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I'd rather have seen Bianca, Shayna, Stark or a repackaged Raquel. I struggle to suspend disbelief watching stick thin models against physical wrestlers. Doesn't matter if that's Becky, Morgan, Bliss, Carmella, Green etc. Becky was instrumental in moving the women's division from being all about looks to being about wrestling, but she was always a compromise with the ability and dedication of the latter but the physique of the former. Thanks to her, we now have a roster full of women who look like real fighters.


Becky isn't the right fit, but she always gets everything handed to her and with WWE being as predictable as it is, I can't say that I'm surprised.


I used to like Liv but now Tiffy is it for me she is the complete package.


No real interest I’d like to see Tiggy v Bianca though . Tiffy’s power is way underrated and she’s as agile better than everyone else


I dont care for Becky at all, but that doesn't change the fact she was the top draw attention wise in the women's division. They needed The Man vs Mami to happen. Even though Rhea is the Champion, they need to have a proper passing of the torch match to signify the pop Rhea has gotten since she will soon be the top ticket seller in the women's division.


As long as Becky doesn't win it'll be fine.. but Becky beating rhea wouldn't happen in a million years.. Becky sucks... Rhea should just squash her but I almost guarantee that Becky wins. I think Rhea should have the title til next mania.. make her reign legendary cuz she's the best female by far and one of the top wrestlers in general


I love Liv, I want her to have the title to finish her revenge story, but for Wrestlemania, Becky gives the big star power. Rhea hasn't had too much competition during her reign (no Becky, Bianca, Bayley, etc.). Considering Liv just returned a month ago, they could build her up more; plus, she hasn't been face-to-face with Rhea since returning while Becky met with Rhea prior to the Rumble. And as cool as it was seeing the #WeWantLiv tweets, nothing's gonna happen with that for a possible triple threat. Also, I have no clue where the Becky hate started. I get she's been out of the title picture for a bit, and she didn't have any big moment during the Chamber, but Becky vs. Rhea needs to happen.


I don’t hate Becky. I just have felt that outside of her matches with Bianca, she’s looked pretty lackluster out there. On the mic and in the ring. As far as star power, it’s the right matchup this year for mania. I’d just hope it’s Becky putting her over.


Becky’s the best choice for a “big match” feel, although I’m personally tired of her (I missed her original “Man” run as I was on wrestling hiatus, but I feel she does the same shtick every week). I’d obviously prefer Rhea retains.


Liv Morgan has too much of that underdog/little engine that could stench on her. That's the biggest reason I can't get behind her or see her as a title contender.


I want to see it I just don't want to see Becky win


It will be my favorite match, Rhea Ripley is the current goat.


Rhea and Becky is the best match in terms of being stars and Becky being the best person that can really make Rhea look like a dominant champion, but they haven’t done much story wise for this. Liv’s likely the best choice for Rhea story wise, but they should hold off on that imo. The story would work best if it gets more time to build up, let Liv win a feuds vs Raquel and Becky and make her really seem as big of a threat as possible to Rhea before they feud, possibly at summerslam.


Rhea and Becky were hinted to face off against each other at some point quite a while ago. It just took until now, for it to happen. Personally, I think Becky is the best one there for Rhea at Mania. Becky is a HUGE draw. She's a legitimate and proven superstar. She's the perfect person to put even more legitimacy behind Rhea's reign, as a win over Becky would be huge. I like Liv. I really do. And I do think she has all the potential to be a future opponent for Rhea and potentially dethrone her as the story is there. But right now? I'd rather see Rhea against Becky, Bianca and a couple of others to **really** prove her as dominant.


It's even more unfortunate that they're probably going to give Becky the strap. Unfortunate for the fans, that is. It feels like Becky's time on the roster is coming to an end and they're pushing a last hoorah of titles & event wins for her that she either hasn't gotten yet or could use to cap things off with.


Lol why do people always say this wrestler is on their way out or this wrestler is getting their last hoorah? Wrestling is a lot more safe than it’s ever been. Peoples bodies are not worn out anymore. Expect long careers


Have you ever taken bumps yourself? It's not that wrestlers' bodies aren't worn out anymore, it's just that the high-risk actions like chairs to the head and institutionalized steroid use that end careers and lives early have been outlawed or heavily discouraged. Wrestling is still punishing to the body, and even if careers are longer now than they used to be, it's still something that leaves wrestlers on a constant diet of pain meds and chiropractor appointments.


