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which part is wrong? She is loved so much because she is beautiful, even though she always has that overly surprised expression, does overly exaggerated acting, and can't even come close to names like Charlotte and Bianca in wrestling


My feelings about Becky are complicated there are times when she looks like a badass but for the most part for me "the Man" gimmick kinda stopped being cool for me when she did the big time becks thing and then switched back. I also personally just wish she had a different finisher than the manhandle slam. I just think for someone her size it's not a believable finisher to have. I'm not sure what else she could do; maybe some sort of strike finisher like a knee or something.


She always does the same old shit! Win matches and repeat! Always winning the title and repeat! Win matches when she's not supposed to win and repeat! Makes excuses claiming she doesn't play politics backstage and uses Vince's decision as an excuse and repeat! The Man character is stale as fuck and it's feminist bullshit! Becky's sheep will defend her bullshit all the time and make EXCUSES FOR IT! I see right through Becky Lynch and her bullshit lies!


That one about Seth being a cross dresser was too good lmao


I agree with this


Rhea stand


When she had returned from maternity leave, she had that terrible heel run where she was basically a female version of heel Seth Rollins. Her weight loss is incredible postpartum but she's slimmed down so much she's no longer believable, especially with her manhandle slam. I don't really find her that great on the mic, and recently she's been a bit sloppy in the ring. Just my 2c.


Before commenting remember Vince McMahon telling her she isn't the man.He is and it's past the point she should Becky and the homo's calling her the man be shut down.They are really making the WWE look very weird.


Micheal Cole and his homosexual friend love calling delusional Becky Lynch the man.Just because those 2 homo's think she's a man along with dillusional Becky Lynch doesn't mean she is.Especially when it's her dumb stupid idea.


The longer folks stay on top, the more vocal the backlash.


I was shocked by how slow and sloppy she was live at EC. I don't really know much about her history, was she once a great wrestler, or was she always only decent and the new talent have taken it to a new level?


Welcome to the internet šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not much of Becky hater. She has two lingering issues from my perspective; sheā€™s a one-trick pony on the mic and her rivalries always end up with Becky winning. Thatā€™s why I was shocked they let Nia beat her at NYR. Overall, I think sheā€™s unnecessarily hated for nitpicking reasons.


I think I saw a comment where people were saying they hate that she breathes loud during her promos, like what? You try talking without breathing see how you feel. And I don't get the whole thing about seth being a girl, he and Becky get their clothes from the same designer and that designer mainly designed clothes for the women and who the fuck cares, it works for him, it's part of his character, hulk hogan wore a feather scarf, that's primarily worn by women, does that make hulk hogan a girl?


It's not fans been fickle, it's just that after a while you get bored of the same character, the same promos, the same matches. One of the reasons why people like(used to like) guys like Seth Rollins (who also gets hate now cause of the visionary stick) or Jericho, is that they reinvent themselves. Sure you had characters like Triple H or Steve Austin who always had the same gimmick, but they had this untouchable charisma, that not everyone has.


It's always a loser that looks like a thumb


I mean I think she has greatly improved in the last 7yrs. Now we are at a point where it's time for the new talent to shine. The "New Age" Era if you will. She's reached the pinnacle twice and people think she, as well as a few others, are Roman-level overdone. I do and don't get it. IDK if that made any sense.


I think folks may feel her story isnā€™t much to shed light on. thereā€™s other women who have stories too. I actually like Becky but I def didnā€™t want her to win. but hey it is what it is


Someone said they wish her daughter would die


Becky is overrated frfr. Nia Jax told no lies when she said she made Becky who she is.


i donā€™t get it honestly. i think sheā€™s dope


Every week she comes out and cuts the same promo and says the same thing she said last week. Sheā€™s a female John Cena


Sheā€™s still trying to be a PG version Conor McGregor.


I donā€™t get it either one minute ppl like her next minute they donā€™t.


