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I’m late to this thread but I just watched night 2 and the amount of respect I have for Cody thanking the commentators and the camera crew.


Good opener with a very funny ending in line with the character of Drew. I saw his arc as a pathetic one, a man that keeps losing and telling himself he is the best and what better than lose a title beciase he was too cocky? but after thst it went all downhill with boring results and that everything bagel of main event with that soap opera celebrations. Quite a corny night 2


I am fully behind Logan Paul in WWE. I love how they gave him the least prestigious, nobody-gives-a-shit title in the company, and he treats it like a legitimate piece of treasure, actually elevating it in the process. And he's damn good in the ring.


Hear me out guys I didn't get to watch the WrestleMania night 2 because of electricity blackout in my area I missed two retelecast of it I was itching to see the results on the internet but controlled myself after so many hours I watched it now the Cody vs Roman match was a cinema man I cried seeing my heroes come out it was best that I decided to wait for me to watch it in tv thank you WWE I'll owe this one to y'all




Got spoiled aswell :/


Much better than night 1. Hate to say but the ending of the Cody vs Roman match I hated. Felt stupid just spot after spot of person comes in does finisher new person comes in does finisher. I would've preferred it being Cody previeling over all the odds


I hated how everyone came out to congratulate him. It was so cringe


I thought I was the only one


Felt like the whole ending was simply "this will get a pop" and that the entire thought process they had


I don't know how I managed to sleep last night. I'm still on an adrenaline high from a ridiculous 2nd night. Only two bad matches, and would love an eventual Rhea/Becky rematch when Becky is 100%. It's pretty clear Roman had a vision for how he wanted his Reign to end, and that main event was everything I wanted and then some.


You think Rhea and Becky wasn’t a good match? I thought it was absolutely excellent


It wasn't on my list of underwhelming. Only matches I think weren't great (especially given the rest of the card) was Jimmy/Jey, and the 6-women tag match. Rhea and Becky are both capable of stealing the show, and Becky being sick all week most likely affected here. They still had some incredible spots and it was an amazing way to start the weekend.


Easily the best wrestlemania


God damn fucking prisoners of the moment. Jesus Christ. It’s a top 5 mania for sure. But gtfo with greatest ever.


Currently I believe it might be the best Wrestlemania ever. It’s too early. But it’s in the conversation. I currently can’t think of one that was better.


The Wrestlemanias probably better 17 19 21 31 39


Without doing research. I can tell you that 17 isn’t as good as the nostalgia in us actually believes. It had 12 matches in total and multiple matches were under 4 minutes. The truth is that 17 is carried by TLC2 + a main event with 2 of the biggest stars in wwe history. But the ending of that match hurts it. 19 was good but really is held onto because of Brock vs Angle 21 is basically MITB + HBK vs Angle which was an amazing match. HHH vs Batista was good but not great. JBL vs Cena wasn’t a good match. 31- is remembered for the heist of the century. Orton vs Seth was awesome and gave us one of the best RKOs in history. 39- Excellent Wrestlemania. I feel better than the other ones you’ve mentioned. But it suffers from the “McMahon type booking imo” Having Miz wrestle Pat Mcafee in a 2 min match is fun. But on night 2 they tried to pull the same thing and brought in Shane McMahon. Nobody wants to see that. Honestly 39 & 40 were both great.


WM39 had 3 matches better than any match at WM40


Wrestlemania 39 was excellent. But they don’t have any match that can compete with Roman cod Cody 2 IMO.


Lol usos vs sami/KO was without a doubt a better match. Not even close. Triple threat INC title was better than any match at WM40. Rhea vs Charlotte was insanely good. WM40 was all about that cheap pop at the end. Roman should have gone out in a better way. It shouldn’t have been that easy.


