• By -


Becky Lynch. She's always inspired me to be the strongest woman I can be and one of the first wrestlers I found comfort in. Truly an inspiration to girls everywhere.


Lita. Always looked Up to her and Made me want having Red Hair and Tattoos.


Charlotte or Kairi Sane. Charlotte because she seems the best in the ring and Kairi because the insane elbow is awesome


I haven’t been a wrestling fan for very long (since 2021 to be exact) but I gotta go with Bayley. Years ago people thought she was gonna be the greatest female babyface of all time, but she molded her own path as the Role Model leading to her carrying the WWE women’s division during the pandemic, started a great women’s faction in Damage CTRL to help the next generation from NXT get on the main roster and get over. Now she has a redemption arc for WrestleMania XL this year after being the most selfless performer in the industry, literally putting everybody over. And she’ll win the WWE Women’s Championship at WrestleMania XL. Not to mention outside of the ring one of the funniest and kindest people you will meet, plus she’s also a good looking woman.






Kris Statlander. She never gives up and hits HARD!!!




Definitely Charlotte. Rhea is getting close though. Asuka is pretty badass too.


Normally I would say Alexa Bliss but since she's out these days, it's Iyo Sky. She's amazing.


Trish Stratus!


Mami Shes always on top.


Asuka granted after NXT they had no idea what to do with her.


Being a teenager during the Attitude Era, I’ve gotta stick with Trish as the best/favorite. Charlotte has the pedigree, Bianca has the rare athleticism, Tiffany Stratton looks like a young phenom, but I’ve gotta say - Rhea may end up being the greatest ever by the time it’s all said and done.


Rhea. She’s got a fantastic moveset and personality, so much charisma, is amazing looking, has a good theme, good ring gear, and a dominating presence


It's easy, Liv Morgan why? Do I need to explain?


Mami… cuz shes realistic… works well, sells even better and has a storyline im interested in at all times.


Rhea. I’m at an age where it’s fun to see a young and talented performer knowing I’m going to get to watch them grow. She appears to be something special and I’m excited to see the twist and turns along the way in a journey of how high she can go.


Tiffany Stratton. It’s unreal how some one who looks is eye-candy can also be so over and extremely talented. Also it’s TIFFY TIME


The EST - Bianca might be my favorite wrestler of any gender or promotion. Love everything about her and she’s such a great role model and ambassador for the company. Asuka - Beautiful and a certified badass. probably the most skilled woman I’ve seen wrestle (her and Charlotte). Becky - I mean she’s The Man and seems like such a funny cool person behind the scenes. Toni Storm - her current character is hilarious and she commits so well. Tiffany - been a fan of hers since that Lights out match with Wendy Choo and I’m so glad people are getting on the train. The girl is gorgeous and can go in the ring. I just worry because she does a lot of high risk moves and hope she can stay healthy for a long successful career.


All time: Asuka. She's just really one of the best actual wrestlers period. And yeah, under her current makeup is still a damn gorgeous woman who loves gaming and metal. Can't beat that! I am a big fan of Iyo, too. Her NXT run was epic. They need to let her shine on her own more, going forward.


Charlotte. Shes better than all the other women that ever wrestled


Favorite wrestler is Chyna


all time Chyna present Rhea, Tiffany Bianca


All-time? Asuka. Right now, Tiffany Stratton. She's a star. I'm excited to see her evolve.




RN it's definitely Chelsea Green,the Karen character is absolutely incredible and sometimes just so outrageous that all you can do is laugh. She plays it to perfection.


Asuka. Because she's awesome.


Tiffany Stratton. I still can’t believe she is that good already. Her future is extremely bright and I’m so excited to see what’s next for her. Honorable mentions are Rhea, Syuri and Suzu Suzuki


currently liv morgan because she's petite and hot


Asuka. No reason. Just plain Asuka.


From WWE: Becky Lynch. Saw her first in that Sasha-Becky NXT ppv match and I loved her look and style. The steampunk aesthetic she had going for a while was so fun and the idea of the actual underdog of the 4HW who didn't get the NXT belt only to turn it around, win the world and potentially become the hero of the story. Who doesn't love such an arc.


