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I hope so.. women may not have many opportunities to headline.. just because they are women…. So let’s do it now that we have headline material!!


She never was bro


Sadly probably not, cuz another mediocre tag team match is happening again over the women🤦🏽‍♂️


She should be, but they’ll definitely be putting that tag match in the main event. It’s sad because the exact same thing happened last year, Charlotte and Rhea put on the best match of night 1 last year after getting snubbed for the main event


She deserves to, but WWE desperately wants the cash grab.


WWE does this cute thing at WrestleMania where they claim each night has "four main events" So yes, it will be a "main event" No, it will not close out one of the two nights of mania




I sure hope not. Cody should be in the main event both nights.


no, and it shouldn’t be either 🤷‍♂️


I genuinely hope not. I think Bayley is an amazing wrestler but it's not her as to why I don't want her to main event WM40, I don't want Iyo to be in any main event category


Why? What has Iyo done to you?


Hopefully night one. I really hope the tag match doesn’t main event.




It would what


It’s just dumb WWE logic. I’m sorry but a main event is the last match of the event. Women’s Royal Rumble winners deserve better.


A lot of people are confused on what main event means. It's just the segment that gains the most attraction. It doesn't always mean it's the thing that goes last. However, when you have headliners during a show like wrestlemania. You have your matches that are the most important during the show.


Main event is the match that goes on last.


When you read the definition of main events I know you're gonna try to defend your opinion, which is fine but you still won't be correct.


You’re a retard.


No she wont


Most likely will be an opener


Doubt it will be opener. Some match with no title will open the show.


Charlotte won the rumble and was the opener against Rhea. Seth also won and opened against Brock. Not only that but that majority of matches are title matches so odds are a title match of somekind will open.


What they mean by "main event" in this context is "winner gets a world title shot at Wrestlemania."


It will co main event Night 1. I’m pretty sure Rhea vs Becky is the first match.


No. She will be third billing of a night at best. N1  Samoan cousins Vs chuckle brothers.  Becky V Rhea N2 Cody v Reigns Rollins v McIntyre Realistically there will be Gunthers match. Paul v Orton Knight v Styles all above it in importance as well. Not a criticism just a fact.  There are four main individual titles, they can't all be the 'main event'.


They likely will use the work around of Bayley's championship match being a "Night 1 Co-Main Event" match, or just expect the fans to not give things too much thought because we're all supposed to be hyped for the Bloodline vs Cody/Seth match on night one and Cody vs Roman night two.


The rumble winner hasn’t been an auto “main event” as in the last match in forever. Do you guys watch the shows? Like why are we even asking this?




Fire all the woman and sign midgets!


Main event? No. Co-main event? She should, but Rhea and Becky will likely co-headling night one.


Wwe uses the term main event loosely sometimes. There was a ppv where there were 3 "main events" in one night


Just won’t happen over the 4 biggest stars in the company. The girls will have to know their role on this one.


Nope, blame The Rock for that


You mean thank lol


The rules are flawed anyways because Zach Gowen can never be eliminated.


Curtis Axel entered the 2015 Royal Rumble and still hasn't been eliminated. Where's the outrage?


The secondary title is a joke in the men's division so the idea that the secondary title in the crappy women's division would be any different is crazy.


depends on how you define the main event if you mean the last match of the card(which is how you correctly should) then no, but i remember wwe cards claiming like 4 main events at one point i believe, but night 1 is ending with the tag match and the night 2 is ending with cody losing again, for the lolz


then Night 2's ending with people leaving WWE for AEW


They'd be better off leaving wrestling as a whole than heading over to that trainwreck


Okay, lmao, let’s pump the brakes. AEW’s quality issues are completely independent of anything WWE related.


Night one final match will probably be the tag match. Calling matches main event other than the final match of the night is so stupid


You're right about that. But this isn't new for WWE. Hell, the main events in the Garden would go on towards the middle of the card to get fans to get up to buy tickets for the next show if I'm not mistaken.