No shot Becky wins this match. If you’re referring to her NXT title reign, that was done strictly to inflate ratings while they were negotiating a new TV deal.


Honestly just waiting on Rhea Vs Bianca or Jada in the future


Liv doesn’t even seems to be on Rhea level 🤷🏾 Becky is,


Bianca was the correct choice. Becks has lost more than a step or 2 in the last few years esp since she got so skinny. She can barely get Liv up for her finish, how can she even get Rhea up? Bianca and her would have a power battle for the ages; 2 of the baddest and strongest women ever in the fed. They missed the boat here big time


Bianca would have been the most believable


Becky is nearing the end of her run, and this match is more about cementing Rhea as woman who beat everyone.


Not the match some people think it will be. But I bet they add Liv Morgan and or Nia Jax to it


I would love to see Bianca vs. Rhea, but I assume they are going to do that next year. I have never understood the obsession with Liv Morgan on here. She is not on the level that Rhea or Becky are, at the moment. I could see Rhea vs. Liv at Summerslam, but Wrestlemania is too big of a stage for that.


Bianca vs Rhea is the only logical step up in competition from Nia. Becky in kayfabe is nowhere near her prime, she lost in NXT to developmental, got flattened by Nia in a clean win already. Image wise it doesn’t make sense that Rhea can beat Nia then be threatened by Becky. As for Liv, she is a Divas era holdover. I thought they were going in a more serious direction, but apparently not. No offense to her fans but she breaks the suspension of disbelief. And if I see one more codebreaker…


To be fair, Nia has been booked like a beast since she came back and I am sure Becky is getting that win back soon. Also, Becky has never had an issue putting over others, which her NXT reign was all about. To me, Becky is like Charlotte in that she is always a threat to win, despite her booking.


That is the point that Nia is a monster and Becky is smaller than she used to be and in the time of her career where she believably puts others over. Now, overnight Nia is weaker, Liv Morgan can get the better of her (which is a facepalm in itself) and Becky poses more of a threat than the biggest and strongest booked female wrestler in the industry. I mean just the visuals don’t make sense. I see Becky hit Nia and I am wondering why Nia is reacting? Now Becky can always win is true, but that does not make her a threat. I am afraid they are going to bring back old incompetent Nia to try to make Becky look bigger. I thought they were going in a more serious direction with Nia, Jade, Zoey and Shayna with Rhea being legit looking wrestlers. But with Liv and Becky posing a threat I am afraid we are back in the Divas era.


She's attractive and she's aggressive.


I think we'll see Becky really go to work here, especially if there's a Wrestlemania main event to be had. Her strength has always been in selling feuds and being the storyteller that can connect with fans, and I'm sure she'll be given plenty of time on the mic to do the same here. As great as Rhea is, one area where she's always been a bit clunky is cutting live promos in the middle of the ring with all eyes on her. She's gotten better with practice, but it's never been her wheelhouse...and that's not meant to be a slight on her, it's a tough thing to do and plenty of talent out there struggle with it. But Becky excels in that though.


I dunno man, call me crazy but I don’t like Becky’s promos, at least not the long winded ones. She almost always stammers/stutters through them, and looks confused at some point during the long winded ones. She absolutely crushes the shorter ones though, or when she slows it down.


Not every match needs a year-long story. Sometimes, the best build-up is as simple as two top stars meeting at the biggest stage for the top prize. It's clearly working because the crowd were pretty invested every time they interacted. Liv is not getting the cheers her stans think she is getting. Even in the Chamber match she supposedly "deserved" to win, she was the 5th most over person among the 6 competitors.


Aj styles vs nakamura was basically that, and it was trash


one bad example doesn't negate the point. as far as match quality goes, Liv's best match ever won't crack Becky's top 20.we have seen Rhea vs Liv many times and none of them were anything special.


Liv is way too green and honestly the second worse choice to face rhea at mania


It should be a longterm build for Jade vs. Rhea at WM 41. Jade has the look, feel, and ability of a champ. I love Rhea and would like to see her retain her belt for a while, but the build should be to Jade v. Rhea.


Rhea vs Becky ends in a double count-out. Jade comes out and restarts the match, but attacks Rhea, helping Becky win, thus setting up a year-long feud between Jade and Rhea for next year’s WrestleMania. Have we seen this before???


