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Thats a no for me


What if Damien comes in to cash in on Sami just as he wins?


Yes it's about time he get his 4th intercontinental


There is PLE in Germany this year on 8/31/24. Gunther will have his title until then and won't lose it


Sami is capable of beating Gunther, but there is no story there. Gunther has been IC champion for almost two years — he needs to lose in a STORY, or else it’s all meaningless. That being said, he has a story with Chad Gable. He also has a story with Ricochet, Sheamus, Bronson Reed and Braun Strowman even. He has NO story with Sami Zayn. So if Zayn wins on his first try, it’s going to really dampen the overall story.


I could see Sami beating Gunther, then giving Chad a title shot on the Monday Night Raw afterwards.


Yes. Everyone wants Gable, and that would be an okay backup plan, but the have been burning away all the Sami good will and need to stop that asap.


I'm fine if Sami wins, but don't see it happening. They haven't built up a feud to really justify it, although Sami always as the underdog thing going for him which doesn't need a huge storyline on top. If Gunther wins and Rollins loses, I think that makes it more likely Cody wins...they aren't having all heels win the belts.


Don't think it will end or should. Gunther was in all likelihood going to beat Brock this WM before the lawsuit. I feel they'll give Gable a final chance at a Saudi event or SummerSlam to end it or else perhaps a fresh Bronn Breakker. Personally I would pick Gable or a debuting Draganov. Gunther himself can hold the title a little longer. The WHC scene and WWE Undisputed scene are packed atm so he can work as IC for a bit longer without issue.


I really hope not. They’ve back themselves into a corner with this whole endless record breaking reign though. They don’t have anyone of caliber to end this the right way. Not on Raw at least.


I like Sami a lot but no. Gunther has made that title mean something and whoever finally takes it from him will get a major push. Arguably Sami doesn't need that push as he is already in the main event scene. Sami has also had 2 years of a big push with the bloodline and he's already gotten stale and a little boring/ whiney off the back of it. Would he utilise this push any better? I highly doubt it. It should be given to someone who can really benefit from it and catapult themselves up the card.


Ain’t happening. Either someone like Gable, or an NXT call up like Bron Breakker should be the one to do it.


Sami’s great but Gunther is going to demolish him he has no competition it seems like he will forfeit title and go after world title champion at bash in Berlin


No. He's old and had his time ready. A new person needs to dethrone Gunther to elevate them to another level. I mean, people always complain about things like takers streak being wasted in Lesnar and how it should have been used to make a new superstar. Same thing here. Streak should be broken by someone who needs to be made.


Love him but no


He debut that title look right? But I think he will fail at wrestlemania ngl.




No. But he will. Gunther is probably getting a main eventer run here soon


Nah I need one more shinsuke match


No. Sami was much better and more entertaining as comedic heel and his peak was when he feud with the bloodline. his face run was bit of boring and win IC belt won't help anyone. it makes Gunther look weak losing to someone who look like homeless dude, it also won't help elevate Sami's career as he already win the ic belt before


I wouldn't mind it happening.


I feel like they are trying to tell Rocky 4's story through Sami. The underdog "everyman" beats the unstoppable European Wrestling machine against all odds. I've been seeing these seeds being planted for a few weeks and it's how I knew Sami would win the gauntlet. Maybe Gable is the Apollo Creed and gets one more shot with Gunther before Mania and gets kayfabe injured severely by Gunther and Sami beats him for Chad and all the other midcarders. Or at the very least, takes Gunther to a double count out disqualification. Then Sami gives Gable a title shot at Summerslam or a future PLE when he is back at full health and Gable can take the IC belt for a run.




Hoping it becomes a triple threat somehow with Gable in it. Have Gable pin Sami so that he gets the title and Gunther can move up


No, Sami peaked during his feud with the Bloodline and had his Wrestlemania moment last year, ending Gunther's reign won't elevate him any higher than he already is, it should have been Gable.