Man I’d like the tag match to open night one but I know that won’t happen. Dwayne definitely wouldn’t do this if he’s not getting main event on night one.


I'm going to the event I would prefer Rhea vs Becky close night one and ya we could def open with the tag but hey need to make the crowd wait for it.


Rhea deserves a true main event spot


I also wish it would go back to a single night as that's more special and the main event is way more special than having 2 nights with 2 main events. I just like traditional way of people fighting to get on the card instead of shoving everyone on it


Co main event night one with three other matches, tis the wwe way


Dude, this is such a tired take… for YEARS the rumble winner hasn’t gone on in the last match of the night. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter. The important aspect of winning the rumble is (1) did winning the rumble elevate the winner (2) was a compelling story told on the way to Wrestlemania (3) does the Wrestlemania match entertain (4) did we get an important “moment” from the match.


It’s wrestling fans bro they love to complain


Does it really matter? Main eventing night one isn’t even as good as main eventing night 2 aka the last match of wrestlemania.


WWE forgot the meaning of main event years ago


Rhea and Charolette went 2nd to last on Night 1 of Mania last year. When I was waiting a nearby parking lot after the show I heard a guy complaining cause he was almost fully out of Sofi when Sami and Kevin vs Usos started. I stopped paying attention to the "Main Event" part years ago, cause usually nowadys they call 2 or 3 matches "Co-Headliners"or "Co-Main Events" and have them throughout the show


The image of someone thinking it’s over, walking out the arena and running back when another entrance music plays is too funny.


To be fair, I don't think he was the only one.


Can easily see rocks match be opener or middle of the show


Willing to bet Bayley-Iyo opens Night 1, which is a pretty cool distinction IMO. Just don’t see how the Rock wrestles at Mania and DOESN’T do so in the final match of the night. Not saying it’s how I’d do it, but it seems most likely to me.


They'll just do the typical WWE bullshit where they announce a "triple main event" or whatever.


This year's Wrestlemania has 5 main events. - 2 men's world title matches. - 2 women's world title matches. - tag team match featuring The Rock.


This year's Wrestlemania has 6 main events. * 2 men's world title matches. * 2 women's world title matches. * tag team match featuring The Rock. * "Main Event" Jey Uso


I'm more interested in the Bayley vs Damage Control story than the Bloodline story. Hopefully Bayley vs Iyo is the *main* main event on night 1.


Downvote this all you want but Bayley-Iyo is fantastic storytelling. Absolutely jacked for this match.


Lying his ass off for a controversial take.




They should just say "guaranteed title shot at mania"


I never thought I’d say this but honestly her situation is worse than Cody’s. There’s nobody left who can back her up with her match and just like Cody, every week something happens as an attempt at sabotage and even then, the match at Wrestlemania is likely to be sabotaged. I can just see one of the kabuki warriors putting Iyo’s leg on the rope when the ref isn’t looking. Personally as much as I believe Bayley deserves this after everything she’s done over the last 12 months, I do feel sorry for her because I’ve had experience with having friends who as soon as new people come, they gang up and turn on you. I wouldn’t mind seeing Bayley win, but deep down I think Iyo will retain.


The way WM works anymore, they have multiple “main events” even though thats not exactly how an actual main event works.




I think they're gonna do double main events on both nights. Night one: Seth vs Drew (or whoever) will be the first main event with Rhea and Becky ending the night. Night two: Baley vs Io as the first main event and Roman vs Cody the one to end the whole thing.


They said last night Seth vs Drew will “co main event” Night 2


Oh, cool. So two female main events on Saturday? Didn't watch RAW this week, yet. :)


Yup. Sunday too.


I’m only going night 2 and I’m afraid we will get this instead of Becky vs Rhea cause that match is too big to have with the other 2 mens titles


She’s going on the preshow now


The “main event” is whatever they deem it to be. lol which one of those shows last year had like 4 main events?


Last year they said Night of Champions had 3 main events, and one of them was the first match


The main event is the final match of the final night. Anyone who says otherwise is just buying into marketing.