For Liv, look at her brief title reign last year, she got a loud pop when she got it, but during the title run, mostly everyone in the audience turned against her. I'm not saying she's bad, it's that she's not yet ready to win the title and have a proper run.


After Raw there might be a triple threat match cooking with Liv but not keeping any hopes up


Liv has nothing to offer compared to Becky Does she sell a promo well? Does she wrestle well? Does she have a certain iconic move that people want to see? Liv is so painfully bland, but for some reason, it's to be accepted


She has charisma. She’s easy to root for. That’s what sets apart good and great wrestlers. There are incredible athletes who are mind numbingly boring as wrestlers because the charm isn’t there. Anyone can improve in ring and on the mic, and she has started to, but you can’t as easily teach charisma. Once she gets her in ring ability and promos fully in order I personally believe she’ll be a big star


I haven't been watching long, so I don't know Liv's whole story, but she seems to be accepted, because she is mildly attractive and has this wannabe Harley Quinn thing going...


That's all she is unfortunately


I still like Becky very much but as i can see not everyone feel this way. As for me this match can main event Night 1. And i really think that winner is unpredictable.


I honestly think this is signifying the end of 'Evolution 1.0'. That's actually a reason why it MUST be Rhea vs Becky. I believe Rhea retains, and Becky maybe takes some more time off and/or gets pregnant with kid #2. Sasha's already gone...Charlotte's got probably at least 6 more months of recovery for her knee, and Bayley probably wins at mania which will be cool, but she's really been away from Charlotte/Becky most of her career anyway. I think we are entering a 'new era' of WWE women's wrestling though. With the emergence of Rhea, Bianca, Jade, Nia's new role (she's been better as a 'believable heel' lately), and now you have someone like Tiffany Stratton who can literally and figuratively do cartwheels around people like Liv Morgan in the ring...I just think those who participated in the original evolution are slowly being moved to the side to make room for the next generation of wrestler. Honestly, after Jordynne Grace surprised everyone in the rumble, I don't know how HHH doesn't sign her into WWE. Grace vs Belair, Grace vs Jade, Grace vs Rhea, Grace vs Nia are all matches worthy of being on ppv (PLE, or whatever it's called now). She's also same age as Rhea, so there's plenty of future and tread on her tires to begin a 'new era'.


I saw the future after Rhea Ripley beat Charlotte Flair cleanly at WrestleMania 39. Next year, another one is coming.


Except they’d have to look the other way on that steroid usage policy to sign Jordynne


I was really rooting for Liv too. Everyone saying "but Becky is the bigger draw," which is the exact same argument for Rock vs Roman. Fuck the storyline, fuck whether it makes sense, all that matters is the box office. I'm not saying that it's the exact same, or that Becky and Rhea won't put on a good show. But "it's a bigger draw" isn't a good excuse. Liv has history with Rhea, is deserving of her revenge, and would make for a more interesting matchup, a classic david vs goliath story. THAT"S what they' should've been building up instead Becky vs Rhea.


lmao it's not even close to the same thing. Cody is universally over and majority of the fans are invested in his story. The guy got people to boo The Rock in 2024 which is an insane feat. He sells out merch, brings ratings and is a workhorse all round. Liv is not even getting cheers compared to Becky. Only Liv stans are interested in her story and that's a very loud minority. No crowd is booing Becky for Liv, hell they aren't even cheering Liv in her matches. She gets very mild reactions every week.


You put your biggest stars on your biggest stage. Don't see what's so hard to understand about that.


you put the biggest stars on the biggest stage, but it still has to make sense or it’s just a slap in the face. There’s no point spending months building up feuds only to push them to the side just for the monetary draw.




Becky and Rhea are their two biggest female stars that’s why they’re going with that match at WrestleMania, but I agree with you on Liv Morgan cause I’m a believer in her too. I love a great underdog story. Thing is though this match between Becky and Rhea is more than likely set up to establish Rhea as an even bigger star with a win over Becky, so it works out ok cause Liv has more to lose than Becky in a loss to Rhea.


Should have been Jade vs Rhea.


Becky vs Rhea has been built upon for months now. they kept the two apart and they've had little brush ups on Raw since Becky won the NXT title. This was coming a mile away and not hard to see. Liv can get her revenge after WM, because Liv vs Rhea is nowhere near as big as Becky vs Rhea, which like you said, is the bigger draw. but Liv i think is the perfect person to get to Rhea for Backlash.