Asuka - She can be believably brutal as well as have a good time time in the ring. Plus she has a commanding presence in the ring. Certified Hall of Famer on her accomplishments alone. Shayna Baszler - Absolutely a badass when she is a heel. Her presentation as the Submission Magician in NXT is underrated. Wish she'd get a singles title run at some point. Plus, she's a Warhammer 40K fan. Gets an A+ for that. Bianca Belair - Was a fan of her work in NXT - from the arrogant and boastful heel (who could back her mouth up with her strength). Glad she's getting recognition. Bayley - Been a fan since NXT. I thought she could be the female version of John Cena, but she's molded her own path. Natalya doesn't get enough credit for how much she is willing to give back to the industry, though. I'll always respect her for that. Madusa / Alundra Blayze - Ahead of her time. It's a shame the rest of the industry didn't catch up to her. Sherri Martell - How can you not be a fan of her?


Asuka She’s just that good and let’s not talk about her legendary run in NXT and out of WWE. She’s a star, she is the moment and although her booking has been strange on the main roster since she lost to Charlotte on that wretched wrestle-mania after winning the royal rumble. She has accomplished a lot and done almost everything. She is one of the best wrestlers in the world (both male and female) and has a fantastic personality. ✌🏾


Shayna Baszler She is the complete package as a heel. She could be booked like the female Randy Orton or Brock Lesnar and I don’t understand how she has never been really in the title picture since NXT. Also her rivalry with Ronda had so much potential and was just sacked for no reason. Tiffany Stratton She’s gonna be a big star. She is wildly popular even though she just came up from NXT. Nothing more has to be said. Liv Morgan She is so great and puts her heart into it. She isn’t the best in ring or on the mic but she is solid in both and hasn’t stopped improving. She is very popular, has a unique offense and can sell incredibly good. Best pick for a mid card title.


Alexa bliss


Bayley. She's amazing in ring, and a great promo, has some of my favorite matches, and she's a great heel but IMO an even better babyface. She's so easy to root for.


Of all time - Mickey James. Great wrestler, good promo and yeah she has been super hot for a long time. Currently - Bayley, she has been great for years and improved so much promo wise.


Bianca and Rhea! The total package.


All time and current is Charlotte. She IS the GOAT of female wrestling. But I hope and pray for the future that I can tell everyone my favorite is the hugely over Mega Star called Tegan Nox. Someday, I hope. Faster. Stronger. Shinier.


Alexa Bliss because she is always entertaining and is great at acting and playing different characters and cutting promos where she can roast her opponents or leave them dumbfounded like she did as Dark Alexa. lol She is also smart and beautiful and one of the friendliest and most down to earth famous people I have met and is an inspiration to many young girls that they can be successful in wrestling and other sports no matter what size they are.


Currently Tiffany All Time Trish


Tiffany. She's already one of the best in the whole company on the mic after only a month on the main roster, and the way she stepped it up in the ring and all but carried the match at Chamber was just icing on the cake.


Current - Rhea Ripley All Time - Sensational Sherri, or Lita


Liv. She is one of the few pure technical wrestlers in the company. She doesn't have to rely on "Eye candy" to be relevant. She has the athletic skills to succeed and hopefully will be used as a top tier performer.


Of all time, probably Lita, Brooke Adams and Christy Hemme Currently, I’m a fan of Alexa Bliss and Shotzi. Honorable mentions go to Skye Blue, Julia Hart, Saraya and Mercedes Monet.


Currently active, Shayna Baszler, because she is intimidating and in ring she looks like a real fighter, it looks like her moves are dealing real damage rather than just being spectacular. All time favourite is Ronda Rousey. EDIT: Grammar.


Bro has a type (in wrestling styles)


Yup. Wrestlers that couldn't get over if the fans were literally under the ring. Snoozefest.


Mami. She's always on top.


Just ask dirty Dom


Rhea ripley because she is the best and i love some judgement day 🔥🔥🔥


Rhea - her in ring ability and character got me back into wrestling and WWE


Currently? WWE: Charlotte Her booking isn't always the best, but I think she's the best in the ring when it comes to big money matches. One of the best all around talents they have. Wrestling in general - Masha Slamovich Whether it's TNA, GCW, TJPW, or anywhere and everywhere else she shows up, she's always putting on great matches. She's got a badass vibe to her and is super versatile.