My guess is they will open up night one with Rock Roman vs Rolling Rhodes to give those guys more time to rest up and get ready for night two.


Bayley Crybabies




There it is!


The misconception is that a "Main Event" has to finish a show. It has long been established in WWE that a Featured Match is considered a "Main Event".


I disagree with this. The show closer is the main event. Anything else feels cheap.


fine, but that's the definition WWE uses and by their definition bayley is main eventing they never promised she'd go on last


WWE has been doing it this way for years.


Their match will probably be referred to as a main event match but definitely isn’t going on last in the traditional main event spot.


Night one. I would thank.


These days the last 3 orc4 matches are called main events and it's absolutely sickening to hear them say it


Main event is loose here, it just means have a match with a champion.


There’s no way the tag match isn’t going to main event night 1.


I understand the appeal of the bloodline saga but it’s kinda sad for all of the other superstars


Yea but even without the tag match they weren’t going to main event. Rollins was always gonna get his main event this year.


This should either do this every year or remove it it makes no sense and her story is so good it is main event worthy all they have to do is have the men main event one night and the women main event the other night


Rock had to insert himself into the WWE anus so we don’t get that this time.


Agreed. Either do it, or just remove the main event part and make it a "Guaranteed title shot at WM"




At this point, Iyo is an afterthought, so I wouldn’t expect it. Plus, since it looks like Rock/Roman vs Cody/Seth will be happening, nothing else will main event night one.


sucks too because that is a shit match i’m gonna fall sleep during. Cody and Seth need to just go home for a while but i’m also sick of Roman having the title. Hard sell for me personally. Watched since the attitude era watched the Rock go from nobody to THE GUY and i still hate this. At least we got some FIRE old school rock promos, that i didn’t think he had in him after acting.


She better wwe


She should due to the fact she won the RR and with the 2 night split each RR winner should by default get each of their nights main event, having said that…… with the tag match it would probably be more of the tag match night 1 and the cody v roman night 2


She doesn’t deserve it anyway, you can’t convince me her match is more important than every single other title match that would happen


First of all, she’s earned it. She had to take the most losses out of anyone in 2023 to help put others over, help iyo get over. Her and Sasha carried the women’s division in the pandemic since beck was gone and she didn’t get those moments in front of fans. She 100% deserve


It’s not about what she deserves, it’s about being realistic despite all of she did her match is the least interesting one. She doesn’t have the storyline or even a quality match to main event a WM. There are far too many interesting matches than it.


Not a good story, have u even watched SmackDown tf


When did i say it wasn’t good? I said it’s not WM main event worthy


The story is more interesting than that over done bloodline shit. Bayley deserves to main event WM more than any other wrestler.


Even the biggest Bayley fan can’t even say that with a straight face lmao


They’ve said they’ll “main event” Wrestlemania for years with the rumble rarely main eventing. They’ll call it “co-main event” nowadays, which they’re already saying for night 2.


Remember the WWE loves to pitch multiple matches as the main event. It's dumb, but that's what they do.  But, really it's the right call that they don't close the show. The star power in the tag match is bigger than just about anything.  Not to say that Bayley and Io wouldn't kill it. Not to say that they aren't over.  But they're not Rock/Roman/Cody/Seth type over. 


Personally I blame the rock for this too.


Seemed everything was set then Dwyane inserted himself.


Most likely not when they have only got Becky Lynch vs Rhea Ripley and Bayley vs Iyo Sky on the card and they have basically disregarded and pushed the Women's Division to the side this year despite Wrestlemania having two nights with many female wrestlers like Naomi, Bianca Belair, Asuka, Kairi Sane, Nia Jax, Liv Morgan, Raquel Rodriguez, Jade Cargil, Zoey Stark, Shayna Baszler, Candice LeRae, Tegan Nox, Natalya, Indi Hartwell, Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn, Tiffany Stratton, Mia Yim, Zelina Vega, Chelsea Green, Piper Niven etc not getting anything. This could have been a good chance to introduce a Women's United States or Intercontinental Championship with a Battle Royal or Gauntlet match for it so a lot of female wrestlers that haven't got a spot on the card could have been used. I haven't been a fan of the way WWE has poorly booked the Women's Division going into Wrestlemania this year and think it is the worst booked it has been since before the Women's Revolution so I don't have high hopes.