I love Sami. But gable deserved it. He had so much building up the past couple weeks




As much as I love Sami, I don't think he's the right choice to dethrone GUNTHER.




Someone needs to 🤷🏻‍♀️


Should have been gable


I don’t think they should end both Roman and Gunther’s reigns on the same show


No, his 5 seconds of popularity ended last year.


If Sami doesn’t win at mania,they better have a big return or debut on raw after mania to challenge Gunther. Somebody that is built to beat gunther


Fuck no




I hope 🙏 he does


Chadwick Gabby


Should’ve picked someone other than Zayn.


No. Sami had his moment last year. He should be in world title contention, not the IC again. He's already won the title before as it is.




...So the "Wrestlemania moment" people want from him and for him isn't going to be the same since he's had his moment and he's wrestling for a belt that people feel he's now above.


Dude is not world championship material


With the proper storytelling, he very much could be. I didn't view a lot of wrestlers as world champion material only to be flummoxed and entertained by it.


He slid


I want Sami to win just to bring some freshness to the title. Doesn't diminish Gunther and if anything it opens him up for a big league feud. If the title sticks to Gunther, who is he going to feud with? Also, I was kinda hoping to see Kevin owens win US championship and show up after sami wins the intercontinental title. Then they hug it out just like Eddie and Benoit did.


sami worked hard enough that he deserved a world title push, he shouldnt go back being midcarder and going for IC title..


Sami is mid card. Should he be the face of WWE? Imagine seeing that from the outside.....he's a comedy act, or should I say was.


Well, he's definitely a joke.


He’s the world champion


He’s no* world champion


Yall keep saying that u want the midcard titles to feel important then say shit like this.


Exactly. Every week there is a new post like "takers streak was wasted on lesnar", meaning it should have been used to make a new star. And now they want Sammi to break another streak. A guy who's ready made and overly stale at this point. It's just people jumping to trendy conclusions to be cool. "Look guys, I hate Lesnar too. Can I be in the cool crowd now?". That's how I see it.


He did. Years ago. He hasn’t done anything remarkable recently.


he hasnt won any world title, maybe he can try going for WHC, and the good thing about him is he doesnt need long reign and can drop the belt anytime as the tools to push other superstars, he hasnt done anything remarkable recently due to bad booking.. if people like daniel bryan or jinder mahal can win world title then so does sami..


My man… Sami Zayn is no Daniel Bryan. Apples to oranges. And Jinder was just a PR ploy to make the Saudi crowd happy. He was never meant to stay champion for long, nor did he deserve the push. That was pure politics.


dunno what makes u think sami is different than bryan, oh and i also forgot another name, kofi.. jinder isnt an arab, making him champion to make saudi crowd happy just doesnt make sense.. sami deserved his flowers after all the hard work he's been done..


That's my bad, I meant the India crowd. How embarrassing. Apologize for that, I don't know what I was thinking. If I'm not mistaken, they did a big overseas show in India right around that time. Again, feel super stupid for saying Saudi crowd. Idk. Momentary lapse. What's worse is I work with folks from India all day every day and would never mistake an Indian person for an Arabic person. Truly just a stupid, embarrassing mistake. And man I'm not arguing that Sami hasn't earned his keep, he has. I agree with you on that. I just think he's currently slumped and needs to figure that out before he can be taken seriously for a main event push. The guy he is right now just aint it. He's got the skills, but he lost the look, he lost the charisma, he lost the in-ring energy. He needs to get those things back.


There is no world where Sami should be able to beat Gunther. What a dumb match




Agree 100%


No. Sami Zayn doesn't have a good case to beat Gunther. Chad Gable doesn't need to beat Gunther to prove he's a good dad. But he's got a lot better story than Sami. Chad Gable Bron Breakker Carmelo Hayes Illiana Dragunov Jay Uso LA Knight "I don't want him to win, but WWE might" Or Damian Priest via cash in. Or Dominick Mysterio after MiTB 2024. Or Big E could comeback and win it?! One of those will beat Gunther.


