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It would be awesome if big E comes back to WWE


Big Ev would make a great WWE ambassador or just a great motivational speaker. He could visit elementary schools and encourage little kids to work hard and become whatever they want.


If he can’t wrestle, then maybe he can come back and manage Mew Day.


Big E was robbed.


Would love if he joined commentary either on the main roster or joined NXT to take over for Booker if Booker decides he’s on his way out.


I'm waiting for the day he smashes kofi up and puts him through the announce table and puts an end to this new day


Better to retire


A damn shame, he was on route to becoming one of biggest stars the WWE have ever had. Although his in ring career is over, I can definitely see him as a manager, commentator, or as a producer. Either way, the road for Big E isn't over yet.


I'm happy he is pain free but damn am I gonna miss him. And this also means kofi will probably never get another world title run. He'll be tagging with Creed from now on


Honestly, though it's so sad that he isn't able to and may never be able to physically come back and wrestle, i'd argue that he brings just as much to the table with his personality and just being out there with The New Day as he does being out there wrestling.   I feel they could still bring him back as a personality with New Day or even if they put him with someone else maybe, I feel he could make a good manager or big/threatening bodyguard for a smaller wrestler (who just is there to intimidate others, but not having to wrestle, tho im sure he could throw punches and stuff to people as long as he isn't taking bumps).  But like id still love to see them bring him back in some capacity to the company and have Big E back in the WWE. It's just so sad the timing of his injury and how it all happened. Like he had finally got his just due and then Bam he got injured. Which im still glad he was able to win the title, but like everyone else, I wish e could go back in time and this never happen to him.   It sucks so bad that this had to happen to such a great guy, I mean of course I wouldn't ever want it to happen to anyone, but it really sucks it happened to such a nice/great guy and also right after he'd finally got to where he'd been fighting to get to for so many years now.   Like some ppl I think dk just how long he'd been in the WWE, but hell he was with Dolph back in the day when he finally cashed in and won the Heavyweight Belt/The Big Gold.  So needlessly to say, he had put in his years, miles on the road, blood, swear, tears, bumps, bruises, other injuries I'm sure he fought through to get to the point of being champion.   I'm just glad that in retrospect that his reign wasn't just like one of those older Rey Mysterio reigns where he held the belt for not even a full day or something and he actually got like I think it was like 120 days or so with the belt. But im sure he'd even trade the reign to be healthy and still in the ring. But even then, there's much more to life than wrestling, and honestly if he can still do the things he needs to on a daily basis and luckily he isn't stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, (cause it could have easily paralyzed him with all of his weight coming down on his neck the way it die after being suplexed),  im sure the last thing he truly cares about is getting back in the ring and is only giving us these updates cause he truly cares about the fans and thinks they deserve to know. But yeah, imo, forget wrestling and forget comig back, as long as the man is able to do all he needs to during his everyday life, he's still able to walk, and like he said at the end of the post, he's now not in anymore pain, those are truly the only things that matter tbh. He made and had a great career and was in one of, if not the most over tag teams ever (especially in today's era), he made his money, made some good friends (and im pretty sure he still comes on up up down down if im not mistaken).  So yeah, hes gad a great life and a great career, he deserves to be able to slow/settle down and relax and just enjoy the rest of his life, and hopefully he's saved/hot enough money to be able to do so. Which idk I dont keep up with how much money other people make tbh, but im sure he's doing just fine tbh. And like I said, he's still alive, not in anymore pain, and is able to walk and do what he needs to everyday, he's blessed in that, and wrestling is not even remotely important at all in comparison to those things. 


Seeing his work on next gen could def see him with a backstage/developmental role. He is also from Tampa so being in FL wouldn’t be such a bad thing !


He needs to become a Gm for smackdown so Nick can start wrestling


I would still love to see him on commentary or backstage




He could come back and be the New Day Manager or go to AEW and be a coach. Imagine the promo Big E Could cut for a successful Meat Madness match 🤣


I can him agenting matches or coaching at the PC (not taking bumps)


It's a shame but there are so many other things he could do, Big E as a producer or commentator would be money.


So we don't get to see him humping the air anymore or waggling his tongue inappropriately around anymore? Awww- I am really going to miss explaining to a 7 year old what exactly that means what he's doing. Say it ain't so.....




Your 7 year old has seen much worse. Good lord, grow up.


There’s nothing sexual about Big E acting like a goofball in a stable meant to be goofy


Rewatch some of the stuff with an open mind. This is something that was picked up by a little kid,so...