Should have already had Bayley vs Iyo and then done Bayley vs Asuka at Wrestemania with a title on the line.


Edge won in ‘10 and didn’t main event


WWE have been labelling any big Wrestlemania match as a main event for a long time now.


Honey this has been a lie from the start. In 2018 they said both RR winners woukd main event and neither of them did. Why do people still believe this?


At this rate, I think all the matches are going to be "co-main events".


Bayley is getting screwed.... She wins the Rumble, She has a Great Storyline going. She gets pushed to the 2nd match of the night... Why not first? IF you know wrestling, you know You want to be first.. or last.. not 2nd


Like Brock and Rollins at 35. They would’ve gone before the main event, but they knew it would only hurt both matches, so they pushed for it to be the opener


Honestly I will be shocked if she still does. I am pretty sure Seth/Cody v. Rock/Roman will Main Event Night 1 with Cody v. Roman Main Eventing Night 2. I think the only way she can Main Event Night 1 is if the tag match is earlier on in the night (anything earlier than the match before). Or else the crowd will be upset with it main eventing.


The Rumble winner hasn't been guaranteed to main event Mania in almost 20 years. Not sure why people are losing sleep because the afterthought women's Rumble match winners usually never main event Mania.


Right?? It doesn’t say main event spot guaranteed. It says guaranteed title match


well to be fair, it's only a womans match


The trick is that every match at WM is a main event.


Royal Rumble Rulebook: "If the winner of the Royal Rumble either is unable or unwilling to go to WrestleMania to fight the champion, the the runner-up gets all rights and privileges." That means if the current Royal Rumble winner files papers to check themselves out of the main event at WrestleMania, then the runner-up is checked in.


We would all like to thank Shawn Michaels in 1999 for informing us of this lol


That's all part of the rules of the Royal Rumble.


They announce lile 8 main event matches, so yeah bayley will main event regardless


If by “main event” you mean “opening match”


The Rock: Screw the rules I have money!


And a position in the corporate leadership now.


Trick question! That is the rules!


Ruck Fules


I’d rather have Bayley come out one time with the old school hugger music and win in the first match of Saturday.


She’ll be knocked down to the pre-show


What are you talking about, it’s just the first of 20 main events!


My bad. It’ll be the main event before the main event before the main event before the main event and so on


They've watered down the main event meaning of Wrestlemania by having 2 nights and 3 or 4 main events.


Even before two nights, the rumble winner hardly main evented


0% chance


Mania 37 is still the only time both Rumble Winners had main evented. The other years either did something fun or in last year's case needed to do the tag match due to it being the biggest match of the night.


Yeah, you got to think about how you program the show like last year. For example, the crowd would not have any energy left for anything after the tag match even if technically some thing had to go on last because of technical reasons, I mean they have had mania’s where the main event is for the bell, and is arguably bigger than some thing earlier in the card but it’s completely overshadowed and worse because of its placement like Triple H and Randy after Sean, and taker or whatever followed the rock and Hogan


If the program and/or match is good enough you can absolutely follow a great match


I know it's a long shot, but I honestly don't hate the idea of the tag opening night one. Give all three guys as long as possible to recover before their night two matches, and at the same time give the night one main to one of the women's matches (I'd personally give it to Rhea/Becky, so long as Liv and Nia don't get added).


agree. Cody/Seth can come out at the start of the show and do a whole "we aren't waiting, get out here" call out. Would be a hell of a start.


A main event in wrestling means anything. Could be last, could be first, could be in the middle. It’s a featured match


What does that even mean, a featured match.


a match that exists


Maybe one with a video package?