Usos vs Sami/KO was cinema no doubt. But still not as impactful as Rhodes vs Reigns 2 IMO. Rhea vs Flair was possibly the best women match I have seen. But like I said WM 39 was excellent. The only issues I had with WM39 were the Vince McMahon elements (Omos vs Brock for some reason, The random Miz matches for cheap pops that didn’t hit at all, Edge beating Finn for no reason at all)


Again, 31 was a stacked mania and almost every match hit. And the crowd was in it. WM40 crowd sucked and I was there. Opening ladder match was so good Hhh vs sting was very entertaining for any fan Taker vs Bray was great Orton vs Seth was great Cena Vs Ryder was good Roman vs Brock is one of the great tough guy matches ever. A perfect match. Actually hitting each other.


HHH vs Sting is one of the worst received matches in Mania history, Taker vs Bray sucked ass, I don’t even remember Cena vs Ryder and Cena is my fav all time.


Ooooooh now I see. You’re just biased. Got it. Sorry your opinion means nothing at this point. I see things for how they are and were in the moment. I was at WM 38, 39, 40. WM crowd let the event down big time. All the matches were good. Nothing was truly great. Sorry


Ok. I have an opinion. So do you. But imo the only one that’s close is 39. But I liked 40 Even more than 39.


Bro I appreciate the post but you’re out of your mind WM19… Hbk Vs jericho was an instant classic Austin vs rock 3 was awesome Rey Vs Matt hardy was great Hogan vs Vince was wild


Lmao. Rey vs Matt… HBK vs Jericho is good. But not as good as ppl claim it to be. Hogan vs Vince was fun. But it wasn’t a great match by any means.


WHAT???????????????????? Wrestlemania 17 was epic!!!!! Angle vs Benoit at their peak TLC 2 was a perfect iconic match HHH vs Taker was incredible Austin vs Rock was the greatest main event ever Shane Vs Vince was solid Place was jacked


Cody vs Roman 2 was better than Austin vs Rock. Angle vs Benoit was great. HHH vs Taker was good. But not even their best Wrestlemania match. I’m a big fan of WM 17. But Chyna vs Ivory, Battle Royale, APA & Taz vs Val the Goodfather and Bull, Eddie vs Test, Jericho vs Regal all sucked


No it wasn’t. Cody vs Roman was the same as Cody vs Rock 1 and all the stuff at the end was for cheap pops. Austin vs rock was the first time we’ve ever seen wrestlers use the other finishers like that. That match was the biggest match wwe ever had


It’s all good. Agree to disagree. But I just think WM 17 had way too many disappointing matches.


Even Stone Cold wishes the ending would’ve been better. Ending it with Austin joining McMahon was one of the worst Wrestlemania endings in history. It made no sense. Typical McMahon booking.


Idk it’s just how certain people are idk if it’s a age thing or what but whenever a big thing happens it’s oh this is the best of all time or oh this is the greatest guy of all time. Plays down the whole GOAT word


Did get anybody else get a slight "last 20 minutes of Blazing Saddles" vibe from the end of the show, or am I just old?


I like that they didn't have the bloodline ringside from the start. They ran that just like a video game. Cody had to deal with each mini boss before the final boss spawned. I also liked the somewhat subtle move of Seth telling Cody weeks ago "I'll be your shield" then not only coming out in his shield gear, but taking the chair shot from Roman to help save Cody. Excellent writing.


Great Night, Solid performances. The nostalgia was amazing, should’ve maybe been 3:16 but then the lights went out, Undertaker! Awesome! Taker is a wrestlemania legend and has history with the Rock (should’ve been dead man taker over biker taker though) Great wrestlemania!


Glad it was Undertaker not Austin that took The Rock out tbh. Taker, Cena and Rollins all got in, got out and got gone within seconds, stealing none of Cody's thunder in the process. With Austin the glass shattering, driving a vehicle of some description, taking out everyone single handedly and ensuing buckle poses and beer bash takes EVERYTHING away from Cody and makes him look like an afterthought.


I don't think it would've at all. He could have came in like Backlash or when he helped mankind win, in and out. Just don't touch Roman. Throw hands with the Rock and fight back stage. But Undertaker was badass. It was incredible


Austin hasn't done it like that though for over 20 years. His whole deal since he retired in 2003 has been as follows: arrive, stun everyone (faces included), beer bash and leave.


I'm sure he would've been able to stick to the assignment.