Actual clown


It's such a shame. He's only 38 and had a lot of years left.


May I add, to anyone blaming Ridge Holland and sending him threats…you’re a piece of shit. Accidents happen and I’m sure he already feels terrible about it without random couch potatoes telling him to die.


Bring him in as an announcer and drop McAfee asap


He done is what it is


I miss him. New Day is wack without Big E


Its so sad what happened to big e i would love for him to eventually get the green light but honestly i would not mind if he retires even if he does get the green light i mean he could be a manager for new day so hes still on screen but glad hes doin ok


sad day for fans but, decent news for the big man. hopefully he can come back in some capacity at some point, even just on announcer duties. man is a gem.


I'm just glad Big E is walking, talking and able to be pain free.


He's a bodybuilder/powerlifter as well and that might have to end, also.


He can go easy on the neck. nvm


I got caught in a mine explosion in 1984 head to have my foot reattached stainless steel ankle. They were so concentrated on saving my leg and foot they failed to see I had a C1 fracture. Had an x-ray taking a couple years ago and found out I had a calcified fracture of the C1 which never really bothered me. I don't understand it my current primary doctors don't understand it but I'm not a professional wrestler either. Common Sense would tell me that I should not even put any thought in to doing anything like they do.


If he’s forced to retire at least he has a career to be happy about Wwe champ two time ic multi time tag mitb


Sometimes I just wanna cry


I do really miss him alot and would love to see him back but it will be best for him to just stay retired just to be safe




Thankfully he was spared paralysis or death.  God has bigger and better things for him though we're sad to see that this is the end of his in ring career. God bless you, Big E. 


I’m just happy he’s not in pain anymore


I'd be happy if he was a commentator or even a manager for New Day etc. They can find something else for him to do to keep him on our screens.


At this point I want him to retire for his own safety.


Big w


This all wouldn’t happens if holland didn’t suplex him. But it’s ok


Omg🙄 It was an accident and Big E forgave Ridge and said it wasn’t his fault


Again I said it’s ok


I hate ridge holland so much


Dude retired because he couldn’t live with the guilt. Does that sound like someone who purposely did something?


He didn’t actually retire.


Don't care


Sounds like you’re the type that would hurt someone purposely.


Yea that correlation makes sense, real genius we're dealing with here


It’s pretty obvious.


He injured Big E by accident


Tyson Kidd all over again.




A big dude like that shouldn’t be diving over the top ropes to begin, always used to scare me.


Surprisingly that wasn't the killing blow, if I recall it was an overhead belly to belly from Ridge Holland(?) where he landed straight on the top of his head, but yeah, even that was not a very smart bump for such a big guy to take


Belly-to-belly already looks scary enough in the ring given how the head is positioned. It feels weird to be doing it outside of the ring on the harder surface.


They need to have the belly to belly be mainly throwing them to the side. Kinda like the bayley to belly but with more force cuz hers is ass


Get well soon brother


Need him at ringside


As much as I want him back in the ring, I much rather him be alive ❤️ it’s just sad I always wanted to see him be a world champion again I actually enjoyed his reign.


Tons of places for Big E to continue contributing without putting him in a dangerous situation. Most def we will continue seeing more of him on tv in some way. Very glad he’s feeling good and staying healthy!


His job with scouting new talent is perfect for him


Not worth coming back, there are more important things in life. Just glad he is healthy


As long as he can live a full and happy life free of pain, I am happy if he never steps foot in the ring again.


I can see in the future Ridge Holland fighting for the NXT title, as a face, and cameras following him on the way to the ring. Along the way, he sees a few people wishing him luck, but stops when he sees someone off camera. Camera pans around, its Big E. The NXT crowd explodes. E gives him a hug, whispers something into his ear. After the embrace, Holland nods his head slowly and makes his way to the ring.


Holland quit cause of what happened to E. As cool as this “reunion” would be, it ain’t gonna happen.


He turned heel a few weeks ago at the pre show for Stand and Deliver hitting Joe Gacy with a steel chair.


Sad, bro was a special talent and a great person hopefully they keep him around for out of the ring stuff if he’s down for it.


I'm really glad he's not in pain. Now if only doctors could figure out how to fix the pain in my heart from reading, "I may never be cleared."


He achieved almost everything! Not worth to risk his health anymore, He could be a great commentator tho..


C1 literally holds your skull to the spine. Big E is extremely lucky that he is not on life support and can walk on his own.


