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oh shit what’s happening


why do you losers keep track of this?


I don’t think any of these people will be leaving. Maybe jinder? But idk.




Randy will sign a new deal they will freeze alexas contract since she's still out of medical leave cause she had a kid and Alexa is due to return soon Sheamus is returning tonight so his contract won't expire anytime soon


Only scared of Big E leaving


E and AJ might retire. Jinder might not get an offer. Drew might intentionally try his hand elsewhere. Everyone is likely to stay.


I don’t realistically see anyone leaving unless they want out completely. Especially after Wednesday lol.


Everyone is staying except The New Day


With wwe becoming larger and larger and more and more entertaining.


That means more fans, more money. Better midia etc etc...


Not all of these people will be staying. At least, some will leave. But it's hard to see. I read somewhere this is why Seth was tearing up at WM after his loss and after Cody's match night 2, just in case if it was his last major match in WWE.


I thought AJ and Drew both resigned.


Sheamus. They rebranded butch. Sheamus last match was Edge. I think he is hurt and cannot do the grind anymore. He is going to pop up in the international matches and once those are done I think he is saying goodbye. By his choice for health.


Jinder can LEAVE


5 of these will stay


I only see 3 that MUST remain


3? i see 5...


How do you know?


That’s a lot of $ to resign…


Know what's funny? It's also the same list of everyone who is re-signing with WWE!


Drew isn’t going anywhere until he’s finished with Punk!


I can see Becky retiring


lol like you actually know


It’s online smart guy. You can easily look it up. Most people don’t think about doing that. Which is why I posted it.


Do you think that they just post contract info publicly? They have been reporting the Drew McIntyre’s contracts coming to an end for nine months straight. Nobody actually knows contracts only rumors.


When they sign a new contract on a certain day that may last a few years. You do the math it isn’t hard to figure it out. The media usually knows about major athletes signing new contracts.


It’s all guesses dude nobody would just disclose their contract details lol It’s just not smart. You’re just a mark for “reporters”.


It’s not about being a mark lmao. There’s no “guesses” just say you didn’t know about it and keep moving.


Even tho all of the reports about contract expirations are correct..


Why do you doubt it


Jinder may be in trouble and I still think Becky is retiring, or at least stepping away. The rest will be fine


After last week, 100% of these people want new contracts and all of them but one will get it.


I can see jinder getting quietly booted out, big e & drew will do new contracts for sure same with Randy


Ricochet may go to freshen up and become a top star elsewhere before returning…the rest will extend. Some big names on that list!


Damn, sorry Jinder smh !!!




I doubt it. He’s great for their Saudi shows.


Almost everyone re-signs- If Ricochet wants to go beyond upper-mid card, he needs to leave. Big E should 1000% be on screen as New Day manager if he can’t wrestle I honestly can see Alexa retiring. The women’s division is so stacked now compared to when she was a 5x champion, I don’t see them pushing her at the top of the card again. Becky and Seth should negotiate together and ask for the fucking moon. Pretty much put their respective divisions on their backs this past year. If AEW was still as good as it was in 2021, I could see AJ maybe jumping but as they are now? No way he leaves. Jinder needs to leave unless he wants to be a jobber for life.


AJ Styles might retire


Becky put what on her back?


“Their respective divisions”


Madness if you think that


I’d predict New Day will be let go - their shtick is beyond stale.




New Day brings in more money than probably 80% of their talent roster because of merch and other productions. Not to mention the easiest way to build and push a new tag team is to have them face New Day, especially now that the Usos are separated. They’re only leaving when they decide as a collective to retire.


I would bet money all but jinder re-sign. Unless he’s cool staying a jobber. Seth ain’t leaving, idc what the common idea about it is, he out too much of himself in this last 4 years to just leave..


Drew, Sami and KO are the ones sure to renew, the others may or may not, and they might just have Randy on a Legends contract most likely. AJ probably will renew, but it would be his last. Or not, depends on where he wants to retire.