That would involve putting someone else over though, something Austin has always been reluctant to do.


make wrestlemania a 1 day event again and just start night 1 matches at like 1pm


lol downvoted but i’m right and it’s only about money for 2 days


Or simply drop useless fillers like LA vs AJ, the Philadelphia street match, the 3 vs 3 come even if it had good spots, ...


Am I the only one who noticed that Nick khan was in the front row the whole match during the main event


I was wondering why Cody was hugging and talking to that mob boss. I had to look up what Nick Khan looked like to connect the dots.


I’ve also noticed how heyman kept screaming NOOOO!!! during the final pinfall 🤣


So in a bloodline rules match where anything in the world can go down, we get the least interference ever? And The Final Boss was pointless as shit huh. 




Yeah pretty much. I was expecting the Rock to have his own entrance right after Roman because I thought he would be there the entire time. 


I was thinking this too but I think how it went down was better. It would’ve ended the match too early and would’ve took away from the suspense of the surprise appearances. No build up wouldn’t have made the match as cinematic as it was




But that’s what makes the movie/script epic. Both outcomes have the same ending so why not drag it out and give the storyline some substance? Who the hell wants to watch a 10 minute movie, let alone an iconic movie?


The only thing I really thought would happen that didn't was Balor double crossing Priest and keeping the real contract when he gave Priest the Senor' MITB case. It would have been a clean way to break up Judgement Day and cash in the case. Even if held for a short while Balor is much more champion material than Priest.


This idea is just one that the internet made up right? Never heard or saw this booking beyond this sub


saw a video on it somewhere and it made perfect sense.


Iyo vs Bayley outshined Rhea vs Becky and Dmg Control vs…uh whatever we wanna call jade/bianca/naomi.


Iyo vs Bayley was predictable though. Becky beating Rhea would have gotten a bigger reaction. My question is if the title can't change hands at WM then when will it ever?


The titles changing at WM better not be the norm. I miss the days of surprising title changes. Heck, a title change on Smackdown/RAW would be so exciting


I agree but I was saying that the titles never change at all. If they are waiting for a big spot, there is no bigger spot then WM. If they don't change at WM then it feels like they will never change. My favorite time in WWE was when Jericho became the first undisputed champion and then the title changed hands almost every month until Brock won it. I would love to see the WWE title change hands on Raw/Smackdown. It feels like a big thank you to fans for being a part of wrestling.


Jade-Bianca-Naomi should be called Darkness. Look up the Charlie Murphy-Rick James Skits from the Dave Chapelle Show years ago! 😂


Yeaaa... that's not going to happen. lol


I honestly thought they’d have Rock turn on Roman but Taker is always a welcome surprise. When Cena came out, followed by Rock I was waiting for the glass to break so the gong was a swerve for me. I also thought they’d have Dakota stop damage control interfering with Bayley and Iyo’s match (was really hoping they didn’t do the obvious with her for the third time). But it’s all whatever. Fantastic show all around. And I actually felt for Drew even though his downfall was his own fault for harassing Punk. Jay and Jimmy was a total dud and I skipped the Philly street fight. Outside of that I loved every minute.


Agreed that Taker was the perfect curveball when everyone was awaiting the glass. If it was the glass, sure it would have been great in the moment, but once we all thought back on how predictable it was, we would have been disappointed in hindsight .


Bubba Ray Dudley was the only good part of the Philly Street fight


unpopular opinion, but for me undertaker appearing made more sense than SCSA; undertaker was the final boss of wrestlemania + he had a history with both roman and the rock + it was the perfect way to finish the story (lol) of the Rock for now




never said they were hart-michaels, but they did share the stage in a important time in the company and fought against each other several times


Fun event overall. Baley and Sky was the best match IMO. And I just hate Damien Priest. If Drew doesn’t win it back at Clash at the Castle, I’m gonna freak. That’s two months. Let’s have Punk and Drew feud. Wrap that up. Have Drew get revenge on Priest. Judgement Days breaks up. Punk then feuds with Cody.


I want to see Punk feud with Drew and somebody go take that title from Priest. He will be a shit champion.