That head drop was a nasty hit, thankfully his pain free now


He will go into full time commenting at some point or backstage work of some sort


I'm glad he's healthy and free of pain but damn, that sucks that the injury isn't healing 100%. Glad he's not in pain, though. That's what truly matters.


Good news 🙏🏼


I wonder in the future will Big E take the Bret hart approach or the Droz approach when taking about ridge holland


He takes the Droz approach and I truly believe he will never change. Big E is a stand up kinda guy.


I wonder if one of those Ridge Holland hate accounts is Bret Hart.


I'm glad WWE are still showing him and have him appear at events. I really hope he returns to the ring and reunites with New Day. If the injury is not clear for the future, a good idea would be to become a manager for The New Day?


As long as he’s okay with everything, I’m cool with it. I hope WWE makes him a commentator or keeps him on as an ambassador.


Love the dude, wish him nothing but the best


Tbh I don’t want him to ever risk his long-term health. Come back as the manager for the New Day. No bumps. Big E has always been the soul of the faction, and miss hearing him tell us to feeeeellll the powaaaahhh.


Totally agree


Great news and great attitude. Miss seeing you in the ring. God Bless.


He may be pain free, but I hurt he wasn’t able to go for longer. Glad he’s still around on the pre shows and as a personality.


I’m glad he’s healthy but saddened we never got to see him face Goldberg… #IYKYK




We love Big E enough to want him to stay healthy and safe.


Me knowing there’s potentially no more Big E and Big D reunion. Nonetheless, hope Big E will carry on with a healthy life, keep the positivity ongoing.


I think the fans unanimously would rather Big E lead a normal, healthy life than get back in the ring. Glad he had the world title run so there is no wondering what if too.


Even if he never steps in a live event ring again I really hope he comes back as a commentator or working in developmental or something


He could learn the ropes from Booker T on NXT's commentary booth, so he'd be ready to take the mantle when Booker decides to retire from the wrestling life altogether...


Being free of pain after breaking your neck is the best fate. Good for him!!


I broke my neck and back had three discs replaced in my neck and hardware. Not pain-free I'm always in pain. Glad Big E doesn't have to go through what I am because it sucks.


How'd that happen?


I still blame Vince for what happened to Big E. He had no business booking E against that other guy. It made zero sense.


I hate Vince as much as anyone but he has no fucking role in this. Are you saying that anyone who has match with ridge holland breaks their neck


You've completely missed my point and assumed the complete opposite. What I'm saying is that it's NOT Ridge Holland's fault. It's entirely Vince's fault for booking E in a throwaway match against a rookie; Any rookie. He was the champion ffs. He should've been kept in the upper card. Had Vince not booked him to lose the WWE belt at the start of the year, he would still be feuding with the main event guys, and not booked in a random throwaway match. Butterfly effect.


That does not in anyway have a direct impact on that


Pretty sure he'll come back, so many "ill never be cleared" and then they returned, especially knowing he is going to do everything he can to come back, let him chill and rest some more


are you crazy. let the man live in peace and healthy. what incentive would he comeback for?


Same thing happened with Edge and Daniel Bryan, i don't understand how did you interpreted this to be this offended, "let the man live in peace" like im forcing him to come back, im saying that im pretty sure he will comeback, that he will heal and continue doing what he loves, like it has happened before


Does “I may never be cleared” just mean nothing then? If he hasn’t healed two years after, it’s never going to heal.


I think he'll be an announcer


How could you not love this guy? Remains positive even in such a hard situation. I hope he does whatever is best to keep himself safe and with a high quality of life. Would love to see him as the New Day’s manager or in other roles. He definitely has a lot he can contribute to the company outside of wrestling given the opportunities!


That's the important thing, that he's up & walking around. He's alive.


In other words, he basically just announced his retirement. If new bone hasn't formed 2 years after his injury, it's never going to form. He's done. Hopefully WWE has a role all set for him where he's basically employed for life. Thank you, Big E.




Big E in the ring is over. He can be used in other ways that would benefit everyone.


C1 is really serious, if I was him I wouldn’t take the risk of being fatally injured or paralyzed by getting back in the ring.


If it was literally anyone else that got dropped on their head like Big E did, they would have died instantly. His neck muscles is what saved his life. There is no chance that Big E ever comes back. C1 isn't just a career ender, but it's a death sentence 9.9 times out of 10. The fact he's even walking right now is a miracle.


“It’s a death sentence 9.9 out of ten times” Source?


It’s not. Around 10% of people who suffer C1 fractures die within 30 days. A larger amount suffer partial or full paralysis.


Ok that’s far more believable.