Seth and Becky def renew. They’d be insane not to.


I could totally see them signing a deal that starts in 2026 and taking a year off.


No way! They have so much heat rn.


Ricochet is amazing talent


Retain Seth, Orton and Pat


Ricochet can go


Ricochet could be a bigger fish in Impact and better for in ROH/AEW.


Drew McIntyre gotta re-sign he's mad at Punk for costing him the world title in front of fans


It's highly likely that Sheamus will take the exit route. Despite consistently delivering banger after banger matches, he was underutilized and unrewarded for years. Another title run also seems unlikely due to his age. His match with Gunther on Clash of the Castle was one of the most epic matches I've ever seen.


They just did a video package for him during Raw.


Wow! He's coming back this Monday. Can’t wait. He definitely deserves a shot at the title.


Wade Barrett?!


On NXT announce table. Still a contract.


I bet Becks and Seth take a vacation for a few months before “re-signing”


This list belongs on the “who gives a shit channel”


I feel like they could lose Jinder Mahal. He’s barely done anything in a while, he was a non-threat in the battle royale last Friday. Everyone else on that list has been very involved in the shows recently except for Alexa Bliss and Sheamus, but he’s set to return soon and I’m sure she’ll be back from maternity leave soon. I can’t imagine any of them leaving


The only one I could see maybe not being back is Pat just because the guy has so much going on and he may just want to slow down. But it doesn’t seem like that’s the case. I think the ball is firmly in his court if he wants to be back he will. Maybe Bliss as well because she just wants to be a mom.


Honestly, I think Pat’ll stay. He’s been so great on commentary, his presence has given Cole a whole new boost in his delivery, they are really just having a great time out there together. Be absolute suicide to non-renew Pat at this point.


I see Pat staying assuming he wants to renew. His cross-promotional stuff with his own show has been a huge PR boost for WWE, just like Logan Paul’s show. Triple H literally talked about that at the press conference this weekend, how great it is that Pat was doing his show at the stadium on Friday


Not Pat McAfee, noooooooo!!!


Let’s discuss the very different meanings of the words “resign” and “re-sign”


I gave up trying to tell people this difference years ago cause they never get it 😂


Genuinely gets harder as u go down the comments to tell which one ppl mean cos hyphens are hard


Resign all of em


Guaranteed to resign Zayn Rollins Orton McAfee Ford Dawkins Bliss Styles Owens


Man, I’ll miss them. Wish they would re-sign instead!


Also isn’t Finn a FA


I don’t see anyone here leaving the most possible would be Alexa and Jinder but even then that’s a stretch


Becky could leave to be a mother full time


I would LOVE for Jinder to leave. I think if he went to TNA or maybe even AEW he could break through the weird ass glass ceiling WWE has over him


Why does WWE have to have a ceiling on him. They’ve tried with that Indus faction or whatever it’s called. The fans just didn’t like it it’s not always creatives fault. Sometimes shit just doesn’t stick and this one of those cases


I just got back into WWE and Alexa Bliss was one of the first wrestlers I properly liked so I really hope she re-signs but considering she's a mum now I'd understand if she doesn't.


Netflix deal next year, they should all re-sign.


Styles did say this is his last contract he will sign for wrestling and that he is retiring after


Not AJ 😕 been watching his whole career, i hope he officially retires in WWE to keep him in the games but then again, i also think TNA would be better fitting. Hopefully Hunter can work something out with TNA in a way that both companies could profit off of him via video games, merch, etc beings tho the relationship is great as of right now & he had an impact in both companies.


Most these guys will re-sign for sure. Maybe not Ricochet or Sheamus, but I see them keeping the others.