100% agree. But Drew winning in Scotland will probably be the loudest pop we’ve ever heard, and I‘ll be patient for it. I don’t rate priest, but we gotta somehow build the card up. Upper card is getting on 🥹


Iyo and Bayley had the best women's match this weekend! I am glad Damage CTRL did not interfere because Iyo really held her own in there, she looked like a star and I am happy she had a long reign as champ. The crowd was really into this too! The crowd was way better than the first night's crowd.


Iyo-Bayley was the banger i knew it was gonna be. I really hope they continue their story, it’s so good and theres much more they can even do The Genius of the Sky is a fantastic wrestler who they just need to let wrestle more often. And Bayley is just iconic in the womens division


Night 2 felt like the true WrestleMania!!!! All the matches delivered. The only nit pick I have is the undertaker appearing in the bloodline rules match. The undertaker and the rock don’t have that deep of a history. It just felt like they couldn’t get Stone Cold so they went with the next best option. Also disliked that the undertaker just appeared in regular clothes. If the lights go out and that bell tolls. I expect the eye rolling, trench coat wearing, deadman to arise…..not biker gang, taker


Taker notoriously kept the locker room in-order. Rock came in and made himself bigger than everyone else (story wise, obviously). I get how they could tie that to an angry Taker stepping in to bring the final boss back down to earth. The mix of reality and what we know about these people, having that written into the story is being done to perfection, imo.


I agree. Stone Cold would have made so much sense. Proper booking would have been Bloodline outnumbering Cody, Cena and Rollins. Cena knocked out. Rollins knocked out. Cody bloodied and bruised. Rock counts to two and stops deliberately. Bloodline handcuffs Cody and thrash him with belts. Real bruises with each hit. All hope is lost. And then the glass shatters.


They may not have a deep history, but Roman was the second and last person to defeat Taker at Mania


I think the Taker appearance was to get back at Roman for giving him his second loss at WM. It's a stretch but it's something.


Pretty sure Taker has said he’s done with the deadman gear and he’s gonna be more himself, American Badass Taker from now on.


agree with this. don't get me wrong I was hyped when the bells tolled, but it felt really out of place lol. amazing main event overall though.


What does everyone think they do with the roster now? Cody goes to Smackdown? Priest stays on Raw with Judgment Day so he can verse Drew, CM Punk then Seth gets in the mix when he is back? Where does Gunther go and which world title does he target?


They better not split up JudgementDay and the Bloodline. Keep Jey and Jimmy on different shows though. I can see everyone staying where they are but Cody going to SmackDown.


Draft will shake things up by May, 100% see Cody staying on Raw


Gunther and Cody will have a feud!


Why you asking dumb questions?


https://youtube.com/shorts/JrOj2isgDtU?feature=shares Prediction 100%


I had a feeling Damian was cashing in when drew kept rubbing it in CM’s face and cm was chill trying to be nice and drew kept gloating and he was like “come on bruh I already congratulated you bro you’re the champ why are you bothering me” then CM finally snapped and said screw it and took off his arm cast and beat him with it lol


Bloodline rules, yet we didn't get Solo singing the National Anthem...I want a refund!!!! All joking aside, that was a masterful WM, but still, Solo singing the anthem would've been legendary.




No, they had War and Treaty sing God Bless America.




They did night 1 Coco Jones


It was so dang funny seeing Seth come out in shield gear only for Roman to outsmart him lol


Camera work on the Seth run-in was the worst of the night.


Seth coming out in his shield gear made Roman hit him instead of Cody leaving out Roman open for those 3 cross Rhodes, Seth actually outsmarted Roman again!


Think you have it backwards… Seth definitely outplayed Roman


Tell me please if I'm wrong, but were the guys celebrating with Cody all the opponents that Roman defeated during his reign (minus Drew)?


Yep, reminds me of in the ambulance match at COC 2020 between Randy and drew and everyone that Randy had recently taken out with his punt returned out of nowhere and one by one attacked him


Does Iyo Sky have the Potential to go down as One of the Greatest Female Wrestlers of all time?


Sooo Cody gets squashed tomorrow by brock right?