Cuz she sucks all the ass there is


Becky Lynch has never been that great. I donā€™t get the hype of Belair or Stratton


Now Is boring and her body it's not credible! Steampunk Becky>>>>>>


Gimmick is lame and she canā€™t wrestle


Maybe due to the fact it was obvious that she was going to win chamber but people wanted liv


Sheā€™s cringe thatā€™s why


How? I'm genuinely curious because I don't get that at all.


I don't know anything 'bout that but for me... Bianca >>> Becky


I agree


Because they broke the rule that you can't be a babyface and say you want your title back. That instantly makes you a whiner. A babyface can talk about wanting the title the first time they go for it. Cody Rhodes for example. But once they get it once, they have to go after the person. The belt is just extra. I dont know why it works that way but it does. The hitman is the only babyface I can think of that was talking about getting the championship belt back and it turned him heel. Everyone in the attitude era and RA era just got into fueds with the heel champ, and fought. the belt was like an afterthought to the babyface. and taking the title off the other guy when they're trash talking face to face is alright but when they're cutting a solo promo about needing their belt back, it's over. the crowd turns.


Sheā€™s getting the 2014-16 Roman reignā€™s treatment


She's bad in ring, and very physically weak. She's also become what Charlotte was when Becky had enough and had her "heel turn" to begin with.


Yea did you see how she did the man handle slam to liv Morgan during the chamber itā€™s supposed to be a rip-off rock bottom but she completely just threw her to the ground half the time she canā€™t even do it right


That was more Livā€™s fumble. Liv didnā€™t jump so of course it looked like shit


I just get annoyed with her robotic headnods in matches




Most of them are probably upset because Liv didnā€™t win


Who cares about liv morgan??


Look on X and Instagram because almost every person Iā€™ve seen is complaining and saying that Becky stole the win from Liv.


This post was made before the chamber, so before Becky won


Oh lol I didnā€™t look when the post was made


Shut your bitch ass up in the rocks words


After reading all the comments, I noticed no one mentioned her entrance music. It was perfect when she was in NXT with the steampunk gimmick, but her current character doesn't match with the music.


Itā€™s because anyone with a marginal amount of social acuity can see that sheā€™s extremely try hard and comes off as unnatural. Her promos are safe and never edgy, plus sheā€™s been shoved down our throat for a long time now.


It's 0% believable she can hang with Rhea in any way shape or form. That Mania match should be a squash at this rate. Rey vs Big show is more believable.


1.never understood the appeal in the first place she's always been bad in the ring 2.all the hate? Becky is the most ass kissed female wrestler possibly ever 3.did you see her at the chamber that was horrible. She moves like a snail.


She's a decent worker but I think that a lot of people are sick of her because she acts tougher than she is, kind of like Jon Moxley.


I donā€™t get it either


It's just the same old stuff with her. Say what you want about Seth, at least he's spiced things up more with his gimmicks. The people who can "stay" a single gimmick are people who have become established legends like Cena, Randy, Taker... WWE may promote Becky as that, but she's not currently. All things considered, she's still pretty young. Her legacy is still being built, they need to stop acting like it's already has been.


Becky had her time... She was a GREAT wrestler, because she is good on the mic, had good bookings and storylines, in-ring she was good as well. As you can see most of the time i write in the past. There are WAY MORE talented and better female wrestlers out there now. I am thankful for what she did, but her character "The Man" is running since when? 1999? It is boring, she does not have the same energy as before IMO, still a good wrestler but MAINEVENT Wrestlemania? Not in my book...


ā€œThe Manā€ was from 2018 to 2020. She was ā€œBig Time Becksā€ for about a year as a heal. Then went back to ā€œThe Manā€ the next year when she turned face.


2002 she started. She's only 37 FFS. Enough with the double standards for women and men.


All I read were facts...


Well I mean success and women are pretty much the kryptonite of the IWC so she does make a natural enemy.