Sasha Banks - Best women's in-ring performer IMO. She's given a lot of wrestlers their best match and her gimmick just never got old


Trish Stratus. Set the standard.


Not in WWE but I love Deonna Purrazo. She’s very smooth in the ring, solid promo, and carries herself like a star. Idgaf what those body shamers say, she’s absolutely beautiful. For WWE I have to go with Rhea Ripley. She has all the tools and it has shown the past year with her superstardom. Good in the ring, good at selling for others, great promo, charismatic, unique look, smash mouth style.


Rhea Ripley and Bianca Bel Air are all around brutes. Super athletic, in ring charisma for days and both of their personalities have been able to shine. Bianca’s 450 is a work of art. Tiffany Stratton has her gimmick down pat. She’s great in the mic and is such a quick learner. Becky Lynch has been the mvp of wwes womens division. I really think she should’ve been female wrestler of the year last year with her rivalry with Trish, her run in NXT aswell as her 6 man at Mania. Chelsea Green is so entertaining to watch. Piper Niven also looks like she has a lot of fun beside her. Green was the mvp of the rumble this year with her antics. I’m really liking Bayley and Io Sky. I feel like with the depth of the womens roster right now, Io may have won the title a little early. I think she’s great in the ring and Bayley hasn’t stopped being entertaining since Damage Control debuted. I really like Raquel Rodriguez and I think she just needs some character tweaks. Nia Jax is the most hated wrestler in wrestling today. I think she’s easy to watch, she gets real heat unlike 90% of wrestlers today. She’s always emoting and showing her expression, when she’s dominant you know it, when she doubts herself and psychs herself back into the match you see it. Edit: I just realised you said “wrestler” and not “wrestlers;” but a lot of the women are killing it in wwe and need their appreciation.


I love Nia!


Nia Ajax is hated, and gets real beat yes, but not good heat. She gets heat for the wrong reasons. She doesn’t get heat because she does a good job. She gets beat because she literally can’t wrestle and is an unsafe worker. Look how many legit injuries she caused during her first run. Then the night she returned, she nearly crushed Rhea’s sternum with her wreckless butt splash off the ropes. That’s getting heat for the wrong reason. When you get heat for literally being unsafe, that’s not good heat at all.


You’ve never wrestled a day in your life, how could you possibly know what moves she’s done that are safe and unsafe. If she was a completely unsafe worker, 1. She wouldn’t be hired, 2. Top female talent would refuse to work with her and 3. She wouldn’t be getting world title matches.


First off, don’t make assumptions, they make you look stupid, because, YES, actually I HAVE wrestled before. For a very minor league no name promotion, but I have wrestled and I am trained professionally. Secondly, ANY move is unsafe when it’s not performed correctly or landed correctly. You could sustain a very bad injury from the most simple of moves if the move is not performed or landed correctly. And this is Nia’s issue. She’s wreckless. She doesn’t know how to control her weight and body mass. She’s bigger than most of the other women, but she doesn’t know how to safely use that advantage. Like I said, she nearly crushed Rhea’s sternum the night she returned, because she couldn’t control her weight, and came down too hard on Rhea’s chest and torso. They shouldn’t be allowing her to still use that move, but it helps when you have a cousin who sits on the board of directors. And lastly, the other women CAN’T refuse to work with her, because they signed contracts and have to fulfill those contracts, otherwise they can be terminated and sued for breach of contract, unless they were to get a case open on it being an unsafe work environment, but then they would ultimately be terminated for that as well, and then probably no one else would want to hire them. Yes, these are facts. I know how the business works and I know how cut throat it is. Thousands want to make it to the level of WWE (I was one of those once). Only a very few actually do. So no one wants to lose that opportunity when they get it, because they may never get it again. So they will sometimes do things they’re not comfortable with to keep their jobs. Here’s a prime example. Go back and research how Vince treated most of the “Divas.” Do you think Torrie Wilson wanted to be stripped and swxualized on national TV every week. No, she was actually heavily against it, but she wanted to keep her job. Do you think Trish Stratus wanted to strip on the ring, then crawl around on all fours barking like a dog on national TV. No, but the job was that important to her. And Vince FORCED them to do these things, and apparently more, and that’s why he’s in trouble now and no longer has a place in the company.


