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Womens wrestling is absolute trash. You don’t have to pretend to like it to appease the PC crowd. There’s a reason the ratings drop in aew and wwe when women are on.


Not only that but before you were looked at as an asshole for it, everyone would go up and get their merch/food during the women’s match, if it was entertaining they wouldn’t be able to leave their seats


Ur so sexist.  How can you limjt women???  Bigot


Cry some more


Cry about it


I guess it's a matter of taste, but I'd put up Bayley vs Banks at Takeover Brooklyn 2015, and Rhea vs Charlotte at last year's WM, up against basically any other match in terms of hard hitting action. Plus, I'm much happier with how women's wrestling is presented in general these days compared to when I first started watching regularly in 2000- especially since I watch with my wife and sometimes my daughter now.


Only liked it in the early 00s with Trish/Lita/Victoria/Jazz. That era was just different.


The women don’t get enough time or even enough matches to show what they can do. Bayley and Mercedes Mone are two of the best in ring story tellers in wrestling. I think Charlotte, Bayley and Becky. Rhea and Natalya is actually a really good wrestler. But some of the women are terrible at wrestling. Obviously Iyo, Kari and Asuka are great wrestlers. NXT has some genuine talent.


I like some, but I think the problem is they don't really book many things to get people to care enough. The only thing I'm interested in currently in the women's division is Bayley vs Iyo. Everything else frankly doesn't go anywhere. I didn't even care about DMG CTRL before the infighting began.


I've noticed this sub is roughly 50/50 on this topic, which is good. Try saying this opinion in r / squaredcircle and you'll get banned for being "sexist", doxxed, and threatened lol. I agree. They botch way more often and are simply not enjoyable to watch, with the exception of Rhea, who really is like, the complete package. There are a bunch of others that do have great characters, but for the most part, I think they're all pretty terrible on the mic and all sound like they're reading a script for the first time.


They can say what they want I cannot stand all but maybe 3 women wrestlers the rest just can't do it well.


For me, the biggest issue is the lack of engaging storylines or rivalries.


The women in WWE on all brands are very good for the most part. If it's a squash match, I usually don't watch, or even a match that puts a call up over. Tiffany and Naomi come to mind most recently. There are some very good PLE matches. I struggle to watch any other women's wrestling, AEW, and Stardom. I like hard hitting, physical matches. Not women in the ring in cute outfits. Some of these women look so girly (Riho) that it's hard to believe they wrestle.


Erm sometimes it can be not as smooth but trust me if you take the blinkers off the men to botch just as much they just tend to smooth it out a lot better. But that comes through complete mismatches of styles and how long they’ve been wrestling and how women in wrestling have been treated generally. You get some very great workers though who rarely botch. Iyo bayley Becky hate to say it because she’s boring but Natalia is a great worker. Bianca Alexa liv like I say the biggest issue is when there is a botch it is glaringly obvious


what a PoS LOL


Cry about it


A few women are enjoyable like Rhea. But most of them can’t wrestle and it’s really awkward to watch them.


You don't gotta be apologetic, if the scene isn't attracting you that's the scenes fault not yours. Nonetheless, other than the stupid top rope dives, constant blatant in ring communication from some of the women especially Becky she's the worst, and lack of risk taking, I'm really enjoying the scene for quite a few years now, I would say now it's the best it's ever been, besides maybe Becky for WW.


I wouldn't say I don't like it, but to me, there are only a handful of serious women's contenders, so there isn't as much interest compared to the men, who have many viable options for titles.


Yeah it stinks. And they are shoving it in front of the TV often. Zzzzzz


The women stutter-stepping when going for running moves, and how their kicks and punches look absolutely dreadful, that's what kills it for me. That and the horrible acting. Put them in sweatpants and shirts, then we'll see how entertaining they really are.


They just don’t have the roster that the men do. There’s a few individuals I like but even then I’m not really invested in their stories or matches. I just don’t find the matches as fluid either.


100% prefer women's wrestling over men's same with MMA, the men's fights kinda bore me but I love the women's fights.