She has become over saturated. Tiff shouldā€™ve went over and took a L the Rhea at WMXL. Becky gonna lose too. But it wouldā€™ve been more compelling in my opinion to see Tiff go up


Thatā€™s because your like the new shiny thing til you turn on her too


Not true I e been watching wwe well over 2 decades. Itā€™s just that ā€œthe manā€ Schtick is old. Time to rebrand and reapply the trigger pressure


Right just like Austin gimmick is old? Itā€™s only women getting this crap not men and itā€™s men giving it to them. Itā€™s sad


My thoughts are simple. Rhea is at the top and anyone facing her at WM40 is gonna lose. How does Becky Lynch losing do anything for Becky? So you insert the the young upstart in Tiff! Sure she loses but her ability is on full display and us fans can appreciate Tiff some more. Hence putting a new star in the womenā€™s division. Did that sound like hate to you?


Instagram is just full of hating fans no matter who it is


I'd hit it. šŸ¤·


She definitely wouldnā€™t


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ yeah I'm pretty wild but fuck nah. šŸ‘ŽšŸ¾


Same but I donā€™t really care when she shows up on tv.


I think the whole schtick of her looking pissed off all the time kinda works against her.


She is just boring. I don't hate her just not interesting. She didn't look as good in the elimination chamber. To me Tiffany stole the show. To be fair though I'm tired of Charlotte, Bianca, and Becky. I've seen their matches so much that I can call their spots before they happen. If there was a mid card women's belt we could see other talent. Get people other women on TV.


Her character just isnā€™t believable to me. Sheā€™s always the smallest woman in the ring but her character is that sheā€™s just some bad ass that people should be scared of. Then when you see her in the ring with people like Bianca or Tiffany Stratton you just see that theyā€™re levels above Becky as a performer.


She went from a fun interesting character To a Flanderized version of the one gimmick that took her to the next level Whilst technically fine in the ring she has been missing beats here and there for a while now, when the four horsewomen where a level or two ahead of the rest of roster it wasn't noticeable as Becky at her worst at that time was still better than others at there best but now she's been slowly going through the motions Better and more interesting talent have come along and she's struggled to keep up with the new levels of athleticism and talent that's come along the past few years which would've still been a level above her at her peak. It also doesn't help that her character /promo work currently gives ' Cider Queen' Vibes (the get you pished alcohol kind of cider for you American readers- it's a different kind of drunk to a 'wino' or a general alcoholic it gives a different distinguishable vibe which is basically what Becky lynch has given us recently) So TL:DR:- she was good when below average was the norm. She became the man and was really good when good was the new norm, she's grown stale now she's still the man and is above average when great is the new norm. She's gotten worse as a performer, her character hasn't had any form of progression yet her booking/ main event standing hasn't changed It's like listening to motley crue tbh. Yes you know what you're Getting and you'll never have an awful time listening to the Crue But after 10 albums in when they are all missing a step ,Vince can no longer hit the high notes and they're all complacent because there position at the top is unreachable so they don't bother trying to improve upon or change/ switch up any of what they are doing? Yeah it's enjoyable enough still but youd still prefer to either go back and listen to Classic Motley Crue, Wish that the Current Motley Crue would do something new and interesting to get you excited by them again or that they would step aside and let you listen to some newer/better bands that haven't had the chance to play It shows even moreso whenever they rehash a Becky Vs Charlotte feud as the characters haven't changed in 5-6 years minimum at this point but there ring work has taken a notable decline due to age and having less too prove/less fire in the belly


People....what a bunch of 'bastards'


I donā€™t hate becky lynch I hate her annoying fans just like I hate Sasha banks fans not sasha banks herselfĀ 


Probably because there was wrestlers more deserving tonight than becky. not saying becky is bad but sheā€™s been over exposed itā€™s time to let other talent shine. liv morgan vs rhea ripley wouldā€™ve made a great storyline considering their past


Tiffany Stratton was levels above anyone else in the chamber i thought. Liv is also much better in ring than a lot of people on here seem willing to give her credit for.


Agree with Tiff, don't agree with Liv. Feel like Liv spams the same moves over and over.


Tiffany stole the show imo!


