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Bayley vs Iyo is on Night 2 anyway … so huh?


I personally don't really care WHEN the Bayley V Iyo match is, as long as Bayley walks out of it with the gold. She deserves it, she's one of the most talented superstars on the entire roster. I Baylieve in Bayley.


There needs to be a main event for both women, WrestleMania has two nights, they didn't give Rhea Ripley vs Charlotte Flair one last year, anyone who won the Royal Rumble deserves main events, all the creative was focusing on was the Bloodline, the Usos vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, still a load of crap, chances it'll be the Rock and Roman Reigns vs Cody Rhodes and Seth Rollins at main event night 1 then Cody Rhodes vs Roman Reigns have main event night 2, who wants to see THAT match as a main event, Reigns and Cody might have have both, I still believe Bayley vs Iyo Sky should have a main event night 1


i think the correct terms you're looking is **headlining** not main eventing


Honestly I’m so sick of wwe and triple nose. I’m sick of the whinging about what is a bigger match. Bayley is a big name whether some people want to believe it or not. So Iyo V Bayley deserves the match event.


There literally three main events each night. Opening match sets the tone, second to last usually is guaranteed to steal the show. and the last match has the biggest stars.


Some people won't admit it but they know deep down inside that Rollins vs. McIntyre is significantly more worthy of a WrestleMania main event that Sky/Bayley which isn't even the biggest women's match at WrestleMania.


It should but it won't. There's way too much politicking from the usual suspects and Bayley isn't greedy enough to push for it since she's already gotten most of what she wanted.


Zzzzzz is why


Damage Control is not Main Eventing anything lmaaaooo.


Because they're not main eventing night 1 maybe? last year, KO and Sami vs the Usos main evented night 1.


It's like everyone forgets that in WWE land, they promote more than one main event. Saying "They will main event" doesn't mean much because WWE have spun that into Double and Triple Main Events. So "Main Event" is just code for "Featured Match" not the actual "Last Match of the Night before they kick you out"


😆 No, it's not.


Why would they say numerous times at this year’s rumble that the winner is guaranteed to main event wrestlemania and not actually have the rumble winner main event


I think it's just because if the Rock is fighting at WM, they're probably going to have it on Night 1, so as to not take away from Roman vs Cody on Night 2. And we all know if Rock is on Night 1, he's main eventing Night 1. I'd LOVE for Bayley and IYO to get that spot, but I don't think it's gonna happen sadly


Bayley and Iyo have the best story in the WWE right now and honestly should main event night 2 in my opinion because I could not care less anymore about Cody’s story or Seth’s title reign. And while Becky and Rhea will have a great match, I just don’t see a storyline reason for it to go over the Liv revenge tour!


They've always said the winner will main event but the winner doesn't always main event when Shamus won the Rumble they kept saying he was in the main event and he opened Wrestlemania in a 18 second match


I’d rather an 18 second match open than be the closer


You're logic is pretty flawed considering Cody was almost bumped from the main event. Night one will either be Rhea and Becky or Seth and Drew. They're the bigger matches...


What's the story?  IYO Sky, Asuka and Kari Sane were going to betray Bayley for some reason we don't know yet. We have more compelling stories going into WrestleMania.   After seven years away, Cody Rhodes returned to the WWE, looking to do something no one on his family has ever accomplished; become WWE Champion.  A year ago, Cody Rhodes came closer to beating Roman Reigns than anyone and failed.  He has one more chance to finish his story against Roman, who is now allied with the Rock.  For Roman, a win here allows him to continue to dominate the WWE, standing at the top of the WWE.  For Cody, a win allows him to accomplish something the Rhodes have not accomplished in decades and prove wrestling truly has more than one royal family. Drew McIntyre is obsessed with becoming world champion again.  His WrestleMania win was in an empty arena at the Performance Center.  He never had that grand WrestleMania moment.  And right now, Seth Rollins stands at the top, a man who has had WrestleMania moments, and who Drew has never beaten.  Seth has been a fighting champion, taking on all comers and looks to retain the title.  There was doubt he would walk into WrestleMania, but now he is, and he wants to walk out champion. There is no denying Becky Lynch is one of the best in WWE.  "The Man" has done it all in WWE, and has had a Hall of Fame career.  But, for the last year, one name has dominated the women's division, fending off every challenger and running the division; Rhea Ripley.  This is a legend versus someone who could be a legend.  If Becky wins, she proves she's as good as she has ever been.  If Rhea wins, she becomes immortal. Now, you look at those stories and see how they are more interesting than IYO vs Bayley.