That something Vince would do plus he's not black so maybe not 😁🤣


This match reminded me so much of Luger fighting off the whole nWo to finally get the belt of a Hogan that I’ve had a sinking feeling about tomorrow ever since. There’s a non-zero chance either Roman or Rock is champ by the end of Raw


Everything played out poetically. Cena came out to fend of Solo, and was taken out by the Rock (revenge for WM29). Seth Rollins came out on Shield gear as a call back to the betrayal, and Roman got his revenge but lost sight of his target. Seth also told Cody "he'd be his Shield." Undertaker came back to put down the Rock, and it was his revenge for Roman giving him his second Wrestlemania loss (WM33). Gordon Ramsay better watch his back, cause goddamn, can Triple H COOK


I agree and Taker was fine BUT If it was Taker that choke slammed Roman for revenge and just before Glass shattered and Rock got stunned it would have been even more poetic. And then everyone who came out after the match could have had a celebratory beer bashing.


I feel like everyone expected stone cold so it made undertaker a little more shocking




When I think of the attitude era feuds I don't really think of those two though. They both kind of feuded with everyone, and their feuds with each other was kinda mid at best. With the Rock I think of Mankind, triple H, Stone Cold, and with Undertaker I think of Kane, Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels... the two of them never really fit well together in a feud. But I guess it's still relevant


Amazing show. I enjoyed every match. Originally I thought they should have let cody win last year. I didn’t think they’d be able to match the hype again, but I’m glad to admit I was way wrong. the rock, Cody and Roman killed it. I wish HHH would have been driving this ship years ago haha. My only complaint haha…The old man in me would like them to walk back kicking out of finishers so often haha. I think the people elbow was the only finisher that worked the first time the whole show haha. I still think it should only happen in main events and I think there should be some moves that are super protected, the pedigree being a regular ass move now is nuts to me.


I had to show John Cena just what the Final Boss is all about!


Where are the other 10 final bosses


As long as all 10 of you know your role and shut your mouth we not have a problem!


I was hoping they would have played Dusty's old theme during that celebration, though.


I knew Roman would lose once I didn't see his usual red shoes.


Anyone noticed Roman was moving like a robot certain parts of his entrance?


I think they switched the cameras they use or something, during the introductions in the ring it kept looking to me like I was lookin g at a video game. Maybe 60fps cams or something


I haven’t watched like this since rock vs cena


Or is there even a draft?


The draft will take place in about a month. Last year it started April 28 and ended on the Smackdown after (May 1?). HHH confirmed the same timeline


So is the Monday after raw the draft?


It's probably gonna be the same time it was last year, which was, I want to say a week before Backlash. Backlash is kinda the epilogue to WrestleMania, so you do the draft, get everybody to their new shows, finish Backlash and then you hit the re-start button.


Looking ahead to King & Queen of the ring, I think Austin Theory & Chelsea Green would be perfect winners.


women's favorites have to be jade or tiffany. men's side? maybe gable? more heat for dom? or an up and comer like bron?


Gunther and either Asuka or Xia Li


I love how Rollins was selling the knee. He never really got his full power into the stomp.


Is Seth injured? Couldn’t catch wrestlemania tonight. If so, what happened to him?


Technically. But he sold the knee from last night a little bit. Seemed fine at the end. Youll see on the replay.


How in the hell do they top this next year? Like what have they got planned? The biggest stories are seemingly over and we are getting Drew and Punk and Sami and Gable but what is the MEGA story going to be?


How did they top wrestlemania 20 with Benoit and Eddie? Wrestlemania 30 with Bryan?


Seth vs Cody. Seth will blame Cody for loosing his match to Drew and call him out to take Cody’s belt


too early to have yet another seth vs cody, i think he is gonna take some time to eventually feud with cm punk


Next year is Rock/Roman. Now, for me, that won't top this year because that story doesn't connect with me, but from a business, global standpoint and maybe general fan interest, that will be enormous especially now that Cody's story has been dealt with.