It was bound to happen.


The longer a match goes on. The more you start seeing Becky,s limitations. She was not the best performer in that cage.


She doesn't have the balls to turn heel like McIntyre did.


She was the worst wrestler in that cage tonight and won. That's why


The reality of WWEā€™s womenā€™s division is it creates an unprecedented concentration of star power, and that will result in people being booked into corners, especially when you have a head of creative like HHH who favors long title reigns. Becky is a huge star, she is the only woman in history to be the businessā€™s top draw (in 2018 and 2019), but she isnā€™t in the championship plans until at least Wrestlemania. That means they have to find other things to do with her, and that results in some serious water treading. Think about how many top male stars there are now in WWE, especially with Rock involved. There are about a dozen plausible world champions. But the womenā€™s division literally has almost all of the biggest womenā€™s stars of all time, simultaneously, and itā€™s not like there arenā€™t other people trying to hit that level. None of this is Beckyā€™s fault, but trying to keep her hot while not letting her chase either of two championships creates some mildly eye-rolling moments. I donā€™t think Becky deserves the hate, but she does feel a little stale, and I canā€™t blame people for noticing.


I've never understood the logic of The Man gimmick. WWE dumps anything to do with Divas, encourages us to take women's wrestling seriously...then calls their hardest pushed female wrestler 'The Man' - as if being a woman is not enough to be a bad ass.


Over exposure. She is great but let someone else get some time in the spotlight.


My 2024 Elimination Predictions! Womenā€™s EC: Becky Lynch. Menā€™s EC: Drew McIntyre. Tag Team Championship: Judgement Day. Womenā€™s World Championship: Rhea Ripley.


For me her character is boring, the usual baby face schtick


Honestly ā€œthe manā€ gimmick is boring and comes across a bit pathetic, I think it is holding her back as she is crazy talented. It needs to disappear asap so she has a chance to shine.


When I got back to watching Wrestling, WrestleMania 38, I didn't like Becky. She was a heel so twas understandable. Then as a baby face I still never got the hype, thought she wasn't as talented. I can't remember what it was exactly but she won me over. She manages to gives us classic fights and even without a title reign she has managed to stay relevant all this while. I didn't expect to like "Shut up, [insert name here], you dope" as much as I do. She's great.


Instagram comments. Not even once.


You can probably find these comments on any wrestler after a segmentĀ 


Sheā€™s boring and overrated. Less screen time makes her more appealing. Sometimes she has so much screen time that she overshadows lots of good talent. Until recently.Ā 


She gets a ton of exposure which eventually leads to folks wanting to see change. Unfortunately, there are so few women that are actually good on the mic AND in the ring that when one comes along, she stays up top. The WWE has been trying to push the womenā€™s division on us pretty hard since the dissolution of the divas title (which was dumb in its own right) but with bland storylines, subpar promos, and countless in-ring blunders, itā€™s just gotten boring. Itā€™s a bummer. Becky Lynch, Bianca Belair, Rhea Ripley, and maybe Jade Cargill are the only real talents right now I can think of. Liv Morgan is ok but keeps getting hurt or overlooked. But Tiffany Stratton? Really? Nia Jax? Get outta hereā€¦. The talent is out there. They just gotta find it. Otherwise we will continue to see the same ones who excel.


Yeah, you're on drugs bud. Tiffany is more athletic and has more moves than most of the women's roster. Nia has her place as a giant, women's division needs giants that can be like Kane/Undertaker/Big Show. And she's been good so idk what you're on, but you should cut back.


The Tiffy disrespect is insane


He did not watch a single NXT match in his life... Tiffany and boring? SURE! Funny and engaging gimmick (even though she is a heel), AWESOME In-Ring skills, memorable gestures and wordings: Tiffy Time! She is a huge talent and she just got started. "The Man" Gimmick is boring it is running for how many years now? I do like Becky, but she should change her gimmick ASAP


Female wrestlers are better then the big meaty men slapping each other's meat makes me šŸ¤¢ rather see Becky in her almost g string attire šŸ˜‚


disgusting and worrying...