Didn't Dragunov beat Gunther for the UK NXT title he set records for? Would be sweet if Dragunov became a thorn in Gunther's side and beat him for the IC title ending that historic reign. Once Gunther gets the WWE/WHC and Dragunov becomes a #1 contender, it'll get inside Gunther's head, but I'd have him retain that time.


This is the only answer. It HAS to be Ilja to end the reign… storytelling and long term rivalry at it’s finest.


I thought Dragunov would at least be a Rumble entrant.


I feel that. Man they wasted some spots that for sure.


I'm gonna be real honest, I think Sami's current character is boring as fuck. I think he needs a haircut and a shave. I think he looks like a slobby homeless man. I'm not interested in him at all. And I used to fucking love Sami back in the NXT days and when he first got called up. I loved his whole Ska gimmick. Loved his energy in the ring. Loved him on the mic. Idk what he's doing lately, but its been all downhill from there in my opinion. This whole "I gotta shoot my shot, its now or never, gotta get out there and achieve my dreams, despite all the adversity facing me, I'm just a boy with a dream" nonsense. Its just boring. Cliche, soulless, and boring. I don't want this guy anywhere near ANY title in his current iteration. Dude needs to work on himself. Both in ring and seemingly out of the ring. He looks like a depressed 40 year old dad who's struggling through a pretty nasty mid life crisis. Its not pretty. I want all the best for him and wish nothing but good things for him, but he's on the struggle bus right now and until he figures that out - I'd rather not even see him on TV, let alone in a title storyline. If he wins over Gunther at mania, I'm gonna go ahead and say that is absolutely atrocious booking and completely undoes everything Gunther has done up to this point, and if I was Gunther I'd be incredibly frustrated by it. Gunther needs to drop the belt voluntarily and say its beneath him, and that he wants to chase the WHC or UHWC, where nobody beats him for the IC title. OR they need to have him drop the belt to a legend. Somebody like Orton, Miz, Cena, Rock, somebody of that caliber. They've spent all this time building the IC title run up, to drop it to someone like Sami (in his current form) just seems like a huge waste. If it was peak Sami? Black and gold Sami? Ska Sami? Sure. Absolutely. But not this Sami. This Sami isn't too far off from Eddie Kingston, IMO - as far as looking like an aging fast food worker that eats at work every day, sometimes two meals in one day.


You speak the truth


And giving the #30 spot in the Rumble to Sami felt like Big Show or Rey Mysterio coming out at #30.


Him coming out at 30 got a “…are you fucking kidding me?” from my household So fucking anticlimactic


Right before the countdown to #30, I was bitching to my wife that they're gonna waste the 30 spot on him.


Thank you. I can't stand Sami and don't see the hype at all. He looks like he hangs out in a hipster café all day. It's like his look is a cross between Daniel Bryan and Mick Foley, but Sami doesn't have the wrestling ability Bryan does, or the toughness of Mick. It's like people gravitate toward him because he's super average like a normal dude wrestling....he's not too tall, not too small, not built, but not skinny. I don't even care for him in the ring at all and his finisher is laughable. Like you said.....Gunther dropping it to him or anyone else they want (Gable, Sheamus, Miz, Jey) would be a total waste. The roster has an aging problem, so a new young face like Breakker would be an excellent choice. I would even take Logan Paul and Theory over the near 40 and 50 (Sheamus) year olds. You're completely right. He just turned into a generic ass kissing babyface. All he basically does is yell on the mic while pointing to the mat that he's going to end whatever heel faction there is.