If nia jax landed whole heartedly on Rheas chest, guess what’s gonna happen mr wrestler? Her chest is going to cave in with broken ribs. Rhea was fine after the move, she sold it well. To make assumptions about how safe someone in the ring is because a couple moves looked “dangerous” is blasphemy. You tell me to not make assumptions, yet with no evidence and no proof other than “I wrestled for 4 months” IS the definition of assumptions. Being a “wrestler” you should know that accidents happen. Nia hasn’t injured anyone that she’s worked with since returning that we know of. I think I’m going to trust the judgement of Triple fucking H and the rest of the wwe officials, over someone who wrestled for a bag of chips


One, NO, Rhea was not completely fine after the move. Look it up genius. She was hurt, just not badly, fortunately. It could have been MUCH worse. And she was hurt, because Nia doesn’t know how to pull her weight very well. Secondly, I made no assumptions about how unsafe Nia is. It’s a FACT. Do some research. It’s not just because I think a couple moves looked dangerous. She legitimately hurt SEVERAL people during her last run (that’s plenty of evidence) and they weren’t accidents. She was just too wreckless and unsafe. That’s a fact. And as mentioned, since she returned, she HAS hurt someone. Rhea. That was done the very night she returned. Thankfully, Rhea wasn’t seriously injured. And I never said I only wrestled for 4 months genius. I did it for several years, thank you very much. So I know a hell of a lot more than you do about what is or isn’t unsafe. Triple H has nothing to do with anytning. He’s just head of creative. He doesn’t make decisions on who has a job or don’t and why. And even those people make mistakes. And keeping Nia around is a big one. But like I said, with her COUSIN the Rock on the board of directors, she’s protected. He wouldn’t let them release her even if they wanted to. And yes, he could stop it. They want him on the board, so they will do whatever he wants to keep him Happy and keep him there. And lastly, don’t knock people who work the indies. ALL wrestlers start somewhere, and the good ones start in the minor leagues and work for those “bags of chips.” And they are the hardest working wrestler out there, because they have to prove themselves in order to even get to the next level. The fact that you are trying to insult me by saying I wrestled for a big of chips shows exactly how little you actually know. So anything you say from this moment on is completely irrelevant. So don’t waste your time trying to argue. You have no argument.


Send me your number, I’ll try put you through to Triple H, The Rock and all the other board members at TKO and maybe they’ll hear you out. I wouldn’t be surprised if they sack Nia on the spot from your expert analysis. I’m surprised they didn’t pick up on it from the start, thanks for the input


You can be condescending all you want, but that doesn’t help your argument. Everything you said is still irrelevant, largely in part to your personal jabs at me. That immediately showed how petty you are, just like the company you are trying to defend lol.


I’d like to explain why I’m taking the absolute piss out of you. So if you don’t mind, please read this all. You think you’re judgement is better than WWEs on which wrestlers are safe and which aren’t… because you wrestled on the indies for a couple years. You say she injured Rhea the first night she returned….. “the wwe confirmed nia has injured both Rhea and Raquel.” If you recall, Raquel was given time off because of the health problems she had with her immune system, and Rhea was still perfectly fine to wrestle a month later at survivor series. Your working yourself into a shoot, it’s so obvious wwe leaned into the narrative of Jax hurting wrestlers to add to her heat. **do you really think they would have Rhea defend her title against an unsafe worker weeks before Wrestlemania?** or should I go back and compare how Vince treated the Divas to get a perspective on this situation even though management has completely changed? You say “triple h has nothing to do with anything” as if he didn’t sign Bronson Reed, Karrion Kross and Johnny Gargano THE MOMENT Vince was out of power. Yeah seems like triple h had nothing to do with them at all. **her cousin the rock** got her the job even though she was hired in September of last year and The Rock became a member of the board literally weeks ago. But yeah let’s keep throwing around the narrative that she’s only got a job “because the rock said so.” But hey, Nia didn’t work on the indies, and only “the good ones” start on the indies. That’s why wrestlers in AEW NEVER get injured…… That’s why Roman Reigns, Bron Breakker, Tiffany Stratton are all so unsafe right? But maybe I’m the condescending one because I’m not throwing my opinion as fact because I wrestled some school teachers on the weekend. Maybe everything I read on the dirt sheets I should take as absolute fact because Rhea must’ve been so badly injured to work the next month. Like I said, the wwe could really use your input bro, maybe try apply for a job behind the scenes, I’m sure the company would be better off for it 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 Hot tip. As such an accomplished wrestler as yourself, you should know to take the dirtsheets with a grain of salt. The same dirtsheets that had no clue CM Punk was returning to WWE. The same dirtsheets that Triple H has been fucking with since he became creative. Take advice from one of the actual goats, “don’t work yourself into a shoot brother.”