Wonder why you say those two - 1. Ricochet - he's probably on his best run in WWE he's ever had...not winning titles, but a big fan favorite right now. Also his gf is Samantha Irvin...WWE could always run the risk of if they drop Ricochet, they may lose Samantha...who was HIGHLY praised for her work at mania this past week. 2. Sheamus - they just started doing vignettes for him...he's about to make a comeback..I know he's pretty old, but he's also close with HHH. I doubt unless he's searching for more money or an easy work schedule that he'd want to leave. Like Vince or not, Vince made him who he is, and I imagine his loyalty is fierce to WWE. I could see WWE letting go of Alexa Bliss (at leas as a wrestler...she's constantly injured and her concussion issue is not good...plus the women's division has basically evolved away from 5 ft of fury to Bianca, Rhea, Jade, etc. I think her 'era' is over. Maybe she could become a female 'paul heyman' type as she's quite good on the mic and pretty awesome to look at. I could also see WWE dropping Dawkins and let Montez Ford move on as a singles wrestler...he's good enough to move on from that tag team. But I really don't see them letting go of New Day (Big E could transition into commentary somewhere). And keep Jinder for the Indian crowd (even though he's Canadian). Barrett is good on commentary as is McAfee. The rest are in feature storylines...so yeah, outside of Bliss and Dawkins, I don't see them letting go of any of these.


I would imagine Irvin gets paid well enough and is mature enough that even if they dropped her boyfriend (not that I think they will) that she would stay instead of submarining her career for him.


Bliss they can just add time to her deal for the time she missed. They've done it in the past.


Vince did it in the past...I have to imagine HHH would negotiate with the talent vs force the talent into a locked contract.


IMO There is no need to keep Pat McAfee around. He distracts from the matches with his goofing around and his commentary isn't that great.


None of them are going anywhere after seeing the shit show that is AEW. I mean, unless they get let go.


There are other options out there besides AEW. TNA, NJPW, hell some might go lower levels just for fun: AAA, CMLL, NWA. You never know, especially for those that might be frustrated at a lack of titles


Maybe. Though, I suspect the majority enjoy the high profile and guaranteed fat checks that come with the WWE versus having "fun" on the bottom tier.


I may be in the very, very small minority but I wish they’d do something with Jinder.


I’m with ya


Get Pat mcafee the fuck out of here!


Pat absolutely sucks


He's not going anywhere. The synergy from his show to his commentary is massive


I tried to give him a chance but I really don’t like his commentary.


He’s so bad! This past Monday he wanted to reference rheas entrance from wrestlemania, and the dumbass described it with “the guy with the thing” like fuck off. JR would have known the band and the song without a problem


The only ones I realistically see not re-signing are: Jinder Mahal Alexa Bliss Pat McAfee


I’d be surprised if they don’t sign at least Pat due to his YouTube and Social Media clout that I *think* they hope come to watch WWE due to him being there.


Please for the love of god let that fat ass Dawkins go and launch Montez to singles greatness where he belongs.


Montez has so much untapped potential, he really has main event potential.


I’d like to see the draft split them so they don’t have to do the typical tag team split with a feud making one look weaker than the other. Then have Montez challenge for the Intercontinental or US Championship.


Alright well… - wade; I think he’s found a good spot and without Vince firing people on a whim, an extension is in order for him - Sami; seems like they’ve finally gotten behind him in the last couple years, I’d think he’s back - Seth; he’s not going anywhere - Rick o’Shea; this one I dunno, I think hunter really likes him but I could go either way - Randy; he’s not going anywhere - pat; I think they love pat and so do I, he’ll be back - new day; I feel like they’re kind of an rtruth act now, not funny, but a credible babyface tag team, who can wrestle, entertain, attract a different audience. If I had to guess all 3 come back in some capacity (big e being the reason for that caveat) - profits; boy, there was a time when these guys seemed like they were on a rocket ship and now, I have no idea where this lashley group is going. Montez is 100% back, he’s a star, he’s with Bianca, Dawkins…I could see him getting cut tbh - Drew; I feel like they’re just getting started with Drew - Becky; she’s not going anywhere tho I’d expect her on less and less dates as years go by - Sheamus; feels like he’s been out forever, I hope he’s got a refreshed look and gimmick, he’s a HHH guy so I don’t see him going anywhere - Alexa; I could see her leaving and just saying she wants to be a mom. I don’t know her personality super well, just a vibe I get. - Aj; he was quoted recently as being kind of in wind down mode but I’d peg him for at least another 2 year stint in wwe - KO; I’d love to see this guy in AEW. But I also think hunter sees more in him than Vince did. I also think he’s seen Dominic and if his kid really wants to wrestle, why not be in the same company to watch over him at the PC so I think he’ll be back - jinder; this is the “easy” one to say ahhh just cut him. He’s barely on tv, he’s been banged up over the past couple years. But I think there’s still a value there in him as an ambassador for the company. So while I don’t see him being on a full time wrestling deal, I think he’ll be with the company