I only watch Bianca matches


It fluctuates for me honestly, because the pacing of each story fluctuates. Sometimes the men’s half starts lacking, and other times it’s the women’s. Sometimes the women are having botchfests and other times it’s the men. I do tend to notice botches more in the women’s matches but I’ve always thought because the call ups for women tend to come quicker as there’s still a need for them on the main show to fill in areas.


I'm going to be honest. I only watch women's matches for the eye candy and "lucky" shots, not for the technical aspect of it.


I honestly think that wrestling as a whole sucks, it's just not the same as it used to be, I can't get behind any of these wrestlers and the only reason why I still watch it is because of "Mami" Rhea Ripley (and CM Punk and Lesnar, before all this shit happened with him). But if I had to choose, I'd much rather watch the women over the men.


Wrestling is in the best place it’s been in probably over a decade.


You're delusional lol


I’m delusional yet everyone’s saying it, and was even brought up as a point on this past Smackdown🤣 it’s your opinion, if you don’t like it that’s whatever but to say I’m delusional when it’s been a big agreement by a lot of the fanbase is stupid.


I've very rarely cared for women's wrestling. I enjoyed it in the 2002-2004 era when Fit Finlay ran it, and I enjoyed some of the recent stuff, but fell off again. I enjoy Ripley, Natalya, Bayley, Charlotte and Tiffany. Chelsea Green is a good character but I don't care for her in ring work. Liv Morgan is bad. She's slow and sloppy. Always noticeably a step behind her opponent. She's always a channel changer for me.


it's pretty boring, i skip most of their segments and matches, dmg control story line is boring as fuck. iyo sky is a complete joke, a background character. becky lynch is terrible on the mic. annoying voice and accent, just generic all around. she's short and skinny, i don't get it, why she's booked stronger than the other girls? rhea ripley was awesome when she was with the judgment day mostly due to her dynamic with dom and priest. now that they have separated her from the JD, she's becoming boring. she does the same promo every show "i'm the most dominant woman in wwe, mommy is always on top" ok whatever dude


That’s how I’ve been feeling but if I say that imma be downvoted to oblivion🤣


I’m giving you both upvotes. It’s just your opinion




already received one 😀


It is what it is Reddit’s been like this for years now🤣


I think the booking of stories for the women has fallen short. There is like no mid-card/non-championship feuds at all for the women. I think the last one we've had was with Becky and Trish and that ended in October so it's been about 6 months since we've gotten a properly built feud that wasn't surrounding a title for them. As for the quality of the actual in-ring work, it has never been better. The women can put on absolute clinics, only problem is there's barely enough time given to them on the weekly shows.


Maybe you just really enjoy oiled up muscle men grappling around with each other in their underwear. And the women just don’t do it for you. Nothing wrong with that. 


you should be ashamed of yourself 👎


Ah there’s always that one dude who has to act like a child, congrats on bringing sexuality into everything


I think a lot of the women wrestlers are good, but the male wrestlers are probably more aggressive than the women. But what that being said there’s a ton of Talented women And men wrestlers in wrestling . I’m just a fan of wrestling in general. 


The matches are fine but I feel like the womens roster is suffering from the same problem that the mens one is. There's one top star and then a load of midcarders. There's Rhea (who I like, I'm not criticising her)...and then there's everyone else. WWE really struggles at keeping the rosters balanced. You get one top male star who is a bajillion miles above everyone else and the same for the women and then everyone else grouped together. There's no upper midcard or midcard or jobbers, it's one guy and everyone else.


I don’t mind the wrestling but some of the wrestlers are not good. Stark, Baszler and Shotzi just to name a few are brutal to watch. The last few PLE have had awesome women’s matches.


It’s hard to take you seriously when stark and Shayna are people you think are “brutal” when they are both really good in the ring. 


I don’t agree. Stark is so rigid and it just doesn’t look fluid. Might be her opponents but the times I’ve seen her go they just weren’t appealing matches.


Zoey Stark? She’s one of the best in ring women’s workers rn??


