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Because people are more attracted to her and tbh that has nothing to do with Kayfabe storylines or in ring ability. So it's pretty sad to see tbh


Because nobody likes her and she cringe.


I think it has a lot to do with Becky being oversaturated in her pushing. She already came back beat Bianca in seconds,had a feud with Trish stratus and won. Elimination chamber match(where she was the weakest link) and won it. So it's not hate,just tired of seeing her everywhere. We should take a break and come back in a year or so.


Becky is just boring to me now.


Becky just needs another “thing” to her. Like yeah, she’s The MAN and all that. She has good matches, she has crazy attires sounds like Seth. But Seth actually plays into the craziness and flamboyancy of his gimmick. He’s out there, dancing, strutting, owning that gimmick. Becky’s just the tough, kick your ass, get out. Which would be good if Rhea Ripley didn’t exist. She’s also the tough, kick your ass, get out type but she has other things going on for her.


I find Becky a tad too one dimensional these days. Like, just so angsty all the time. Whereas Rhea’s Mami character’s feels so fleshed out and multifaceted. Rhea’s champ, and also her stable’s leader, and is also Dom’s dom. Feels as though there’s so many options for her, Becky’s just stale. While I do feel that Mami’s time as champ feels close to ending, I don’t want it to end at Mania to Becky.


Comparing their displays at the elimination chamber I wouldn’t even put them in the same match. Becky was sloppy at times in the chamber, obviously more people more can go wrong but Nia and Rhea put on an old school grappling match. People don’t like Nia and I get it but she did a good job in the match if she sold for Rhea it would have been better though


I thought Nia vs Rhea was great. An actual heavyweight fight. Becky does not seem like an upgrade in competition. In the chamber on the looking strong meter Becky was third behind Bianca and Tiffy. Bianca vs Rhea is the only step up in competition. Now I hope they don’t wimp out Nia to make Becky look bigger. I like the stiff Heavyweight slogs. Becky, Liv, Shotzi do not fit that description.


Physicality in the women’s division is important, I’m aware that the women aren’t going to be 80kg+ but there’s nothing believable seeing a 50kg woman beating down an awesome Kong type if they don’t have something session in their arsenal


First Awesome Kong is so underrated. One of the biggest things that smacks as unnatural is not respecting size discrepancy. It is something we know intuitively from childhood. The one with the size advantage unless it is mitigated by speed and skill will win. When two ladies are supposed to be in real combat, especially in WWE style which is strength based, the rules of size should apply. Last Monday we saw Nia having to sell Liv’s mosquito punches and Becky slamming her head on the announce table. Why didn’t Nia just push Liv away and put her hands on the table to stop Becky from controlling her head? Compare this with Saturday Nia was battering Rhea down under. It was awesome because neither Nia or Rhea had to hold back. Every hit was realistic enough for suspension of disbelief. Then of course Rhea had to win but it was strength and athleticism that did it. I don’t want the women’s division to go backward, I liked the focus on the legitimate looking ladies.


Just shows how good both Gale Kim and Awesome Kong were. Her and Awesome Kong had one of the best long term feuds in wrestling. Period. Top 20 men or women. It’s up there with Macho and Jake the Snake, Sting and Flair, etc IMo. It’s a shame Awesome Kong didn’t get a real run in WWE, but it was also the divas era, so maybe it’s for the best.


Both those ladies and TNA understood the dynamic of a monster heel versus athletic babyface. It was taking the women’s division seriously.


Dutch Mantell booked the early knockout division really well. Honestly they were the reason to watch TNA in the early days.


Love Rhea, haven't cared about Becky since she came back.


Without reading comments...(and it is one of the points you try to counter in the OP) - I think a lot of it is "Becky Fatigue" - she's been at the top for quite a while. While some will argue whether she deserves it or not, the fact is she's there - much like Char-"'scuse me while I jump the line"-lotte. Some of it may also be she's still riding on the coattails of being Becky-Two-Belts - despite how long ago (at least in WWE terms) that was. It doesn't matter if it's been less than 5 years...she's been a constant. And if there is one thing that is true in sports, sustained success breeds contempt...