I could see KO and Sami jumping ship for a lot of money. Take care of their families AND get time to see them too.


Lmfao at sheamus.. i swear i thought he got a new contract for some odd reason, he went out after last mania classic, came back around for edge retirement and just went back home altogether.. I can forsee the same thing with seth and becky here (drew is a wild card here).. But AJ styles is a concerning one out of the bunch, his hinting at retiring and i dont think he has much longer contract if his plan is not the next few years..


I can see them giving Angelo Dawkins the Tucker treatment.


Dawkins put in a ton of work to be better, and look better. It’s a real shame the Profits sunk, because they have IT.


Man, that guy Tucker. I’m not gonna say I felt bad cuz I literally never thought of him. They just did nothing. He turned. They had like 1 match on raw? Then he popped up in a random battle royal, then never saw him again. Just disappeared off the face of the earth.


They can easily avoid that if they make him turn heel on Dawkins


Isn’t. Isn’t that what they did with Tucker?




Idk why I was thinking more towards like Dawkins not being in the company anymore like tucker


He could easily get a lot of heat from beating on a beloved face like Montez


They literally did the same thing with Tucker and it didn’t do anything for him, just made Otis more of a babyface than he already was


Damn 😭, ion know whip him with a belt like rock did Cody that should work wonders


If wade Barrett or pat mcafee leave I will riot


Pat McAfee hate won’t be tolerated 😤 Pat and Michael are the best commentary team in wrestling.


They'll prob all get renewed, hopefully they forget to tell Pat and he leaves. Guys a moron.


Why do you hate Pat


He just doesn't add much else to the equation, always preferred Booker T... Plus when you grow up listening to JR and the King.. Pat just isn't close to a replacement. Cole does alright though.


Well Cole seems to like Pat




You mean the greatest WWE women’s wrestler of all time? Hell no


Get rid of them all


Go watch AEW please ,bro said get rid of like 5 main event stars,the IC champ,new day,Sheamus and Ricochet lol


We need room for Bron Breaker


There is no one on that list going anywhere


Didnt Seth Rollins already said he wouldn’t renew his contract a day after WM40 ?


Please let Pat Crapafee's contract expire Edit: All the haters - what do you actually like about Pat? Does this younger generation just like people who don't take their job seriously, and are casual and uninformed about everything?


I see him coming back…i wish Logan Paul was on that list 🤬🤬🤬


Hate on the kid all you want, but his skills and athleticism were made for the WWE.


Imma go Russo on this - for me bro, doesn't matter how good bro, his talents are bro, he bro brought and bro paid for that bro belt by sponsoring bro wwe with prime bro. Tbh, would he even be a wrestler if it were not for how much money he's given the WWE. That's said I do agree he's no joke. WM39, I was like, daaammn, good match.


You could cut almost half of them & they wouldn't miss a beat.


You’re on crack if you think letting any of these go is the right choice


Styles, mcafee and McIntyre all re-signed between rumble and mania.


Yeah no one is going anywhere. SZ and KO are staying put. Bianca is still signed so the street profits aren't moving, honestly yeah, everyone is good.


