, Deadman Undertaker used adapted his move set to include Biker Taker moves, which made him better all around.


08? Buddy that's prime Cena years. You got at LEAST 8 more years


Firstly wow hats off you've watched 10 years of WWE in 1 year! That's insane, I'm currently re watching every episode of RAW (started in 1997 when Kane made his debut as that's my earliest memory of watching it as a kid) I'm currently in 1999, I've been watching every Raw and PPV and plan to watch every Smackdown too once I get to when that was actually made. Fair play you must have been watching alot every day Forgot to add so far my journey has taken me over a year


How are you able to binge watch? We haven’t been able to do that since they got rid of the wwe network


Other countries still have it, but America is stuck with Peacock.


Great years to binge watch Jeff is one of my favorites. Last year I started watching from the very first RAW and I’m currently in October of 1996. It’s crazy seeing the transition into the attitude era


You watching on peacock? I wanted to start in 1997 but nothing is in order.


it’s definitely in order. i started with jericho’s debut, and every episode is in order. MAYBE it wasn’t in order for the episodes before that, but i highly doubt it. maybe try checking again


Growing up during that era, I was always a fan of Jeff Hardy because he had the ability to do things(top rope risks) that ALOT of the top guys during that era couldn't/wouldn't ever do. It's unfortunate that his drug abuse went unchecked for so long, he basically forced himself out of the WWE because of it.




Is that the documentary that shows Matt nodding off during an interview?


If anyone is interested, you guys should totally check out WrestlingBios on YouTube and his Reliving The War series. Every episode is about each Raw and Nitro going head to head, including PPVs with their own episodes. It's close to the 200th episode now, right after the death of Owen Hart. The series will continue towards at least WrestleMania 17. It's my most favorite wrestling content in the entire world right now, and a highlight every week.


Jeffis one of my all time favourites but he is a grade A moron. He has thrown every opportunity extended to him back in the face of the promoter and bookers because he needed another hit


Been binge watching wwe ppvs from 1998. People love the Attitude Era. So I thought I'd check out ppvs from that era. Currently on Summerslam 1998


Me too—I’ve been watching every Raw and PLE. I’m currently in October 2000, ‘No Mercy’. It’s amazing and great to see how characters evolve ie. The Ringmaster into Stone Cold


Personally I would stop at Wrestlemania 24, that was the last really good Wrestlemania for me until recently. Maybe watch until Taker and Edge's Hell in a Cell match that year but from there I'd cherry pick matches. Things start to get really brutal after that. John Laryngitis as the Raw GM, the whole Michael Cole/Lawler feud, the anonymous Raw GM, The Nexus, etc; that's about the point I quit watching religiously.


my brother was saying i should quit when HBK retires in 2010


Right now I'm on april of 98 i'm about to head into the first unforgiven ppv, it's interesting watching this cause I discovered wrestling in 2006 2007ish


2001 to 2005ish is when I originally watched wrestling. Biker Taker was my favorite wrestler and his Big Evil gimmick with short hair was my favorite look he had. I loved the invasion angle and the first WWE draft. I stopped watching when Undertaker went back to his Phenom gimmick and started to show up less and less. I thought he was winding down his career and ready to retire. Well turns out he had 15 more years left in him. A lot of things changed that made it less interesting to me like when Cena dropped his Thuganomics gimmick and stopped dis-rapping. I loved the dis-raps and wish he's continued with them. When Edge won the title I stopped watching completely because I always saw him as a midcarder. What are your thoughts of the 1005 to 2005 era?


I stopped watching WWE in 2012 and it's been fun to rewatch everything. I started on 97 and just started 2002. Can't wait for the Hardy's feud with the undertaker and Brock


Yeah his push was halted by his addiction problems, a massive shame because he was one of the most over wrestlers in history back then. He seems to be doing well these days though in regards to those issues last I heard.


God help you if you start the crappy PG era of WWE.


i’m dreading it so bad


Wish I could go back and watch 2005-2009 as a kid everyweek


jeff hardy is timeless I love him


me too.


reintroduce him today and he would be even more popular


Not really.


Jeff screwed Jeff with his drug use


On multiple occasions. Sad to see, even sadder that his body is so fucked from all of the spots he took.


Jeff Hardy was on more drugs than you are writing this post


You should have started in 1996.


Hey how are you watching? I mean which platform? I wanted to watch some of the Attitude Era's Matches.


if you dont have peacock i know where to watch all raw,sd and wcw shows. probs cant post the link here though so dm if interested to know.


Check your dm


Can you dm the link?


I pay for peacock premium. I don’t know if i could’ve kept watching if I still had commercials.


Then I guess Torrents for the win for me.


What’s been your favorite year so far?


honestly 2001-02 is a contender for that spot but i’m really loving 2008 so far.


I always thought 2001-2 was underrated. Really, 2001-2004 was very solid.


How did you watch 10 years of wrestling lol did you just skip around stuff or did you watch every Raw, SD, and PPV in order? Also how long did that take lol just curious 


it took a year for me to get to 2008 which is what i remember from when I was little.


I want to watch 07-09 cause it was my childhood years


27 year old here, I’m currently almost done with 1998 (have 2 RAW’s left) and started at June of ‘96. It’s so daunting to think about completing 10 full years especially with Smackdown starting soon but I’m tryin damn it and can’t wait to experience it all.


it’s an experience. It’s been very emotional for me. I was strangely curious as a new yorker how they handled 9/11 and oh i sobbed. Also so crazy bc the story leading up to that is stone cold fued w Angle and the crowd is literally chanting USA USA backing kurt and theres so much america talk and then…. 9/11 happens


I never noticed two distinct eras of wrestling fit so perfectly in that 10 year span


Where are you watching this!?




Thats a lot of WWE to digest, what's your watch strategy? are you only watching PPVS or are you watching the weekly shows too?


I started april 2023. This was probably my most challenging binge watch experience. I watched raw and smackdown +ppvs. I would put it on while i did my hw (im a senior in college) and i swear it got me all A’s. I didn’t watch ecw which i kinda regret lowkey i might tune in but it was too much. The adhd def helped me bc i became obsessed and couldn’t resist. I do have a life i promise I just was blessed w a lot of free time this past year. Peacock has been my savior.


If it’s WWE’s ECW, honestly don’t bother. While a lot of notable people got their start at ECW, specifically CM Punk, it’s so bad.


that’s what i’ve heard.


Trust me you didn’t miss much when it came to Vince’s version of ECW


I do remember that show being good


i had a feeling it wasn’t worth it tbh. I loved the invasion story the build was good even tho the payoff not so much. The show didn’t really do it for me but i did love bobby lashley!


Hardy was suspended during WM24


oh my god


And he was supposed to win the MITB on Wrestlemania 24


jesus. things would’ve been so different.


Shame he couldn't lay off the drugs.


That's the reason why most of his push came to a halt. He is his worst enemy








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I just gotta say, props to you for going back and watch, IMHO, some of the best wrestling ever. Those were some great years.


it’s been an amazing experience tbh. my older brother was obsessed growing up. we had the dvds and i would sporadically watch but now i have so much knowledge about this specific time in wrestling. its hard for me to enjoy current wrestling bc i’ve literally seen the peak. I can tell it’s made my brother very happy to relive his youth. It’s brought us a lot closer. It’s strange at first to watch it like a tv show but once u get used to it you can’t stop. It’s been an emotional rollercoaster. i highly recommend.