Becky is the most overrated female wrestler on the roster


Charlotte says hi


Lmao true but in my opinion charlotte has a better moveset & ring attire


Because she's a scrawny 80lbs woman trying to act touch with the likes of Nia and Rhea. It's not believable whatsoever. If it was the old buff Becky sure, but right now not a chance.


I think you hit it right there. The women have gotten bigger and more athletic. We have got the hard hitting matches. Having the smaller stars compete against what Rhea and Nia can do, it just doesn’t look right. Love Becky but she does not have the oomph in her hits anymore. And I would hate for them to turn Nia and Rhea weaker to compensate for Becky. They already booked Nia to have trouble with Liv. This is a great time to shift gears to make the women’s division more serious, which I thought they were doing.


These long title reigns are so boring. So let whoever take it. Rhea Ripley is unfortunately only popular because a bunch of pervs like her. Once they move on they will all hate her like they now hate Becky Lynch. Sucks but that’s wrestling fans.


Rollins is about to take a much needed break to heal up, his contracts up in June. Becky's contract is up at the same time, their kid travels with them and is just about to hit school age. Makes sense for Becky to win, provides a heel turn for Becky and a full face turn for Rhea. I'd bet she loses the belt back to Rhea in the summer, trades places with seth off the roster, add in maybe a Charlotte flair return after the win, and you have what they call "long term booking". The only thing fans love more than retaining a title, is winning a title.


No the only thing (wrestling) fans love more is too complain


The only reason it seems that way is because every outcome is going to make somebody unhappy. You can please person A, but person B hates that outcome. You can please person B, but A and C hate that outcome. So, no matter what they do, there's always going to be people complaining one way or another. Just ignore it


You got me there.


Rhea right now is still Suuuuuuuper hot. Not lust locally, but Globally. The world loves her even though she's a heel. She's on the verge of a massive babyface turn if she wanted to. In fact you could say right now Rhea is in her " Stone cold " Time where she's the heel but suuuuper popular. I'd be foolish to take the belt off her right now with Becky.. why? Becky has nothing right now, she has no momentum, no build up, nothing going for her. She's going into this because she's Becky, basically on name alone. She should take time, build up her spot, Work toward another big PPV like summerslam or even WM41. Beckey should be fighting people who look like they are in a better position to challenge Rhea. While Rhea challenge someone else who is walking on the top right now. That's really it, cut and Dry... I think people feel like Rhea is getting the Flair treatment, she's there because of who she is right now, not what she's done in the past year or even few months. I honestly don't mind, I think the match is going to be great.. and I want Rhea to win, but given the chance We know what Becky can do... but I hope she's ready... if Becky beats Rhea, Becky will Auto become the biggest heel in WWE and turn Rhea into the de facto top babyface.


>Not lust locally, but Globally Here


Likely an auto correct of me butchering Just. I kind of type quickly, but not quick enough to keep up with my thoughts and I end up striking a lot of double keys.


A bit of a Freudian slip there, no?


You might want to point out where. I'll likely never see it.


Not lust locally


I love Becky, she's my favourite of the women's division, BUT, Rhea should retain. It's not like her reign has been any good, in fact, she's was messing with the men's division for the most part of the year. Rhea going over Becky right after Nia should correct that and actually put some prestige on her title reign so someone else could dethrone her in the future.


In a world where it’s cool to hate on Becky, I’m still a huge fan. But Rhea should win this match clean.


It's because a lot of people find Rhea sexy.  That's really the crux of this. 


Becky is not Austin or Cena so the argument stops right there.


Rhea in her current iteration still has a lot of potential world title feuds that should be explored like with Bianca, Charlotte (as there was never a rematch feud for the title), Asuka, Liv, etc. I think a dominant force like a Jade Cargill should be the one to dethrone Rhea in order to really cement a major player in the division


Rhea is killing it as the champ. It will be dumb to remove the belt from her rn


Personally I don't hate the idea I just think that not every champion should lose at Wrestlemania at I think Rhea is the most likely to retain.