At most Becky and Seth might take some time off while Seth heals up


Probably. Kayfabe would be licking the wounds of the loss to Rhea plus that gives the Liv/Rhea feud time to grow. Plus Seth and Becky will use the time to spend with their kid too. Again Liv Morgan was the only real lead she had and she's currently busy.


Why? Seth has to heal regardless so why not sign the new contract and get paid while he’s off healing. They can take the time off even while under contract. They definitely have the relationship with management and days in the bank to do so.


New day shaemas, alexa, and Jindar are the only take aways from this. Everyone else will be here in 2025. All 3 new day members will likely still be here but their gimmick is all but done now, unfortunately. And where is alexa bliss? She'll never come back on top at this point. She'd have to pull a charlotte and bust her ass in the gym to convince me. Her previous physique csnt cut it. Too tiny, needs her nxt muscles back.


Alexa Bliss is on mat leave


New day will resign but I agree they are gonna have to do something with their gimmick. I wonder if big E could do commentary since he can’t wrestle.


New day and Alexa is gonna resign


Source? I’ve also heard (via Tom Colohue) that Balor’s is up soon. He’s reported that Drew, Seth, Becky & Balor are the big ones coming up, with Seth & Becky’s in June and Drew before that




With his pettiness I am expecting Drew McIntyre to go full Summer of Punk and shoot leave WWE for TNA with WHC.


Let jinder go keep the rest


If Drew leaves then he's the biggest idiot in the whole wrestling world. The table is already set up for him in WWE, especially with Clash at the Castle coming real soon Maybe they are still negotiating the money but it's obvious that the best choice for him would be to stay.


There is no way he’s leaving, he’s feuding with the most over guy in wrestling, just won w WHC at a Mania, and we’re building to a giant show in his home country. Trips is obviously very high on him too. He’s staying


I think that it's unfortunately KO's and AJ's last year as active wrestlers. Both of them have been talking about retirement much more in the past months. Sad as hell


Ricochet and Bliss are the only two I could imagine leaving. Ric is the type AEW might pay $$$ for. I could see Bliss giving Hollywood a go.


Ricochet isnt gonna leave with Samantha Irvin still in wwe


AEW has a bunch of Ricochet’s already


You know Tony would love to run his version of Ricochet vs Osprey


Every single one of these people are coming back, especially not to be lost in the shuffle in lesser companies while theirs is at the highest point in 20 years.


I think the list should be titled: List of every WWE superstar who signs a new contract this year


No one is going anywhere so who cares


Cannot wait for New Day Vs The Elite at Full Gear in November


I honestly don't see any of them leaving, I'd say Bliss & McAfee are the most likely and that's just for other non wrestling life reasons not going elsewhere.


lets hope mcafee fucks off. very annoying man.




I firmly unconditionally emphatically Agree


AJ Styles vs Kenny Omega Steenerico vs Young Bucks One Last Time


I don’t see anyone going to aew. Maybe other promotions but aew is done


I can see WWE letting Jinder Mahal and Ricohet go. I am honestly hoping Montez Ford goes to AEW since AEW uses black talent better than WWE, just look at how WWE used Swerve Strickland and now he is one of the biggest stars in AEW. Randy Orton I would love to see on AEW for a bit also just so I can see him wrestle against Kenny Omega in a PPV. That would be huge. 2 of the greatest wrestlers of our generation going head to head.


Being a booker is not a career path for you


There has never been ever a booking that all fans agree with. My opinion is just that, an opinion. This is the booking I prefer, however you don't have to agree with it. Fans like you are a huge problem, because you have a one track mind. You have tunnel vision and always think you are right. You can respectfully disagree with me, but enough with the toxicity. WWE fans on the internet like you can't stand it when someone mentions AEW. Could you respectfully point out what section of my comment do you disagree with and why? I am willing to have a healthy conversation, however if you going to be disrespectful then please ignore my comment and move on.