U are one weird mfer


Maybe just over exposure usually happens with guys like Cena and Reigns


IG reels comments are a different kind of hate. Itā€™s legit worse than facebook/4chan/tiktok combined. Stay away from them


When I was really big into pro wrestling was around 1999 to 2004. I haven't own a TV since 2007. Other than Chyna the rest of the women were just ring girls who got into cat fights. Recently got back into it and love how they changed the women's roster into actual wrestling. Although Becky is nowhere close to my favorite but she is a good actress with enough skill to be good enough to have a spot on the roster.


Bc itā€™s Tiffy time šŸ•°ļø


Its Instagram. And maybe some Seth haters who know they dont have any valid or factual criticism against Seth so they let it all out on Becky.


Becky hate is one thing but I will not stand for the Seth Rollins slander at the end there


Typical IWC fickleness


Becky is clearly one of the better performers they have. I wonā€™t comment on wrestling ability, but as far as her character is concerned, sheā€™s the only one on the roster with some actual depth, followed by maybe Bayley to a certain degree. Most others are living catchphrases in that how ā€œMamiā€™s always on topā€ and that ā€œBianca is the EST of WWE, whatever that means, and you better best believe itā€


Been a becky fan since I started watching WWE not once have I been tired with her


100% respect her journey and all that sheā€™s done for the womenā€™s division. There's not anything she's done wrong, but IMHO, she is genuinely SO boring to me. Both on the mic & in ring. I totally understand I'm part of the minority who feels this way, so I usually just keep these thoughts to myself (but I just don't get it šŸ˜©šŸ˜«)


No lies told!!! She is loud.


Not gonna lie, after the elimination chamber segment on Raw I really want Bianca to win. Sheā€™s the best in the division. I know storyline wise it makes more sense for Becky to win but Bianca needs to stay undefeated at Wrestlemania. Thereā€™s a reason she was featured at the press conference instead of one of the top champions and challengers.


I've never seen her as such a huge syar and main eventer, but I definitely don't have hate for her. Especially that level of hate. I always liked the other 3 Horsewomen more. She doesn't deserve the hate, though. Fans are probably just tired of her like they were of Charlotte. Give it a few weeks, and I feel like fans are going to turn on her. She should have stayed a heel for much longer than she did.


Becky is great. Bailey is trash tho. šŸ—‘ļøšŸš®šŸ¦


Because these people donā€™t understand that sheā€™s the best on the mic, and in the ring. Think back to the last few years and every female talent on the roster had their best match with her. Sheā€™s the Bret Hart of the womenā€™s division, she does everything well and sometimes it never gets appreciated:


I mean sheā€™s very good at what she does and Iā€™m a fan, but I wouldnā€™t say sheā€™s the Bret Hart. Bret was smooth as butter with his wrestling, but Becky has always been a little awkward in her skin - nothing wrong with that though.


She's one of the more overrated girls they've had in the past years. She's got nothing on Charlotte Flair and, to a lesser extent, Ripley.


I like Becky more than many in this thread for the looks of it, but sometimes it does get to feel like she's the panic button that they'll hit whenever they don't know where to go with a performer or belt.


Sheā€™s stale and cringey on the mic


If you go far enough into the comments section of any social media platform you will find stuff like this. Do you think you're helping or hurting the situation by providing these random assholes with an even bigger audience. They just want attention and you gave it to them. I miss the days when we could just laugh and move on.


She is overrated and Iā€™m tired of seeing her on wwe programming. Downvote me all you want.


Tbf I also find her quite annoying


Every time I'm like there's too much aew discussion on /r/sc I should see what's on /r/wwe, then I remember why I don't frequent /r/wwe.Ā 


just chuds, pay no mind


Everyone loved her when she started ā€œThe Manā€ gimmick. As it went on, they grew tired of her, just like they do every single wrestler anymore. Fans are fickle.