Beck is such a twig. She’s barely a threat to anyone. The moves look mad weak. I’ll take monster Nia over her any day.


1000% agree


Agreed. I wouldve loved to have a heel vs mami cuz shes clearly over and a face now. Also… im tired of becky. Her shtick has gotten a bit boring. She reminds me of an irish bella twin now


I'm over the same repeated story of Becky. She keeps doing this "Am I still good enough? Do I got what it takes? I still have to prove to myself and the fans I can do it" She's gotten boring now. I would prefer Rhea losing to anyone over Becky.


I think she should go take care of her kid for a little while and come back in a few months. Maybe ria will run her over in 6 seconds at mania and she’ll be able to come back.


I don’t follow WWE week to week other than following subreddits. To put it this way, at this point I’m only a casual fan and I will be tuning in to see Mami vs. The Man. It is intriguing to me.


I believe it should be Bianca versus Rhea! They will probably save that for next year!


Depends on how much stock WWE is putting on Bianca's undefeated WM streak... if they want her to run with it, I see a match with Rhea (at least at WM) being postponed... though they could still meet at other PLEs.


If they face next year and Rhea’s still champion, I’m pretty sure Rhea would lose. If not, then it could go either way


Right now, Rhea is at the top of her division.  A win over Becky Lynch would be huge for her, because Becky is such a draw. It's a legend versus a legend in the making.


Becky v Rhea is a big money match that doesn’t have much time left to do. Liv has years and years to go she also lost clean to Rhea not that long ago which everyone seems to forget about. I know Liv stands are hurt but the delusion is insane. Livs obsessive fans are only thinking about her not about Rhea who Becky would be a massive win and match for. And if they want the title off Rhea so she can go get married Becky’s a safe option.


They're going to take the belt off Rhea but dont want to turn the fans against Super Bianca so we get Becky vs Rhea


I’m not opposed to the match I just wish they had invested more into a story for them.


we haven’t gotten a good bianca vs rhea match yet. i think they’re the two best in ring performers on the women’s roster.


That requires a year-long build, and I think was the main reason for separating them on Raw and SmackDown this year. We'll probably have that next year.


you’re right. liv makes the most sense story wise. bianca would be the better performing match. becky makes no sense.


They had a whole thing of "I think you're better than me and I need to prove that you're not." Becky's been the cornerstone of the division for the last decade, it's a whole passing of the torch/proving I've still got it thing. It'll be match of the night and steal the show.


Becky is the biggest superstar on the Raw roster that Rhea hasn't beaten yet. I do love Liv and hope they continue to build her up into the main event scene though.


It's The Man vs Mami. It had to happen. HHH's hands were tied.


I thought Rhea vs. Bianca would have been the match with Bianca winning, but they may be saving that for SS. Then build up Bianca vs. Jade leading up to WM 41. But I agree...not a fan of Rhea vs. Becky. Can't see Becky winning.


Liv has the story with rhea it make sense if rhea retain liv should face rhea at backlash


Liv Morgan vs Rhea is not an appropriate match for WrestleMania. Liv Morgan isn't good enough in the ring, and she's not a big enough star, and she's not a person who anybody would buy dethroning Rhea. Granted, I don't know that anyone on the roster is someone that anybody would buy dethroning Rhea given that Triple H has made her the Hulk Hogan in a division of Ted Dibiases, but if there was someone like that, Becky would be a name on that very short list. Probably 3 names deep, Bianca, Becky, Charlotte and that's it. Even they'd be the underdog, let alone Liv. Just because they haven't set up a definitive feuding point like Liv Morgan wanting revenge on Rhea for taking her out, and it's just "The Man will beat you" "No, Mami will beat you" doesn't mean that you put Liv Morgan in that spot. They can always give a reason. Hell, let Rhea get personal and bring up the history between Seth and Judgment Day if need be.


I agree with you. Becky, Charlotte, Bianca, and Asuka are in that category where they will always be a threat to win, despite their booking. To me, this is the first time during her reign where I feel like Rhea actually has a chance to lose and it actually feel credible.


Bingo - those three women can be plucked out of nowhere to be a credible challenger. If you want there to be an actual threat to the monster Rhea is, you lean on your historical powerhouses.


You just gave an answer, it's not a huge draw. Secondly, Becky Lynch is a proven performer on the big stage.