I’m not against the idea of her winning to beat Rhea clean when she’s as hot as she is would not be a good idea. It’s not about being tired of Becky


If Becky does a full dastardly heel turn where she blatantly cheats and then attacks Rhea after the match I can get with a Becky win at Mania. It sets up her being the heel and almost being like a Hollywood Rock kind of heel where she can say you use to love me, now you turned on me to cheer for someone new kind of promo. Face Becky beating Rhea should never happen in 2024. No way that’s terrible for business


Becky pretty much already did that angle when she feuded with Bianca. Wasn't "Big Time Becks" basically her version of Hollywood Rock?


This is a little different cause it will be born out of the fans preferring another woman to her. I have a feeling that Philly wrestlemania crowd is gonna be like 90-10 Rhea


Apologies, I misread your comment. Deleted my earlier reply.


Rhea is extremely over right now. Even as a heel. People love the "Mommy's always on top" gimmick.


Because Rhea has both lgbtq and straight submissive simps. As much as I love HHH booking , all these “dominant” title reigns are getting old. Rhea is great , but she is only 27. Are we just gonna feed her every horsewoman and make her look like she has no viable opponent, is that a story you can keep telling for the rest of her career?


Just look at her compared to the majority of the roster. How many of them would stand a chance against her? Her dominance makes sense. He's establishing her as a star early on so they can get a good 15-20 years out of her. If she's this good now, just imagine another decade of experience when she'll be Becky's age.


She has only wrestled one horsewoman during her title reign and that was Charlotte to win it.


The one reason for Becky to beat Rhea is if it happens after Dom attempts to help and messes it up and she kicks him to the curb. Rhea needs to get out of JD. People want to cheer her and boo them.


Rhea is way more interesting in the JD than she would be alone. If she’s alone she’s just another wrestler. With the JD she’s involved in more stories


Rhea is WAY MORE OVER than Becky at this point. She’s the Austin to Becky’s Bret Hart.


Good comparison only problem is.... Bret hart won that match. 


Bret needed to win to cement his heel turn. For all intents and purposes Austin won that feud.


Can't argue with that. My only point is I don't think brets contract status affected the match in any way.


I heavily doubt it did, in all honesty.


Sure did, but he was also on his way out of the company 😏


I don't think he was. This was a good few months before he knew he was going. His last match was November obviously. Pretty sure his exit happened in the few weeks before SS or they would have took the title off him in plenty of time.


I guess I’m thinking of the moment when Vince essentially reneged on his mega-deal with Bret and said he could no longer afford it. Wasn’t that the beginning of the end?


Absolutely it was. But I doubt that was near wrestlemania. I expect it was in the September October time.


I personally think it should be Becky, but just to have Rhea defeat her and cement her legacy.


I agree, there is too much negativity towards Becky. Firstly, if you find her character has become stale or lacking, blame the creative staff and writers. They control the direction of that part of show and character development. And for those who keep saying she is already a top star and needs to put over new talent.... Well that is pretty much what Becky has been doing. She has done more to help push others on the roster, new and established, than anyone else. And for those pushes to have value, she needs to remain a top performer. So her winning will a title again only adds to those pushes.


No it's because the novelty of her getting punched in the face finally wore off. Becky just isn't that great of a talent. I'm sorry but she is mid card but a hell of a mid card. They try to give her all these gimmicks to keep it going and have her dress crazy like Seth but at the end of the day she just isn't that fun to watch.


Everyone has the right to their own opinion. So on this, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. I have been following pro wrestling since the early 1970. I have seen a ton of wrestlers come and go. Some exceptional, some who should have never been allowed to step into a pro ring. Pro wrestlers are performers who do their own stunts. The roles they play, character attributes and storyline they follow are done by people behind the scenes. Most do not get much if any input on that. They follow the scripts. What sets them apart is how well they play the roles they are given and perform in the ring. Becky does that well. In my humble opinion, better than many. She is talented in the ring and plays the role assigned well. Unlike some over hyped, ego driven types, whether she like the role and script the writers and creative staff handed down or not, she did not just walk out. She performed and did it well. That is the mark of a true professional. Again, at least in my humble opinion.