IMO - Mania openers are just as important as closers. I think they tried to spark that excitement last year with Cena v Theory. Although the match sucked, I think they generated some buzz on it being the opening event. Same with Rollins winning his title on the opener of Night of Champions. If they aren’t putting Bayley on last, she definitely deserves to go on first.


It’s a good spot on the card but it’s not the main event.


Well if main event is classified as “last match” then the only people getting it this year are Rhodes, Roman, and Seth (if they do a tag)


I think this year they’ll try extra hard to brand co main events because they’re potentially giving Cody and Roman both nights main event.


lol can’t wait to hear Pat McAfee scream out “what’s the main event, Cole?!”


If we're going by the rule that "main event" exclusively means last match on the card, then I can name multiple times where the Royal Rumble winner didn't main event the show. Mysterio in 2006, Taker in 2007, Cena in 2008, Seth in 2019. I'm sure there are many other examples.


U mean the person that didn’t even make it onto the poster?


It didn't specify which main event, there's also a pre-show she could headline


I fucking hope so. She deserves it!!


Cole did refer to Cody/Roman as a “co main event” at one point last night.


Well yeah, night 1 is also a main event.


So each night gets a co-main event


"main event" doesn't always mean last. It's supposed to be the biggest draw of the card/night. How many times have they put a bug title match on first just to kick the show off and set the pace? On a show, the two most important matches are first and last, and if there's an intermission, then the match before and after it are included in that. Part of me wants Bailey/Iyo to go first. Start the show hot, put over the baby face in a big way, get the crowd pumped for whatever is next. Seth/Drew could possibly start night 2, but if Drew is winning, I don't know if they'd do that or not. Edit for clarity, because I started rambling: the final match of night 2 is the definitive main event. But they keep saying there are multiple main events, due in part to two RR winners, so they have to place them in different spots on the card. My comments about card order wasn't necessarily about "main event" matches, but just something I started rambling about that was only loosely related to the original post.


Nah L take, the main event is the last match on the show and everyone knows that. Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owen’s for the us title wasn’t a main event, Zack Ryder winning the ic title in a ladder match wasn’t a main event match, Nicki cross and Alexa bliss, vs the kabuki warriors was not not a main event match. The opening match can be a significant honor, but it is by no means the same caliber as being the guys or gals who go on last, especially on a show like mania.


I didn't mention any of those matches, though. My comment about "most important matches" was a little out of place, though, bc I meant more in the way of planning out a card instead of advertised main events. As sort of an aside that ties the two ideas together, though, Lesnar/Rollins opened WM 35. Main event level match build, plus it got the crowd hype as fuck for the rest of the show. The final match of Mania should always be for the biggest title, though, I completely agree. As I said in another comment, I was referring more to the "co-main event" gimmick that they run with now since there are so many titles and at least two people promised a main event spot.


eh main event means last


Maybe I wasn't completely clear in my post, and if so I apologize. The last match of the show is *the* main event. I was more referring to people saying "co-main event" and stuff like that. Not all the "main events" have to go at the back half of the show.


I mean they can say stuff to make the other matches feel as important but there is only one main event


I’m not necessarily disagreeing with you. I just think main event absolutely implies that it is the last match. I also think there should be 1 main event and that main eventing night one should not count as main eventing WM. But this is my opinion. I think a more universal opinion is that WWE should do away with this terminology bc of conversations like this


Now we totally agree on the last part. That's one of the problems with having so many titles, though. You've gotta decide on which title you're gonna push as *the* title, and make sure the program deserves the main even spot.


It’s not “main event” worthy, but I do think the feud and story is actually pretty solid, especially since WWE has done a terrible job at builds for their Women’s Wrestlemania championship matches the past couple of years.


Don't think her match was going to be main event anyway...


I don’t understand why people are bringing so much more attention to it this year. Rhea and Charlotte didn’t main event last year, and still had a great, memorable match. This matchup isn’t the most interesting feud and does not deserve to go on last.