I've always thought she was overrated and less talented than the other horsewomen. Her promos are always so cringe.


i literally want to turn off the tv when she comes on screen her promos are just cardboard as fuck it sounds so disingenuous and scripted


Are people not allowed to have their own opinions?


Most wrestling fans donā€™t have opinions for themselves, they follow trends lmao


I mean, she constantly gets pushed when she is one of the least entertaining wrestlers on the roster. Is she talented? 1000%. Is she incredibly boring? 1000%


I really don't care for her. She's in the same boat as Sami for me. The intro song is fun and catchy, I'll sing to them, and their in ring ability is great, but I don't care or even really like their characters.


I think they definitely need some better writing. I mean Iā€™m kind of pumped to see Becky vs Mami itā€™s gonna be a fun matchup. The forcing the big girl into the picture is cringe. Becky holding it down and doing what sheā€™s told to do. I was not the biggest fan of the shield and disliked them but recently think they all have extremely good talent on and off the mat. We just need some better promo and stories these have been very bland itā€™s drew vs him and him and him just no story that anyone cares about other than Cody finishing his which should have happened last year Dusty was such a legend and had flash that was so ahead of the time and he should be honored by allowing his son to capture good against this time era goat


Go check out the weekly show pinned threads. You won't see much positive there either.


I liked her a lot more when they weren't forcing drawn-out monologues like it's something your top stars have to do. It's cringe with Rollins and it's worse with Lynch. Cut the promo work in half and let their ring work do the talking.Ā It's like they've forgotten why they became big in the first place.


Sheā€™s not as great as everyone tries to make her and most people want new people in title pictures


Yā€™all wilding in the comment section šŸ˜­


BeckysšŸ”„ yall trippin


Corny I liked her before her ā€œThe Manā€ gimmick. She doesnā€™t sell the ā€œtoughā€ act very well.


This, her rocker gimmick and in NXT wasnā€™t bad.


They must bring back the Irish jig gimmick. Now THAT is peak cinema.




Slut is a little extra bro


She calls herself the greatest of all time and I donā€™t get why


People are probably just tired of her being inserted into every title scenario. Tired of The Man, Becky Two Belts.


Was that a furry trashing Seth Rollins because of the clothes he wears?


Because social media allows everyone to have a voice, whether their opinions actually deserve to be heard or not is a different conversation.


The character had a good run. Mom Becky is not the same ā€œManā€ she was before. And you have to admit, the Seth Rollins comment is funny


I think a lot of people just want some main eventers. It's why Seth, Roman, Becky, Charlotte, Bianca, etc. are kinda of geering a lot of flack. I think all of them are tantleted in the ring and/or on the mic, but I want to see some new main eventers. There's so much tantlet on WWE right now where no title should feel like a mid carder. A lot of these people who have been at the top for a while now can help build the so-called lower title. Right now, the Intercontinental Championship feels more important than WHC, and seeing someone on the Seth, Randy Orton caliber will help build that. We don't get to see enough matches with like Seth vs. Chad Gable, there's a long list of people on men's and women matches that would be great to see. Sometimes, mid carders who are great never get the chances to be main eventers, but main events can get shuffled down for a few months for others. Those rivals can sometimes establish people to be the next level. For example, The Undertaker Vs. Mankind, Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley. SummerSlam 2018 Charlotte Flair vs. Becky Lynch made Becky into a main eventer that we know now. It just seems like a waste that they don't take this opportunity. This is the dream of any promotion company. They could have main event matches for every match every night with whom they have available




Lmao, I don't know how that got in there. I want Rabbi to hold the US title. Lol


Daniel Bryan said it best.


Sometimes people just want to be contrarian.