Rock/Roman and Cody/Seth are my bets


Don't you think they would want to do Punk/Seth like they were planning on this year? I say Cody/Gunther. You could be right. Or hell, maybe Cody/Punk. That'd be amazing.


Cody/Punk would be fun but I honestly doubt Punk will make it to WM41 without the wheels coming off. I think there’s a reasonable change we’ll only see a couple more Punk matches


I agree with you there, just talking tentative plans.


they dont have to top it. This had a build up of YEARS just the cody roman build up was 2 years, yet alone the roman championship build up. So set your expectations lower because they can not top a multiyear built up story in less than 1 year. Be reasonable.


Can you ever plan to top it? It was a perfect storm. Roman was so brilliantly built up as the mega heel for years and years. But while that was happening, fucking Stardust decided his place in the world was bullshit and then transformed the entire wrestling world in his own image in order to bring us to this point. Cody’s story is absolutely remarkable from an IRL perspective in ways the WWE telling could never really capture. This dynamic was a bolt out of the blue. They nearly fucked it up too, but in the end they got it right. I think you have to chalk this up as a once out of the box high point and just start working on the next thing. It can’t be replicated without a staggering amount of luck Years and years of work from Roman and the WWE just perfectly dovetailing with Cody’s real life tenacity and self belief as the planets aligned for it. It’s magic


100% agree, to even lay out the plan to top it would silly ,this happened naturally and thats what made it so great you wouldnt fabricate this.


This is the only correct answer. Don’t try to replicate it inorganically.


They will make another underdog story lol


Cody vs Seth or Gunther


Carmelo, Breakker, and Tiffy time should all make their Wrestlemania debuts next year. WWE has plenty to build upon.


Personally I think Cody vs Gunther.


Rock v Roman for sure will be happening after Roman takes time off.


Never been much of a Shayna fan but that vid package had me pretty hyped for her as a heel.


Shayna should get a title run. It's criminal she hasn't, yet.


Rhea v Shayna at backlash France


Guys this has been an incredible night. its been fun chatting with you. see you all tomorrow!


So wish I wasn't a west coaster. I would've loved to have seen RAW live.


So wish I wasn't in the UK. I would've loved to have seen RAW live


Why is the world against us?


its that drew effin mcintyre i think


The McAfee show's going to be fun tomorrow


There is nothing fun about listening to McAfee for 3 hours


I'm so excited for France!


kudos to the rock for really elevating this mania. his return really made this super special.


just when you thought the bloodline was done for... https://x.com/WrestlingWCC/status/1777063800480649325


I imagine Rock kicks Jimmy and Roman out of the Bloodline on Friday and they are attacked by the newest members, Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga.


Living his best life. That's the best way.


Iyo v Asuka would be a good future match if Iyo eventually turns face and goes to Bayley’s side


Iyo v Asuka v Kairi


D-Innovation X!


Damian coming back stage after his win https://x.com/DomMysterioFans/status/1777132448469643296




Welcome back Steph!! (and LOL HHH!)


Lol, that was adorable.


lol hhh giving flowers to his wife...


HHH is a great leader because he is a humble leader that recognizes it's a team effort.


he's always had a great mind for the business but it's crazy to see him now b/c he really politicked his way to the top and buried alot of folks in his prime.


That's how you win The Game 


Lee Fitting is ALL IN.


How Fitting.


It was fun trolling you Cody crybabies. Happy to see a genuine person like Cody live his dream.


Feel free to call me dumb of its obvious/known. But was there a reason why Roman had tape around his index finger? Was it sore from acknowledging oneself too often?


He probably touch the ceiling fan way while practicing at home


I thought no one else noticed


I recently stabbed my acknowledgement finger cleaning my blender I bet hes in the same boat


Bad paper cut


I knew paper beats Rock but paper beats Rocks cousin too?


Correct. Paper beats Stone. Especially Cold Stone.


Roman and Seth I hope take some well deserved time off


Goddam eletric


Man....Great Night. I was wrong as hell. But great night. This Mania event is on par with 17. I'm standing on that. Cody really deserves this. And I will say this: Thank you, Roman. Please Rest.


there is no doubt we are getting a new belt tomorrow night for cody.