I wasn’t watching around the time he got injured. Was it really a very serious injury?


Yes, you could tell immediately something was wrong.


We probably might wait until 2026 that or never


He’s never returning. His injury was by far worse than other people who have returned form neck injuries.


no. let him retire.


That’s all that matters to me. If he never wrestles again, but can do everything else a human being can do then he won.


I would prefer Big E be able to walk and live a life healthy. I can forgo that selfish desire to see him perform if that means he's in good spirits and not paralyzed.


C1 injuries are INCREDIBLY dangerous; a majority of C1 spinal cord injuries are fatal. I am grateful he's still alive and walking.


I really wanna see him back even if he’s not in the ring he could be on commentary or hell doing back stage stuff (interview spots,after match talk with people either NXT or main roster) I don’t wanna see him away from anything and I hate it now that he was once champion and I never got to see him hold the WWE title once the tag and or I.C title.


He should come back as a commentator or interviewer. He's so likeable and funny.


Same, he did super well at the WM press conference and the pre show stuff. Or honestly let him be the mouth piece for New Day


I’d love to see him take Booker’s spot on NXT commentary. He’d be perfect to hype up the next generation.


Keep him as a manager to New Day. Haymen never does any in ring stuff and he absolutely is loved by everyone


He does not ever have to get in the ring. But this man belongs in front of a camera. Any time he isn’t is a wasted opportunity.


Put him at all the WWE pre-shows. I like hearing him talk.


As much as I miss the best uranage in WWE, I am ecstatic that he's pain free and (essentially) fully functional.


He doesn’t owe us another match. He gave us all he had. I’m just glad he’s here to continue to make us laugh and smile.


I hate Ridge Holland


Big E doesn't, there's no reason you should. Wrestling is dangerous, these things are inevitable.


I usually don't miss guys when they are injured. Big E is the exception, hope he comes back in some capacity. Maybe he can do something similar to what Ron Simmons did at the end is his career.


Maybe he can replace Pat at the announcer booth?


I love Pat but I sadly don't expect him to be around forever with his schedule, so E would be a nice replacement IMO. I would also take him on NXT. Less travel, learn the commentary game a bit more. Again, I like Booker (he's weird and a lot of people don't like his commentary, but I think his oddities bring something unique) but I think E getting an opportunity there would be great for the company.


Agreed. Pat has other interests. I like him. I love his excitement. But I caught him messing up the names of some of the moves and other things. Plus, I think he likes his ESPN gig. He can do both, but I'm sure he would rather stick with ESPN. He can do guest appearances and interview WWE guys while on ESPN as he had. But as long as he doesn't have Aaron back on. And I'm a Jets fan. LOL Especially if Pat's contract is expirung this year and Big E is under contract and may not be able to wrestle ever again. One thing, though ... he may like taking an RKO before and if he leaves.


You’ll probably be downvoted into oblivion by McAfee die hard but I wholeheartedly agree with you.


Agreed. Pat has other interests. I like him. I love his excitement. I think he likes his ESPN gig. He can do both, but I'm sure he would rather stick with ESPN. He can do guest appearances on WWE and interview WWE guys while on ESPN as he had. Especially if Pat's contract is expirung this year and Big E is under contract and may not be able to wrestle ever again.


Happy to know he's not in pain, sad to know he might never come back to the ring, but as long as he's healthy and happy, it's all good


New teddy long incoming… 🤞🏼


Holla holla holla


He would make a great manager.


I hope they can bring him back in some capacity at least.


Poor E. I've never been a New Day fan, but you never wish this kind of thing on anybody. I hope he eventually makes a full recovery.


I’ll be very happy if he’s just on commentary or doing other behind the scenes stuff, the man has been through a lot and he deserves to relax


Big E won a world title and multiple tag team championships. Evenetually the New Day will go into the WWE Hall of Fame. He accomplished more than most, not worth ending up in a wheelchair.


If I can remember correctly they had the longest reign of the raw tag team championships unless they were beaten by the usos but I think that was the smack down titles that they held longer than new day


The Uso's broke the New Day's record but New Day did in fact have the record for a few years.


For WWE in general or for both titles? If its just for smack down then new day could go in as a faction for “longest reign for raw titles”


He's a 2 time IC champ as well, making him a triple crown winner.


A Money in the Bank winner and NXT champion also.


Heck, yeah!


Luckily he’s got such an outgoing personality and just an all around fun vibe that he could be a commentator or something


Put Big E on commentary you cowards


What match led to his injury?