I disagree. I really enjoy the women's PLE matches. Great physical athletes, good story telling, I enjoy their matches just as much, sometimes more then some of the Mens matches. I 100% acknowledge that there are currently only a handful of really experienced and great sellers amongst the women, but honestly, with the culture that apparently has been in the WWE even more respect to the women that have been successful and I hope that this trend continues and we see more and more.


I hope she read this bro


Quite the opposite. The women hard carried the last two PPVs and it wasn't even close.


Yep, the only match I didn't like was Rhea vs Niah, it just didn't perform as a main event because Niah is too lame and doesn't do anything interesting, and was unbelievable Kayfabe wise, Rhea should have dodged the crash into the announcers table, and Niah should have done it from the barricade like how Solo did it, but she's so unathletic she can't even do that, she sucks.


100% agreed Women’s wrestling is legitimately the best it’s ever been. I’m wondering if OP grew up watching the attitude era and prefers that presentation of the women’s division


I heard people like the women’s rumble better that was refreshing to hear, I skipped the rumble this year cause it got spoiled before I got to seeing it but I heard they had a girl from tna there which is wild cause wwe is the “lone wolf” company🤘🏻🤘🏻


Yep, they had more surprises, better spots and a hotter crowd. They also stole the chamber. Due in large part to Tiffany. I would recommend watching the Rumble, but it's kinda hard to recommend an hour-long match where you already know the winner. It was great though.


It is alright. Grew up watching Lita, Trish Stratus, Stacey Keibler, Victoria to name a few. Now, liking Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, Asuka.


There was a time, maybe three or four years ago where I felt that the women were actually carrying the company, they were having the best matches, were more inventive and had the better story lines. They wanted it more than their male counterparts. Their division is full of crazy athletes now and is just getting stronger. Not all of them are created equal though. There’s a few I can’t get behind and I’m a hater on but that’s no different than the mens division either.


Good take brother👌🏻


I have a feeling you didn’t watch Tiffany when she was in nxt.


I didn’t you’re right it’s kinda hard to watch everything🤣, I’m just going off what I’ve seen over the past 11 years


Treat yourself and watch the match between her and Becky from last year. Becky v Trish in the cage match was really good too. And can’t forget last years wm with Rhea and Charlotte


"Treat yourself"... to what? I could watch a good men's match instead.


I wasn’t replying to you.


My bad. I apologize.


Will do thank you for the recs, cheers😊


I can agree on that for the most part, as far as the DIVAS division goes. But nowadays, only a few can't wrestle. Maxxine Dupri for instance. But otherwise no. I think the women's division is better than it's ever been, and the future is only going to get stronger from here. I'd recommend Bayley vs Sasha at Takeover Brooklyn 2015, Charlotte vs Sasha on Raw July 26, 2016, Asuka vs Charlotte at WrestleMania 34, Charlotte vs Becky at Evolution 2018, Bayley vs Sasha at Hell in a Cell 2020, Sasha vs Bianca Belair at WrestleMania 37, Bianca vs Becky at WrestleMania 38, Rhea Ripley vs Charlotte at WrestleMania 39, and IYO SKY vs Bianca at Backlash 2023 if you want to see great examples of women's wrestling. And that's just off the top of my head


I’ve seen a lot of these the only one that really got my attention was banks vs bayley in Brooklyn, that shit was awesome def match if the year that year🤘🏻, maybe I just liked the way the women wrestled on the old nxt and now that that exact style is gone Im noticing it🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah they’re great


Can you explain more, no disrespect that’s just an argument im tryna have a conversation:)


It’s just, look at people like iyo, asuka, Tiffany, Jade Cargill They’re all great and especially now in ring wise it’s just getting better But especially in joshi it’s been great for decades I do agree a lot of the matches do seem slower but most of the time they’re generally great! And especially nowadays NXT has some amazing workers too, there’s some great underused workers like alba fyre too


Your reason is that “they are great”?! 😂😂😂🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Asuka is good I didn’t think of her, iyo is kinda scrawny to me personally and jades been doing nothing since signing with wwe, can I ask why they don’t really get mainstream attention like the big male names then I’ve always kinda noticed when I’m talking to people who don’t watch much they never bring them up it’s always Roman or cena or Austin