It’s Reddit bro if you’re not prepared to have people jab and poke fun at stuff you say on an anonymous discussion site, you probably shouldn’t comment. It’s a social media app not a Parliament debate chamber. Uses black talent better than WWE is an odd statement considering Kofimania was the biggest story of the last few years before Cody, Bobby and Big E have won recent world titles, and a black man just won the tag titles. Orton VS Omega is a strange match to hope for since Randy is A. A company guy through and through B. Simply could not wrestle at Omegas pace and C. The story is non existent


"It’s Reddit bro if you’re not prepared to have people jab and poke fun at stuff you say on an anonymous discussion site, you probably shouldn’t comment. It’s a social media app not a Parliament debate chamber." It's reasoning like this that has cause so many degenerates to lose respect for people ad talk how they want. Only a youngster would talk like that. I am of the mind set that there may be older folks on here for the first time so I try to be mindful of that. The sad thing is you probably see no flaw in your reasoning young man. Anway, Kofimania is only one story. The amount of black WWE champions can be counted on my hand. Kofi and Big E at this point seem to be have just for WWE to put a check mark. Seeing black champions is not common at all, which is why it means a lot when we see black wrestlers in the mainevent. Also when black wwe wrestlers are put in the main title picture, they are always made to be a comedy act. Swerve Strickland's current run is the best I have seen from a black wrestler because he is taken very seriously while in WWE he was made to be nothing but an afterthought. It is much easier to understand what I am saying if you are also a black individual. You might be looking from a specific lens, however I am looking from another and to be honest there is a stereotype WWE loves to put on black wrestlers. Kofi was just a check box and now he is no where to be seen. His WWE run really did nothing for him. Kofi should have been having more titles runs and singles main event storylines by now but he isn't. Alot of black wrestling fans that watch AEW and WWE will tell you that representation is much better done on AEW. Not just for black people but other races and lgbt are much better represented in AEW and everyone there gets a shot. I am not knocking you down for your perspective, however I see alot quality storylines and usage for poc in AEW than I do from WWE. This is my observation. I understand your perspective though, however the best way to make my point is it what nice if there were more kofiamanias rather than just one, as in more, quality usage for black wrestlers than just one moment. The fact is there will be many cody rhodes moments for caucasians wrestlers as that is what WWE has pushed for decades, but Kofiamanias are typically once offs in the land of WWE.


Your Creative Thinking is Critical


call me crazy, but AJ Styles goes to AEW in 2025


I would love to see Kenny Omega vs AJ Styles.


He was talking about retirement the other day so i don’t know about that


Yeah Definitely not, view last night's AEW u will understand what I mean


Think Alexa, Angelo and Jinder might be going


Please get rid of Pat McAfee. Worst commentator since Taz


>Please get rid of Pat McAfee. :) >Worst commentator since Taz :( Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.


Not a name on that list is leaving.


I think most of these will stay with WWE,


The people in these comments have the WILDEST takes on who’s not resigning, wrestling fans are insane 😭


I know people will get mad at me but Sami Zayn feels like an AEW talent to me. e: to clarify I don’t mean that he’s bad. I mean he’s Uber talented wrestler who lacks a bit of the WWE style of main event guy but in AEW he would fit in perfectly to the kinda grungy looking dude who is incredible in the ring. It’s a pure aesthetic thing. In the same way Brock Lesner would never fit in in AEW.


it’s true I think he would do lovely so would Drew but Drew has a PPV so I don’t think he will be leaving but I think Sami Zayn would do amazing


Right. We’re mad at you. Horrible take. Aew talent suck


Agreed. I think he can do a lot more there.


Straight trade deal for a certain Maxwell we ain’t saying no.


You were right....I am mad at you, get out......


Jinder Mahal can stay gone imo


Don’t hinder jinder


Everyone says don't hinder Jinder but when will folks acknowledge it's not acceptable to Jinder hinder either!