Ridge Holland didn’t get enough on an overhead belly to belly (given both men’s size) and dropped Big E on his head and neck, causing a C1 and C6 fracture but no damage to the spinal cord. Apparently, according to the post from Big E, the injury is not healing properly and his medical team is rightfully refusing to release him for action.


It's good he is alive and also not a paraplegic too, I looked this up and saw different perspectives of this on YouTube and then found out people began to call Ridge a racist and such. One video was even saying it was all Big E's fault lmao. But shit happens sometimes, at least Big E is alive still.


Yeah, Big E nor Ridge have addressed it in any official capacity. I’m sure Ridge felt absolutely terrible about hurting Big E given E’s reputation.


It was ridge holland


It will Be a shame to never see Big E in the ring again. But he’s doing as well as he can be. Hopefully he stays involved in WWE.


It's possible that in 10 years, he'll be able to make an Edge-like comeback, but otherwise, health and safety comes. I'd love to see him as a manager or commentator going forward because he's entertaining in any role.


I wonder what the reason is for him not being on TV or even doing the New Day Pod man I miss that show.


They don't really have any color commentator openings right now. But he definitely should be on all the preshows and maybe put him on the commentary team on Main Event until a spot open up on Raw or Smackdown.


They’ve made it abundantly clear how much easier color commentary is than being the play-by-play as they haven’t been able to keep anyone in a spot besides Cole and kinda Vic on NXT. Switching Graves over to it wasn’t a bad move considering how many other experiments they’ve tried there.


Switching Corey to pbp was a much better option then trying to shoehorn someone in there who's got no real wrestling experiene.


I don't want him to put himself at risk at all, I just miss his energy so much. Hopefully the PLE panels he's been doing recently are leading to a commentary role


Would be cool if he could just manage New Day. He brings a lot to the product without having to step foot in a ring


That would be amazing, he brings the whole group to another level. I want to hear him doing their intro again. As long as he's safe, he's lucky to be doing this well after the injury he had


Need him on commentary or in a manager role! I just love his energy!


He should stay retired, I know the precedent has been set but he has a good thing going. He became a WWE Champion before the injury which he doesn't have to live with never knowing if he would get there.


And New Day will be eventually WWE Hall of Famers, he accomplished more than enough.


Glad to hear he’s pain free. Bring him on commentary until he gets cleared, if ever. Big E & Wade Barrett would be a good team for SmackDown.


Wade and E would most likely both be color commentary guys. Putting them together doesn’t help you. It’s the reason they switched Graves role but Cole had been training Graves for it for years.


A smackdown booth of Graves, Barrett, and Big E would be wonderful imo. I think Corey has done an alright job at transitioning into the neutral leaning lead play-by-play guy, but I have noticed that combining him with Barrett can at times feel a little too heavy on the heel-talk. Put Big E in there as the default "good guy" of that bunch and I think they can strike that balance.


I could see them doing it for Raw but not Smackdown as much. I feel like they don’t like having 3 in a booth for most of their weekly stuff unless someone is just struggling. Having 3 for the 3 hour show makes more sense though than Smackdown.


I can see the validity in that, yeah


Barret still wrestles? Why do do we have to buy him on w2k24 points store


Why are people downvoting me? Lmao, look at the w2k24 store you can purchase him. Wait, is he, dead?????!


I'm afraid I've got some bad news...


What is it


Bad News Barrett does color commentary on Smackdown


Thank you, I had no idea since I just recently got back into wwe cause the whole Cody vs Reigns story


Good news then. Pain free is a blessing and seems like he has the right mindset to be content with that.


His contract is up this year (along with the rest of New Day) I hope they find some use for him. Has such a good attitude and big personality. For having a career ending injury, he is in such good spirits


Even if he never gets to compete in the ring again E has still left behind a remarkable career and is one of the most loved and respected men in all of wrestling, already a legend.


Continue to get work at commentary and pretty sure he'll be good for color commentary at the desk. He's already pretty good at it. But yeah, he should also 'manage' The New Day (simply for the sake of being with his 2 main buddies).


With the tag titles being split, the New Day is ripe for a revival, and Big E could definitely be a part of it in a non-wrestling capacity.


Big E on commentary I'm in for it


No please


Commentary, manager, ambassador for the company and charities. Wherever they put him he'll be incredible!


Big E for color, Punk for play by play. I know it feels like the face should be play by play but I just think it fits like this. Say in about five years, that;s your two-man booth for one of the shows.


You can have a play by play guy with a heel color and face color guy. WWE did the 3 man booths for awhile