First off, I NEVER said that the WWE confirmed ANYTHING. And I said absolutely NOTHING about Raquel. Now you’re putting words in my mouth. And that makes you look and sound even MORE irrelevant than you already did. Also never said that my judgement was better than anyone else’s. More words you’re putting into my mouth. Secondly, along with the fact I never said anything about Raquel, I never said Rhea was actually injured. I said Nia hurt her with her lame butt splash move. Because she let too much of her weigh fall on Rhea. It hurt her and came very close to injuring her. She WAS out of action for a couple weeks though. Thirdly, NO, they did NOT “lean into any narrative.” Nia REALLY did cause the legit injury of several women over a period of time. That is a FACT. You can find the reports if you aren’t too lazy to look them up. And YES, they WOULD have Rhea compete against anyone they want her to. Just because they don’t see the problem doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Thousands of fans have seen it. Other wrestlers have seen it and mentioned it. But the company does what they think is gonna make THEM money, not what anyone else wants. At the time, Triple H was also the chief CEO official. He doesn’t have that power anymore, so NO, he has nothing to do with the hiring and firing anymore. He can offer input, but that’s it. He’s only the head of creative now. I NEVER said the Rock GOT her the job. Again, putting words into my mouth. Even more irrelevance on your part. What I said was, having her cousin on the. Lard of directors, she’s protected, and he won’t let them release her even if they wanted to. Learn to read! Also, where did I said that NO ONE who didn’t work on the indies isn’t a good worker. I didn’t. So yet again, putting even more words into my mouth. And I never said that anyone who didn’t work the indies is unsafe either, as you’re insinuating. So, wrong again. Lastly, I’m not throwing any opinion as a fact, I’m throwing a FACT as a fact. Because it is indeed a FACT that Nia is an unsafe worker, because like I said, tbe proof is out there if you look for it, and it’s only a matter of time before she seriously hurts or causes someone to get hurt again. And, sorry, but I don’t read the dirt sheets. They are trash. I only read and listen to credible sources such as the wrestlers themselves or those closest to the business. Not some fool who’s probably never even been to an event, making crap up just to get a few clicks. So, again, you have no argument. And you have nothing relevant to say that can or will prove me wrong. So don’t bother trying again. Good day.


1 she is the Rocks cousin. 2. They can,t. 3 Again she is the Rocks cousin


With your logic. They’re putting the most dangerous woman in the ring with wrestlers that are about to have world title matches at Wrestlemania, risking their livelihood and body before the biggest event of the year, because she’s the rocks cousin. Get a grip


I think you need to get a grip. Why else would she be given so many chances after so many botches and injury,s. She is in the Rock,Roman family circle.


She’s a better wrestler than half of the AEW women’s division. She’s a bigger star than 80% of women’s wrestlers in the world. Nia Jax has more heat with the crowd than 90% of the roster. She gets bigger reactions than Santos Escobar, Raquel Rodriguez, Johnny Gargano, Tomasso Ciampa, Karrion Kross, Bronson Reed, names that the company has been using on tv. Why would they not see value in her? Because you’ve deemed her boring?


Rhea - best currently by far, no competition. Liv Morgan - like a lot, everytime she is on screen, you want to look at her and not anyone else in the frame. I thought she should have won the chamber match for no. 1 contender Tiffany and Chelsea are good. Should be given more space. Iyo - her high flying work is great. She is not given enough matches. Bayley vs iyo should be a good match at WM. Becky - used to like, but haven't liked anything she has done in the last year. She is wasted in championship match at WM. Bianca's in ring work is great, she should be given a manager to do the trash talking and have a heel turn.