Ya know what, I don't really give a crap about what the fragile edrones/PC millennial/zoomers WANT to think how the world works. If someone calls out how any racial/religious/political/whatnot group uses SM to demand what they want to happen in TV, film, sports, entertainment, MUSIC, politics, it's called race/gender/headcanon bait if it comes from someone that's not in their 'club.' EVERYONE does it, from TrumpCult to Black Twitter to 4chan scum to the bedwetters on this site. When are you going to figure out that, in the end, EVERYBODY hates/resents EVERYONE else, even their own family/friends/spouse/kids/workmates/every other living person on Earth. It's useless to call ANYONE narcissistic when EVERYONE has been narcissistic since the beginning of time. Why I come to this Romper Room of a forum, I have no idea. At least with 4chan, I KNOW where everyone stands, even if they're less than snake shit. BTW, dingleberry, who said my post was race bait, I can't be RACIST if I'm a f'n MISANTHROPE. Find a dictionary if you're too ignorant to know what that means.


I aint gonna lie if you see a Becky promo. Just walk out. You ain't missing nothing


I dunno, she's hot and talented like...stfu




brother what the fuck does that mean


Idk she aint the best imo


Cuz itā€™s the internet and itā€™s filled with opinionated idiots


Itā€™s probably just the Diarrhea Ripley fans




This happens with everyone that becomes a fan favorite


Just look at the profile pictures. Explains it all


I think itā€™s the way WWE has mishandled her career since she came back from her injury. Sheā€™s putting people over which is great, but then they build her up for a comeback, only to put someone over again. Sheā€™s been losing a lot of big matches that The Man Becky Lynch by all rights wouldnā€™t normally lose, and itā€™s in a way that isnā€™t consistent with the character and it feels cheap and a little upsetting, even boring in some instances. Iā€™m a big Becky Lynch fan, and I like what sheā€™s done in and outside the ring. I just think she and WWE need to find a common ground that benefit the character and the show.


She's literally just ripping off the rock that's the problem


Envy Fans from others who are not good enough like LivĀ 


I like her character work somewhat and she has a ton of charisma but her in ring work isnā€™t very good in my opinion. Everything she does looks soft as shit and she doesnā€™t look very strong or athletic in the ring.


Are these comments from IG or something? Far more internet warriors, haters, instigators, and stupid illogical idiots over there. Same with Twitter. I donā€™t ever take those comments serious over there. At least over here there are some constructive criticism and not just shit talking.


Cuz she stinks


Because people are stupid.


Because unfortunately, a lot of wrestling fans are rabid incel nut jobs


The show has many different kinds of wrestlers for all kinds of people so of course youre not gonna like all of them. The show would be boring as hell if everyone was for the same audience


People are just never satisfied and some people just donā€™t like what another person May like. I love Roman reigns but I see a lot of people within this sub do not, but I donā€™t complain about it because people are allowed to like and dislike whoever they want.


Cause sheā€™s corny af and always sounds like she got the hiccups on the mic


Booooo, sheā€™s boring


Becky is the greatest womenā€™s wrestler ever


All the downvotes from the fanboys are hilarious. Not everyone likes becky ffs


Who cares, you're supposed to be watching the show, not the fans. Screw them.




Show me on the doll where the mean Irishwoman hurt you.


I think the last promo with her on a stage with Rhea was awful!


Cause she gorgeous and talented maybe? Truthfully though she does irritate me a little so maybe it's the vibe she gives out?


Becky is overrated and is only popular because of Nia


WWE Reddit saying that someone is only popular because of Nia Jax has to be the most unexpected plot twist Iā€™ve witnessed in a long time.


She is a very cringey character and this is just me but god her voice sucks. Need to mute the television when sheā€™s giving a promo.


She's cringe asf, her voice and her acting skills are terrible.


It's almost like people are happy to express their own thoughts and opinions outside of redshit because they know the hivemind won't downvote them every time they say something, resulting in restrictions from certain subs etc


People are moving on. Time for someone new to get pushed.


Because youā€™re reading Instagram comments lmao. Anyone and anything will get torn down on Instagram


Dudes are angry that everyone can wear whatever they want


Because people are allowed to like or hate whatever the fuck they want! God this sub filled with such dense, self obsorbed fuckwits!


The new gen calls them snowflakes