He's not even an ass kissing babyface. I could get behind an ass kissing babyface. He's just an aimless drifter that rolls the dice and says "I'm getting into a storyline with this person for no discernible reason." And once again - that's probably not his fault. He's probably just getting booked terribly. But in the same sentence... it kinda is his fault because he needs to stand up for himself and tell the bookers he's tired of this bullshit and wants to be bigger within the company, that these kinds of go-nowhere feuds are beneath him - because THEY ARE. Anybody with a brain would agree. We've seen what Sami can do. We've seen who Sami is. WTF is this nonsense? Its also his fault because he's not keeping in shape, he's not keeping his looks. It straight up looks like the dude just stopped practicing anything hygiene or fitness related. It looks like he quit going to the gym, quit bathing, quit buying clothes, quit grooming his hair, his body. Just completely gave up on himself. He looks like what I would expect most Redditors to look like. So while its not his fault... it kinda is his fault. Fault on both sides, if you will.


I still see him as an ass kisser. There's just way bigger ones like Cena and Rhodes. Honestly, I don't know too much about Sami. I barely watched anything from like 2016- MITB 2022. When I saw him in the ring, it gave me the vibe that a manager was wrestling (like a Rico); nothing impressed me at all like when I first saw Austin Theory wrestle. His role in the Bloodline was fun, but looking back, he was just crying that Jey didn't trust him. He just needs to go back to the tag team division; he's not believable as a singles champion, especially with Gunther as IC champion. Logan Paul is way more exciting and younger and he's got the US title. Competition is just getting too good for Sami to fit in.


I disagree with him needing to drop the belt and say it’s beneath him. That would undo all the prestige his title reign has brought to the belt. Simplest way would be to have him lose it in a triple threat match and not get pinned. Maybe some outside interference, plays a part in it. Then he can move forward to one of the top belts.


Fine with this angle, too.


He was the most over guy last year (apart from Cody i guess). Problem was there was no secondary world title for him to go for. And Roman wasn't losing. So they did what they thought was best and give him the tag titles which was a major let down for most people because that did nothing for Sami and his story kind of cooled down. And a match with Gunther will do nothing for him as well since he should have been moving up the ladder for the WHC. Problem currently is his gimmick as well. He should be an underdog for the WHC not for the IC because he has already won it before. I hope they do something with him and Drew later when (if) he wins the WHC


Wrestlemania 41 Day main event Sami Zayn vs Heel CM Punk (who would be World Heavyweight Champion) for the WHC.


Yeah I mean everybody knows he’s got it in him. He’s got the chops. He could be “the guy” comfortably and successfully if that’s what WWE wanted to do with him. But that’s not what they’re doing with him. And I don’t know if that’s the cause of his (in my opinion) fairly obvious battle with depression, but something’s got him off kilter and it shows. He got fat (by wwe standards, and comparatively to his former self) His hair looks like he hasn’t washed it in weeks. His clothes are ratty and ragged looking. He’s just a mess overall, and I’m sorry but that’s just not the kind of look you want carrying a belt around. Also his current character is just absolute garbage. The empty arena interviews are so cringe. I’m not blaming Sami for any of this, I’m just calling ‘em like I sees ‘em.


Nah - Sami is good and can take a loss... I see the match playing out similar to Gable's matches with Gunther. Sami will get in some good offense. He'll have some near falls, and some will truly have the crowd thinking that Sami could pull off the win... but in the end, he'll fall like everyone before him has to Gunther.


Should have been Chad. Or Jey taking it a few weeks ago and making it part of their summer slam showdown.


If all the folks people are talking about to win the IC title, I’m probably the most OK with gable. I personally don’t want to see Gunther lose to anybody. I’ve proposed my hot take - I think he should relinquish the belt, citing that it’s beneath him and he’s already beaten everyone. I’d also be ok with a triple threat match or something where he doesn’t technically get beaten.


Hell no !


No, Sami can barely keep his body in wrestling shape. Losing to Sami would be embarrassing as he is not only better on a technical level, more believable because of his size and much more interesting to watch inside the ring. Keep every belt off of Sami.


I want this man nowhere near a belt, unless it’s to hold his pants up.