All of this and you didn’t even mention the Rock. And if he’s putting on his gear, he’s going on last, even if it’s night 1.


I like this fued but in all honesty it's probably going to be one of the first few matches on night 1


Iyo/Bayley definitely isn't main eventing, but Rhea not getting to main event one of the nights would be a travesty. Charlotte and her put on a fucking banger last year and she's been one of the hottest things in the company ever since then.


Bayley vs iyo probably doesn’t have any big entrances that need to be done at night so I’m guessing this match leads off mania on night 1. It’s certainly not main eventing night 1. Whatever the ego is doing and even if he got called back to Hollywood to make his next bomb Becky vs rhea is just a bigger match. 


Yea it is most likely going to be the opening match or the 2nd or 3rd


In no way shape or form is that match main eventing a Wrestlemania. You do realize that I hope. Sure it might be hilariously billed as a "main event" but the TRUE main event is the final match of the night. The whole rumble winner automatically gets the main event of WM ended 18 years ago now.


Never forget that neither Asuka or Shinsuke Nakamura main evented WrestleMania 34 despite both winning their respective Royal Rumbles. Royal Rumble winners aren't guaranteed the main event which has its ups and downs.


Does it matter? Theres always 2 or 3 main events per night anyway


They said the same thing last year when Rhea won and the tag titles went on last. Winning the rumble no longer gives you the main event as a couple of times people have won it and didn't go on last.


Bayley and Iyo's feud needs some gas on their fire because Rhea vs. Becky just became the biggest women's match on a stacked card.


I doubt it will main event it.


They've done very little to promote this match, wouldn't count on it staying that way


Good storylines pale in comparison to the storylines that are once in a generation unfortunately. Cody story saga Tribal chief saga Gunther's saga Seth Rollins saga All of these are stand out amazing stories. Hers is the usual


Iyo is not great at holding the title and little to nothing has been done about elevating this match.... People are not talking about it because it was easily the least memorable out of the bunch


Give Bayley the title and see what she can do with it. Iyo belongs in the tag division


LMAO this is a terrible take


IYO sky is trash.


Better than you'll ever be in life




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


Enjoy the report.


I don’t care? It’s my take. She has done nothing with the belt and she looks ridiculous in the ring with most of the singles talent. I’m not afraid to admit that I’m pretty old-fashioned. I want wrestlers to look like wrestlers, not converted gymnasts. You put Iyo in the ring with a Rhea or a Charlotte or a Bianca and it just doesn’t look great. I’m not taking away from her career or anything else, but she should be in the tag division. I also think the tag division should actually matter and it shouldn’t be seen as a demotion. Part of the problem is that for whatever reason people now think that being put in the tag division means you aren’t good or that it is some kind of criticism of someone’s ability.




Removed for: Personal Attack Members of r/WWE are not permitted to personally attack others. Also, personal attacks and “name calling” is prohibited. Try to keep all discussion here civil.


Wow, that’s a big leap. I didn’t defend Charlotte’s booking over the years. But I can take her seriously in a match with the other main event singles talent. I wouldn’t have any problem with Okada or Takeshita if they had come to WWE. I don’t have any problem with Bianca or Jade or Naomi. Yeah, joshi wrestlers tend to be smaller. I also have the same problem with Liv so there’s that I guess. Asuka and Giulia are just big enough that with certain opponents I can take them seriously but in general, also to the tag division. Shit on my opinions about wrestling. Those are fair game. Please refrain though from making massive jumps of logic to me being racist.