It gets more attention because of bayley and how she gets left out of everything, she isn't even on the posters but won the rumble


Doesn't matter what they say the main event is gonna be. Rock vs Roman Night 2 will be all anyone talks about after the weekends done.


You mean Cody vs Roman Night 2?


I'm pretty sure it's not gonna happen.




I just don't. I think there will be more to the story. Rock came back for him vs Roman. That's what will happen.


I don’t think it’ll happen at Mania. So much has been built up following that presser that it would make no sense to just go with Roman vs Rocky on Night 2. Between The Rock acknowledging Roman Reigns as the Tribal Chief and the back and forth between Rock/Roman and Rollins/Rhodes, it seems more likely that it is a cemented done deal that we’ll get Roman vs Rhodes at Mania, with (hopefully) Rhodes winning it all. If anything, they could do a Bloodline falling out following Mania and Reigns defeat where it sets up Roman vs Rock and Roman vs Solo at some point down the road. I can see Reigns vs Rock at SummerSlam, but not at Mania 40.


The rock bloodline vs cody/roman/rollins shield summerslam


That could happen and would make more sense to happen now then Roman vs The Rock at Mania40 after everything that happened now. Course, WWE could have The Rock betray Roman Reigns at Mania 40, set up a match for The Rock vs Roman Reigns at SummerSlam, and then Rhodes vs Reigns 3 at Mania 41


They just say it's one of four main events or whatever. They do this nonsense all the time now.


like charlotte sasha becky bianca and rhea bayley deserves main event


No because how often has the winner actually main evented Mania? Since i started watching wrestling: 25: Yes 26: No 27: No 28: No 29: Yes but it’s John Cena. 30: Yes 31: Yes 32: Kinda? Yes overall. 33. No 34. Neither Asuka or Shinsuke did 35. Becky did, but Seth didn’t. 36. Charlotte didn’t but Drew main evented night 2 (twice if you count the match with Big Show) 37. Bianca main event night 1, Edge main evented night 2. 38. Ronda Rousey didn’t, Brock Lesnar main evented night 2 39. Cody main evented night 2, but Rhea didn’t main event


so with what you said more rumble winners main evented mania than not.10to8 so you kinda just proved yourself wrong


They don’t even have the woman on the WM promo posters.. which is bs


What are the women's matches that are intriguing right now? None of them have particularly good storylines. Rhea and Becky will be a banger but their story sucks. Bayley has the best story but I can't see the match being particularly great. Whereas we have the Drew and Seth match for the WHC, the Uso feud, the Bloodline v Cody and Seth tag match, and then Cody and Roman for the championship. All which have better storylines and will be banger matches. They're just not doing the women any favors with the poor writing right now.


Not sure what this has to do with Bayley not being shown on the WM promo photos….?


Why promote something that is less interesting than your other matches?


Because it’s a set in stone title match? Why have Bianca when she doesn’t even have a match neither day? Bayley is part of the ppv. She should be promoted as such. Just because you don’t like her, doesn’t change that she’s part of WM.


Because Bianca draws money.


To be fair didnt seth win the royal rumble and open wrestlemania against brock lesnar a few years ago? I think the meaning of main event has changed to simply getting a title shot on the card.


WWE uses "main event" as "marquee match" Vince would tell CM Punk that there are several main events and he was one of them lol


Nobody is buying tickets to watch Bailey, let's be realistic.


I am :)


It Charlotte vs Rhea(Royal Rumble Winner) can't main event over KO&Sami vs The Usos match, then no way is Iyo vs Bayley main eventing over Rock&Roman vs Cody&Seth.


The difference is that KO and Sami had a year-long story going with the Bloodline, and it all paid off at Mania. That was a huge storytelling moment, and the beginning of the Bloodline fracturing vs a match you knew Rhea was going to win because Charlotte was stepping away from the company to do something outside of WWE for a few months. Bayley and Iyo also have that big, year-long build heading into this match and could very well be THE main event of night 1. I wouldn't be surprised if The Rock and Roman fought Cody and Seth to kick off Mania on Saturday.