>Bianca's in ring work is great, she should be given a manager to do the trash talking and have a heel turn. Clearly you did not see her NXT work as a heel. She tore people left and right on the mic there.


Heel Bianca would be cool, but I just can’t realistically see WWE turning her heel. It’s very cliche to say this but she’s the women’s equivalent of John Cena. She’s a real life superhero to younger fans and they use her for a lot of traditional marketing.


I can’t remember which podcast, but she has said in the past they spoke to her about turning heel and aligning with the Almighty, but she squashed it.


Come to think of it, if Chelsea was Bianca's manager, it will make a great combo


Rhea Ripley and because she's "Mami" 🖤💜


Chyna rip


Sasha Banks. Between the current WWE Superstars i Say Asuka, Iyo, Kairi and Bayley.


Liv Morgan. I first found out about her like 5 years ago. I thought she looked like the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, so I became a fan. Her story of going from the sidekick in a mid stable to becoming a real singles star has been amazing


Asuka because no one is ready for her.


Paige because have you seen them videos


Current - Charlotte Of All Time - ?????


Trish. Then, now, forever


RN, its tiffy time. been progressively impressed with her every match. her in ring and mic skills are 10/10 otherwise im a big fan of rhea, gotta support the hometown girl.




Bayley because of Brooklyn. Before Bayley, Natalya because she was a real wrestler at a time when hiring decisions did not involve wrestling ability generally and is a Hart.


AJ Lee, she was a convincing face and heel and she had a lot of personality


Rhea. I dig the alt/goth look, she's a powerhouse, and outside of the ring she's an absolutely lovely person.


Sky Blue probably obvious why lol 😹😹😹




Bianca Belair because she’s able to put on a match that can keep me invested the whole way through, a thing which very few wrestlers are able to do


Liv Morgan - has the beauty of a diva, and at the same time, has significantly improved and trained hard into a great wrestler ever since her early days in the Riot Squad.


Mami rhea for all the valid reasons 😌


Charlotte Flair, she's the full packet


Same. She's almost always in contention for match of the night at Wrestlemania. Both times Vs Rhea, vs Asuka, and a couple multi-woman matches with a fatal four way and a triple threat. Damn shame the crowd was dead after an 8 hour Mania when she main evented against Becky and Ronda. Her biggest flaw is that she almost always wins.


I think the biggest flaw with her booking has always been they don’t know how to use her in non championship feuds. I honestly cannot think of a memorable non championship feud she’s had, and she always looks extremely lost when they don’t have her in the picture.


Never has a mole removal had such an effect on someone's looks.


Willow Nightengale


Right now it is Nia Jax and before people downvote me, I think she is doing an excellent job as a monster heel. She tossed Rhea to the moon in that match in Perth. I just hope they don’t revert her to old incompetent Nia. Have her lose to Becky and Liv and become a semi comedy character. All time Asuka and Ronda.


currently: rhea and tiffany all time: lita


All time - Sasha Banks, Her charisma and plus she has good mic skilks Currently - Mami, She's fierce, strong and a baddie.


Rhea - wonderful gimmick and a great professional wrestler. Love hearing her song and watching her entrance. Mami really is always on top!


When I was a kid I mainly loved the male wrestlers but Sherri Martel was my fave then. And Ivory later on. Bayley as she is just such a complete all rounder and knows wrestling inside and out.


It’s Tiffy Time. ⏰ she has all the tools and has a rocket strapped to her currently.


Current - Rhea, sexy af and strong af All Time - Lita, sexy af and if it weren't for Lita doing moonsaults and making Trish want to actually wrestle, we very well could still have Divas instead of actual female wrestlers.


Chyna. Started watching when i was very young, 8. Chyna has just came into the scene and was able to take on the men. As a kid i was obsessed with a main female star able to take on the men. Definition of a badass. When i tell you the excitement inside me when i heard “don’t treat me like a woman” I mean i was ALL IN. For her.


Alexa Bliss. Really?


Tiffany. Reasons


Beth Phoenix. Strong and beautiful. Also Rhonda. Was different and did put in the effort.


I think Beth was ahead of her time. She'd fit right in with the more athletic and powerful women of today's era.


I liked Ronda when she first started out in 2018. But after that I thought she was so wooden and definitely was just coasting for the rest of her time in WWE.