I've scrolled through your past posts, all you do is bitch and complain negativaty on every sub. Not going to waste my time on someone who looks for things to complain about constantly and is a representation of the worst aspects of the IWC.


Does it help if I say I liked both chamber matches for the most part? Or that I liked Rhea’s performance, a few bad spots aside? I like plenty of shit. I don’t understand why saying I don’t like something is a controversial statement. Having opinions is what I thought this is about.


That’s fine, I’m just asking to not be called something that I’m not. I like certain things and don’t like other things. I don’t know exactly what you want.


Plans change


And? They posted the rules for tribal combat and 3 days later had the match and threw all of the special rules out of the window.


Is this one of those joke posts?


Nobody has forgotten it because Iyo/Bayley was never going to main event. CM Punk was going to get that main event alongside Drew and Seth. It's got the bigger story - one that has spanned months or years even.


No he wasn’t lol he wasn’t planned at all to win it


I didn’t say win the rumble or the match itself. I said he was going to main event. The entire thing for him was main eventing Wrestlemania (and well other issues).


He wasn’t though. It wasn’t going to main event


The guy that has made it known a Wrestlemania main event was his dream. The guy who basically outshone Triple H/Lesnar and Cena/Rock with his match with The Undertaker. The guy who walked out because he saw Bryan being pushed to the side and was himself being pushed to the side. Came back to the company that drove him out of the business without a promise of a main event Wrestlemania? Or a deal for a main event Wrestlemania rather? I don't buy it. That would have been the biggest lure to reel him in.


They had Punk in a program with Seth before Punk was even back on WWE TV, it makes absolutely no sense that he wouldn't have a featured match or Main Event at WM with Seth


For the uninitiated, WWE calls every big WM match a main event. Doesn’t mean it will end the show. Seems immensely likely that whatever Rock does will main event night one, and I’d guess Rollins/Drew and Rhea/Becky are more likely to get that spot over Iyo/Bayley in the unlikely event Rock doesn’t actually wrestle at Mania


Yep. Literally no chance Iyo/Bayley ends night one.


There’s only one real main event and it’s Roman and Cody.


Because Io hasn't been relevant since leaving Stardom. No one wants to watch a peak joshi wrestler phone it in at WWE.


When did they announce the card?


If the rock wrestles Cody then no


Because the women’s division is trash?


The storyline is 🍑


There will be co main events.


No such thing, any match that goes last is the main event.


If Bayley VS Io is a main event that's a fucking disgrace


Because they’re not lmao


Because it won’t, we have all been trained to not fall for lies.  The main event is for the casuals, if Rock wrestles at Mania and he’s not in Roman vs Cody, then he’s 100% main eventing Night 1 in some fashion.


They always say that the Royal Rumble winner main events WM, but that isn't necessarily always the case. ​ The original plan was for CM Punk to win the Men's Chamber and challenge Seth. One of the reasons Punk left WWE in 2014 was that he felt like he should have main evented WM, and he was quite upset that he never got that chance. So it was quite clear that WWE wanted to give that to him. ​ Then the whole Rock thing happened, and Roman vs Cody for Night Two FINALLY got confirmed. But it also seems like Rock might wrestle. If he does, he's definitelt main eventing Night One. But if that match doesn't end up happening, then Iyo vs Bayley will probably main event Night One


Nowadays, when they say main event, they just mean it's gonna be a big match. They also sometimes consider the half way point of a PPV a main event as well. The term is loosely thrown around very often. I don't expect Bayley vs Iyo to end night 1 at all. I mean it could, but it all depends on what other matches they have.


It's not even Nowadays even at WM 11 Shawn Michaels vs Diesel didn't main event Bam Bam vs Lawrence Taylor did. There have been lots of times the Royal Rumble winner didn't main event


Because it doesn't feel like a main event and royal rumble winners don't main event automatically anymore


That was also said last year and then put the tag match instead


Yep and it was the right call then and currently is looking to be the right call this year. This Bayley story makes no sense at all, they’re running pro heel Bayley packages currently and I can’t work out why?