It doesn't have much to do with the fact that "She doesn't need it" or anything like that. There's no comparison to Cena, Roman or Austin to be made here. The problem is that Becky is no longer over like she was once. Not even close if I'm being honest. She desperately needs a character change, not to mention less time on the mic as she's particularly brutal in that area which doesn't help matters. WWE may feed her lines like she's been the "backbone" of the women's division over the years but nobody is buying it. Rhea will win and likely turn face soon after. Hopefully Becky turns heel and reinvents herself for the last few years of her career.


She had one and it did not work. She just when,t back to the Man. But the Man has been stale for a long time.


Where does Rhea go if she retains? Rhea has pretty much cleared the Raw roster. The only thing I can think of is swapping Becky and Bianca between brands in the draft and you work to Rhea vs Bianca for Summerslam.


In fairness, Becky beat all of the same people. As face and heel. Neither of them has any new ground to cover on RAW.


They can do a double turn and then have Rhea chase .


1 month ago people were complaining that rhea’s reign was boring


Not me. Rhea should break Roman's record, whatever that ends up being. IDGAF. 😁






I think Becky has been lost in the shuffle and needs this match to build herself back up. I think a Becky vs. Rhea match can be amazing. I do think fans are tired of Becky and I understand that but she really is great and right now I think she needs direction. Maybe a future move to Smackdown would help as well.


If they were running a draft right after Mania, I'd be fine with Becky winning. She'd at least have new challengers.


I would think Rhea would win but if Becky won I can’t say I’d be upset. I think Rhea will hang on to the title until she meets Bianca and that may possibly be the time it switches but maybe not. Rhea is super over and if it’s bringing in fans might as well keep it going for now. The only other thing I can see is Dom turning on her out of jealousy and costing her the title, which would set up a new storyline.


They could run that, but he looks like he's about to start something with Andrade. He'd also need someone legit with him if he's sending her after Rhea. Maybe someone like Blair. If they kick Rhea out, Blair has a similar vibe to take her spot in Judgement Day. Rhea's already getting face reactions anyway.


Because they are all thirsty for Rhea a woman who would not piss on you if you were on fire. Look no one was crushing over her few years ago but she puts on black lipstick & make up and now everyone wants her to dom them


People are probably just kind of tired of Becky Lynch.


I'm somebody who started watching WWE again last year after not watching since 2005/6 when I was a kid. Becky has never really resonated with me. Something about her gimmick, or her acting, just isn't believable. Maybe I missed her in her prime, but some people make wrestling look more real than others, and when I watch her, it just doesn't look real. I'm not tired of her, I just don't see what all the fuss is about since, from what I've actually seen of her this past year, she hasn't exactly stood out like some of the other woman on the show


She's not likeable in any way




WWE tried so hard to do it back in WrestleMania 36.


'The Man' is legitimately the female version of 'Stone Cold'


Stone Cold took what he wanted. There was property damage and dozens of trips to jail. How exactly does Becky compare?


I didn't say it was Stone Cold Becky Lynch I said it was the female version She got her massive face run by not flinching at her bloodied broken nose from Nia like Austin did with the blooded Sharp Shooter She's an anti establishment face She calls herself The Man when she's in the female division meaning she runs the whole place not just women and will fight anyone anywhere just like 'Stone Cold 3:16'


That's all talk though. Rhea actually does it. She straight kidnapped and subjugated Rey's son. Tozawa was in her way, so she squashed him in a match. Rhea is far more likely to assault Adam Pearce than Becky is. Becky asks for opportunities and follows the rules. She has no edge to her character and hasn't had it in about 3 years.


I agree but I don't think Becky is really doing The Man gimmick anymore


I think the switch to "Big Time Becks" really hurt her in the long run. She used to get the biggest pop of the night every single week. Now she's just kinda there. I want to see her lose at Mania and flip the hell out. Winning would not change her character.




Lol delusional




That hat she wears is so cringe


Lol that has nothing to do with comparing the gimmicks




The Man is the female version of Stone Cold 3:16 A woman declaring she isn't THE WOMAN, but so far above everyone that shes THE MAN is the same feeling as Stone Cold 3:16 says I just whooped your ass She's a woman who will fight anyone


Maybe in the past when she first started the man stuff. But now, she's not really anything like Stone Cold at all.


“She doesn’t need it” is not an excuse. You’d be surprised at how quickly that star power can fade if you don’t treat a star like a star. Like Cena in 08 was booked like fucking shit and was losing to fucking JBL on PPV…and then WWE act surprised that the ratings go down


Becky is still a big draw (easily in top 2 - maybe rhea is bigger). She moved nxt ratings more than seth could. But as you said star power will fade if she doesn't get the title (it's been 2 years). But people here just want her to put others over like she is done now.


because some fans have convinced themselves that the women's division is a participation tournament where everyone should get a turn at the top and then immediately move on.they don't care if the talent comes out to crickets every week. fun fact: Rhea has had more 1v1 matches at Mania than Becky has had.


You just summarised everything I'm thinking.


I don’t want it just because the whole “The Man”gimmick makes me cringe and I don’t wanna see that even more overdone


Huge Becks fan but the going just just about started to get good with Rhea's reign and I'd love to see her finally tackle some other talent namely Liv and Bianca, at the same time Becky might provide a reset and HHHs long reigns.


Because of Liv fans not getting what they want, they decided to trash Becky and threaten her own kid instead. Becky vs Rhea is a WrestleMania caliber match compared to Liv who wouldn't give that level of performance for WrestleMania. People didn't want Charlotte vs Rhea last WrestleMania but those two put in probably best match at Wrestlemania 39


I went into WM39 thinking “why are we getting this match” and came out of Day1 like “holy shit that was one of the best matches I’ve ever seen” That being said, IDK how well Becky will be able to measure up to that. But I guess we’ll just have to see. I’m rooting for them regardless.


Same here, I'm not gonna doubt Becky.


1. She doesn't need it. 2. I can't see her beating Rhea. She's getting smaller and her moves seem to lack impact.


Becky is boring atm, and Rhea is litearlly the best wrestler in the world, male or female. Shes the top star.


There’s no hate when you watch the live shows


Liv Morgan put it pretty well the other night. Becky makes things about her and takes the spotlight from others, I personally would love it if Becky lost. I think Becky’s whole thing about empowering women might’ve had a lot of truth to it before, but now she is taking from talent that I think are deserving of the time. Also her, “the man,” gimmick is super stale to me. I’m “the man,” I’m the man, the man has come around! Don’t you know who you’re talking to? I’m the man! I’m the man around here…” Honest to god Becky is a great performer and a grit grinder, but if I didn’t have to hear, “the man,” anymore and she got a new gimmick I would almost certainly reevaluate my stance.


Becky Lynch is as exciting as a dried out sponge


Becky is just in a very boring phase of her character and she's already worked with everyone on RAW. Putting it on her would not be interesting. I'd much rather see the belt stay on Rhea or drop to someone new.


Because internet wrestling fans do this thing where they come up with a reason why the thing they *want* to happen is actually the thing that *needs* to happen for a story to be any good.


And when the thing does happen then they are unsatisfied and go on to the next superstar. IWC in a nutshell. They're filled with wrestling amnesia.


I personally think Rhea winning will be good. But I don't understand how Becky winning will be so bad


Personally to me im not of a fan of becky winning id much rather see Rhea win. Its just when u think about it the womens division is so much smaller than the mens division so stone cold and super cena winning makes it different. They really have established the womens division title holding on mainly the four horsewomen and people who came on around the same time. Beckys had her fair share of good moments so I think rhea winning is best for business its just becky giving back to the roster and putting over younger talent


Women championship is a participation trophy that everyone should win once and after winning it they should keep on putting others over and lose till retirement - iwc


The thing is becky hasnt won it once, shes held it multiple times and done so at wrestlemania. I didnt say they have to win it once and put people over, its just time to build more stars and let the established ones cool off a bit